I'm sorry for taking so long hiatus, but I didn't know if I can update again or not...


Disclaimer : Brocoli own Utapri

Chapter 18

Kurusu Syo, sixteen years old, the main problem is why all of sudden she's being called by Shining Saotome, so early in the morning.

"Wh-What is this? Don't tell me this because I break the rules, but what rule did I break? No, he must have more than a reason to call me so early that even Ai-senpai not wake up yet." She said in shaking voice.

Syo knocked the door, "A-Ano, president? It's Kurusu Syo, I hear that you want talk to me."

"Thaaatttt'ssss righhhtttt~ Cooomeee in, Mr. Kurusu,"

"E-Excuse me," she stepped in as closed the door, "W-What is it, president? I hope you didn't planning something crazy to call me this early."

Saotome glasses sparkling, "Mr. Kurusu, I already know that your secret has been revealed, am I wrong?" he said in serious tone.

Syo gasped, "T-That's..."

"I hope you remember the condition back then, that you give me to accept you as one of my student."

"Y-Yes, I remember it, the condition is that to make sure no one knows about my true identity."

"Right. But, is that apply to you now?" he asked.


"I know you're my brilliant student and STARISH member that can used two voice in the same time but," Saotome looked at her, "Do you want me to expel you right now?"

Her fist tightened, "I'm ready for that, I've break the condition I gave you, furthermore, my goal to be in your school was completed, if you want to expel me, then I don't mind."

Saotome smile widened, "I won't expel you~!"


"But in return, you've to win this musical drama with the rest of STARISH to claim the Airloche title!"

"A-Airloche? You've to be kidding me! That title is more than winning the drama! Nevertheless, the members have to write the song without their composer! It's crazy!"

"That's why I choose you, Miss Kurusu, you do know what I mean right?"

"D-Don't tell me that you're going to make me the composer for this title?! I can't! I decline this with all of my might!"

"I know this," Saotome bring out the Maji love 2000% lyrics and showed it to her, "The one who make this song is not just Miss Nanami but you as well, right?"

Syo averted her gaze instead of denied it.

"The lyrics are full of happiness, that's Miss Nanami's feeling to a song, but there's something off this time, the Maji love 2000% have a lot of passion to make the listener more fanatic, that's your specialty."

"But I –"

"Oh, one more, you're the one who write the song for HEAVENS, that time." Saotome grabbed her shoulders, "Think it over, Miss Kurusu, if you accept this, one of the rules will be erased for a while."


"Composers for love song need an experience of love, that's why if you accept this-"

"You'll erase the golden rule?!" Syo shouted.

"Bingo! Okaaayyy, Miss Kurusu, yes or no?"

Syo hesitated, 'W-What should I do? W-Well, Airloche isn't a mere title, I can't say no to this important title but, how can I persuade everyone with this?!'

"Well?" Saotome asked.

"O-Okay, but give me some time to talk it with the others."

"Agreeeeeeeedddd~!" before she closed the door, Saotome added, "Oh, invite Quartet Night too, if you can."

"You've to be kidding me!"

[Syo's room]

Syo sighed for who knows how many it was, "I just have thought that after my identity was found out, there's a lot of problem started to run after me."

"Where have you been?" Ai asked.

"Whoa! A-Ai –senpai? Y-You wake up already? G-Good morning." She bowed, she saw that Natsuki was still sleeping soundly.

"You didn't answer my question."

"U-Uh, I-I just want to walk around the dorm b-because I wake up too early?"

Ai raised his eyebrow.

"E-Eh, isn't enough?"

"I can't even agree to that, can you search another realistic reason?"

Oh! She got an idea.

"Ai-senpai, do you like musical theatre?"

"Musical theatre...? Well, kind of, what about it?"

She smiled, "Do you know about Airloche title?"

"Yeah, that title only can be claimed for a band that can create their own song without their composer-Wait, don't tell me Saotome-"

Syo cut him, "-told me that we've to claim this title, together with Quartet Night."

Both of them stared at each other, "That crazy old man!" and snapped at the same time.

[Training room, 09.00]

"Huh? Airloche?!" Everyone shouted in unison.

"T-Tokiya, what is Airloche?" Otoya asked as Tokiya sighed.

"It's the other Utapri Award, but the difficulties are different, because Airloche is not allowed the composers take a place."

"Huh?! Then I can't participate?" Haruka said.

"Well, looks like it." Syo said, Haruka looked at her with teary eyes, "I-I'm sorry, Haruka, I was trying but Saotome reject it."

"Did someone here have talent to write a song?" Masato asked.

"I-I'm pass." Otoya said quickly.

"I never write one, even when I became Hayato." Tokiya added.

Syo turned to Ren, "Nope." He said.

Walk to her side, Ren added, "But I'll try my best, Cutie..."

