The Effects of Stress

Harry sat in his Defense Against the Dark Arts, listening to Professor Snape's lecture on the three Unforgivable Curses. He had glanced Harry's way when he mentioned the Killing Curse and how there was only one person to survive it. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were all sitting in the middle classroom, Harry and Hermione sitting at one desk with Ron sitting across from Hermione with Neville.

As usual, Hermione was taking notes, while Harry and Ron didn't bother as Hermione would be giving them copies of the notes. Harry glanced at Hermione's notes for a second while Professor Snape was writing the day's homework assignment on the board.

He turned his attention back to Professor Snape's lecture, but a peculiar lurched in his stomach stopped him in his tracks. Grimacing, he looked down at his belly as a wave of nausea washed over him. His stomach churned unpleasantly. He just wished Professor Snape would end his class so he could leave. He didn't know how much longer he could keep from vomiting all over the classroom.

He wanted to lay his head down on the table, maybe he'd feel better. But as he was Professor Snape's lease favorite student or person, in general, made a target.

He started breathing through his nose, not trusting himself to breathe through his mouth. He pressed a hand to his stomach, rubbing in circles, hoping this would help. This only made his stomach hurt more and gurgle all the more. Harry winced as his stomach churned even more, unpleasant as before.

Hermione heard Harry's quicken breath, glancing over to see the distress her friend was suffering from. She waited until Professor Snape's back was turned when she tapped Harry's shoulder. When he looked her way, she mouthed, "Are you alright?"

Harry shook his head.

This surprise Hermione as Harry usually never flat out said he didn't feel good.

Luckily for Harry, the bell rang signaling the end of class. Professor Snape announced that for homework, they were to write an essay on the Unforgivable Curses. The class collectively groaned in response and began to leave.

Harry got up from his seat slowly, removing his hand from his stomach. He followed Hermione and Ron out of the classroom, down the corridors towards the Great Hall.

Hermione paused to allow Harry to catch up. "Are you sick?"

Harry shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know."

Hermione had a feeling Harry wasn't being truthful with her but knew Ginny would get it out of him. Harry would never lie to Ginny out of fear of being hexed. Bat Boogey Hexed.

Ron, who had been sitting at the desk with Neville, joined them as headed towards the Great Hall for lunch. He reached for Hermione's hand. She took it with a smile.

"Do you want to eat in the Great Hall or go outside? Ron asked Hermione. Much to the relief and amusement of everyone in Gryffindor tower, Ron and Hermione were finally dating.

"I don't know….."

Harry didn't catch what Hermione had said as another lurch from his stomach made him stop in his tracks, causing him to hold his stomach. The thought of food, made his stomach roll, but he still followed Ron and Hermione to the Great Hall, if nothing to try to eat something despite feeling half sick.

But the smell of food caused Harry to feel all the more nauseous, causing him to stop outside the Great Hall, deciding it was best that he didn't try to eat. His stomach was telling him it wasn't a good idea to eat as it would just come back up no sooner than it went down.

"Hey guys," Harry called to his friends. At his voice, they turned around, concerned when they noticed Harry looked pale, looking like he was going to throw up at any moment.

"What is it, Harry?" Hermione asked.

"I don't feel good. I think I'm going to Gryffindor tower to lie down," Harry said.

Hermione suddenly knew what was going on. "Harry I asked if you were alright when we left Snape's class. Why didn't you say anything?"

"I didn't want to worry you," Harry explained, his stomach churned, cramping as he tried to fight the urge to bend over.

"What's wrong?" Ron inquired.

"My stomach feels upset. I feel nauseated. I'm not going to potions either. Could you tell Ginny for me?" Harry asked.

"Sure mate," Ron assured him.

"I'll tell Professor Slughorn that you're not feeling well. Feel better soon, Harry," Hermione said.

They watched Harry head back to Gryffindor tower, both a little concerned for their friend. When Harry was out of sight they glanced at each other, knowing the other was just as concerned as they were.

Harry headed on up to Gryffindor tower, his stomach rolling angrily, cramping painfully.

As he headed to Gryffindor tower, he ran into Professor McGonagall.

