A/N; So pilot Austin has been stuck in my head for months. Can't get him out. I was originally planning on writing a historical war fic with Austin as a fighter pilot and Ally as a nurse, and I still will at some point, but I currently don't have the time for another multi-chapter fic. So this will have to do for now.

Thanks to Tiffany/like damn for kind of coming up with this plot. She is an amazing source of inspiration as well as a phenomenal writer and just an overall good person.

And to the man-boy with dimples who helped me with the cheesy pick-up lines, I kind of perhaps maybe am in love with you.

This episode isn't entirely realistic, I know that, but please just go with it.

I'm sorry it's a few days late, my motivation has been so so so so so low, I hope it turns around soon because it's no fun at all to be unmotivated.

This was the most difficult one for me to write so far.

Pilots & Pick-up Lines

She finally managed to catch her breath as she was walking semi-fast down the airplane aisle, dragging the perfectly sized carry-on that she seemed to be living out of as of late behind her. She had rushed to the terminal, rushed through the terminal, rushed through security (although her profession did have its perks when it came to airport efficiency), rushed to the gate, rushed onto the plane...

Rush, rush, rush.

She was sweating, panting slightly while looking for her seat.

She really should get back into her gym routine. If she could only find the time...

Stress, stress, stress. The motto and life description of a stewardess.

She was always on the go, always with a crazy schedule, always needing to adjust to an irregular sleeping routine that changed depending on what time zone she was currently in.

For once, though, she was traveling for private purposes rather than work. She was going to visit her mother in New York for a couple of days, before starting her next shift out of there.

She located her aisle and sighed as she realized that she was seated in the middle. Of course. Just awesome. Freaking fantastic. She might as well say goodbye to any chance she might have had to catch up on some sleep.

Unless she wanted to rest her head on a stranger's shoulder.

Which she did not.

She quickly glanced at the man sitting in the window seat, and almost did a double take.

He was not bad to look at. Like at all.

The aisle space was currently empty, but she had all but sat down before a large body plunged down on the suddenly small-looking seat next to her. She gave him a quick glance before continuing to squeeze her carry-on in underneath the seat in front of her, as the overhead cabinet was already full.

He wasn't bad to look at either. Like at all. Excellent to look at, actually.

Holy crap. What was this? A plane full of men headed for a hot guy convention of some sorts?

She scanned the nearby aisles. Nope. The other aisles did not seem to be filled with neither good-looking nor god-looking guys. Apparently she had just had the extreme luck of being seated next to, or rather, squeezed in between, two of them.

She was currently the lunch meat in a hot guy sandwich.

Wow, that sounded dirty.

She noticed that hot window guy was observing her, and although she had done the same thing to him just a few moments earlier, it made her feel slightly uncomfortable. It was something in the way that he looked at her that made her feel uneasy, but she couldn't really pinpoint what.

Hot aisle guy was already looking comfortable, leaning back against his seat, his eyes closed as if he was trying to sleep, and she quickly assessed him a bit further.




Very handsome.

Like, mouth-wateringly so.


Her mom was right. She really needed to find some time for dating.

Her eyes quickly traveled down the rest of his long body.

Holy crap, those were some large shoes.

Which could only mean...



She looked away, although she wouldn't mind staring at him all day.

They had just taken off, soon cruising at the optimal altitude, when hot window guy turned towards her and started speaking.

"Do you know if there is there a paramedic on board?"

She looked at him, almost scared. What was wrong with him? God, was he having a heart attach or something? As a flight attendant, she was trained in CPR, but other than that, her medical expertise was fairly limited.

"I...I'm not sure, I..."

"Because I think you just stopped my heart." He delivered a smile that she was sure to be meant as seductive, yet managed to make he feel sick. Pukingly so.

She wasn't sure of what to say.

She had never met anyone who would use those type of lines, at least not in a sober state and in broad daylight.

She suddenly had the uncomfortable feeling that the less than two hour flight would end up feeling like an eternity.

Was it just her imagination, or was there some quiet, almost impossible to hear giggling coming from her left hand side? In her peripheral vision, she could see a broad shoulder move up and down in small irregular movements. Yep. He was definitely either laughing or having a bad case of quiet hiccups. So much for him sleeping.

A few minutes passed.

"So, beautiful, are you religious?" Window guy was becoming less attractive by the minute.

So that question was random. A little personal. Perhaps a little too personal.

And it was kind of rude that he hadn't even bothered to introduce himself.

Or ask for her name.


He interrupted her. Again. Clearly, he was as bad at manners as he was at pick-up lines.