Masato and Cecil kicked him instantly.


Syo smiled nervously at them as Natsuki raised his hand.

"Well, I'm writing a song when I'm five years old." Natsuki said as everyone turned to him.

"Really, Natsuki? Okay, you'll handle the song-Eh, wait, Syo, is it just the song?" Cecil asked.

"Well, no. the lyrics, dance and the tempo, one of us have to decide it. Summary, three of us will think about the song, the dance and the tempo." Syo replied.

"It's really a problem, in the first place why we've to claim this title? Isn't Utapri enough?" Ren asked.

"There's a reward, if we participate on this, the golden rule will be erased." Syo said.

"T-T-The golden rule you mean? Falling in love is forbidden?!" everyone shouted.

Syo nodded, "Saotome called me this morning and said so, any interest gentlemen?"

"LET'S DO IT!" They replied in high spirit.

Syo and Haruka sweat dropped, "Why did they so high-spirited all of sudden?" they said.

"Okay, but we've to persuade the seniors too," Syo said to them.

"Huh? So it's not just us?" Haruka asked.

"Yeah, but you know," Syo whispered to her, "The seniors are really hard to handle, I don't think they want to participate just because the reason."

"You're right," Haruka whispered back.

Syo stand up from her chair, "Everyone, I and Haruka will try to persuade the seniors, I'll leave the rest to you."


[Quartet Night's meeting room]

"What?!" Camus's cane pointed at Syo and Haruka face that frightened in respond.

"Y-Y-Yeah! T-That's what Saotome said." Syo barely said while Haruka quickly nodded.

"Now, now, calm down Myu-chan, is that Shining want?" Reiji smiled at them.

"Yes, please! I beg you! Saotome will give the punishment to me if I can't make the seniors participate!"

Ranmaru gritted his teeth, "Yeah, as if I care."

"Don't say that, Kurosaki-senpai..." Haruka said.

Ai looked at Syo who have 'Ah, I'm dead' face.

"Okay, who wants to help our pitiful junior, raises your hand!" Reiji shouted as he raised his hand.

The others member of Quartet Night stays silent.

Ai's phone suddenly ringing, he opened it and realize it was from Syo.

"Ai-senpai... Could you help me here? Please, I beg you! Didn't you say I am your precious girl? If that just a lie, then don't you dare trying talk to me again!"

Ai surprisingly feels afraid of her thread. He hurriedly raised his hand.

It startled Camus and Ranmaru to no end.

The cold Ai intends to help their junior?

"Oi, Ai, are you serious?!" Ranmaru asked him.

"Mikaze, did something wrong with your system?" Asked Camus.

Ai sighed, "No, I just feel like to help them. That's all."

Syo smirked in winning.

"Ai Ai, I know deep in your heart, you're care for your junior~!" Reiji said in happiness.

"Tch. I'm not in." Ranmaru said.

"Count me out, too... I don't have any interest on this." added Camus.

"I know it'll turn like this, but," Syo said followed by Haruka's nod.

"It's still depressing the way he said that..." they said in unison.

[Saotome's Office]

"Miss Kurusu... How was the invasion?"

"What invasion?! It's invitation!" Syo shouted, "Well, Ai-senpai and Rei-chan want to help but, ah, you know how is that rocker and Count."

"Yeeeaaaaaaaahhh, right. I forgot to tell you, this Airloche only participate by five member. One Center and four the side-singer..."

"Why didn't you said it sooner?! Did you know how scared I was when talking to that Senpai?!"

"Because it'll be surprise for yooooooooouuuuu~!"

Syo slapped him with her craft, "LIKE HELL IT WILL!"

Sighed in anger, Syo slowly walked towards the exit, "Oh, wait a second, Miss Kurusu."

"What's now?!"

"For this case, I like you to choose Mr. Aijima and Mr. Hijirikawa instead of Mr. Shinomiya,"

"H-Huh?! How did you know I was thinking to choose him?" Syo stuttered, "And why?!"

Saotome adjusted his glasses, "Like I said earlier, your song created to have a good and strong passion, my question is..." he stared at her from head to toe, "Did you see any passion in him? Did his passion can make the audience clapped their hands?"

"Of course he can—" Syo stopped, 'Wait, a passion that makes audience clapped their hands? Now I think about it, the way I think is totally different with Natsuki, if I make the song with my ideal... it'll match Satsuki better...'

Syo gripped her sleeve, "...I don't know..."

"You better know the best choice, Miss Kurusu," Saotome said, "Unlike Miss Nanami, it's look like your heart is not all in your song."

"What are you trying to say?"

"Miss Kurusu, where's your heart belongs now?"

"My... heart...?"

The girl face heated up.

"My heart belongs to..."




...I don't know...

RnR please?