This is the Pokemon Heroes third movie. I don't know where to place this movie, but it looks like it fits more into after The Nightmare, but before Cruisin'. This movie might be the last Pokemon Heroes movie for a long time, because soon, Pokemon Heroes is going to enter an arc that'll take a while to finish. I didn't want to add The Temple of the Sea into the movie because of things that involve season 5, so that's the only thing that is removed from this. Enjoy! (If you're new, you don't have to read some of season one, two and three, but you have to read season four).
Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon or any of the songs.
"I can never have just a normal day. Every single day, I'm either beating the crap out of something or it's beating the crap out of me. Everyday I have bandages on me. Everyday we have something to run away from. I'm not gonna say I'm sick of it. I'm just gonna say that I miss those days when I can sleep and go on my journey. Maybe, just maybe, if that day hadn't occurred, maybe shit would be different. Way different. I would still be kicking ass, but I wouldn't be kicking ass so much that it could either risk the lives of my friends or risk my life. I wonder if I would've caught different Pokemon. I wouldn't have my Pikachu if that day didn't happen, though. But it did happen. That day when I was tossed into a dungeon because they thought I was planning to "rape" a Princess. Let me just get one thing clear: I had no fucking intention on doing that. I was just intrigued on where that humming came from. I'll admit I was an idiot for trying to bust into royalty's castle just so I can follow Gary, but I didn't care at that time. When I was finally released, thanks to me looking like my dad, I thought I didn't have to deal with her shit ever again, but thanks to that freaking wheel of fate, I did outside of Vermillion City. It turned out that she was following me. I didn't want to return her, mostly because I was afraid that they'd say I kidnapped her, even if I explained shit, so I decided to keep her. We met lots of people after that, an evil organization, and even some baddies called The Dark Signers that are connected to my father. By the way, I hate them. But, you know, even now, I still haven't regretted that day. I sometimes think if stuff changed if I chose differently, but I haven't regretted anything. I have no idea why. I thought I would've been pissed that I lost my own heart for her, but I still have no regret at all. It was all for her. That Princess who changed my life. The one who keeps bothering me everyday like I'm her pet. The one who scolds me everytime I wanna break someone's face. The one who has the legendary Pokemon Ho-Oh's power within her. That Princess was special. Her name was..."
Suddenly, water went down on his face. He woke up abruptly and looked around. The curtains on his room's window were removed.
"My eyes!" the raven haired boy yelled as he fell back down on his bed and covered himself with the blanket. It was easily removed. The boy saw a water bottle get placed on the desk beside him, and he groaned when her soft hands started to shake him. He looked angrily at her.
"Wake up," she said, in an ordering tone. "You've been sleeping for a long time. It's already noon."
"I don't care."
"You're just wasting you day, Ash" said the girl. Ash looked up at the girl. The first thing he made contact with was her sapphire eyes. He saw her cute smile. She wore a red blouse and dark blue shorts with a white skirt and a red bandana with a Pokemon symbol on it. He tried moving the blankets over him again, but the girl brought it back down.
"Wake up or else I'm throwing more water at your face."
Ash groaned. He looked at her angrily, but she just came back with a smile on her face.
"May Maple," thought Ash. "That was her name. Even when she pisses me off, I still have no regret in meeting her at all."
Pokemon Heroes The Movie 3: Kyorge, King of the Sea
After putting on his blue vest and jeans and sneakers, the boy placed his Pokemon hat on his head. He looked at the mirror in his room and saw his gray eyes. On his bed, by his side, was his Pikachu. It had not been bothered by May at all in the morning, which Ash started to grumble about. He slowly woke it up. Its ears perked up as it looked at its trainer.
"Come on, Pikachu," said Ash. "It's time to wake up."
"Pika," said Pikachu weakly as it got on Ash's shoulder.
"Hey, don't blame me," said Ash. "It is all May's fault." Ash walked outside his room, where he saw May waiting for him. She seemed excited for something.
"Ash, there's a fair going on outside," said May. "Wanna go look around?" When someone asks a question like that, the normal thing is to either say yes or no. Since May asked the question, it would just be better if you say the answer she wanted to hear.
