"Is that who I think it is Cole?" King asked surprised

"Oh My God! It's the legendary Vendetta"

The crowd cheered loudly and they started chanting my name.


I ran through from the crowd and entered the ring.

I attacked Tamina who was then beating up Nikki Bella.

I kicked the back of her head. She bounced off the ropes and when she did, I hit her with one of my finisher Mysteria which is basically like an RKO.

I existed the ring with Nikki.

When we went backstage, we were greeted by some wwe superstars, divas and the Levesque who have decided to check out the divas match.

"Congratulations Girls" Stephanie said the moment we were backstage.

"Thanks Steph."

"Welcome to the WWE, Keep up your good work. You are really talented" She said complementing me

"Thanks Steph I will."

Stephanie excused herself and went back to her office.

"Hi! I'm Nicole or Nikki. You did great out there" Nikki complimented me

"Thank you! I miss being out there, wrestling. I'm Aria by the way" I introduced myself.

"Look who we have here" I heard someone say. I turned around and saw Jay Reso (Christian) and his wife and my long time mentor Denise with their baby in her right arm.

"Jason, Denise, It's great to see you!" I hugged the both of them

"Congrats on your debut hon. I'm sooo happy for you" Denise said while hugging me.

"You'll have fun in here. It's not the same as where you wrestled before but I think you'll really have fun"

"I know that. I've been told that I can't even drop any 'F' or 'B' words" I exclaimed. I then felt eyes turned in my direction but I chose to ignore them.

"Baby, I have to go now. Me and Jay have to head out already" Denise told me

"Den, cant you stay just for a while? I don't really know much people here"

"Tri, you can do this. You survived your first few years on your own, you can do this hon. We really have to go" I surrendered and let her go.

I bid farewell and hugged both Jay and Den.

"Baby, be good to your Mommy and Daddy okay?" I kissed her forehead before they went to their car.

I sighed then I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around and saw the former Divas Champion, AJ Lee.

"Oh My God, It's really you!" Aj chimed

"Hi!" I greeted her awkwardly

"I can't believe it was really you! Ive been a fan since your ROH days" Aj kept ranting on how she was my fan which I returned with a smile.

"Hi AJ! Im a fan as well. Its nice to know that you know me"

"Ari, can I call you that?" she asked

"Of course. You can call me anything as long as it's not disrespectful" I joked

"You know the new girl?" Eva asked

AJ looked at her up and down.

"Who wouldn't? This girl is THE Aria Garcia, the best women's wrestler in any promotion of All time" Aj Bragged

"I beg to differ Aj. Im not the best" I tried arguing with her.

"So what? I don't think she's all that good." Eva said bitchily

Aj looked at her disgustedly.

Aj was about to retort when I placed one of my hand in her shoulder.

"Listen Eva, I don't really care about what you think. I've been wrestling longer than any girl in this building, well Natalya trained almost as long as me. Before you run your mouth, you better know who you're messing with. I can snap you into pieces without even sweating. I suggest you watch some of my matches, then it's up to you if you will ever bother me."

She laughed at me before her hand collided with my face.

They gasped upon seeing Eva slap me.

"Oh gosh, I can sense Harley Mode" Aj whispered earning a nod from Phil (Punk) Bryan (Daniel Bryan) and even Jon (Dean Ambrose)

I grinned at her before my fist collided with her face.

She was instantly knocked out.

I got my lipstick and wrote something on a tissue paper,

Attendere La Vendetta,

guardare le spalle



(If Im not mistaken, Those words means, wait for the revenge, watch your back)

I placed it in her pocket.

"Excuse me, can anybody take her to the EMTs? I don't want to be called a heartless Newbie for leaving her here knocked out" I said sweetly while batting my lashes to them. Cesaro and Layla volunteered.

When the tension died down, I looked at them and smiled.

"Guys and gals, Im sorry you have to see that. I'm Aria Garcia, I just debuted today, I'm Vendetta. I'm the new girl" I introduced myself.

They introduced themselves to me.

"Brookelyn!" I greeted

Brooke broke away from Randy and went to hug me.

"How are you?" Brooke asked

"I'm okay girl. And you?"

"I'm good as well. I saw your debut, you were amazing."

"Thanks Brooke. It's an honor hearing that from you"

Like Denise, Brooke was one of the people I enjoyed working with.

She's also my mentor.

The night went by pretty quick.

I fixed my things and head out.

I noticed that there is no one in the arena anymore.

"Need a ride?" I turned around and saw the Shield.

"I was about to hail a cab" I told them

"There is a vacant seat in our rental." Colby or Seth said

"Will that be okay with you? I mean I don't want to intrude or something" I explained

"You're not introducing, you'll never be an intruder you know that. so what do you think?" Joe answered


Joe helped me by putting my things in the van's back seat.

After a couple of minutes, Seth announced that we already arrived.

"Guys thank you so much for this. It's nice to meet you, Colby and Joe. It's nice to see you again Jon. I'll check in now"

I went out of the van first to check in but as I went to the desk, they informed me that no reservation has been made. In fact, an hour ago, somebody cancelled my reservation.

"That Bitch!" I hissed under my breath

Somebody took my luggage, I turned around and saw Jon.

"You'll room with us" Jon said briefly

"Miss, please check who cancelled my reservation. Thanks" I told her

We went to their room which is in the 4th floor.

I was rooming with Jon.

We were lying on his bed when he spoke.

"Do you have a hunch on who cancelled your reservation?" He asked

"I'm not sure but I think it's a certain red haired girl whom I knocked out earlier. Let's hide her by the name of Eva Marie"

"What do you plan to do?" He asked

"I'll show her a side of me that I tried to forget. Ill introduce her to Vendetta" I said smirking

"I'm sure you'll do that." He said smirking as well

"Goodnight Mr. Good" I told him smiling

"Goodnight to you too Mrs. Good" He said smiling before giving me a quick kiss.