Chapter 5: Back to Normal

"Hey kiddo! I was wondering when I'd see you again," She greeted, flashing a smile.

"Yeah, I guess," Gwen mumbled, looking away.

Sensing her sadness, the human looking Anodite frowned, "Why are you so glum? I have exciting news!"

"What is it?" She sighed, watching as Rook placed Ben down on a nearby hospital stretcher.

"Ben isn't truly dead," Verdona grinned, "His mana's only been used up!"

"Mana?" Gwen said confused, "I don't understand."

Max grinned, walking up to the girls, "I remember your grandma saying something about mana and.. I decided to call her up. I just hoped I wasn't wrong about it through but apparently I wasn't crazy. Your grandma can bring Ben back, fully healed."

"You.. You can?" She nearly screamed in happiness.

"Yes dear, but it requires all your Mana to be used from your body. Trying to restore a human takes hard work," She giggled with a wink. "And I think because of your cousin unlocking his Anodite body, it'll be a snap."

Gwen glanced over at Ben, "Do you think I could do it? I wanna be the one to restore him."

"Why of course. All you have to do is conjure up a ball full of mana and aim it at his chest. Hopefully that would be enough to awaken him," She informed and pushed her towards the dead body. "Go ahead."

Ignoring her grandma's creepiness, she approached her cousin, who looked about the same last time she studied him. Switching to her Anodite form, she created a large ball of pure energy and slowly lowered it above Ben's chest. And as she expected, her energy drained from her entire body to her cousin's.

But the result was beyond her imagination. The energy was immediately sucked into his body, mainly his heart. His eyes lit up with energy as a large explosion of energy blasted everyone back, blinding them as well. As soon as it was over, it revealed a repaired Ben, now showing signs of breathing. His chest rose steadily up and down to Gwen's happiness. His previous injuries from his wrist were now fixed, not a single bruise around his body.

And she nearly screamed at the sight when she saw him awaken, stretching and yawning. His eyes focused on the large group around him, jolting fully awake from fright.

"Huh? What?" He glanced at his hands and at his chest. "I'm.. alive?"

Gwen hugged him tight, kissing his cheek, "Of course you are doofus. I brought you back."

"What? How?" Ben looked down at his used to be broken wrist. "What happened to my wrist? Okay, how long was I out and what happened?"

"You were out for a couple minutes Ben. Verdona managed to come and tell me about putting mana into your body before you were lost forever. I.. I managed to do just so and it thankfully repaired all your injuries," She explained with a smile.

"What about the virus?"

"Hello Ben," Verdona greeted, ruffling the boy's hair. "Nice to see that you're an Anodite along with your cousin. And about that question, viruses need DNA to spread, when you turned Anodite the first time, you managed to kill most of it but there was some already in your brain. But when Gwen added energy to your body, it eliminated all of it, leaving you clean."

Ben's eyes widened, "So I'm safe? I don't have to worry anymore about that monster or the virus? I'm.. I'm okay?"

"You're perfectly healthy. Just like a couple weeks ago," She assured with a slight pat on his head, "Who knew there was another Anodite in the family? Guess you do have the spark kiddo. Sorry for doubting you."

He chuckled, "It's okay Grandma. Just.. don't force me to go to Anodyne with you. I don't want to relive you trying to kill Gwen's human body just to make her go."

The old Anodite waved it away, "I understand you both. You kids are still teenagers; I hated when my parents forced me to do things I didn't want, so I won't force it on you both.. just for that sake."

Gwen rolled her eyes, "Don't think about it Grandma Verdona. Me and Ben still have a life to live even though were Anodites. If we ever need help, we'll call you through the Mana Field."

Verdona giggled and gave a small peck to Max's temple, "Well see you all. I still have much to do on my world. Ta-Ta for now kiddies!" She vanished in a spark of pink light and left Max, Gwen, Ben and Rook to themselves.

Ben glanced down at his repaired body and grinned, "You think Mr. Smoothy's is still open? I'm super starved."

"Smoothies still? You were just dead and nearly begging for your life out there. There's something seriously messed up with your brain," Gwen shook her head sadly.

