Disclaimer: I Do Not Own Glee or any of the characters involved.

Hello FF World, I have returned! Few things about this fic: This is not exactly canon, but there are some things that will line up. I've very recently become obsessed with the song "Still Into You" and immediately wanted to write sort of a Finchel take on it! This is the result of my obsession. I hope that you will enjoy!

Rachel Berry sat alone in her queen sized bed, gazing at the picture of the beautiful, dark haired man on the screen of her laptop. His charming smile lifted the right side of his face, and his eyes seemed to sparkle right at her, sending a storm of butterflies into her stomach, even through the slightly smudged screen of the computer. Then again maybe that had something to do with the fact that right next to Finn Hudson, 'drummer for the hottest new band 'McKinley Boys' who had already taken the industry by storm' stood Rachel, a beaming smile on her face as she looked up at him. She smiled softly as she reached out a finger, stroking the pad over his mega pixel face.

Rachel knew that it wasn't real, and she should get no sort of gratification from the gesture, but against all logic it managed to make her smile widen. She had photo-shopped this picture of the two of them together months ago when she found out that his band was going on tour and considered it a prized possession ever since. She had set the picture as her profile on Twitter so that each time she tweeted the boys there was a chance of them seeing it, he obviously hadn't so far though. So it was one of her plans to show the beautifully manipulated picture to him in person at a meet and greet and let him see firsthand how adorable of a couple they would make. Honestly, they both had beautiful dark hair, and his prominent cheekbones, perfectly shaped nose, and favorable skin complexion would cancel out her 'larger nose' gene and mix with her own features to make for gorgeous children between the two of them. He was bound to realize this when he finally saw the picture.

It just wouldn't be logical if he didn't.

She had been preparing for this tour for months now, saving every bit of money that her family afforded her; which was a generous amount when both of your dads were successful lawyers. Not to mention her own cash she had saved up from working at the local diner. She had earned a fair amount of tip money from singing happy birthday to the customers or any requests that were occasionally brought up from loyal guests (like her dads or Mr. Schuester). In any case, her summer budget was taken care of, and she had already scored the best tickets that she could find online. She just knew this summer would be the summer to change her world, to make everything fall into place the way they were supposed to. She would meet the man of her dreams again, if it took everything she had.

Finn and his band may be new to the headlines, and the adoring fans around the United States, but he was no new star to Rachel. She remembered the first time that she had seen Finn Hudson like it was yesterday.

She was a freshman at the time, walking down the hall of McKinley high school. She was clutching her books to her chest with her arms wrapped around them and herself tightly, trying to remain as invisible as possible from the group of jocks that were heading her way. They had a horrendously unfortunate habit of tossing slushees in her face for no apparent reason besides the fact that they felt superior enough that it should be tolerated. They knew nothing about her, not even her name probably, just that she was different from them, and that was good enough. It was always a danger when she saw any few of them walking around, but they were in a big group now, a surefire sign that trouble was coming. Unfortunately Rachel had just washed her hair and styled it the day before, and worn her new black turtleneck sweater; she definitely didn't want any of that ruined. She had actually used the spare outfit that was usually stored in her locker for such occasions just a few days before when the hockey team had decided to give her a slushee facial, so she really couldn't afford another attack so soon.

Out of the corner of her eye she watched as the jock on the edge closest to her, a heavyset guy with a buzzcut nudged the closest boy beside him, gesturing at Rachel. Her body tensed up as she clutched her books tighter, chanting 'please don't notice me' in her mind. It quickly became apparent however that they had noticed her and undoubtedly chosen her as a target since the boys hand holding the hidden large slushee started to rise. Rachel closed her eyes and took a deep breath, preparing herself for what was to come, there really was no use fighting it. Instead of feeling the icy cold sting across her cheeks however, she peeked over to find that another boy, a tall, dark haired boy with kind eyes now had his hand on her potential attackers forearm. His eyes weren't on Rachel, but instead on something or someone farther down the hallway; she definitely wasn't going to look back for fear that it was part of the trick. She chose to keep her eyes on the devastatingly handsome boy who had seemingly saved her, averting the others attention past her and onto whoever the new unfortunate victim would be.

Rachel had studied him hard that day, absorbing the chestnut color of his messy hair, the slight freckles that dusted his beautifully sculpted cheeks, his perfectly shaped mouth, his tall stature that dwarfed her own, but most of all she remembered his kind, warm eyes. He'd offered her the tiniest, yet somehow most heart squeezing of smiles as the group moved past her. She caught a whiff of his cologne in his passing as well, and of it's own accord her body had turned around to face his moving back.