"Potter, are you alright?" she asked, concerned

"I'm not feeling very well, Professor. I'm heading back to my dorm to lie down. I told Hermione and she's going to cover me for Potions." Harry winced when he felt his stomach lurch and he felt like he was going to be sick at any moment. He didn't want to throw up in the presence of his head of house.

Professor McGonagall patted Harry's back sympathetically, asked he would be okay on his own and if he needed help to the tower. He said he will be fine, politely declined her help.

"If you feel worse, please visit the hospital wing," Professor McGonagall directed. "Feel better soon, Potter."

"Thank you."

Harry headed on to Gryffindor tower, hoping he would make it before he threw up. Finally, Harry made it to Gryffindor tower and was in front of the Fat Lady's portrait.

"Fiddlesticks," He stammered.

The Fat Lady portrait opened, allowing Harry to enter Gryffindor tower. He went up to the sixth year boys' dorm, walking over to his bed, where he changed out of his uniform and into an old Quidditch T-shirt and a pair of jogging pants. He tossed the clothes he wore that morning in the hamper next to his bed and laid down.

He curled into a ball, wrapping his arms around his abdomen.

Suddenly, Harry felt his stomach churn. He slapped a hand over his mouth, rushing to the bathroom, making it to the first stall as he started to throw up. Once he was done, Harry stood up shakily, flushing the toilet. He walked over to the sink rinsing his mouth out and then washed his hands and face.

Returning to the dorm, Harry walked back over to his bed and laid down.

"I wish Ginny was here." He groaned as his stomach rolled angrily. Harry laid down in his bed, holding his belly, wishing Ginny was with him.


Ginny left her Potions class, heading to the Great Hall for lunch. She was looking forward to the afternoon off as Professor Snape and Professor Burbage were going to be in teacher's meetings for the afternoon, giving Ginny a rare afternoon off.

"Too bad Harry has Potions today," Ginny said to herself as she walked to the Great Hall. She realized it was Monday and Harry had double potions on Monday. She wondered for a moment if he could manage to skip it today.

She entered the Great Hall, finding Ron and Hermione in their usual spot in the middle of the Gryffindor table. It was then when she noticed that her boyfriend was nowhere to be found.

"Where's Harry?" She asked when she reached Ron and Hermione.

"He's not feeling very well. He went up to the dorm to lie down," Ron informed his sister. Ginny was now concerned about Harry.

"He seemed like he wasn't feeling very well when we were in Defense. I happened to glance over towards Harry and he was slightly bent over with a hand on his stomach. When he told us he was going to go lie down, he said his stomach was upset," Hermione added.

Ginny had an idea of what was going on with her boyfriend. She had noticed that over the past few weeks Harry seemed more stressed than usual. She had been learning about stress in her Muggle Studies class as many of the other fifth years in her class were nearing nervous breakdowns.

In her last class, Ginny had learned the physical symptoms of stress. A red flag appeared in her head as stomach problems were a symptom of stress.

And when Harry suffered from stomach problems, it seemed to hit him full force.

Ginny ate her lunch quickly, wanting to get to Harry as soon as possible. When she finished, she got up from the table. Hermione asked her where she was going.

"I'm going to the boy's dorm. But first I'm going to stop at the hospital wing and get Harry a stomach soother," She said. "He needs me, Hermione."

Hermione nodded, knowing that Harry did need Ginny. "Tell him we hope he feels better."

"I will." Ginny leaned over, whispering to Hermione and Ron, "Does Harry seem to be more stressed than usual to you?"

Hermione immediately nodded, exchanging a look with Ron. He nodded in agreement.

"I know he doesn't sleep much," Ron noted. "I got up a week ago to use the bathroom. He was awake. I can tell a difference in his breathing and tell whether or not he's asleep. That and it took me and Neville to pull him out of bed the next morning. That's the reason why he was cranky the entire day."

"Didn't he skip dinner one-night last week?" Hermione asked. "He said he wasn't hungry and was going on up to his dorm."

Ron nodded, remembering the night Hermione mentioned.