"Fine," Ash said. May took his arm and walked with him towards the lobby, where their friends, Dawn and Brendan, were.
"Finally you're awake," said Brendan. "You missed breakfast. I'm not gonna buy you anything."
"Don't worry, Ash," said May. "I'll buy you something for you to eat. Ash and I are heading to that small fair in the city. I hear they have something I want."
"Alright," said Dawn. "Brendan and I were just about to head there ourselves. We'll meet you back here in about four hours, okay?"
"Okay," said May as she started to drag Ash outside. "We'll see you guys later. They exited the Pokemon Center, a place where trainers can rest on their journey as their Pokemon get healed. The four friends have been in the Pokemon Center after landing in Sootopolis City, the city of water. As Ash began to think, a thought went into his head.
"Where's Drew?" he asked.
"You don't remember?" asked May. "We lost him last night."
"What did that idiot do this time?"
"We were attacked by wild Pokemon. We got off track and went into this city. When we came here, we realized Drew disappeared. He'll appear at some point, just like Brendan said.
"He always appears at some point," thought Ash. After walking for a while, they finally came to the fair. Booths were everywhere that mostly involved water activities. May had to do something, so she left Ash to win a prize for her while she walked away. When she came back a few minutes later, she saw the boy completely exhausted.
"What's wrong?" asked May.
"This game is rigged!" yelled Ash, trying to get the person behind the counter's attention.
"It isn't rigged," said the man. "If you really want the stuffed Clefairy so badly, you're just gonna have to throw better. It's simple: you just have to knock down the three pins with this ball."
"Wanna let me try?" asked May.
"Screw you," said Ash as he placed another dollar on the table. "I can get that Clefairy with my eyes closed." The man gave Ash another ball. He tossed it with all his might, by thanks to some kind of chain reaction, the ball missed the pins, hit the desk, went up to the roof of the booth, and hit Ash on his face.
"You okay there?" asked the man as Ash quietly curled up in a ball. May placed a dollar on the counter.
"One ball, please," she said.
After getting Ash something to eat, Ash and May continued to go around the fair having fun. May tried giving the Clefairy stuffed doll to Ash to make him feel better, but Ash refused it. May had won a lot of things with Ash. She had already won a hat, free cotton candy, two more stuffed Pokemon, and more prizes. As the hours started to pass them by, May looked at the time.
"Come on," said May. "I have something to show you." May then walked to a booth. The booth was weird. An old woman in Egyptian clothing was behind it reading a book. When May came by, the women looked up at her.
"Is it finished?" May asked. The women nodded, and then she reached under the counter and pulled out a doll. The women placed the doll in May's hand as she went back to reading her book. Ash looked at the doll in May's hand, and then his eye twitched. The small doll looked exactly like Ash, only a smile was present on its face. May showed it to Ash.
"Isn't it cute?" she asked.
"Why the hell did you do that?" asked Ash.
"Isn't it obvious?" asked May. "It looks so cute. Nurse Joy told me this morning that there was a woman here that sold dolls like this. If you pay her enough, she'll make a doll of something that you want her to make. I gave her a picture of you and she made this for me. It's cute, right?"
"It's creepy."
"No it's not," said May. "It's for those times when you won't let me sleep with you, so I can sleep with this instead. You're just jealous, aren't you?"
"No, I'm not," said Ash as he looked back at the women. He looked around at the merchandise she sold. There were charms and symbols everywhere. Ash's eye was set on one specific thing there. It was a picture of a boy riding on something in the waves. The boy sort of looked like Ash, but it wasn't exactly.
"Who's this?" Ash asked. The women looked up from her book and looked at the picture Ash was pointing at. She looked back at her book.
"Aaron," she said calmly. Ash stared at the picture for a while, and then picked it up and stared at it carefully.
"Sir Aaron?" Ash asked. The women nodded. If Ash had a heart right now, he would've been surprised and astonished, but right now, he still had a blank expression on his face.
"He was here?" he asked. The women looked back at Ash.
"Yes," she said. "When I was younger, a young boy came into this city. He was an Aura Guardian. He had bought stuff from me. He became famous in the city within three days."
"How?" asked May. The women turned behind her and pointed out to sea.
