Disclaimer - I do not own The Walking Dead or any of its characters. I only own my original character Rayne and anything else that seems out of place.
Hey everyone, if you are reading this story then let me first start out by saying, thank you. I have been writing original stories and FanFiction for the better part of my life. This is the second story I have chosen to share with the world. This first chapter is sort of a test to see if you guys like my character and my interpretation of The Walking Dead series. This story starts during the 1st episode of Season 1. Please give me any advice or suggestions to help make my writing better. But please no nasty reviews, I will warn you now, I can be very bitchy when attacked. With that being said, I hope you enjoy.
The end of the world had always been somewhat of a joke to the race of humans, only few actually believed it was possible and tried to prepare for it. Of course, there was only so much you could prepare for. So certain people did what they could; built shelters, gathered supplies, stocked up on food, etc.
But nothing could prepare the world for the day when the dead walked.
A lone figure kneeled on the edge of the roof high above, watching the scene unfolding on the building below with interest. The group consisting of a male cop from out of town, the young Asian man who had saved him from a horde of walkers, a trigger happy redneck, an African-American man with the stature of a football player, a Hispanic man, a tall thin African-American woman and a tall blonde woman.
The redneck was currently proving his incredibly low intelligence by shooting walkers from the top of the building with his high powered rifle. It would be no surprise to the stranger if the man was on drugs as well. Not only was he wasting what little ammo the stranger figured they had, but he was also attracting every walker in the city of Atlanta to their position.
By now a scuffle had broke out between the redneck and the African man. The redneck smacked him in the mouth with the stock of his rifle. The cop tried to intervene and paid the price with a punch to the mouth, knocking him down. The redneck turned back kicking the African in the stomach, who then fell on top of a pipe smacking his face. The redneck knelt over his body punching him repeatedly in the face.
The stranger took this act of aggression as a sign that the redneck didn't care for people whose skin color wasn't white. That alone was something the stranger couldn't stand, especially in these times, race should be the least of anyone's worries.
As he continued to beat the man, the other four stood by yelling at the redneck, none of them wanting to get in the middle of the brawl, fearful of what the man was capable of should they interfere. The redneck pulled out a hand-gun pointing it down in the man's face.
The cop stood up touching the blood on his lip as he eyed the situation with mild hesitation.
The redneck stood up, barking about having a pow wow, about who was in charge now, meaning himself. He voted himself, of course, then asked them to give a show of hands who was with him. None of them objected, of course not being stupid to oppose the crazy redneck with the gun. They each held up a hand, except the African woman who held up her middle finger.
That made a bold statement, the stranger smiled, the woman still had fire in her.
The redneck looked around asking if anybody else wanted to be in charge, a voice was heard behind him and like an idiot, he turned, only to be hit with the stock of his own rifle by the cop. The redneck hit the ground and the cop knelt his knee on the side of the man's face pinning him down. The cop pulled out his cuffs and shackled the man's right wrist to a piece of steel. He grabbed the man's hand-gun, ejecting the cartridge out of the chamber.
"Officer Friendly."
The cops reply to the redneck about his name made the stranger grin. The cop that earlier looked to be out of his element, scared, now seemed to be stepping up into a leadership role.
"There are no niggers anymore. No dumb-as-shit, inbred white-trash fools either. Only dark meat and white meat. There's us and the dead. We survive this by pulling together, not apart."
The stranger smiled, this cop thought exactly as they did. This was a new world and it required a completely different state of mind and thinking.
"Screw you, man." Apparently the redneck did not share their way of thinking.
"I can see you make a habit of missing the point."
"Yeah, well screw you twice."
"Ought to be polite to a man with a gun." The cop says using the mans earlier words against him as he presses the gun to his head. "Only common sense."
"You wouldn't. You're a cop."
The cop lowers the gun, "All I am anymore is a man looking for his wife and son. Anybody gets in the way of that's gonna lose. I'll give you a moment to think about that."
