"BakaMaka! Miss me?" my head shot up from my book, a scowl replacing the small smile I currently had from reading,
"BlackyStar! No. I just saw you before school." He stopped running, his smile falling to a thrown
"I AM YOUR GOD FOOLISH BAKA!-" And freeze! Now everyone can go back to their peace.
"MAKA-CHOP!" I hit him with my copy of Romeo and Juliet, then ran into the school to find my Uncle Stein, who happened to be a teacher here. the creepiest one, apparently. But towards me he was a loving God-Father. But back to the task at hand, we were getting a new kid today, and like usually, I got to show them around. But that wasn't the only thing, my old friends who were like my brothers (besides Black*Star) were also returning today! It was gonna be great! I rounded the corner and headed into his classroom.
"Hey Uncle Stein! Is the new kid here yet? What about Chrona and Ragnarok?" He nodded no both times, I sat down in his rolly chair like he usually does and took it out into the empty halls, thanks to summer no one wanted to stay in much, even though we lived in the dessert.
"Maka! Remember to bring my chair back! And their bus will be here soon!" I waved back to him going faster as I heard him twisting the screw in his head. I shivered 'uh I will never get used to that sound, even if I've been listening to it for 16 years!' on my way out the school I took the awkward-meant-for-a-trolley-but-used-for-wheel-chairs escalator thing, it was slow but fun.
Eventually I rolled into Black*Star which lead to me being pushed around the school yard, until the bus came with our 2 friends and new guy! He ran me to the bus just as Ragnarok hopped out, I jumped up and hugged him laughing, he started to spin me around laughing to, when he let me down I saw he was still goth, and very fit. I looked over to Chrona to see his long pink bangs, he was still tiny as a stick and quite shy.
"Hey guys!" they went off to talk to Black*Star and go see the rest of the gang, while I went to go and meet this new kid. I looked around following the gazes and gossip till I found him. When I did, I knew he would be part of the Spartoi group, otherwise known as the cool kids. How I knew? He was cool and badass. He had shocking white hair sticking up every which way, naturally nice tan skin, which is saying a lot because I'm not one for tans.
"Hey I'm Maka, I'm supposed to show you around, and get you into the right group." I held my hand out to him as he turned, and when he did, I couldn't hold my tongue. He had red eyes, and his smirk showed of shark teeth
"WOAH! I was right! You are cool and badass, if your personality fits I think I might know where you fit in best!" he looked a little taken back but soon recovered going back to a poker face.
"Oh really now? And what would that be Ma-Ka? The freaks?" my blood boiled, 1) they weren't called freaks here they were called, Rarities. 2) I hated the nickname
"Actually their called Rarities here, and no you might just be part of Spartoi! The pops here Mr. John Doe"
"It's Soul. And I rather stay with some people like the guys on the bus, besides I'm supposed to be meeting their friends." 'perfect'
"Then you are Spartoi! We didn't become popular from being like the Stuck-Ups, god only they like each other, c'mon!" I grabbed his hand and started to drag him to our hangout room. 'I think a beautiful friendship my just start'
But little to Maka's knowledge, the same thought was running through Soul's head.