"There is an island not too far from here called Mirage Island (A/N: This was supposed to be The Temple of the Sea, but I changed it)," said the women. "The island was special because it only passes by here on certain days. It just comes and goes. One day you see it, the next it is gone."
"Is that why it's called Mirage Island?" asked May. The women nodded.
"Aaron, hearing about the rumors of Mirage Island, went out to sea to find it," said the women. "When he came, the island appeared by Sootopolis City."
"What's so special about this island that got him so fired up?" asked Ash.
"The island is said to house the Blue Orb," said the women. "This orb has the power to call out Kyorge, the king of the sea. No one believed it, and everytime someone did try to enter the island, they came back with a destroyed boat. They say that a group of people gave them some kind of choice, and when they chose wrong, their ship was destroyed. Some even died on the voyage, never to come back. Aaron wanted to see the island for himself, so he went out. He did not return for three days."
"Did he return at some point?" asked May.
"Of course," said the women. On the fourth day he returned, but in a majestic way. The boy did not return on a boat or anything. The boy returned on Kyorge itself."
"Really?!" exclaimed May. Even Ash's eyebrows were raised.
"Yes," said the women. "He returned on Kyorge. I was able to take a picture of it, which is the picture you have in your hand right now. I wanted to take the whole thing, but because of the Pokemon's massive size, the boy could not be seen. I had to zoom in on the boy, but I swear to you that he is riding on Kyorge. It just dropped him off here and left. Aaron is the first boy in history to ever done such a thing. He wouldn't explain what happened on the island though. The next morning, he just left without saying a word. People continued to venture out to the island, but their boats still got destroyed. Ever since I've kept that photo and sold stuff relating to Kyorge, telling people Kyorge does go into the island."
"So that's what these symbols are," said May. "They relate to Kyorge."
"Precisely," said the women. Ash continued to stare at the picture, and then he placed the picture down and walked away.
"Let's go, May," said Ash. "We've got stuff to do."
"Okay," said May as she looked back at the women. "Thank you." The women nodded as May went after Ash. She watched him go, and then looked back down at her book.
"He made a fine looking son, has he?" said the women.
After May had more fun in the fair, the two decided to head back to The Pokemon Center, where they met Brendan and Dawn.
"I thought I said four hours," said Dawn.
"I know," said May. "We could've come here earlier if Ash hadn't been a loser at everything." Ash continued walking on until Brendan stopped him.
"So what'd you get?" asked Brendan. "Got anything good?" Ash shook his head. Brendan shrugged. He then looked at the map. At the beginning of Ash's journey, Sir Aaron had given Ash a map. The map showed the directions Ash should head to on his journey. His dad gave it to him because he said that going on this journey could help him master his aura abilities, and to learn more about the world.
"Since we went off track, we have to backtrack our way towards the path we left," said Brendan. "It is not too far from here. We might find Drew tied to a tree if we go that way."
"Sounds like a good idea," said Dawn. "When do we leave?"
"When we feel like it," said Brendan as he looked to Ash.
"I'm ready to go," said Ash.
"Then it's settled," said Brendan. "We're gonna leave for that path again after we get a good night's sleep. We don't want to be traveling in the dark." Ash nodded and walked away. The three watched him go, and then Brendan and Dawn looked at May.
"I didn't do anything," said May. "He's been acting weird since we passed by that booth."
"What booth?" asked Dawn. Before May told them, she remembered something. She pulled out the small doll Ash.
"Look what I got," said May. "Isn't it adorable?" Dawn took it and showed it to Brendan.
"You've got to admit," said Brendan. "It does look cute." Ash looked back at his friends, flipped the bird at them, and then walked away.
