Saving one…. Destroying the other

DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything to do with once upon a time. Wish I did because if I did season 2 would be starting Sunday.

SUMMARY: Takes place just after Regina brakes the curse by kissing Henry. Emma and her parent's relationship, could be in jeopardy.

David stood pacing the corridor, as the gurney disappeared. His, images of what Snow had told him she had seen during her 5 and a half months with Emma, but also the images of every interaction he had with Emma since they had come back to Storybrooke. His every action and word being replayed, in slow motion. He had been so consumed by not letting anything happen to his second child that he hadn't thought about what he was doing to his first born. Regina had Henry cuddled into her side trying to comfort the crying boy, Snow was cradling Neal, as guilt was starting to consume her. Hook however was unsure of what he should do, or feel. He was worried about Emma, but he didn't know what to do with himself.

After what felt like hours Dr Whale finally came out of the OR to see them. Before he could be bombarded with questions he said. "emma is in recovery and she is fine." He paused for a moment watching as the tension left every body that had stood before him. Even Regina visably relaxed which if the circumstances were different Whale might have laughed.

Although Whale knew Snow was Emmas next of kin being an adult and her mother, he knelt before Henry and spoke directly to the young man, he just made sure he spoke loud enough for everyone to hear.

"there was one thing Henry that I think you need to know." Whale was going to draw it out a little but seeing the worry return to Henry face he quickly continued. "Your baby Brother, has a baby sister." He glanced at everyone in turn waiting for the penny to drop, he saw the realization hit the adults but poor Henry who had been so worried about his mum hadn't managed to grasp what, had been said.

"The twins," Whale began. That one word got Henrys attention as he mouthed the word twins. "are both small, but everything seems fine. Emma is unconscious and will be transferred back to her room shortly. As for your baby brother and sister, they are being checked out, weighed, and measured and things like that but once you mum is awake we should be able to bring them in to her for a little while."

Whale smiled as he went to walk away, and leave the family to bask in the news that all was well.

"Whale." He heard his name being called so he stopped and waited.

"When we were checking Emma, there was no sign of twins." Regina said

"the girl is smaller than the boy, and I can imagine that she was hidden behind the boy."

"The blood?" Regina asked with a quirked eyebrow.

"Not as it seems. There was very little blood. But it just so happed that the girls amniotic sack burst around the same time so it diluted the blood and made it seem like there was much more than there was." Whale replied, and although he knew he shouldn't discuss Emma with Regina, it had been Regina who had been keeping an eye on the fetal monitor whilst Emma was asleep.

With a nod of her head Regina walked back towards Henry leaving Whale to go about his work.

Emma was brought back to her room, but the nurse had advised everyone to go get some sleep, since it was just after 2am, and Emma would probably sleep for a few hours yet.

No one wanted to leave Emma alone, and so the all started to complain and say they weren't tired, which the nurse just laughed at as the fatigue was plain to see on everyone's face. A decision was made that since Emma's room had a chairs then one person could stay and use them as a bed. Henry had been adamant that he stay, but he was easily convinced that when Emma and the babies came home she would need extra help since there were two, and he probably would get much sleep, so he should go home and rest now while he had the chance. Although he still wanted to stay with his mum the prospect of helping his mum out with the twins, had him agreeing to go home. With Henry going home, Regina was also going, that left Just Snow or David since everyone in the room knew that even though Emma trusted Hook more than her parents they weren't about to let him stay.

Since Snow blamed herself, because she had been the one talking to Emma when everything had happened let David stay with Emma. She had so much wanted to stay and be there when her daughter woke up but she feared that she could send Emma into a panic again.

Regina, Hook and Henry went back to Regina's in the car they came in, Snow who had intended to go with Regina remembered that Neal's car sit was still in the truck so she decided to just drive that. Snow hadn't thought about her driving so when she ended up at Regina's house and not her flat she just unbuckled Neal and went in the house.

Emma could feel herself waking up, hearing the steady beeps of a machine, and the feeling of someone holding her hand. She never opened her eyes, she just lay there piecing together everything that had happened. She could hear someone talking but not being fully awake could only make a few words out. Her name being one, and the words, son needs mother being the others.

A memory formed and suddenly Emma's eyes opened wide and when she saw that her hand was in David's she yanked it away. The fierceness of pulling her hand from his jarred her body and sent pain shooting from her stomach as that was where she had jerked her hand to.

Seeing the flash of pain in his daughters eyes david spoke in a comforting voice.

"em, calm down, everything is fine. You had an emergency C section but…."

"why." Emma interrupted him

Not knowing what he should tell her so she wouldn't panic he started. "The babie…"

"No why are you here. Shouldn't you be with your son and wife?"

"No Neal is fine, with Snow and I needed to be here."

"Why, to tell me that it's a good thing Snows alright."

David realized then that Emma must have heard what he had said to her when snow first went into the magical coma.

"Emma please, I didn't mean it like that, I was just worried and…."

"So you didn't mean it when you told me she had better be alright, because YOUR son needs his mother. I gave my life for YOUR son and was willing to leave MY son without a mother, and yet by some magical crap, I didn't die but was put in some sort of come, where you still felt the need to issue a warning, for something I had no control over. I didn't even know YOUR wife was gonna be there. But here goes, I am sorry your son had to spend a 20 mins away from his parents, I am sorry that the savior failed you, and I am sorry, that your wife chose to come into my memories, without my permission I might add, and leave your son for however long she was there. But most of all I am sorry you felt the need to have to stay her and not be with your family, now I am awake I have a choice, and I chose for you to get out."

"Emma." David tried but Emma had closed her eyes signifying that the conversation was over. With a sigh he got up from the chair and made his way to the door.

"You have nothing to be sorry for Emma, I do. I will spend as long as it takes to make you see how sorry I am, and how much I love you." Was the last thing he said as he closed the door to Emma's room, and walked straight into a car seat carrying Snow.

so snow was stood outside emmas room, but how for how long and what did she hear?