Hello Internet,

Sorry for the absence, but I have given you a long chapter to make up for it. Though it is just a scene filler- sorry.

For those who are waiting for the other fiction, they are almost done and should be up by the end of the week.

Anyway, I hope you like this- even if not, please review. I like hearing what other people think about this (even if it's bad) so I can improve in the next chapter.

See you soon.

From LittleBlueTabby


"All windows and exits are sealed; most of the people are currently eating in the dining hall with Takeo supervising while the rest have been split into the classrooms nearby, M-21 patrolling the corridors."

Tao stood in front of Frankenstein's desk with his hands behinds behind his back occasionally shifting from foot to foot. He was nervous. The bosses' mood has been low ever since he agreed to the lock-down.

Tao couldn't really blame him.

This place was supposed to be a place of learning and safety, a place where nobles- heck, even the Noblesse- can experience normal human life without the fear of being casted out for what they are or could do. Now…

Now it's been turned into a Military base in to middle of a soon-to-be war. Not that the humans knew- they think that it was a chance to mingle with other students and their families for the night until the government procedurepasses.

When they asked about why the wire has been added to the wall and the chairs and tables clear, they simply responded that they wanted to keep everyone safe from the people who are raiding the shops, going wild with guns in a drunken state.

With no response from the headmaster, Tao sighed. He can't stay like this; it's not good for him.In the mist of thoughts he glanced around till he spotted a bag on the sofa nearby. Isn't that…

A though grew in his head- wasn't that the bosses plan?He grinned as turned by to Frankenstein, whose head was bent over paperwork but not really working.

"Do you like it when your plans work?" Tao asked in a slight sing-song tone. The blond looked up at the hacker in confusion before replying "Yes…"

"Do you… want Rai to have a normal life? – well, as normal as it can be in this day." His grin grew wider.

"…Yes?" He's still not sure where this is going.

"Do you feel happy that your plan for Rai to be happy with M may have worked?"

The shocked face of the Frankenstein was almost comical. But soon a light smile dusted his lips.

"How do you know?"

Tao proceeded with earlier- before the message had been sent out- how he had seen Rai approach M and the Ex-human then get really close to the other. Then when he had gone to retrieve his comrade from the office, he had seen them, what seemed to be an affectionate hug- though they did jump apart when he opened the door.

Frankenstein listened with his chin rested on interlocked fingers, listening to every word whilst other fragments of a plan formed in his head. Until another question struck his mind.

"How did you know of my plan for them?"

At this, Tao faltered. "You…tend to talk a… mutter to yourself." Red dusted his checks when he explained further "I didn't mean to listen when you said that they would make… a heartbreaker couple." He started giggling but stopped when he saw the blonds face.

Of which a smile broke out "Well, it's true. That and I heard from the school children that they are their… OTP... if this was an anime or a manga."

Tao then burst out laughing with Frankenstein chuckling as well.


Both males looked to the window to see what was creating the noise. Looking past the wall they could see a line of eight black vans racing down the street past the school.

"What do you think it is?"

A small pause before a quiet reply of-

"It begins"

-{Line Break}-

It was packed.

It was loud.

It was giving Takeo a headache.

Not that he would say so aloud.

Therefore, with a sigh, he continued to stand in the corner of the Dining hall overlooking the hundred people all having their evening meal with family and friends. As far as they were concerned, this was an idea of the headmaster to keep the public's mind at peace; due to communications being down for the next Twenty-Four hours, you gather all the people you know into one area so you know they are safe and the guards protect people from the violence that others outside have started.

Which was half-true.

What they didn't know was the potential threat of the Union that rained down on their heads. But of what- none of them could tell you.

"Hey, Takeo! Where are Tao and Ajussi?" The Sniper turned to the confused faces of Shinwoo, Ik Han and Yuna.

"One has gone to talk to the Boss and the other is outside one of the nearby classrooms that have a few other people. There wasn't any more room in here so..." Takeo answered in a flat tone.

"Does that mean Rai, Regis and Seira are in those classrooms? I can't find them in here."

"Most likely, yes"

"Is it okay we go see them?" Ik Han asked nervously.