"I remember that," Ginny murmured. "When I went to check on him, he told me that his stomach hurt. He said that his stomach had been bothering all day. He told me that if it didn't get any better, he'd go to the hospital wing."

"Later that night, I thought I would have to go and get Madam Pomfrey anyway. Harry woke me up, groaning in his sleep. When I checked on him, he was holding his stomach. He was fine when he woke up the next morning, though."

"I remember that too," Ginny said. "He looked tired, worn out. He fell asleep on me when we were in the common room. Ron and I helped him upstairs to his dorm and I helped him get dressed for bed."

"I remember that now," Ron stammered, remembering Ginny had helped Harry change out of his uniform and into pajamas.

"Ron, I kept his boxers on, really nothing I haven't seen before living with you and our five other brothers. He's stayed the Burrow many times. It's not like I haven't seen Harry without a shirt on before as I have." Ginny paused and gathered her bag. "Now, I'm heading up to the dorm and check on Harry. Need me, that is where I will be."

Ginny bid Ron and Hermione good day, leaving the Great Hall.

"I think Harry and I need to have a little talk," she said to herself as she walked up the stairs towards Gryffindor tower. She made a pit stop to the hospital wing and got a stomach soother for Harry. When she told Madam Pomfrey who the potion was for Ginny told her that she would bring Harry to the hospital wing, if he wasn't feeling any better after the potion, even if she had to drag him here.

As Ginny made her way up to Gryffindor tower, she met up with her friend, Sarah.

"So, what are you going to do with the afternoon off?" She asked.

"Well, I hadn't given it a lot of thought seeing as Harry has double potions on Monday. But he's feeling a little sick and he's not going. So I'm going to take care of him."

"You're going to play nurse Ginny?"

Ginny chuckled but nodded. "I think he's been stressed out here lately. I was just informed by Ron and Hermione that he was feeling sick to his stomach. That's why I got a stomach soother in my hand."

Demelza was heading to the Great Hall when she met Ginny and heard her telling Sarah that Harry wasn't feeling well.

"What's wrong with Harry?" She asked.

"Stomach ache, it appears," Ginny replied.

"Poor Harry. I know he looked like he was going to fall asleep on his broom during the last practice," Demelza noted.

Ginny sighed. "I told him he should have canceled practice." Then in her best Harry impression, she said, "We have that match against Hufflepuff in two weeks and we're not ready."

"That sounds like Harry," Demelza commented. "I hope he feels better soon." She left, heading on to the Great Hall.

Sarah gave the Fat Lady the password and both girls entered the common room. They said goodbye as they separated at the stairs as Ginny headed up to the boy's dorm.

Ginny knocked on the door of the sixth year boys' dorm. When she didn't get an answer, she opened the door slowly, walking in.

"Harry? It's me," she called.

She approached Harry's bed, finding him lying on his bed above the covers. He had changed out of his uniform and into jogging pants and an old Gryffindor Quidditch T-shirt. He was curled up in a ball with his arms around his middle. She reached over, lightly stroked his face.

He opened his eyes, smiling softly when he saw his girlfriend.

"What's wrong, Sweetie?" She asked concern evident in her voice.

"My stomach hurts, Gin," Harry groaned, hugging his stomach. Ginny climbed in bed beside Harry and reached around him to rub his back.

"When did your stomach start hurting?" Ginny inquired.

"During Defense," Harry replied, wincing when his stomach cramped. He moaned. "It hurts."

Ginny moved her hand from Harry's back to his stomach, under his T-shirt rubbing in small slow soothing circles.

"I brought you a stomach soother. But do you think we need to go and see Madam Pomfrey?"

Harry shook his head.

"I don't need to go see Madam Pomfrey. I will go if I'm not feeling better later," Harry promised her. Ginny agreed, continuing to rub circles on Harry's abdomen. He whimpered a little as she rubbed his stomach.

"What's wrong? Do you feel like you're gonna throw up?" Ginny asked, soothingly.

Harry shook his head slowly. "Cramps," he breathed. "Not right now. I threw up once when I first got up here and I haven't since."

Ginny noticed as she rubbed soothing circles on Harry's belly, just how upset Harry's stomach was as she felt it roll under her hand. At the same time, her massage had helped Harry relax.

