Sorry about the holdup, I accidently deleted a good portion of this chapter. Plus I had two tests in the past two days. Anyways hope you enjoy this last part and thanks Mona Lisa

We are born in one day. We die in one day. We can change in one day. And we can fall in love in one day. Anything can happen in just one day. - Gayle Forman

Blessed are the cracked for they let in the light:

5. You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me.

"You evil, murdering, backstabbing bastard!" Tonks cried.

Electra turned slightly to see who they were so angry at and Remus caught a glimpse of a strange set of emotions in her eyes when she saw her former potions teacher. He had just enough time to wonder if it had anything to do with how Harry had called Snape a hero during the memorial service, before Electra moved forward and slapped Snape.

"You know I probably would've done more than slap him," Fred said in a low voice.

"What was that for?" Severus asked, his hand going to his red cheek.

"You know very well what it was for," Electra snapped. "You let that damn snake kill you!"

"I didn't let it do anything," Severus replied. "I didn't have any time to react."

"Didn't have time to react?" Electra spluttered. Fred, Remus, and Tonks found it strange that she was more upset over the fact that Snape had died rather than the fact he was the Death Eater who killed Dumbledore. Electra threw a ball of black fire that she'd summoned out of nowhere at Severus's head.

"That's more like it," Fred said grinning. He frowned when Snape dodged it.

"Was that really necessary?" Severus asked Electra.

"Yes," Electra replied her voice thick as though she was going to cry. "That fireball was faster than Nagini's cage and you dodged it no problem!" She kept yelling at Severus sometimes switching between Ancient Greek and English randomly. He just stayed quiet knowing it was better for her to just get it all out. Nothing he would say would stop her rant. There was nothing for him to do but wait and take satisfaction from seeing the confusion on Remus, Tonks, Weasley and Creevey's faces. Of course he then realized that not only were the Prewett twins in Elysium, but the Marauders were now complete and one of the Weasley twins were there too. They'd be lucky if Elysium remained standing.

"Do you guys have any idea what's going on?" Colin asked the others watching Electra yell at his former teacher and gesturing with her hands the more agitated she got. His comrades shook their heads not knowing why Electra was doing what she was doing and why she was bringing her family into her argument. Also they couldn't see that Electra had been unable to continue holding her tears in and they were falling down her face.

Once she finished saying everything she wanted to say, Severus pulled Electra into a hug and let her sob into his chest. Jaws dropped and Severus couldn't hold back a smirk when he saw the flabbergasted expressions on those watching him stroking Electra's hair in an attempt to comfort her. "What?" he asked.

"They're staring aren't they?" Electra asked her voice slightly muffled.

"They are and making fair imitations of fish," Severus replied humorously which shocked Remus, Tonks, Fred, and Colin even more having thought the 'greasy dungeon bat' didn't have a sense of humor.

Electra turned her head to see their faces and laughed. "Oh that's great. You should really see your faces."

Fred tried to ask a question but he was only able to make incoherent sounds.

"We should probably keep moving," Electra said, stepping away from Severus and wiping her eyes. "You go first," she told Severus pointing at the gates to Elysium.

"Wouldn't do you any good since ever since they got Persephone by accident they've adjusted the activation requirements."

Electra was momentarily confused before she realized what he meant was even if there was a prank rigged to the entrance it wouldn't affect him anymore since after his death he accepted their father's offer of becoming one of his immortal helpers. She huffed annoyed and walked through the gates. The laughter from Fred, Remus, Tonks and Colin alerted her to the fact that she'd been pranked. Electra sighed and looked at her hair, since it was always the first target. Sure enough, her former black locks were now flame red.

"Red's a good color on you," Tonks said as everyone else entered Elysium.

"I hope so since I wear it a lot," Electra said. "And that's not just because it's one of Gryffindor's colors."

"Oh Electra before you go and drop another bombshell on us," Remus said. "Tonks and I have something we wanted to tell you."

"Huh?" Electra asked tilting her head slightly to the side. "What is it?"

"We wanted to tell you sooner but we never had an opportunity since we'd made up our minds shortly before the battle," Tonks said. "We chose to name you Teddy's godmother if you'll accept it."