"Because I think you are the answer to all my prayers."

She was currently praying as well - praying for him to catch a case of the rare but incurable shut-up-itis.

Was this guy for real? He was clearly the cheese in the mentioned man sandwich.

She could now hear giggles, no doubt about it, and she had to work hard not to join in in the quiet laugh fest.

This guy was ridiculous.

She was graced with a couple of more but too few minutes of blissful silence.

"So, honey, is that a mirror in your pocket?"

She looked at him confused. The pants she was wearing didn't have any pockets. And how many of those bad pick-up lines did he have?


"Because I can clearly see myself in your pa"

She was about to politely ask him to shut the fuck up, when suddenly, hot aisle guy moved, stretching his bulgy, large-sized arm across her, slightly pressing into her in the process, but she would be lying if she said that she minded.

Because she didn't. Like at a all.

He could probably reach all the way around her petite body with just one of those long arms.

Yeah, she could picture it somehow.

He was currently shaking suddenly not-so-attractive window guy's hand. "I don't believe we have been introduced. I'm Austin."

The brown-head looked confused, as if he didn't know why his horrendous attempt at flirting had been rudely interrupted.. "Dallas..."

"Nice to meet you. I see that you have already met my Ally."

She looked at him, confused as well, meeting his brown eyes that was the only part of his body that she hadn't had the privilege to observe earlier.

She quickly realized that they were probably his best feature.

And that said a lot, considering the top-notch quality of all his other ones.

What the hell did he mean by 'my'?

And how the heck did he know her name?

She quickly looked around. She wasn't wearing her stewardess uniform, so she didn't have her name tag on, but her eyes soon landed on the large bag between her feet.

The large bag adorned with a luggage tag.

A bright, too bright, pink tag that clearly spelled out her four letter name in bright red. Her favorite colors.

Her mother had a penchant for home-made Christmas gifts, and a couple of years ago she had made everyone personalized luggage tags. It was ugly, but it reminded her of her family when she was on the road and therefore, she didn't have the heart to get rid of it.

Her eyes returned to his, which were now sparkling with mischievousness along with a quiet plea for her to play along with whatever it was that he had up his tight-fitting sleeve.

She didn't even hesitate. At this point, she would do pretty much anything to keep the cringe-worthy wannabe Casanova next to her at, if not an arms-length distance, at least as far as the crammed space would allow. Especially if said anything involved hot aisle guy.

"You're...the two of you are together?" Ugly window guy didn't sound entirely convinced.

Hot aisle guy, apparently his name was Austin, smiled.

"As a matter of fact, we're engaged."

She almost choked on the gum she was chewing to keep her ears from popping. What?

Dallas looked even more confused, if that was possible. "She's not wearing a ring."

Shit, the guy was observant. She stalled for a minute, but the blond didn't seem to waver for even a split second.

"That's why we're on our way to see my mother. You see, she has this ring, a family heirloom, that she has been saving for all these years, just for me to come home with my princess, isn't that right, Ally-gator, and now I have finally found her..."

She cringed. Cute nicknames were almost as strong of a pet peeve of hers as bad pick-up lines.

He was gazing into her eyes yet again, and although she knew his exaggerated display of cliche romance was one hundred percent made up, she couldn't help but feeling her heart rate speed up. Who was this guy? And why did she want to touch him? With her tongue?

Dallas just smiled, a fake smile, a bit hesitant, as if he still didn't really believe them.

"Well, nice to meet both of you." He put on his headphones, soon pretending to watch the inflight entertainment, and she turned to the blond, mouthing a silent "Thank you" and he shrugged, smilingly, as if saying "no big deal."

She picked up her book that she had been trying to complete for almost a month, spending the next hour reading while Austin periodically asked her a few questions, such as whether she was too cold or if she would like some gum, clearly playing the role of the perfect fiancé to a tee.


"Would you like some coffee?"

The flight attendant's voice startled her, and she realized that she must have had fallen asleep as her head was currently resting on a broad shoulder, belonging to a tall body with a blond mop top.

She sat up, looking at him, embarrassed and apologetically, but he just smiled.

"How...how long did I sleep for?"

"Just a few minutes."

They both declined the offered coffee.

The flight attendant was looking at Dallas, expectantly.

"Sure, I'll have some."

The girl smiled. "How do you like it served?"

"The same way I like my women, hot and sweet." Dallas was once again looking at her, or maybe more so at her chest area, with a too obvious smirk on his face . She had no clue of whether that was supposed to be a compliment, but judging by the suggestive faces he was still making in her direction, she assumed it was.