"Do you want to try the stomach soother now?" She asked.

Harry nodded, sitting up, pulling himself up in bed, leaning back against the pillows. Ginny uncorked the vial, breaking the seal before handed the vial to Harry. Harry brought the vial to his lips and quickly took the potion, swallowing it before it had a chance to linger on his tongue. He sighed as he laid back down.

"Does that feel better?" She asked, resuming her massage on his stomach.

"A little," Harry whispered.

There was a slight pause of conversation until Ginny asked Harry a question.

"Did you eat something at breakfast that made you sick?"

Harry shook his head. "I don't think so. I don't really know what's going on with my stomach. I've never had stomach problems like this before."

Ginny hated seeing him like this. She didn't like seeing him sick or hurt. It seemed like here lately he was either feeling sick or something was hurting him.

"Harry, I think your stomach is acting up because you're stressed," Ginny stated.

"How do you know that this is stress?" Harry asked. He noticed that Ginny has pulled up his shirt and was continuing to rub his stomach in the slow soothing circles.

"Because I've been learning about stress in Muggle Studies and stomach problems is one of the many symptoms of stress," Ginny explained.

Harry sighed, realizing that Ginny was right. He had been feeling stressed. He felt Ginny's hand began to go a little deeper in his abdomen. He must have made a noise of distress because of what Ginny asked him next.

"Am I hurting you?" Ginny released some of the pressure she had been adding to Harry's stomach rub. Usually, when she rubbed his stomach, Harry wanted her to go in a little deeper.

"No Gin. It actually feels really good."

Ginny smiled, noticing how relaxed Harry was. Then she had an idea.

"I will be right back," She said, suddenly. She left the dorm, returning back five minutes later, having changed clothes, carrying a bottle in her hand.

"I have got an idea," she announced.

"What's that?" Harry asked, pointing to the bottle in her hand.

"This?" Ginny held up the bottle. "It's massage oil."

"What are you going to do that with?"

"I'm going to give you a massage," Ginny responded.

Harry smiled. He had been on the receiving end of Ginny's massages many times since they got together. She had massaged his back, shoulders, and neck many times after Quidditch practice and sometimes, she massaged his belly and his feet. He couldn't pick his favorite as they were all equally relaxing.

Although, Hermione had said that Harry's Animagus might be a dog. This was because Harry loved it when Ginny rubbed his stomach.

"What are you going to massage first?" Harry asked.

"I'm going to massage your back first. Then I'll massage your stomach."

Harry sat up, pulling off his shirt, and rolled to lie on his stomach. The material of the comforter tickled against Harry's skin.

Ginny closed the curtains to give them privacy in case one of Harry's roommates came in during the massage.

Straddling his hips, Ginny picked up the bottle of the massage oil, pouring some in her hands. She rubbed her hands together to warm the oil before she applied the oil to Harry's back. She began with an effleurage stroke, going up towards Harry's shoulder, coming back down to his lower back.

She had found a book on massage when she was in the bookstore with Hermione when they went to Hogsmeade for the first visit of the year. She had read each section so many times that she memorized it.

Ginny moved up to his shoulders, wringing them. She moved towards his neck, beginning to lightly massage the back of Harry's neck. Moving down the back, she began to use an effleurage stroke, going up with one hand and down with the other.

"How's the pressure?" she asked, softly.

"Good," Harry sighed.

"Let me know at any time if it's too much pressure."

She slid her hands down Harry's back, spreading them out to his sides, then back to the middle. She did this a few times before moving to the right side, beginning wringing his side. She repeated the wringing on the left side. When she was finished wringing his sides, she returned to sliding her hands down Harry's sides, this time, she lightly squeezed as she came back up.

She heard Harry let out a long sigh and smiled.

"How's that feeling, babe?"

"Really good," Harry slurred. Her massage almost had put Harry to sleep.

As Ginny massaged his back, Harry remembered the first time she had massaged his back. It was after Quidditch practice. He knew Ginny had been trying to find something to help him relax. She found the perfect thing.