Electra said at the two of them blinking uncomprehendingly. Severus snickered and put his hand on the top of Electra's head ruffling her hair. "You know you're supposed to give them an answer."

She shot him a half-hearted glare before answering, "Wow thanks. I'd be honored." She swatted Severus's hand off of her head and started fixing her hair. "I'm sure between me, your mum Tonks and Harry, we'll be able to make sure Teddy knows all about his parents. Speaking of Harry," here she gave Severus an annoyed look, "I still have to figure out how to explain to him what happened in the Shrieking Shack during the battle."

"The truth maybe?" Severus suggested.

"Oh yeah that'll go over splendidly," Electra said sarcastically. "By the way Harry, the reason I was acting strangely is because Severus is actually my brother who made me swear an Unbreakable Vow to not reveal which side he was really on until after Tom Riddle was defeated once and for all." If she had thought their expressions were funny earlier, Fred, Remus, Tonks, and Colin weren't nearly as dumbfounded then as they were right now.

Fred stuck a finger in one of his ears and cleaned it out. "I'm sorry did you say Snape is your brother?"

Electra chuckled. "Yeah I did."

"My father is Hades which makes Electra my half-sister," Severus added.

"He killed Dumbledore!" Tonks protested not understanding why Electra was supporting Snape.

"Under Dumbledore's orders," Severus said. "It was either I kill him or sentence Draco Malfoy to death for failing to do so himself." At the disbelievingly looks he added, "I swear on the River Styx that what I've just said is true."

Those unaccustomed to what happened when someone swore on the River Styx jumped when they heard thunder. "Swearing on the River Styx is the most serious oath any of us can make," Electra explained. "Lying when you swear on the River Styx is something you want to avoid doing. So Sev is telling the truth."

After that announcement and Electra's use of her usual nickname for her older brother, it took at least a half an hour for the recently deceased to regain their bearings and regain proper thinking capacities. "That was a bombshell that could've had a heads up with it," Remus said weakly.

"Sorry about that," Electra said. "Don't worry though. You didn't react half as bad as Uncle Sirius did when he found out. I didn't know that spirits could faint until we told him that we were siblings." She chuckled remembering the look on his face. "Come on I'll show you where you'll be staying."

Severus bid his farewells saying that he was going to go talk to Nico and Hazel and take care of some work.

Their first stop was a simple white house. Electra took Colin aside and said something to him quietly before leading him to the front door. The door was opened by a woman who had enough similarities in her looks to Colin that she must have been his mother. She hugged Colin before taking him inside. Electra rejoined the group and they kept going, dropping people off at houses until there was only Fred, Remus and Tonks left.

"Who were they?" Fred asked after Electra waved to a young couple, who'd been holding hands as they walked down the street. The young woman had laughed at Electra's hair and then changed it back to her natural color with a wave of her hand.

"Charles Beckendorf, son of Hephaestus and Silena Beauregard, daughter of Aphrodite," Electra replied sadly. Fred decided that that explained her abilities with hair color and how she looked so beautiful, but, dead or not, he wasn't about to make a move on another guy's girl.

"You knew them?" Tonks asked.

"Not that well," Electra admitted. "I'd only briefly before leaving for my third year at Hogwarts and they died the next August."

It was depressing but Remus figured that there were a lot of stories like that here. "So where are we staying?"

"Fred will be staying here until he wants to get a place of his own," Electra said gesturing to a house with a crazy paint job, wild lawn and an air of practical jokes. "The two who live there are currently visiting friends. Remus and Tonks you two will be staying here across the street. But before you move in there's one more stop we need to make."

However that one stop got detailed because Electra got waylaid by a Hispanic woman whose hands and clothes were covered in what looked like machine grease to Fred who'd had experiences with it in his father's workshop of Muggle items. Electra obviously didn't care about getting oil on herself because she hugged the woman happily.

"Hey Mrs. Valdez," Electra said smiling. Remus raised an eyebrow at the formality because he was surprised that Electra felt the need to address one of her father's subjects that way and the last name seemed familiar.

"What have I told you about that?" Esperanza asked. "You're practically family and if my son has his head screwed on properly and doesn't take too much after his father will get a ring on your finger soon enough. How is he doing by the way?"