Damn, this guy was hard to get rid off. Apparently, a fake fiancé wasn't enough for him to give up, or he still didn't believe their improvised story. Regardless, the guy clearly couldn't take a hint.

"I guess we agree on something, then, Dall-ass. I also prefer my woman hot and sweet."

Was it just her, or did he clearly overemphasize the ending of that name?

She turned to look at Austin, and this time, his smile also had a hint of seductiveness, although his version didn't make her want to puke.

Made her want to do plenty of other things.

But absolutely not puke.

Before she knew it, he was leaning in over her, his large hand on her cheek, moving her head so that they were aligned face to face, soon letting his lips gently touch hers. It was nothing more than a soft peck, a quick kiss reminiscent of the innocent ones she had shared with her first crush back in elementary school, yet somehow managing to make her feel anything but innocent.

He moved away, smirking, she somehow got the feeling that he did that a lot, before grabbing her hand, slowly massaging the top of it with slow thumb-circles and she couldn't even look at him because she knew she would blush.

She was freaking tingling, everywhere...

A few quiet (not considering her speeding heart) minutes passed, and she unintentionally yawned. "I'm sorry I kept you up all night, Ally-cat..." He sounded casual, perhaps a bit too loud, yet his voice was so suggestive that she knew her face was burning ketchup. She was well aware that Dallas could hear them, as he glanced over at them, almost angrily so, then going back to pretending to watch the in-flight entertainment despite not wearing headphones, with a pissed off expression on his face.

A few minutes later, she excused herself to go use the restroom, and when she returned, he had moved to the middle seat. "I'd figured you be more comfortable in the aisle seat."

She sat down, smiling gratefully, and he grabbed her hand again, then continuing to hold it for the rest of the flight that all of a sudden wasn't nearly long enough.

They walked off the plane, him following closely behind her through the aisle, walking beside her in the walkway and into the airport, both of them quiet until they saw Dallas quickly walking off in the opposite direction, then looking at each other, both of them breaking out laughing.

"Well...thank you, Austin...wait, that is your name, right?"

He nodded and smiled, the biggest smile she had been treated to yet, and she kind of died a little.



He had dimples.

That was her one weakness if she ever had one, something about them always making her want to make their owners laugh.

And this specific set of dimples, she wanted to run her tongue over.

And then she wanted to run her tongue over him.

All over him.

Weird. She was seldom attracted to people she didn't know.

They continued to make their way through the terminal side by side.

"So, what was that? Do you usually rescue innocent women from sleazy guys?"

He shrugged. "Can't say that it has happened too many times before, but I'd like to think I always would if it was necessary. And in this case, it was. He would have kept on for the rest of the flight."

"I know. Thanks again."

"I guess I'm just a nice guy like that."

Something about the way he said it made her think that there were situations where he could be anything but.

"Well, how did you know I wasn't interested in ugly window guy?"

He looked at her with an almost condescending expression. "Please. As if those pathetic attempts of pick-up lines would work on anyone, least of all someone like...you."

He looked almost oddly shy all of a sudden, and she didn't know how to respond to the somewhat compliment.

He was the one to break the momentarily awkward silence."So what was my name?"

She looked at him confused.

"If he was ugly window guy, what did you name me?"

"Nothing." She responded a little too quickly and he just raised an eyebrow at her.

"Fine...Hot aisle guy".

He smirked again. God, why was that so freaking attractive? "Seems accurate."

They continued to walk for another couple of minutes, side by side, and she was slowing down as she was approaching the adjacent terminal, as she wasn't ready to say bye to him just yet.

"So, where are you headed?" She realized that she was truly curious.

And head. He had a nice one. She kind of wanted to fist that hair with both her hands, run her fingers through those blond straws, tugging on them while he...


What was wrong with her?

Oh, and she wanted to give him head.

Damn it.

She really needed to snap out of it.

"I'm actually going to see my mother. I have a couple of days off, for once. And she does have that ring that I mentioned, although she tells me every time I see her that she will most likely be dead before I decide to actually give it to someone."

So that's how he came up with that lie so quickly. Because it kind of wasn't a lie.

Except for her being the recipient of that ring, of course.

"Well, um...I'm sorry about that..." Whomever would get that ring, and that man, would be one lucky girl. "I'm actually going to see my mom, as well."

They had reached the end of the terminal, and she was stalling as she still didn't want to say goodbye, and it almost seemed like he was doing the same, as he was quickly glancing around before meeting her eyes again.