Harry didn't realize just how much work it was to be the captain. There were some practices he was able to observe, others he would need to assist his teammates. He showed Ron a better way to block quaffles, aid the chasers with their drills. Once he had almost taken the beaters bat to the two beaters when they didn't seem to get what Harry was trying to tell them.

All of the physical activity he had done in that one practice was more than what his body was used to, letting him know when he realized after returning to the ground that he had a stiff neck and had pulled a few muscles in his back.

Ginny led him to the Room of Requirement where she had him soak in a bath with Epsom salts. After the bath, she made Harry lay down on the massage table that appeared, beginning to give him a massage. That time was it was his back, shoulders, and neck.

Back in the present, all too soon for Harry, Ginny asked him to turn over.

Harry rolled over sleepily. Once he was settled on his back, he sighed. He watched as Ginny poured more oil into her hands, rubbing her hands together.

She laid her hands down on Harry's abdomen, applying the oil to his skin. She began the massage by doing circular strokes in a clockwise motion, around Harry's belly button.

Harry looked at her through lazy eyes, looking very relaxed.

"Does this feel good?" She asked, sliding her hands down Harry's sides.

"Very," Harry replied, sleepily.

Ginny smiled at him, continuing her massage. She let her hands slide down further to where the muscles of his abdomen met the muscles of his back. Harry jerked suddenly, telling her before she had a chance to ask that it tickled a little. She pulled her hands back up, wringing his sides again.

She let her hands wander down Harry's abdomen, below his belly button. She started a side to side stroke, moving up to the ribs. Then she ran her hands along his abdomen, looking for tension.

She finished the massage with a stroke up and down his abdomen, before then the side to side stroke.

"Thanks, Gin," Harry murmured.

"You're welcome, sweetie." She laid down beside him, resting her head on his shoulder. She watched as Harry fell asleep.


Harry woke up an hour later to his stomach gurgling. He groaned.

"You don't feel better do you?" Ginny asked. "I thought my massage would make your stomach feel better." She laid her hand on Harry's stomach, rubbing slow soothing circles.

"It did a little," Harry assured her. "Maybe I ate something that upset my stomach."

"I think it's time to go see Madam Pomfrey," Ginny stated. She got Harry a shirt and helped him sit up. Harry slipped on the shirt Ginny gave him.

"Okay," Harry murmured.

"Really?" She asked.

Harry nodded. "I want to go before this gets any worse."

"Okay. Are you ready to go?"

Harry nodded again.

They walked down to the hospital wing slowly, having to stop a few times when Harry's stomach cramped enough to make him in his tracks. He would lean against the stone wall doubled over, trying to breathe through the pain. Ginny would his rub back as he bent over.

"We're almost there sweetie," Ginny said soothingly.

Harry nodded.

They finally made it to the double ornate doors of the hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey led Harry and Ginny into the private exam room off of the main hospital wing. Ginny helped Harry up on the table.

"What seems to be the problem now, Potter?" Madam Pomfrey asked as she entered the exam room.

"I've been having stomach problems for a while and it's getting worse," Harry explained.

"How long is a while?" She inquired.

Glancing at Ginny, he gulped and in a small voice, replied, "Two or three weeks."

"TWO OR THREE WEEKS!" Ginny exclaimed. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Harry was about to answer when Ginny warned him that he better not say the reason why he didn't tell her was so he didn't worry her. She promised he would be hexed if he said that was the reason why.

"Do you feel sick to your stomach or is it just abdominal pain?" Madam Pomfrey asked as she picked up her wand.

"Little bit of both," Harry replied. "Either I feel sick to my stomach or my stomach just hurts. I've also been getting painful stomach cramps. I've also felt nauseous, actually throwing up a few times. This explains why I haven't been eating much. "

"I wish you would've told me," Ginny murmured, rubbing the top of his head.

Madam Pomfrey asked Harry if he had been having trouble sleeping. Harry answered that he had and often had trouble staying asleep.

"What's causing your stress?" Madam Pomfrey inquired.

"What isn't? School, Quidditch, and personal matters," Harry replied and added hastily to Ginny, "You're one of the causes of my stress."

"Good to know," Ginny murmured.

