Pinky Promise

This is going to be a pretty lengthy story. So buckle up and enjoy the ride. It's going to start out kind of like the show in a since that Amy has feelings she doesn't know how to deal with and I will end the story like we would all like…M rated Karmy time. It's still important to give the characters some dignity and not just throw them into a sex scene so please be patient with the story and enjoy.

Chapter 1

I don't own any character from the show, I just really like them and Amy reminds me a lot of myself.

We have been best friends for as long as I can remember. Karma and I were like oil and water, but we somehow mixed. She was always there for me and I was always there for her. We would do anything for each other…which is how we got to where we are now I guess.

At first I was really just annoyed with Karma and the entire idea of us faking being lesbians. Then I got mad because it became more about her than about us together, and now I am fuming at the fact that she spends more time with Liam secretly than she does with me. Karma always has her head in the sky. She doesn't know how to come down from cloud nine. When we were younger and I was nervous about something she would always pinky promise me it would be okay. A promise is such a big concept in general; her linking our pinkies together kind of softened the blow of anything that might come our way. It was kind of stupid but it was our thing. A pinky promise of reassurance.

She had not pinky promised me anything in a long time. Almost 2 years to be exact. I never saw it as a big deal until now. With her going all boy crazy over Liam I needed some kind of reassurance that our friendship would be okay after all this whole scandal was over, but my gut was telling me this might not end well, for me at least.

I don't know when or where I came to the conclusion that my feeling for Karma weren't just platonic anymore. It might have been the first time I kissed her in front of the entire student body or when we were having a sleepover a few weekends ago and she fell asleep on my shoulder during a Netflix marathon. Either way, I know now I'm not faking anything but pretending to like Liam.

It's Friday night again and Karma has come over for a Netflix. We are in the middle of watching some chick flick I got talked into when she pauses the screen and looks up at me. "What's up?" I ask as casually as possible.

She has had her head on my shoulder until now and when she sits up I can tell she is serious about whatever is about to come out of her mouth. " Are you okay, Amy?"

I am sure I have a perplexed look on my face right about now, but I an answer carefully, "What do you mean Karma, do I look sick?"

"No, I just feel like we are off. Like something isn't connecting like it used too."

"Karma, you're crazy, we are fine. Yes, I miss you because I feel like Liam gets to see you more than me, but I guess he is technically your boyfriend or whatever now so I know you want to see him. It's fine though I am just being selfish I guess in thinking that."

"Amy, Liam is great but you are my best friend. I know how people see us in public but that doesn't mean our friendship is any different."

In my head I am about ready to run for the hills because she really doesn't see how I feel about her. In one aspect I am relieved because I don't want things to get weird, but on the other hand, if she could see how much I could love her more than Liam, I would be on cloud nine with her, but I pull out of my fantasies and keep listening.

"I really do like Liam and this whole popularity thing might get to my head sometimes, but you come first. Understand?"

"Yeah, I do. Thanks."

"Amy, are you sure you are okay? I really don't want to pressure you to keep doing something you don't want to. I told you before this started that I would give it all up if it means I loose you. I still want you to know that."

It was really hard at this point to not pull her in and kiss her. It's rare that Karma ever shows this side of herself, but when she does I melt. I just nod my head, "It's find Karma, really. I guess I just don't want to loose you."

"Please, like I would function without you, Amy." She give me a thousand watt smile along with the words I have wanted to hear for a while now, " You won't loose me, I pinky promise."

She holds out her pinky and as I look down I take my hand and link our fingers together. She just smiles at me and goes back to play the movie. Never breaking our pinkies as she lays back on my shoulder. For now I am content. For now at least I know she is still thinking of me above everything else. I just worry that might not always be the case.