A/N: As anyone could tell, from my name and my existing stories, I'm a total Nalu shipper. It's my OTP, without question. I do not like Nali at all; any Nali fics and scenes I've come across on accident (because I don't read them on purpose) upset me. However, I don't hate Lisanna. She's a nice girl and really no threat to Nalu happening. Sometimes I even feel sorry for her because she used to be such a good friend to Natsu and now they don't really hang out anymore. So, don't expect any Lisanna bashing or Nali in this fic.

Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail. I do however own a shirt, five key chains, and 15 books.

Lisanna woke up cold, sore, and alone. Her mind was a bit of a fog. What happened? I feel like I got hit by a train, she thought. Oh yeah, the mission with Mira-nee and Elf-niichan.

It was an S-class mission, nothing out of the ordinary. She had been on others with her siblings since Mira became an S-class mage. However, something went wrong with this one. The beast they were fighting was just too strong. Before anyone knew what had happened, Mirajane was out of commission. Elfman, in order to protect his sisters, tried to take over the beast, but was taken over instead. Lisanna tried to calm him, tried to bring him back to himself. Then there was pain. She remembered feeling like she was going to die and seeing the sad faces of Mira-nee and Elf-niichan. At least he was himself again was her last thought before everything went black.

So, did she die? Is this the afterlife? If it was, she wasn't impressed in the least. Freezing cold, in pain, and no one to welcome you? Her parents should be here at the very least. If this was heaven, she was going to have to say no thanks.

Stiffly and shakily, she stood up. She might as well explore because she doubted if anyone was looking for her. That made her wonder; what had happened to her brother and sister? If this was some sort of prank they were playing on her, it was in pretty poor taste.

She didn't have to walk for long till she saw some lights in the distance. Her best option was to head towards them. After all, where there is light, there is usually people. When she arrived at the lights, what she saw shocked her. It was her guild—Fairy Tail, but it looked...different...organic...like it was growing out of the ground. So it was Fairy Tail, but not Fairy Tail. If this was a joke, it was also pretty elaborate. Only one thing to do—go inside and see what was going on.

She was greeted by a familiar sight. There were her guild mates, laughing, drinking, talking to one another, but something was off. They were her guild mates, but yet they weren't. Just like the guildhall itself, everyone looked...different. Before she had time to reflect on the changes in the people of her guild, there was a loud commotion. "Lisanna!" Lisanna's back!" several people shouted as Lisanna was soon surrounded by people demanding hugs from her as if by touching her they could prove she was real.

"Lisanna was alive all along." Lisanna heard the voice of her brother cry out.

"You fell from so high...I thought it was all over for you." her sister's look-alike wailed.

Lisanna soon found herself enveloped in the embrace of her siblings' doppelgangers. She could tell for sure now that these two were not the sister and brother that she grew up with, just by looks alone. Her brother was sporting a dorky bowl-cut that was slightly reminiscent of his childhood haircut. On his face was a mostly healed scar in place of the fresh wound her real brother had just gotten on their last mission—the one that ended with her here. Her sister was wearing her hair down with the exception of her bangs, which were sticking up in a short pony tail. Instead of her short, revealing clothes, she was wearing a long dress. She might wear something like that at home, but never at the guild. Lisanna knew then that she must have traveled to a different dimension. How she got here, she did not know. She was about to tell her siblings' lookalikes that she wasn't the Lisanna they knew, but something held her back. They were crying so hard and holding her so tight. This world's Lisanna must have died for real. They think they have their sister back. She couldn't break their hearts again. She would stay here and be the Lisanna that they thought they had lost.

After all, would she ever get back to her own world?

After an indeterminate amount of time, her siblings calmed down enough to end the hug. Still standing close and scrubbing at her eyes with the heel of her palm, Mirajane spoke to her.

"We're so glad you're back, Lisanna. But...we're being selfish. There's someone here who missed you almost as much as we did. He's standing right behind you."

Mirajane spun her around to face...Gray?