"Stomach problems are a symptom of stress. Now, I'm going to do a quick exam and I'll let you go back to your dorm."

Harry laid back on the table, lifting up his shirt, baring his abdomen.

"I'm going to palpate, press on your abdomen. Tell me if it hurts when I press."

Harry nodded. He soon felt Madam Pomfrey's hands on his abdomen. She locked eyes with him when she pressed on his right side.

"If pressing here hurt, it would be his appendix," Madam Pomfrey explained. She moved her hands around his abdomen, pressing lightly and then deeply.

As Madam Pomfrey palpated Harry's abdomen, Ginny asked the matron if she knew some ways to help relieve Harry's stress.

"Before we came down here, I massaged his back and his stomach. I've given him a massage before and it seemed to help him relax. They were mostly after Quidditch practice."

"Massage is a great way for Harry to relax," Madam Pomfrey said, as she finished the exam. "Maybe give him a massage once a week for a while to see if it takes care of the stress and help him relax."

"Now what I'm going to order is that you," Turning to Harry, she said, "Get some rest. It will take a few days for your stomach to recover. I would recommend eating lightly. Start feeling sick at your stomach I want you to come back."

Turning to Ginny, she added, "I'm releasing him to your care, Ginny. Give him the stomach soother before he goes to bed tonight. I will give you a note to take to Professor McGonagall so that you stay with Harry tonight."

She handed Ginny the note to give to Professor McGonagall that would allow Ginny to stay with Harry that night.

Harry sat up, leaning over to rest his head against Ginny's shoulder.

"What can we do for his stomach cramps?" Ginny asked.

"There is a potion he could take or you also use a water bottle," Madam Pomfrey said, handing Ginny a stomach soother and a stomach calmer. "The stomach calmer is the one for cramps."

"When do I need to give him the stomach calmer?" Ginny inquired.

"The same time as the stomach soother, when he goes to bed," The matron replied.

"Thank you, Madam Pomfrey."

Ginny led Harry out of the hospital wing, taking him back to Gryffindor tower. Once he was back in the sixth year boys' dorm Harry went to his bed, laying down. She left the dorm, finding Professor McGonagall in the common room. She gave her the note from Madam Pomfrey. Her head of house nodded, telling Ginny if she needed anything to let her know and to tell Harry she hopes he feels better soon.

When she returned to the dorm, she went to Harry's bed lying down beside him, pressing herself to his back, wrapping her arm around his waist. She moved her hand under his shirt and started rubbing in slow circles.

"Thanks, Gin," Harry murmured, his voice sounding a little gruff.

"You're welcome, Sweetie."

Ginny resumed rubbing soothing in circles, trying to relax his crampy stomach.

"Do you want to take your potions?" She asked.

"Sure," Harry whispered, sitting up.

Ginny reached for the stomach calmer, handing it to Harry. He took it, swallowing quickly, repeating the process with the stomach soother. Once Harry took the potions, for the first time that day, Harry found relief from the cramps and his stomach didn't hurt. He felt relaxed.

Harry laid back down after the potions, feeling them began to work. Despite this, his stomach felt like Buckbeak the Hippogriff had stomped all over his belly.

Ginny must of have sensed Harry's slight discomfort because he soon felt her hand under his shirt. She began to rub his stomach in small circles. Harry cracked his eyes open, noticing Ginny had closed the curtains around his bed.

"Professor McGonagall said that it's all right for me to stay with you tonight. She also said that she hoped you feel better soon," Ginny said as she snuggled close to Harry. She was fresh out of the shower and has changed into his pajamas.

Harry made a noise that told her he heard her. Soon his soft snores told her that he had fallen asleep. She continued her stomach rub, hoping tomorrow was a better day.


The next morning, Ginny woke up slightly disoriented. She glanced at Harry, noticing he was still asleep. She wondered if it was the first time that Harry had slept through the night without nightmares or visions. It was rare that Harry slept through the night.

She quietly got out of his bed, watching Harry turned over, lying on his stomach.

Ginny was about to leave when she heard Harry yawn loudly. She watched Harry moved to sit up. It was then when he noticed she was watching him.

