I dashed down the muddy street feeling dirt and water hit my clothes and face as I ran. The villagers were getting closer and if they caught me I'd be in so much trouble. I don't even remember why I'm being chased, I mean aside from the obvious reasons. They did think I was some kind of evil demon all because of these weird powers. I didn't ask for these powers; I don't even want them.

I bolted around a corner, slipping into an alley, and crouched behind some crates transforming quickly.

"Where'd she go?" the mob leader growled.

"She has to be around here somewhere," another snapped.

Using the alley shadows to my advantage I slunk along the wall as the men searched.

"There she is!" someone shouted pointing at me as I bolted down the empty street towards a large group surrounding the bar/inn near the docks.

Maybe if I could sneak past them I could hide in some traveler's room until everything calms down again.

-Marco's POV-

I sighed as I tried to explain that no, my companion was not dead, he was just asleep. They were a relatively old fashioned group, the women wearing plain dresses that covered every inch of skin aside from their faces and hands and the men in knee length boots that they tucked their pants into with long sleeved shirts.

A group of men with pitchforks ran up to the crowd waving their arms frantically. "The Demon Child! She's here. The Demon's loose!" everyone screamed and started looking around in a panic.

Demon? I arched an eyebrow as a small black streak darted between everyone's feet and disappeared under my companion's hat. Well, Ace isn't going to like having a demon under his hat and what was that nonsense about a Demon Child? I sighed as I returned to my seat and waited for him to wake up.

-Ace's POV-

I sat up groggily wiping rice off my face, "I fell asleep."

I glanced at the men searching the room, knocking over tables and ransacking the bar in back.

"Yes you did –yoi," Marco nodded taking a lazy sip from his mug.

"What's going on with them?" I nodded towards the villagers.

"Looking for the Demon under your hat -yoi," he chuckled.

"Demon?" I asked skeptically.

"That's what they said. They're looking for a Demon Child –yoi," he rose to his feet gesturing for me to leave with him as we headed up to his room.

-Demon Child OC'S POV-

I closed my eyes breathing deeply as I felt my heart rate start to return to normal as I curled under the bright orange fabric of the first person I'd seen upon entering the bar. He moved suddenly rising to his feet, my reflex was to dig my claws in to prevent myself from being thrown off.

"Ow," he complained shaking his head slightly.

"What is it -yoi?" another voice asked.

"This Demon doesn't like me moving," he kept complaining as he walked.

I think he was going upstairs.

"Well we're here so you can let it out now –yoi," they stopped and next thing I knew I was sitting on a bed in the upturned hat that had previously been my shelter.

"A cat? The Demon they're freaking out about is a cat?" the shirtless one asked in shock.

"I'm not just a cat," I transformed back to my human form, frowning.