Lisanna then found herself being cried on in the arms of Gray. Gray, of all people! He was wearing so many coats that he was having trouble wrapping his arms around her. She was so confused. Why Gray and where's Natsu?

"Lisanna! How did you survive? Where were you? What happened?" Gray sobbed, holding her.

"I-I don't know. I just remember a beast." Lisanna said, trying to keep her answers vague. Let her guild mates fill in the holes.

There was some murmuring within the guild.

"Was it big?" someone asked.

"Huge." she replied.

"Must have been a legion. You're lucky to be alive."

Yeah, lucky.

It took awhile to get used to life in her new guild. She had to be careful and not say or do the wrong thing and be discovered. She stuck to her story of not remembering what happened and luckily no one cared to force her to remember. They were just glad she was back with them.

She learned that the people of this world (called Edolas) used magical lacrima-based tools and weapons. So she hid her in-born magic. She even had to practice using her weapon (a staff) in private so the others wouldn't see how inadequate she was with it.

What was most hard to get used to was the differences in the guild and her guild mates. It was hard to think of herself as being a member of a dark guild, being hunted constantly by the soldiers of the kingdom. And don't even get her started on the first time the guild moved itself. That was the shock of a lifetime!

The changes in her guild mates were even more shocking. Seeing Cana as a prim and proper lady instead of the drunkard she knew her as, threw her for a loop. And to think that team Shadow Gear was the strongest team Fairy Tail had to offer! Then there was Gray, who was open with his feelings and wore way too much clothing and who she soon learned was her childhood friend on this world. It was so weird interacting with him like she used to do with Natsu back on Earthland.

Natsu. That was the hardest change to accept. At first, when she noticed that Natsu wasn't there, she was worried that this world's Natsu had died. After all, if Levy, Jet, and Droy were the strongest members, where did that put Natsu? So, she didn't ask about him in case he really was dead. It was a relief when a few days later there was the sound of a loud car engine outside, making Gray exclaim, "Natsu! Natsu's back!"

Lisanna wanted to rush out of the guild to be the first person to meet him, but Jet and Droy had other plans.

"Lisanna, hide behind the bar. We're going to surprise Natsu." Jet commanded.

Lisanna, thinking it best to go along with them, complied.

"This is going to be good." said Droy.

Behind the bar, she could hear Natsu enter the guild. After the initial greetings he received, Jet and Droy were able to persuade him to come over by them.

"Hey Natsu, we got a big surprise for you." came Jet's voice.

"It came two days ago." added Droy.

Lisanna took this as her cue to stand up. Before she could say anything, she saw Natsu turn white as a sheet.

"A ghost!" he squeaked out before he fainted.

Jet and Droy were doubled over in laughter. Lisanna was horrified.

"That wasn't very nice." Mirajane scolded. "You know how Natsu's afraid of ghosts."

"He's afraid of everything. We were just having a little fun." Jet pouted.

Luckily when Natsu awoke, Gray was able to convince him that Lisanna was actually alive. Natsu seemed happy to see her, but even happier for Gray and her siblings' sakes.

It seemed that she had a similar relationship to Natsu here that she did to Gray on Earthland. Oh well, she'd just have to change that.

"So how was your trip, Natsu? Did you find Igneel?" Gray asked.

"No." Natsu whined, tearing up a bit. "Just another wild goose chase."

"Aww, buck up, buddy. Let me buy you a beer. It'll make you feel better."

Lisanna blinked in shock. Natsu and Gray, getting along like real friends did?

At the bar, Gray was patting Natsu on the back when Natsu broke down completely.

"What if I never find him?" he sobbed.

"Don't talk like that." Gray consoled. "You'll find him someday."

Natsu, the boy Lisanna cared for more than any other, was a scaredy-cat and a cry-baby on this world. She didn't know if she wanted to laugh or cry.

I hope no one is offended that I made Edo-Gray her childhood friend. I just thought it would be funny. Next time, we add some new members to the guild. I bet you know who they'll be.