Sorry for not updating in like a month been really busy with school work and my computer wiped. Hope you like the next chapter ! :)

Betrayal - Chapter 5

The Teams POV

The team had now been cornered their breathless bodies soon fell to the ground from the pressure of surrounding KORPS agents. Aneshia, Keri and Dan were then dragged into the middle of the room and tied to chairs. The two MI9 agents Frank had brought with him soon seemed to have regained conscious but as they opened their eyes they were pinned to the floor, unable to move.

The team were searched from head to toe for any MI9 communicators encase the signal jammer had failed to work. The KORPS agent's immediately spotted their spy pods and snatched them from the teams grasp. Luckily they let the team keep their communicators believing they were just normal pencils. Not knowing Tom had hacked their defences the team had been having secret conversations with Tom and the KORPS agents were oblivious to their strange behaviour.

'So Tom do you have a plan?'

'Now I have hacked the system, I could send a high pitched frequency through the KORPS communications. Causing them to possibly lose conscious' Tom replied over the communicator

'Tom you're a genius!' Keri whispered relieved at Tom's response.

'Don't worry guys; I already know I'm a genius. Anyway, those guards won't be out for long 15 minutes at the most, you need to use your time wisely.'

While the guard's backs were turned the team managed to release themselves from the ropes tight grip and were only waiting on Tom so they could get ready to run.

'We're ready Tom. Give them all you've got'

The signal was sent down KORPS feedback and all the guards soon fell to the floor and the MI9 agents were released from under KORPS power. The team grabbed their spy pods and soon all the 5 agents managed to rush out of the door undetected.

'Tom what do we do now?'

Franks POV

Frank watched as Stella, The Crime minister and all the KORPS agents fell to the floor. He could briefly hear the heart wrenching notice through the KORPS agent's earpieces but was clueless to where the source could have originated from. Frank took his chances and easily set himself free. He had MI9 training especially to escape from these types of situations but before with KORPS watching his every move he had no chance.

Franks fragile body limped across the floor. He didn't know what was worse, the pain or finding out the love of his life was a traitor. The door opened in front of him, Frank stepped through but soon stumbled to the floor and could not contain his emotions and longer. Weeping on the floor remembering all the times he and Stella spent together all lies. She was the lie.

The Teams POV

'I've tracked Frank he's moving but slowly I'm sending the location to your spy pods get there quick he could be in danger or be hurt'

The agents put down their communicators and ran to the location. It took 5 minutes for them to reach Frank and found him limping on the floor.

'Frank are you ok? Frank can you hear me?' Aneshia shouted

'Yes I'm fine we need to get out of here now the crime minster will wake up soon and ... and ...' Frank replied

'And who? Frank there's something you're not telling us' Dan questioned

'Time to get Stella an update we haven't been in contact with her for over an hour' Keri whispered

'I don't think we need to worry about that' Frank replied getting upset

The team kept on asking Frank what was wrong but he refused to answer. He knew that if he told the team about Stella it would do no good for the mission. Dan would get over protective, Aneshia would stress and Keri would get upset. They lifted Frank up from the floor and supported him as he walked down the long corridor.

'Tom we have got Frank, How do we get out?'

'Just follow my directions carefully. Is Frank ok?'

'He's fine... we think'

The team soon got to the entrance and an MI9 van and ambulance came to tend to Frank.

Meanwhile with KORPS ...

All KORPS agents slowly awoke from their sleep. The Crime minster and Stella stood side by side looking at the loose rope in front of them. The Crime minster raged shouting at the hopeless KORPS agents.

'He must be still in the building find him or you'll get the sack and more importantly you'll be in a sack ... parts of you anyway'

'We've checked CCTV there's images of him and his agent escaping safely there's nothing we can do now' a mumbled voice spoke from the distance.

'IDOIT! I pay you to do your job not to stand there!'

The KORPS agents squirmed out of the room the Crime minster was about to run after them before controlling herself and turning back to discuss the situation with Stella.

'How could you let him get away? I thought you said he wouldn't escape you incompetent fool' The Crime minster screamed at Stella

'Forgive me, it seems our security has been hacked, must be Tom. When I find him I'm going to ...'

'You must remain under cover. Frank London and his pitiful team might know your true identity but to the rest of MI9 you're simply a hero. Get back to your base the only thing that's important now is getting K.3.R.1 to for fill her destiny and to meet her master.'

An evil laugh trembled the metal building. The Crime minister stormed out of the room and Stella was left breathless wondering how she could have done this to Frank. Her Frank.

Please review! Post any ideas because 1 have no idea what's going to hapen next :)