Right, so this is basically the revival chapter! Yay!
It was really, really hard to write this, mostly because I had to coax a near-death plotmonster out from the deepest depths of my mind and nurse it back to health using only carrots and what I could scrounge up from last week's leftovers.
So, yeah. This chapter's pretty short.
Your hopefully-faithful-once-more-who-am-I-kidding-I-was-never-faithful-to-this-fic Writer,
The book certainly was interesting. Twilight, while looking at the Table of Contents, had discovered that instead of a short history of something that really was not worth recording a history of in the first place, the book was filled with legends and myths, all of which seemed to predate any other legend she had read before, therefore each one must had predated the rule of the great sisters themselves.
Each had its own unique level of oddness, with stories ranging from how the Changelings came to be to a story of the first pegasus. There was even one folk tale explaining why Ponies had hooves, and why unicorns have magic. They were all more or less nonsense.
But the one that sounded the most like nonsense began on page 42, and was titled, "The Breaking of the Great Perhaps." The only reason why Twilight was even somewhat willing to read such nonsense was that not only did it seem significant due to it beginning on the same page as the spell, but it mentioned the Duskfangs and Dawnfangs, and she really was genuinely curious on what in the name of Celestia they were supposed to be.
There once was a time where the creatures of this world could travel freely across the void. This expanse of nothingness allowed any who could find the Entrance Points to the void a quick, instant way to travel between this planet's many civilizations. There was no conflict, for the traveling of the void caused a calming of the heart, and made the creatures happy.
But, as all good things do, this happiness had to come to an end.
There were some who's heart was filled with anger, for as time progressed, and more people began to abuse the power of the void, this expanse began to not only amplify positive emotions, but any strong emotion whatsoever. The angry became angrier, the sad became jealous, and the doubtful became paranoid. There came to be some who wished to use this void as a source of power, as a way to rule over the rest, and as a way to weed out the weak.
For eons, this is how it went. The rise of an empire, ruled by a tyrant, till overthrown by their own source of power. Another would take their place, and the cycle would once again start over.
Each day, each passing minute, the void would grow weaker, but the creatures all thought it growing more powerful, as it amplified emotions at a more extreme level. In reality, the void was alive, alive as it was the day this universe started, and it was growing desperate.
The constant use wore down the void, so the void did the only thing it could to keep alive: it increased its energy supply, for in reality, the void works like the ancient race of Changewings, feeding off strong emotion, but in a much more extreme way.
Even with an increased food supply, the void was dying. The void was doomed from the day it was found by the malevolent beasts of this land.
Or at least, it was.
There were two young Alicorns, some of the first of their kind, who knew the truth of the void.
Solis, the eldest of the siblings, was the master of the Dawn, painting the trees with magnificent golden light. She was the one that those below looked up to in awe, who looked at for guidance.
Noctis was the younger sibling, and danced with the shadows. He was the master of Dusk, and was the creatures' guidance. He did not wish to be feared, and tried to befriend every creature, from the dragons to the smallest insect. However, being naturally a beast of the night, Noctis was instead the embodiment of nightmares and all things he strove against.
Noctis was the one to discover the true nature of the void. He listened to its whispers, and he felt its breath, and sensed its desperation. Noctis informed his sister of the void's fight for survival, and the two vowed to save the entity from death.
It, however, was far too late.
One fateful day, on the Day of Coldbringing, the void died. Burned up by the blatant overuse by the creatures it cared for so much. The void lost its grip on reality, but its soul was split and survived.
As the fates had foretold, the soul of the void that contained regret was born into the great beast by the name of Furor, and the part that contained anger and spite was born into the great beast known as Mortuus. Furor and Mortuus were to flatten this world in order to make room for one anew, unless bound by a physical body.
As the ones who knew, the Keepers of the Great Secret, Noctis and Solis became the Bearers of the Void, and we're given great power.
Noctis and Solis, however, had no desire to rule, so they vanished into the zone that used to hold the void, and became, along with the Voidsouls, the Duskfangs and the Dawnfangs. They did manage to drum up a sizeable following, an underground society who called themselves the Children of the Void.
The Children of the Void are rumored to have been the new Keepers of the Gates, and the Knights of the Great Perhaps. They foretold of a time where the emptiness of the void would break way to a new void, one where a great Doomsayer would leak through from a world unknown to this one. They foretold that Heroes from a separate world would be called, and only the Prophesied Ones could defeat the Great Doomsayer.
To this day, their prediction has not yet been fulfilled.
R-ight. Like it ever will be.
Twilight Sparkle closed the book with a slam and returned it to the shelf. She suddenly remembered that it would be a wise idea to alert Celestia of the spell's completion.
She called Spike and sent Celestia a short and to-the-point letter. Her mind kept wandering, however, the the severe oddity of the story. Mostly on the subject of this Great Prehaps. It was mentioned exactly once, but it somehow became the title of the story. What is this Great Prehaps, and why is it breaking?
Twilight, however, had little time to think about this, when an overenergized Applejack burst into the library. This was completely unexpected and, as far as Twilight knew, completely unprecedented. She seemed really worried, so Twilight's imagination ran wild, imagining Ponyville going down in flames, or maybe Pinkie Pie had ran out of cupcakes. Or even worse, maybe Derpy had ran out of muffins. Now that would be a dark day. A dark day, indeed.
Instead of telling a great tale of horror and woe befalling the citizens of Equestria as Twilight fully expected the tomboyish farmer to spin, Applejack said something really underwhelming.
"I was in the orchard, and there were ponies I've never seen before!"
Twilight blinked, failing to see what was so urgent about the situation. "Wait," she ask, for she was ever the skeptic, "this sounds oddly familiar to the whole Zecora incident, what with you being all scared and panicky over something so miniscule as unfamiliarity."
Applejack rolled her eyes, the exasperation almost leaking off her face, and replied, "I know, but this is different!"
Twilight rolled her eyes right back at Applejack. She was still skeptical that this counted as an OMC CODE RED ALL HOOVES ON DECK OR ELSE WE MAY ALL DIE KILL THE PROBLEM WITH FIRE situation, as that was pretty much how Applejack was treating it. "How many of them were there?"
"Well," Applejack recalled, "there were seven of them. There were two pegasi, two earth ponies, and one unicorn."
Twilight blinked and tilted her head slightly before querying, "Did you miscount? For that is only five."
Applejack, once again, rolled her eyes and had an expression like she believed Twilight Sparkle, of all ponies, should know what she's talking about. "Remember, there are more than those three types of ponies. There is, in fact, a fourth category."
"Wait wh- No."
"Really? Are you sure?"
"As sure as apples are red, Twi."
"By Celestia. This is a problem."