"...Fine, I think there in classroom 6-8." he accompanied then to the door and watched as they went down the corridor. As soon as they were out of sight, he returned to his spot in the corner.

From what he had heard from Tao, there were a few other people that had come through those gates looking for help but had no connection with the school. Though it wasn't a big group, something about them set Takeo on edge. They looked normal and acted normal but...

Takeo sighed; he stopped before his headache got worse. It wasn't necessarily a bad feeling, just different.

a crash sounded from the crowd before him and he spotted a group of people with shocked faces and hands over their mouths- this was going to be a long night.

-{Line Break}-


M-21 looked around to the boarded up windows facing the front wall. Sliding across the eyes whole cover, he peered out to count eight vans passing the school though the gaps of the gates.

Dread swam though his body. They were right to lock the school down but he feared it wouldn't be enough.

Memories flashed before his eyes, remembering that night. The bodies- of people, the children- the destruction, the chaos before the flash of blinding light and the sight of… nothing; everything was gone in a-literal- flash of an instant.

That was almost two years ago, what kind of destruction would they cause if they were loose now? And to a bigger more populated city. To a place that he can call… home.

He was brought out of his hurtful past when a small soft hand grasped his.

Looking down he saw a young child with gentle brown eyes and curly black hair tied into two low tails at the back of her head.

"He's looking for you. He wants to know if you're alright." A smile graced her lips as she began to pull him into one of the classrooms.

Inside were the two young Nobles, seemingly enjoying a bowl of mince and dumplings, Rai sat near them with a cup of sweet tea; along with four other humans all sat in a circle with some food in the center.

"Hey man, thanks for allowing us to stay the night. And for helping patch up Kolli. Damn, those teens really got you good, huh." The one who spoke was dark skinned male with loose clothing and a deep homely voice that had a light accent to it.

"Yeah, thanks. I owe you one." The man named Kolli added. Beneath the bandage were a healthily aged man in his forties. Brilliant blue eyes and were dressed as if he had just come home from a business meeting- though his tie and jacket laid folded next to him.

"Now come sit down, Hun. Take your fill before the others have it all." this time it was a woman that spoke. She was obviously not from Korea, her dark skin and accent were enough to say that much. Looking at her stomach though... she was far into her nine months. Her smile was as radiant as her spirit.

"My name is Emily." she extended her hand, which M-21 took before sitting down beside her and Regis. "This little-un is Kalera, obviously you now know Kolli-" The bandaged man sent M-21 a wave, before Emily motioned to the man who first addressed M-21- "him, there, is called Mathew and- "She placed her are around the woman sat next to her "this here is Jane, she was the one who told us about the school, as well lead us here."

Jane wore a light brown biker's jacket and had short cropped hair and just nodded her head. Tomboywas the thought that ran through M-21s head.

"Well... this is Regis, next to him is Siera and the brunette is Rai." All of them nodded their heads when their name was said and nothing else.

"But, what's your name?" slightly surprised at the question... but what was he expecting.

"Umm... everyone just calls me Ajussi."

"Oh, Why?"

"Well…" He scratched the back of his head. "It's like a nickname but a… more… of a… Like you calling me Mister, way." This is difficult, and why now?

Thankfully they dropped the subject and continued to eat the food, light chatter filled the room. Every now and then, M-21 glanced over at Rai, who sat with his knees tucked underneath him listening to the child, Kalera, talk about her home town.

His mind played by the moment in the boss's office. When on Earth did he all of a sudden feel brave enough to do such a thing? He kissed him.

But... he kissed back. Does Rai like him as well? Why? Taking another glance, grey met red. Quickly looking down as cherry dusted his checks, he didn't miss the small rise in the corners of Rai's lips from the corner of his eyes.

"Do you like him?" Rai looked down to the young girl's face, who was looking in-between the two.

"Yes." Just one word, and with no hesitation he noted, made M-21 heart beat quicker. Looking back up at Rai, he smiled back.

"Aww" followed by a giggle. They both turned to Kalera, who had her hands over her mouth and was leaning back.

She was about to say something, before a crash sounded, followed by screaming.