"So..." He sounded unsure of what to say.

"Well, thank you. You're my...savior. My hero, even. But...I...I have to go, I have a connecting flight. Good luck with your mother, it sounds as if you may need it. And have a safe flight back."

"Thank you, I sure will." He had an almost smug smile on his face.

"Goodbye, Austin. I owe you one."

She gave him a quick, awkward hug that he immediately returned.

Oh, he had nice arms.

"Goodbye, Ally. It was really, really nice to meet you. "

And with that, she turned around and left, her head spinning a hundred times faster than the rotating glass door she had to pass through to reach the connecting terminal.


There were days when she loved her job. Really, there were. She had never dreamt of becoming a stewardess, but she had somewhat enjoyed it from the very start, despite the stress of essentially living on the road. She had the opportunity to discover new places, and she couldn't think of a single city with an airport in the western hemisphere that she hadn't visited at one time or another.

It was amazing, thrilling, sometimes breathtaking.

Yeah, there were definitely days when she loved her job.

And then there were days like the current one, where she was stuck in a city far from home, cooped up in an airport hotel due to bad weather, and she was quietly cursing at herself for having picked said career path.

It was still only late afternoon, and she could see the rain pouring down outside of the window where she sat in the downstairs hotel bar. The grey day was oddly reflective of her current mood. She sighed. Yet another night spent at some hotel when she should be at home, in her own cozy bed.

She glanced around the bar, and couldn't help but smile as her eyes landed on Cassidy, her blonde colleague who she shared a lot of shifts with and who quickly had become her friend.

They hadn't been there for long, but the blonde was already off talking to some tall, decent looking man that she was fairly sure Cassidy would end up spending the night with.

That's usually how it went.

She liked to relax by taking a hot bath, Cassidy liked to relax by having a hot man take her.

Cassidy had made her come with her to the bar, her argument being something about being single and needing to have fun, and after a few minutes of relentless begging, she had agreed to come for an hour. Which now only left 30 minutes, before it was time for that relaxing bath.

She had just ordered her second drink, the first one failing miserably at improving her mood, when two large arms slammed down on the bar desk, one on each side of her shoulders, caging her in from behind as the smell of cologne hit her nostrils. She jumped, almost spilling her drink all over herself, before a somewhat familiar voice that she couldn't quite place rang in her ear.

"Remember me?"

She turned around on the barstool.

And there he was.

Her savior, her hero, her fake fiancé, the brown eyed guy, the man occupying her numerous wet dreams along with all her daydreams for the last couple of weeks...

How could she possibly forget him.

He looked as handsome as she could remember or perhaps even more so...

Wait a minute.

He was wearing a uniform.

A somewhat familiar looking uniform.

A pilot uniform.

Similar to the ones she saw frequently, but from a competing airline.

It fit him.

Fine, that was the understatement of the year.

He looked like a fucking movie star.

"You're a pilot?"

He grinned. "Sure am." He gave her an eye over as well. "And apparently, it looks like we're in the same line of work?"

Had it been anyone else, she might have felt uncomfortable with the way he was unashamedly undressing her uniformed body with those darn chocolate eyes.

"I guess so."

"Do you mind if I join you?" He nodded towards the empty chair next to her.

"I don't know, looks like you work for the competition."

He laughed. "Good thing that we currently aren't working, then. I won't share any of my trade secrets if you don't share yours."

She wanted to share other things with him. Like her body.

Dear God, she really needed to start dating before her sexual frustration got the best of her.


He unbuttoned his uniform jacket, placing it on the empty chair while running his fingers through his hair and casually rolling up the long sleeves of his epaulet adorned dress shirt, revealing some slightly tanned skin that she perhaps wanted to touch.

So he was undressing already. She wasn't complaining.

"Can I buy you a drink?"

She shook her head. "I don't accept drinks from strangers."

He looked at her in mock horror. "I'm practically your husband. We're engaged, remember?"

Oh, she did. And she also remembered that quick kiss, his hand holding hers, his skin rubbing up against hers...

"Besides, you owe me one. You even said so yourself. Come to think of it, you should probably buy me a drink instead. But I'm too much of a gentleman for that, so just let me treat you. Please."

She nodded. She couldn't say no to him even if she had wanted to, pretty sure nobody could, even if she did doubt that he was as much of a gentleman as he was insinuating.

"Good. So, how do you like your drinks?"

"The same way I like my men", and she was already giggling as she was quoting ugly window guy that had kind of brought them together.

"So how's that, hot and sweet?" He was laughing as well.