Ash couldn't sleep that night. He was wide awake. He didn't know what time it was, but he didn't care. He didn't pay attention to anything. He looked towards the window in his room. He had just been thinking about his father the entire time. He took the map from Brendan the night before. He looked at it. His father had not said for him to come into the city, but he felt like he should have. He felt like he was supposed to come here. Sir Aaron had disappeared from the Ransei region five years ago. Because he hadn't returned and nobody ever saw him, he was announced dead. His body was never found. Ash's hometown was Pallet Town, where his mother, Delia, and he stayed in. Everyone in the town mourned except for Ash. For some reason, deep down inside him, he felt like his father was still out there. He hadn't disappeared. He was somewhere, maybe trapped or he was on a long journey that he couldn't return home. Ash thought that maybe following where the map told him to go would let him find his father, but he still had no luck. But everywhere he went, he keeps on getting pieces together. At first, he thought Team Rocket had something to do with it, but they didn't. He has a feeling The Dark Signers know where his father is. He needed more clues. He sighed and stood up and walked towards his room's window. He pulled away the curtains. He realized that the sun was going to come up. He hadn't slept at all. The Pokemon Center was near the sea. He looked out and saw a man on the shore looking out at the sea. Ash prepared to close the curtains and sleep, but then the man turned to him. Ash saw his father, Sir Aaron, looking at him.
"Dad?!" said Ash. He immediately ran out of his room and headed towards the shore. He got closer and closer to the man, who had his back turned to Ash.
"Dad, is that you?" asked Ash. The man turned to Ash. He didn't say a word. Instead, he pointed out to sea. Ash looked out and saw an island. He didn't understand.
"What-" asked Ash as he looked back at his father, who had disappeared. Ash looked around, and then he sighed.
"Ash!" yelled May behind him. He turned to see May heading towards him. She breathed heavily, and then angrily looked into his eyes.
"What was that for?" she asked. "You suddenly jumped up from your bed and ran away."
"How do you know that?" asked Ash.
"I was sleeping with you," said May. "You said I could. Last night I asked you, and you said yes." Ash thought, but then he did remember May coming into his room to ask him something, and for whatever she said, he absentmindedly said yes.
"Why'd you run off?" asked May. "You saw something?"
"I thought I saw..." said Ash as he looked back out to sea and still saw the island in the distance. He rubbed his eyes and continued to look out. He thought the island was just a figment of his imagination like when he saw his father, but the island was there. May followed his eyes and saw the island as well.
"You see it?' asked Ash.
"Yeah," said May. "Why?" Ash started to think. He began to think seeing his father was not because he was thinking of him. Now, he began to think that this was on purpose.
"Mirage Island?" Ash whispered.
"You're right," said May. "That's the island that women told us about. It only comes sometimes, maybe even years. We're lucky that we can see it from here." Ash just stared at it. He then pointed to it.
"We're no leaving yet."
"We're going to that island."
The man stood in the dark alley. He looked like he was waiting for something, always looking at the time. Finally, a portal opened up next to him. Out of the portal came another man, but his face was concealed by the hood of his black jacket.
"What do you want of me?" asked the man.
"I hear you're one of those good bounty hunters," said the other man in the jacket. "I know what you want. You want money, right? Sorry, but I don't have money for you."
"Then I guess you have no business with me," said the man as he started to walk away.
"I don't have money, but I can give you power," said the man in the jacket. The other man stopped and turned back to him.
"I'm listening."
"I want you to go to an island called Mirage Island," said the man in the black jacket. "It is off the coast of Sootopolis City. I want you to retrieve something for me over there. I have already sent two others to retrieve it, but I know they won't make it out alive. I need a professional."
"What do you want?"
"I want you to get the Blue Orb on the island. This orb will allow someone to gain control over the legendary Pokemon Kyorge. I'm devising a plan, and the more items I have, the more it is coming together. If you help me with this, I will give you the power I'm seeking. I hear you like power, am I wrong?"
The man nodded.
"Good. So how about it?"
"Who are you?"
"When certain people see me, they'll mistake me for being one of The Dark Signers. I have no affiliation with them at all, even if I bare the same clothing as them. This is for my own reasons."
"I cannot give that information away," said the man in the black jacket. "So what do you say?" The man turned to the other man as light finally shone down on him. The man in the black jacket could finally see him. He was a tall man with tanned skin. He had a short ponytail that was tied up. He had a serious expression on his face. He wore a simple, ancient clothing that had green and black scales that went down to his kneecaps and had no sleeves. He nodded.
"My name is Archie," said Archie. "I shall take up your offer."
Read On -
(I won't be bold lettered commenting until the end of the story).