The poor kid who actually received what should have been her facial, a small, well dressed boy who always made the mistake of wearing designer clothes to school at the worst of times, actually growled when he was hit by the icy beverage. From across the hall she could hear the jocks all guffawing loudly, taunting the boy even as they stalked away through the hall. All of them except one.

Her savior, the tall, kind eyed boy, had stayed a little farther behind the group. Her heart flipped as she watched him, bending down to pick up the boys bag which must have been spared from an ice bath. He handed the designer bag to the smaller boy, who was also frozen in what looked like shock, with a polite nod.

"Sorry dude" the handsome boy had whispered before shuffling away in the direction his friends had gone. Even his voice sounded like magic.

His simple, kindhearted actions that day had set him apart from the rest of the world for Rachel. From that day forward she was obsessed with the gorgeous boy, and the exact opposite of what she had been chanting moments before she laid eyes on him soon became her most desperate wish.

Please notice me.

She only saw him occasionally with the jocks at school after that, especially when he had taken the school by storm and joined the Glee Club. It was unheard of that the most popular Senior on campus, the quarterback of the school's football team would join a group of the most outcast kids at school; nobody had any idea why he would make such a bold and insane move. The whole situation had caused an uproar, but surprisingly days later a few of the other boys from the team had joined with him as well. Rachel had been wanting to audition for a while, but held off because of the nutcase director, Mr. Sandy, that ran the club. It was obvious that he was a closet case and only gave any solos to the boys in the club anyway. Now however, that the club had a new director, and her potential soulmate had joined up, she was even more set on becoming a part of that Glee Club and befriend the guy who had become the sole star of her dreams.

Her audition was very successful, but she had to suffer through a week of regular school days before Tuesday when the Glee Club was set to meet and rehearse. On her very first day of rehearsal, the day she'd dreamed of, after an hour of learning that Finn was easy on the eyes and ears, but most certainly not the most apt on his feet, her moment was stolen. When Mr. Schuester, the director, announced that the old disco song they had been rehearsing was what they were to perform before the school at the next assembly, it caused a bit of a panic for the boys. In fear that performing such an uncool song in front of the whole school would ruin their reputations once and for all, they had all left rehearsal that day and never returned.

The boys had formed their own band together outside of school when they learned that they each could play an instrument as well as sing. They became popular in the community, and it turned out Mr. Schuester even attended some of their rehearsals to help them get up on their feet. It wasn't long after that they had saved up enough money to move their band on the road. Months later and they were playing bigger and bigger gigs until they made it into the bright city lights of L.A. and hit the big time.

The McKinley boys were legend at McKinley high school; their story was recalled in every music class offered, and Mr. Schuester had posters of them up in his Spanish Class as well as the Glee Club classroom. Rachel lived off of those posters all through high school, Finn's drummer face distracting her from many a lesson in Spanish class as well as Glee Club rehearsal. She would never admit it to anyone, but some of her most passionate solos had been given while stealing glances at his picture up on the wall. It was like she was singing right to him through time and space, and each time that feeling shone through and added to her performance. This was the case all four years of singing in high school, her connection towards the boy in the pictures never wavering. No matter which boy at or outside of school showed her attention, which honestly, wasn't very often since she was very busy with school work and strengthening her voice, Finn was the only one that really made her heart smile. Anytime she saw a new picture of him online, or listened to his voice coming through her speakers, he stole the show for her.

Rachel had never given up on what the boys left behind of the club even though it ultimately never went far. Finn and the boys obviously saw potential in the club to join in the first place, and Mr. Schuester really helped her to nurture her voice, she was grateful for that. She held onto her dreams of becoming a singer, her ambition particularly strong since she had seen so closely the success that could come to small town people with big enough dreams, through none other than those boys.

Her dream now that she had just graduated though, was to use the summer to regain the moment that had been stolen from her more than three years ago. She had purchased tickets to multiple shows on the boys tour, and had managed to score a couple of meet and greets as well. Everything was finally coming together. Somehow, Finn Hudson would finally notice her, there was no getting around it.

Thank you for reading! I hope that you are enjoying!

Not quite sure when I'll get to update, it's Finals week for me, but hopefully it'll be soon!