She shook her head. "Nope, tall and strong."

He smirked. "Something tall and strong, got it, coming right up", giving her a long look before he turned towards the bartender, and she wasn't sure of whether he was talking about the drink or said men. She was kind of hoping for both, but more so the latter. And in singular.

She couldn't help but stare at him as he was casually leaning against the bar while he was waiting for the drinks.

She saw men in uniform on a daily basis, it kind of came courtesy of her job, but holy hell.

None of them looked like that.

His dress shirt was hugging his large arms tightly, she could clearly see his muscles move under it, and the tie was now slightly loosened around his neck.

Were those pants custom made? They were hugging his behind almost perfectly, making it impossible not to think of what it would feel like to grab his ass while he...

She looked down towards the floor, almost blushing just from the thoughts of what she wanted to do to him, or perhaps have him do to her, her eyes landing on his feet.



He returned, two tall drinks in hand, handing her one of them before he raised his glass in a cheer and she bumped her glass against his.

"Hope it's strong and tall enough for you" and she was once again not entirely sure if he was talking about the drink or, wishful thinking, himself.

"So, you're stuck here because of the storm as well?"

She nodded, and they were soon talking away, comparing places where they had previously been stuck.

She kind of wanted him stuck to her. And on her. And in her.

Somehow, a couple of drinks turned into many, one hour turning into several, as they continued to talk about anything and everything.

She guessed that the old 'time flies when having fun' really did have some truth to it.

They were sharing anecdotes of life on the road, or perhaps more fittingly, life in the air, and he was speaking with a passion that she wished she had.

"You really love it, don't you?"

"I do. It had been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember."

She sighed. "I have days that I love it, and then days like today when I just...don't."

He smiled. "Yeah, being stuck in random places suck. I mean, it usually does...And...it gets a bit lonely sometimes. It's hard to meet someone, hard to make a...connection...or whatever..."

His eyes were burning hers, scorchingly, pure fire, making her whole body burn warmer than the liquor in the strong drink that she was currently drinking way too quickly had.

Somehow, she had a hard time believing that he was in any way short of bed...companions, but she did understand what he meant by being lonely.

God, he was amazing.

What were the chances of them running into each other again? He was looking at her, quizzingly, and almost as if he was reading her thoughts, he spoke what she was thinking while shaking his head.

"I can't believe that you're here, that I actually got to see you again. What are the chances?"

"I don't know, but probably not very high." She was shaking her head in disbelief as well.

"If I believed in it, I would call it destiny. But I don't, so I guess it's just my lucky day."

His eyes wouldn't leave hers. Not that she wanted them to.

It was clearly her lucky day, too.

And she couldn't remember another time when she had had a stronger desire to get lucky.

She looked away, her eyes landing on the large wall clock in the nearby hotel lobby.

It was late. Very late.

Cassidy was long gone, as was the decent looking man she had spent the last few hours making out with up against the bar desk. She had stopped by to say goodnight, having made a few not so subtle, suggestive faces at her after having inspected Austin in all his handsome glory. Faces that he had clearly seen as well. Classic Cassidy.

She really didn't want the night to end, she really didn't want to say goodbye to him...

"I...I should get going. I'm scheduled for an early flight out of here." He sounded unsure.

She nodded in agreement. "Yeah, me too."

They walked to the elevator in silence, entering it, her pressing her floor number before he pressed his, a few bottoms above hers.

Soon, way too soon, they were at her floor.

"Bye, Austin." She didn't know what else to say, and she bit her tongue to prevent herself from inviting him to her room.

She had taken all but one step out of the elevator before he reached for her and pulled her back into it, while keeping the door open with one of his legs.

"Do you want to see my room? I have a very nice view."

She hesitated, but only for a split second. What was the harm in having some fun? All she ever did was work. She was tired of it. And not at all tired of him.

"That would be great. I love nice views."

He moved and the door slammed shut as they continued their journey to his floor.

It was quiet, uncomfortably so, and she realized she was nervous. She didn't usually hook up with random men, but then again, it had been a long time (like the length of her lifetime) since she had met someone she found both interesting and extremely attractive.

Insanely attractive.

Currently wanting to jump him in the elevator attractive.

He was leaning up against the opposing wall, as far away from her as he could possibly get in the small space, his jacket now slung across one of his shoulders, looking at her but remaining quiet.

Wait...what if he really just wanted to show her the view? Apart from a few lingering looks, he hadn't really made any indication of wanting anything else. Perhaps the close to electrical tension she had been feeling all night was just her imagination, created by her loneliness, her stress, her lack of sexual satisfaction...