Electra blushed at the mention of a ring while Fred snickered, Tonks grinned and Remus remembered why Valdez sounded so familiar. "Leo's doing fine as far as I know. I've been off the grid for the past few months though we did manage to talk briefly at Christmas time though it was more making sure both of us were alive and had all limbs attached. I've been planning about talking to him about coming down to visit you though."

"I'd like that," Esperanza said smiling. "You going to go visit your mother?" Electra nodded. "Tell her I said hello. I would join you but I have a project that's almost ready for me to continue working on." They hugged once more before Electra left.

"Sorry about that," Electra said.

"So that was Leo's mother huh?" Fred asked grinning. "Things must be serious between you two if his mother is talking about you getting engaged."

Electra blushed. "We haven't discussed it."

"Yet," Tonks said making Electra blush more.

"We're here," Electra said getting away from that topic of conversation. "Seems like everyone is here." She wouldn't elaborate what she meant by that and walked straight up to the door and didn't even knock which confused Fred, Remus and Tonks because she had done so every time prior.

They walked inside and were surprised to see Electra being fussed over by a young woman who looked a lot like her. "You had me worried sick," Cassie said. "Not as much as three years ago but still, the stories that Sev told us about what was going on in England."

"I'm fine Mum," Electra said reassuringly.

"Moony?" a voice asked from behind the mother and daughter in disbelief. "No way you can't be dead." Sirius walked up his face blank with shock. "Tonks not you too."

"Yeah it's us Padfoot," Remus said sadly smiling at his old friend.

"Wait Moony's here?" another voice asked and James stood up from the couch where Remus realized he'd been sitting with Lily. He noticed a younger version of Sirius and the Prewett twins were also in the living room.

"Whoa whoa whoa!" Fred called holding up his hands. "My hearing must be out. Did I just hear you two call each other Padfoot and Moony?" He pointed at Remus and Sirius.

"Yeah you did," James said. "Those were their nicknames at school."

"No way you were the Marauders?" Fred asked. "What about Wormtail?"

"Currently in the Fields of Punishment and you really do not want to know what is punishment is," Electra said. "It'll make you lose your last meal."

"You knew?" Fred asked. Electra nodded and Fred pouted. "And you never told us? George and I have been wondering for years who the Marauders were. They're our idols!"

"Sorry I didn't know they meant that much to you," Electra said smiling. "But you have all eternity to talk to them. There are two other people you should really meet before you go all fanboy over my uncle and his friends." Fred gave her a funny look at the term fanboy but it changed to one of shock and happiness at seeing his uncles.

"Uncle Fabian, Uncle Gideon," he said giving them hugs. Remus was hugged by his friends and while Lily was hugging him, Sirius was hugging Tonks.

"Hey kiddo you've grown," Fabian said.

"Though we really wish you weren't here yet," Gideon said.

"Me too," Fred said. "Our joke shop was just getting going and some stinking Death Eater had to kill me."

"Congratulations Remus, Dora," Regulus said his eyes dancing playfully. Spending the better part of 15 years living next to the Prewett twins and James Potter had given him a healthy dose of jokesterness.

"What do you mean Reggie?" Sirius asked looking at his brother confused.

"Quick introductions first," Cassie said. "That way Fred isn't too lost. I'm Cassie Black, Electra's mother and Sirius's younger sister. That's Regulus my older twin brother, and those two are James and Lily Potter." Fred greeted them all and Cassie turned to Siruis. "I believe Reg was referring to the identical rings our cousin and your best friend are wearing."

Sirius looked at her for a minute before grinning broadly. "About damn time Remus. I told you she wouldn't care."

"You got married Moony?" James asked before high-fiving his friend. "That's great."

"Congratulations," Lily said hugging Remus. "I'm happy for you two."

They got to talking about Teddy and just catching up in general a slight sadness in the air that those three had joined them so soon but there was happiness there too. Cassie of course started 'interrogating' Electra about her past year once the topic of Teddy was over and it took a good few hours for those explanations were finished and then she had to talk about life as a demigod and Leo and a whole bunch of other stuff, but despite that Electra enjoyed herself for the first time since the war if not since Bill and Fleur's wedding.