He searches the man's pockets and finds a vile of drugs, amid protests of the man he throws it off the top of the building. So now they all understood why he was acting the way he did. The group gets acquainted while trying to find a way back to their camp on the outskirts of the city.
The majority of the group takes off back inside the building, leaving the African man and the redneck on the roof.
The stranger stayed in place, just incase something went down that required their assistance.
Shortly after the group rejoins on the roof, obviously whatever they had planned didn't pan out. Again after some conversing, the group disappears minus the redneck. A while later they reappear minus the cop and Asian.
The stranger sees the two men down on the street, walking amongst the dead. Surprisingly they're not being attacked. Then realization hits, they had covered themselves in walker's blood and guts. Clever.
Then as if to remind everyone, they are not in control, the skies open up, the rain begins pelting down. The others watch helplessly as the blood washes off the two men as they are surrounded by walkers.
By now the stranger had disappeared from the roof above.
Suddenly the walkers start moaning, turning they give chase to the two men. They take off running knowing their game is up. They run for the fence in front of them, the walkers gaining on them with every step. They push forward, taking down every walker in their path. They had just reached the fence and started to scale it when the Asian's ankle is grabbed by a walker. The cop hesitates, then starts to climb back down to help, when the walker is slammed to the ground by a bullet piercing through its right eye.
"Hurry up! Run!"
The two of them look up to see a figure dressed in black, holding a rifle, on top of the very box van they were trying to reach. They hit the pavement, shrugging off their blood jackets and running as fast as they can for the van. The Asian heads for the keys while the cop takes down walkers trying to climb the fence, with the aid of the stranger.
The younger guy gets the keys and tosses them to the cop. They both turn, running for the van while the stranger covers them, then jumps down off the roof, opens the back door and climbs in as the two men get in the front.
The cop speeds the van backwards as the hoard breaks down the fence, scrambling towards them. They turn and plow through another fence speeding away from the walkers.
"Who are you?" The cop says looking back at the figure in black, a hood over their head and a black bandana covering everything but their Cerulean blue eyes.
"Introductions later. Right now let's go git yer friends." Their voice is muffled but the cop is sure it's female, with a distinct southern accent.
The Asian panics, "How? They're all over that place."
"You need to draw them away." The cop says. "Those roll-up doors at the front of the store—that area? —that's what I need cleared."
The Asian man whines, the cop silences him, "Raise your friends. Tell them to get down there and be ready."
"And I'm drawing the geeks away how? I—I missed that part."
"Noise." The cop replies.
The stranger speaks up, "I've got an idea. Head down that street."
They pull up next to a big black truck, sitting next to it is a 2011 red Dodge Challenger. The cop smiles catching onto the strangers train of thought. He grabs a crowbar and shatters the window, the car alarm instantly begins blaring. The Asian covers his ears at the loud invasive noise, as the cop reaches in and unlocks the door.
"Move outta the way." The stranger says pulling out a screwdriver and sliding into the drivers seat. A minute later and the car roars to life.
The Asian named Glenn, gets in the car and heads off down the street followed by the stranger in the black truck. The two vehicles follow the van down the street, the blaring of the car alarm and the loud stereo of the truck drawing the walkers towards them. They race past the van and reverse down the street in front of the store, side-by-side. They sit there drawing the walkers to them, away from the doors.
The two of them back up slowly as the hoard of walkers gets bigger, they're urging the swarm further back away from the store. Then quickly they flip the two vehicles 180 degrees and take off, the swarm of walkers following them.
As soon as they take off, the cop Rick, speeds in and backs up to the doors, gathering up the others and then taking off just as the walkers reach the van door.
"Who was that person helping you?" The Hispanic man asks.
Rick shakes his head, "No time for introductions. Guess we'll find out back at camp."
"Whoever they are, they got my trust." The African woman says sighing in relief.
The group looks around knowing they're missing someone, the African man looks up, "I dropped the damn key." None of them say anything, too relieved to be rid of the crazy redneck.
The blonde woman looks around, "Where's Glenn?"
On the deserted interstate headed out of town, the red Challenger and the black Ford truck fly down the road.