They arrived at his floor, and he exited behind her, guiding her towards one of the close by doors, opening it and letting her enter through it before following, all without saying a single word.

His room was probably similar to hers a few floors down, but she didn't really get the chance to tour it as he had her pinned up against the nearby wall before the door had even closed, quickly kissing away any doubt she might have had in regards to him wanting to do more than admiring the view.

How was it even possible that he tasted so good? His tongue against hers made her body respond immediately, as if he was touching her everywhere and god did she want him to.

His mouth left hers, instead traveling down her neck.

"So how's the view?" His voice was already husky. Sexy.

"Fantastic. And you do know that that's a pretty bad pick-up line, right?"

"It worked though, didn't it?" She would bet good money that he was smirking in the darkness.


"Well, we can't all be as good at them as ugly window guy."

She giggled, but her laughter soon stopped as he kissed her again, much more urgently this time, not breaking away until minutes later, leaving her lightheaded and horny beyond belief.

"God Ally, you have no idea how badly I wanted to take you in that elevator, and downstairs in the bar, and on that flight..."

She just moaned, as his tongue was now back on her, licking her neck in slow, agonizing strokes.

"Then why didn't you?"

"I told you, I'm a gentleman."

His fingers traveling throughout her body somehow discredited his claim.

He was back to painting her lips with his tongue, tasting her while pressing his body up against hers, his hands everywhere before he began unbuttoning her blouse, one slow button at a time, taking it off, outlining her bra with his wet tongue, then removing the piece of fabric. Her skirt was soon on the floor, leaving her in her underwear. She gasped when he bent down, engulfing her hard nipples with his warm mouth, alternately sucking on them as her back arched up against the wall.

She wasn't just wet, she was a fucking waterfall.

She started to undress him, too, maybe a little too fast as her self-restraint wasn't exactly overflowing (in difference from other...things), unbuttoning the flight suit shirt as if she had never done anything else, then running her fingers over his bare chest, feeling his muscles respond to her touch while his all but restrained growls filled the dark room. She rubbed up against him, accidentally on purpose, as she unbuttoned his pants, those ass-hugging pants, leaving him in his boxers.

He walked her towards the large-sized bed, backwards, until it hit her at the back of her knees and she automatically fell down on it, him soon hovering over her semi-dressed body and pressing her into the soft mattress. She reached for him, pulling down his boxers, soon grabbing him, stroking him, pumping him, eliciting noises from him that she could only describe as an auditory orgasm.

Large...shoes, indeed.

"My god...fuck...Ally, I...goooood."

He kissed her again, hard, needingly, before roughly pulling down her underwear and immediately pushing his long digits into her, soon matching the rhythm that she was still pumping him with.

She whimpered in pleasure every time his fingers entered her, she was so freaking horny that she couldn't keep quiet, his growls elicited by her movements turning her on even more.

She let her tongue run over his muscular arms and within a minute, she knew he was close to losing all sense of control as he was twitching in her hand.

"Ally...I can't...I need..."

"Me too."

That seemed to be all he needed to hear, as he, mere seconds later, pushed his cock into her wetness, accompanied by a groan that she thought might be heard downstairs. Her legs wrapped around his waist as he began moving inside of her, slowly at first, filling her completely, wonderfully, spot on.

Yeah, he was good at this.

His pace increased, slowly and steadily, his lips leaving her mouth intermittently but briefly, only to let out noises that she wanted to record and replay on repeat for eternity.

Oh, yeah.

Right there. Right there. Right theeeere.

His hot breath was hitting her neck as she came undone, screamingly so, him following milliseconds behind, and as a small sliver of moon light was peeking in through the dark curtains, she caught a glimpse of his handsome face contorted in pleasure as he exploded inside of her, and all she could think was fucking holy hell.

He had somehow managed to not just meet but clearly fly above her very high expectations.

"That was...something." He was still breathing as hard as she was.

She just nodded as she was speechless. So that hadn't just been amazing for her.

They laid there for a few minutes, before she sat up, unsure of what to do next.

He pulled her back down.

"Stay with me, Ally."

She laid down next to him, and he wrapped his arm around her, giving her a chaste kiss goodnight before his small snores soon replaced the recent moans and groans.

She couldn't go to sleep, her mind racing despite her body feeling more relaxed than ever.

Before she knew it, the early morning light began seeping in through the window, and she knew to was time to go.

She had a flight to catch.

He was still sleeping. He looked peaceful. Beautiful.

Too content to wake up.

