A/N: Onward to chapter two. I should mention that though it somewhat centers on Lewis/Zed, its going to have the other Purveyors perspectives and my headcanon histories/past for them.
Disclaimer: None of these characters belong to me
Lewis sighed, looking below as Zed and Vikke once more argued about trivial things. Mariska was busy feeding her zombified chickens and Jonesy was probably with a few Zombie gals.
The strongest Purveyor stretched out his limbs and leaned against Elly, his motorcycle. He watched in interest as Zed's eyes seemed to glow brightly in passion at the topic at hand.
It was something Lewis loved. Something he craved. Something he yearned for. And he had found varying passions in his four fellow undead.
Lewis closed his eyes, losing himself in memories. These had not been his first comrades. No there had been other zombies that had yearned the title of "Dark Purveyor" in the past, but they had all perished, leaving only Lewis. The zombie sometimes even believed that he was the original first Purveyor. But, he remembered that had been someone else's title, until they had fallen in battle.
Unlike many of the undead that roamed the Rotten world, Lewis remembered everything quite clearly. Perfect memory…Lewis would be quick to tell you that its a curse. From the time of his days as one of the living, to his unfortunate demise, to his fucked up version of a "second chance" in the Rotten world. He remembered it like it had been yesterday.
"F-Fuck…..Hehe I fucked up bad this time huh?" Lewis rasped, attempting to shove the curved metal he was embedded out of the way. His limbs felt vaguely numb, a warning that should have triggered some flags in his mind. It had taken several hours to dig himself out of what used to be his old motorcycle, Nero.
"Can't believe I lived through tha-Wait where the fuck am I?" He groaned, holding onto his head as he collapsed onto the ground.
A good look into the rusty colored puddle next to him finally sent him into alarm. Patches of skin missing, pale blue eyes, and an unhealthy pale glow. To say he may have had a panic attack was an understatement.
Two years.
It had taken Lewis two years to figure out what he was exactly, and where he was. Accepting the fact that he was dead had been hard, but not as hard as accepting that he was part of something believed to be a myth, a Zombie. Accepting that he had a craving for flesh (Living, Undead, it didn't matter, although living tasted oh so much better).
Many of the undead he had encountered were vague on answering his questions, usually just spouting nonsense of some sort. So with a motorcycle he had built from the scraps of his old one and various junk yards he raided, he rode along the Rotten world version of what would be 'America.' He had went as far as the Ocean point, in all its greenish glory.
Another year he spent roaming the lands, until he came across a large pit that seemed endless. He had dropped a few items and even some of his fellow zombies into it just for kicks. That is until it started rumbling, and then he met it.
The king of the Undead, of everything rotten and cruel and just plain evil, KillaBilly.
The giant had rose from the depths of the pit, stretching out its limbs as if it had just been taking a long nap. Its had slipped off its shades to give a long hard glance at Lewis, who had been too in shock at the time to do anything, after all he had never encountered something like KillaBilly before. Then the giant undead mass of flesh leaned down as close to his level as it could, and gave a hard jab to his stomach, before it used its other hand to reach down into the pit where it had come from and brought up a book.
KillaBilly handed the flesh-bound book to Lewis with as much care as the behemoth could muster before it retreated back into the dark abyss it had come from.
It had taken a few minutes for the initial shock to wear off before Lewis snapped himself out of it and leaned against his motorcycle, snapping the bindings (Which he was absolutely positive were intestines) off the book, and then he opened it and began reading.
And he learned everything.