The brunette shrugged, "Nothing wrong with that. Now c'mon. The faster we get there, the faster I can try the new smoothies on the menu!" He already rushed off, heading towards the garage downstairs.

Rook and Gwen glanced at each other with confusion until she sighed, "We better go before Ben goes Anodite and tries to fly there on his own."

"Aren't skilled Anodites only able to fly?"

"Ben doesn't know that. We better hurry before he tries to test that theory."

They had arrived at Mr. Smoothy's, to Ben's disappointment and excitement. The brunette had tried to turn into his alien self and jump off of Rook's truck to get there only for Gwen to trap him in a mana sphere and shove him inside the truck instead. He had received a major scolding about himself being reckless and Gwen soon explaining about having Anodite powers. He learned basically nothing, as he had been staring off into nothing, just dreaming about the newest smoothie creation.

The teen had jumped into line and had ordered for the three of them, a couple strawberry banana smoothies with a couple of cucumber chocolates for himself. Gwen had gagged at the smell and sight of the newest smoothie and had demanded Ben sit in a different booth closest to them. He had done it reluctantly and began a cross table conversation with Rook and Gwen once more.

Afterwards they began to stroll around Downtown Bellwood, Ben being completely bored. He fiddled with the omnitrix until Gwen interrupted his thoughts, "What are you doing? Are you trying to break that thing again?"

"No," He muttered and glanced down at the watch, "But it's not working. It would usually show my normal aliens that I've unlocked but I can't even activate it. Something's wrong."

"Do you think it has something to do with Azmuth?" Rook asked, jumping into the conversation.

Ben shrugged, "I have no idea but I hope it works soon. I'm starting to miss my old powers."

"Stupid children. Stupid alien heritage. Stupid boy," The man growled as he rubbed his head. "Stupid spell."

He glanced up at a nearby small ship pulling beside him and he strolled over to it with an angered expression, "What took you so long? I asked for you to be here an hour ago."

"Getting into the Null Void with a full sized cruiser isn't a easy thing to do. How about you try it next time?" The man who had appeared once the doors open said. His face was scrunched up in annoyance as he guided the man towards the control center. Sometimes he wondered why he bothered working for this selfish brute. Then he remembered the amount he was paid by this guy and kept quiet.

"No matter. I didn't complete the mission I had set for myself. Now I've got more problems to add to my plan," He growled as he arrived at the ship's dock. There was only one person working the controls and that man happened to be one of his best workers. "How are you Cernain? You haven't wrecked the ship I bought yet right?"

The captain glanced behind him and chuckled to himself, his eyes staring straight ahead. "Of course not. Why'd I ever do that? This ship's a beauty."

"Good that this is satisfactory. I would just hate for this to be below my expectations," He glanced at the scenery and placed a hand on the captain's seat. "Off to HQ; I have unfinished business at home."

"How's the Head going to take this? He won't be happy to hear you failed on your own mission," Cernain asked with worried look.

He exhaled, "The Head'll forgive me. It's not everyday you learn your prey is a freaking alien as well. That boy's lucky he got the slip on me. Luckily I managed to give him a piece of my mind before I left."

"You finished the job,, Magent?"

"No. I may have killed him but knowing his stupid cousin and himself are energy beings, they'll easily just fix the problem with a snap. That boy's got to be alive," He seethed, clenching his teeth and curling his fingers around the chair's fabric. "But that boy will suffer. He will come back, dead or alive in my fingers. That's a promise to you sir. Ben Tennyson will rue the day he messed with me."

Days after the incident, everything had slowly returned to normal. Ben had soon been reunited with his parents at home and began to stay there instead of the dingy room he had at Plumber HQ. He had returned to school to continue his two year late education, which had nearly shocked many at the sudden appearance. He had arrived on the news promptly, many having headlines such as 'Our hero; back for good?' or 'Where has the hero been?' He was once again scolded by the news critic, Will Harangue, saying he had been plotting and taking over countless universes during that two year gap.

And too Ben's confusion, he had started missing everything in his old life. He had missed the overbearing media constantly on his back, the weird looks he always gained from his peers and the hate he had received from many aliens in Undertown. He had missed everything.. and it seemed as if nothing had honestly changed. Everything seemed exactly has he had remembered it.