And why would she anyways? What was there really to say?

Why destroy the perfect night with a sure to be uncomfortable conversation, the best case scenario being false promises that were sure to be broken?

Nope. Better to just leave on a good note.

An excellent note.

She watched him sleep for a few minutes before sneaking out.

He had been correct. It was a nice view.

She took a quick shower before leaving the hotel behind, with a too hang-over Cassidy by her side, her feelings ambiguous. That had been one memorable night, and he had been nothing short of amazing, but yet she couldn't help but feeling a bit...sad.


She sighed as she entered the airplane. She was on her way back home, last shift before a few weeks off.


The last week had been rough, mostly because she couldn't get him out of her mind.

Her good decision of leaving him behind, without saying bye, had somehow turned into one of regret over the past seven days.

She was greeted at the airplane entrance by Cassidy, who was smiling a little brighter than usual.

"What? Why do you look so happy?"

"No reason. Come on, you have to meet our new pilot."

She followed her friend into the cockpit.


She was seeing things. Hallucinating. Perfect. She clearly needed the shortly to come vacation even more than she had previously thought.

Because that couldn't be him, he didn't work for this airline, he...

"Ally Dawson, this is our newest pilot, Austin Moon." Cassidy was smiling. Hugely. Smugly.

"It's his first flight with us, so please help him feel comfortable and at home".

Now her smile was overly sweet.

"I'm just sitting in on this one." He didn't look nearly as surprised as she knew she did.

"What...I thought you worked for..."

He shrugged. "The big guys made me an offer I couldn't refuse. That, and I traveled with this airline a few weeks ago, when going to visit my mother, and I had a really pleasant flight, so that's when I made up my mind. Oh, and I've heard that there are some stewardesses here that are hot and sweet. Beautiful, even..."

He gave her one of those slightly shy smiles, one that did not really reach those amazing eyes of his.

She excused herself, her whole body weak, her heart suddenly pounding like a freaking sledgehammer.

He. Was. There.

On. Her. Airplane.

Holy. Shit.


She was in the small, curtained enclosed area between first and business class, preparing the food that she would soon have to serve, when she felt two strong arms embracing her, pushing her into the nearby bathroom and locking the door behind them.

"I'm sorry, but I believe this is the only place for privacy. We need to talk." He was semi-whispering.

"Did anyone see us come in here?"

He shook his head. "I don't think so."

Their eyes were blending together in the opposing mirror reflection, as his body was inadvertently pressing closely into hers from behind.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" Could he hear her heart?

"You...you left."

"I had to get to work, I told you I was flying out early."

"You could have said goodbye."

He looked sad. Hurt, even.

"I didn't...I didn't know what to say, I'm not...I don't...have much experience when it comes to the whole one-night thing."

"Who said that's all I wanted?"

She shrugged. "I thought that was kind of obvious."

A few, long minutes of eye fucking ensued.

"I can't believe you're here." His breath was hitting her neck.

Suddenly, his lips began tracing down it.

"Ally, fuck, I can't stop thinking of you."

The arrival of his hard-on pressing into her ass made her turn her face towards his and semi-attack his lips.

Damn, she had missed him.

He tasted as good as she remembered and suddenly they were not just kissing but engaging in a hot, sure to be short foreplay.

"Ally, I need you."

"We can't, not here. What if they need you in cockpit?"

He shook his head. "I'm not working, remember?"

"Well, I am..."

"Guess we will have to be quick, then."

His hand was raising the hem of her skirt, his fingers tracing her legs, her thighs, slowly at first but increasing in speed as he was approaching his final destination, moving her panties to the side before landing on her strip. Clearly, it was a rainy day.

His fingers on her, in her, erased any comprehension that she might have had.

She almost complained loudly when he soon removed them, then realizing that he was unzipping his pants, pulling them and his boxers down just enough, aligning himself behind her, the skirt now scrunched up around her waist and her underwear pulled down to her knees. He entered her, roughly, gluing his lips to her neck while filling her. She bit her lip, hard, not to scream out loud as he was mumbling out low obscenities in her ear while fucking her hard and fast from behind, relentlessly so, their eyes still engaging in a similar fuck session in the mirror.

He reached around her, finding her clit and massaging it in fast circles for no more than a minute before making her cum, his hands then digging into her hips as he simultaneously and generously shot into her.

He pulled out of her and leaned back against the wall.


So that had been amazing.

"I...I got to go". She was still breathing unevenly, as she was still cumming.

He nodded as he was pulling up his pants.