"Good morning, Sweetie. Did you sleep okay?" She asked.

"Yeah," Harry replied, slightly groggily. "Did you?"

"I slept well," Ginny replied, running her hand through Harry's bed head. "Now, I'm going to my dorm to get dressed for the day. I'm coming back here in about twenty minutes. Consider this my warning if you're not out of bed and dressed by the time I get back."

Harry mock saluted. "Yes, Ma'am."

He got up out of bed, heading to the bathroom. He did his morning routine, including a shower. Five minutes later, Harry came out of the bathroom, dressed in just his boxers. Knowing he didn't have much time left, he quickly got dressed and slipped on his socks and shoes when he was dressed. He was attempting to do something with his hair and was brushing his teeth when Ginny returned.

"Are you ready for breakfast?" She asked.

"Yeah," Harry replied, taking her hand. Together they left the dorm, exiting Gryffindor tower the through the portrait hole, heading down to the Great Hall.



"Thanks for taking care of me yesterday," he said.

Ginny kissed him on the cheek. "You're welcome, babe. Are you feeling better today or does your stomach still hurt?"

"I'm feeling a lot better. My stomach doesn't really hurt, just feels little sore."

They entered the Great Hall and sat down at the Gryffindor tower, making small talk over the first meal of the day. After they finished breakfast, since they had some time, they decided to go on a little walk outside

"Harry, why didn't you tell me you've been feeling sick and having stomach problems?"

"The truth?" Harry asked. Ginny nodded. Taking a deep breath he replied, "Because I was never allowed to say that I was sick. I wasn't allowed to be sick, really. My aunt and uncle would think I was faking. I was used to suffering in silence and alone."

There was a slight pause before Harry continued.

"Last summer, I ate molded bread one time. I was despite and hungry. I really paid for it later. My stomach didn't feel good about an hour after I had eaten it. I couldn't say anything about not feeling good. I was sent to Miss Figg's for a night as my aunt, uncle, and cousin went to London for the night. Luckily for me, this happened after I had eaten the molded bread. She noticed that I was suffering from a stomach ache. She asked me how I had gotten sick and I told her. She gave me some medicine, some pink looking stuff. It made me feel better, especially after I slept in the guest room. That was the first time anyone had taken care of me, even though it was a minor illness."

There was a moment of silence before Harry continued.

"That is why I tend to not tell anyone when I'm not feeling good or if something hurts. I'm sorry if I worried you, Gin."

Suddenly, Ginny stopped, pulling Harry into her arms, hugging him in a tight hug that would rival her mother's.

"Harry James Potter, I want you to promise me that any time you don't feel good, feel sick, or something hurts. I don't care if it's something small like a stomach ache. I want you to tell me. Don't ever be afraid to worry me as not telling me makes me worry more."

Harry glanced down at Ginny, seeing nothing but love in her eyes.

"Okay, I will tell you when I don't feel good or if something hurts. I promise, I will tell you," he assured her.

"I wouldn't worry about you if I didn't love you," Ginny said, pulling him down to kiss his cheek.

"Does that also mean that if I asked for a back rub or a stomach rub you will do it?" Harry asked, smirking at her.

Ginny playfully pushed Harry's shoulder. "Yes, I will."

They stopped outside the Charms classroom and Ginny stood on her tip toes to give Harry a kiss.

"I'll see you at lunch. I love you."

"I love you too," Harry whispered and returned the kiss.

Ginny smiled as she watched Harry leave, heading to the greenhouses for Herbology. She smiled as he turned around and waved at her. She blew him a kiss. He caught it and disappeared around the corner.

She knew that the school year was far from over and if Harry ever got stressed out again or sick because of the stress, she would take care of him.

Harry walked to the greenhouses for Herbology. He couldn't believe how lucky he was to have Ginny in his life. She took really good care of him. He had even thought about faking sick, just for the sake of having Ginny to take care of him. He then decided he better not as she might hex him if she found out.

But he knew that Ginny loved him, really loved him and cared for him. If he ever felt stressed out again or even if he got sick due to the stress, he knew that Ginny will be there to take care of him.