Rook had noticed his over-gleefulness and had pulled him over one time, asking if he was 'alright'. Ben had just simply shrugged and replied 'Never better.' He wasn't sure to take it as a sign of truth or lie but he had ignored it, just for Ben's sake.

Ben had regained his old Plumber job, fighting aliens with his newly acquired Anodite powers instead of the omnitrix, which had stopped mysterious working. He had contacted Azmuth earlier, only to receive voicemail instead to his disappointment. Working at Plumber HQ was indeed different, Rook being overly popular with many other Plumbers. It had slightly bothered Ben but he knew he didn't have a choice in who Rook hung out with. He was just happy, Rook had started to learn some 'earth' slang.

He had stopped at Mr. Smoothy's before arriving at work, only to see Rook hanging out with some new alien girls he had never seen before. He had gotten out of his car and walked behind his partner, who was continuing to chat with them.

"Oh Rook, I can't believe you saved the legendary Ben Tennyson! You must be like a super hero or something. You would save me right? If I ever was in trouble?" A Kineceleran batted her eyelashes as Rook just glanced off somewhere else.

She didn't get an answer as the teen interrupted their flirting session.

Ben frowned, "Eh hem. Ladies, if you wouldn't mind leaving my partner alone so we can get to our job."

The XLR8 alien frowned at him and glanced back at Rook, "Call me Blonko." She walked away along with her friends, who headed towards the cafeteria down the hall.

"What was that about?" The omnitrix wielder said, interrupting Rook's thoughts. The Revonnahgander shrugged and started towards his truck. Sensing that his partner didn't want to talk about it for some strange reason, he rushed after him and jumped in front of his walking path. "Didn't you hear me? What was that all about? Where you flirting with those girls?"

Rook halted in his tracks and glanced at the truck in the distance. His eyes glanced down at his partner's green ones and he raised his arms defensively. "Those girls have flirted with me ever since you had went missing. It was usually just once a month, week and day but those girls have come everyday in their free time to see me."

"And you've been on a date with one of them before?"

"Yes, it was most unpleasant however. Mostly they just care about me because I was connected to you but then they started coming to me because of my fame of being one of the topmost Plumbers in the galaxy. I had stopped dating them a while ago and focused on my Plumber career," Rook scratched his head.

"Oh, you must of been a great Plumber while I was gone. Now c'mon, let's get going," Ben mumbled as he started towards the car.

A strong hold on his arm stopped him as he turned back to face his partner. "Ben, I was trying to somewhat impersonate you. You were the only reason I had continued working as a Plumber. You were the one that had inspired to become what I am today. I have been listening to your countless stories on the Extranet before you had even knew that you were acquiring fame. I could have never quit.. and I had always thought maybe one day I would see you again before I had died or retired. Thankfully that had come true."


"When I had learned I was your partner, I had swore that I would protect you with my life. Not just to your grandpa, your family but especially to myself. You were the only person that made me look forward to being a Plumber and accomplishing more than I ever had dreamed. Thank you Ben, you've been a great inspiration in my life," Rook finished.

"Are you trying to quit or something?" Ben cocked his head, narrowing his eyes.

"I would never quit."

The teen grinned, "Thanks Rook. I honestly never knew I could make such a difference to anyone's life. It's nice to know, that while I was gone, I still managed to influence other people."

"No problem partner. I remember I still owe a certain hero a smoothie," Rook punched Ben's shoulder lightly.

"Last one there is a rotten egg," Ben called as he darted towards the truck.

Not understanding what his partner had said, he sprinted after the truck, managing to reach before he had. The teen huffed and crossed his arms. He got into the truck but turned away, trying to make Rook feel bad. Only for it to backfire as Rook chuckled, "I have gotten used to your human 'expressions' but you should not think you are indeed faster than me. I have won many marathons as your people say, on my planet. I was one of the best."

"No need to get all braggy about it. Let's just go already."

I think I'm going to end it here. I don't have alot of inspiration for this story anymore so.

Thanks for all the support, you guys are amazing!