She fixed her uniform, stepping out of the restroom a minute later, only to be met by Cassidy's suggestive smile and disapproving yet somehow completely approving head shakes.

"You're worse than me. And you're very lucky that I'm the only one who noticed anything."

She blushed, even though she was pretty sure that the blonde had had her fair share of high flying adventures.

A few minutes later, and she ignored him as he exited the restroom.


She couldn't believe that she had just done that, that was so not her, and while at work.

It had been amazing, but...

What would he think of her, this was the second out of only three times that they had met that she had slept with him without as much as a full minute of hesitation.

She felt ashamed.

And even more so as she knew that she would probably do it again, in a heart beat, still without any hesitation whatsoever.

And him, how many times had he seduced various women during his travels?

Stuff like this was probably routine for him.

She suddenly felt sick.

She finished the rest of the flight in some type of blur, purposefully staying away from the cockpit area, and once the last passenger deboarded, she was the first one to leave.

She needed to get out of there.


A few hours later, and she was at home, alone, having turned down Trish's offer to join her for a night out. Her best friend had been persistent, but tonight, no level of persuasion would get her to budge.

She was not in a good mood, despite finally being on vacation, and she was trying to finish the darn book that was still only halfway read, not very successfully so as her mind was wandering off in directions that she didn't want it to.

She couldn't get a pair of liquid chocolate eyes out of her head, the thought of a pair of large hands moving over (and inside of) her body driving her insane, the memory of the feeling of running her hands through a blond set of perfectly shaggy hair Making her want to scream out loud...

She took another spoonful of the fruity mint swirl ice-cream, wishing that the sweet taste could erase the flavor of him that was somehow stuck in her mouth.

Halfway through the bowl and only a few pages into the book, her doorbell rang and it startled her.

Who the heck was bothering her late at night?

Maybe it was Trish, having changed her mind about the wild night out.

She opened the door. Apparently, her nighttime visitor was something uniformed, something very un-Trish like, something currently and nonchalantly leaned up against her door post.

She dropped the bowl of ice-cream, the half-melted colorful mess soon splattered across her hallway carpet and the uninvited disturber looking a bit guilty yet laughing at her shocked reaction.


Somehow, that was the best pick-up line she had heard all year. All life.

He surely had her at hello.

She couldn't speak as she was still in shock.

"Can I come in?"

She nodded. Speechless.


She pointed. Speechless.

He returned with a few paper towels, soon beginning to clean the mess on the floor.

"What are you doing here?" She finally found her missing voice.

He looked at her with a small smile. "Well, you did induct me into the mile-high club, the least I could do was to drop by and thank you. Perhaps pay my membership fees."

"You..you had never done that before?"

He shook his head. "Nope. You?"

She was blushing. "Definitely not."

He smiled. "Good. So I inducted you, as well. Now, why did you leave?"

She really wasn't sure anymore.

"I was kind of ashamed, I guess..."

"Well, I don't know about you, but that was the best flight of my life. And I've flown a lot. Maybe I, we, shouldn't have done that and I'm sorry. I..I should have controlled myself better. I was honestly just trying to talk to you, but fuck Ally, you make it so hard to not want you. And I don't mean that for the one-night type of thing..."

The following kiss started sweet, like the ice cream that was not yet completely cleaned off of the floor, but quickly turning into anything but.

She realized something and reluctantly moved away from him.

"How did you know where I live?"

"I got your address from your luggage tag."

She looked at him, puzzled.

"The first time we met. A few weeks ago. On that flight when I saved you from ugly window guy. Does it ring a bell?"

It kind of did. She kind of hadn't stopped thinking of him for more than a few seconds ever since.

"Stalker. You're almost worse than that cheese-ball".

He shrugged. "I knew already then that I needed to see you again. And sometimes you can't rely on destiny, you know? Now can I kiss you again, or do I need to deliver some sort of bad pick-up line first?"

She shook her head. "No talking needed. Like at all."

So he kissed her. Again and again.

"Now that we are practically colleagues, we better have some shifts, and layovers, together."

Um, layovers.

Good memories.

He nodded in agreement. "Yes. And next time we fly together, I will request your assistance in cockpit."

Um, cockpits.

Good memories yet to be made.

Oh, and she wanted his cock in her pit, alright.

And then she kissed him again. And again. And again.


And then they spent the rest of the night not doing any talking. Like at all.


And a few months later, they made his still alive mother very, very happy.


Upcoming episodes; 6/8ish - Suspenders & School Spirit or Future Sounds & Festival Songs, whichever one I manage to finish first.