Hello everyone! I'm Misha's my bitch, and I'm so pumped to write a fanfic about a ship I've been fangirling over for months, Mikanni! In this fanfic everyone is 17, except the parents and the teachers of course :P This is my first fanfic, so please be kind (:

Mikasa was shook awake by her adoptive brother Eren, "Wake up Mikasa, we need to get ready for school", Mikasa sat up in her bed and gave him a slight nod. She got out of bed and dragged herself to the bathroom. She brushed through her shoulder length black hair. She then slipped into a pair of boxers and some black skinny jeans. She put on a tight white baseball sweater with black sleeves that showed off the soft curves of her breast, her slim waist and her ripped abdomen. She wrapped her red scarf around her neck, chin and mouth.

When she came downstairs her adoptive mother was making pancakes for her and Eren. Mikasa slipped down in her usual chair and waited for Eren. Eren came walking down the stairs wearing a pair of loose jeans and a white sweater. He sat down next to Mikasa and smiled at his mother's back, "Good morning". Carla turned around and placed two plates with pancakes on the table, she pinched his cheek and said "Good morning, honey". "Mom, don't do that" he said pushing her away. Mikasa just observed the two of interact and tried to hide her smile behind her scarf. She turned to her breakfast and started eating. I'm going to try to speak to Annie today, she decided, she blushed just by the thought of her name, she has probably already noticed me staring at her every day, oh god maybe I shouldn't, she probably thinks I'm a creep. She was pulled out of her thoughts by the sound of someone honking their car horn. "That's Armin, see you later mom, come Mikasa" Eren said walking out to Armin. Mikasa got up but before she could start walking towards the door Carla garbed her by her shoulders and looked into Mikasa's eyes with worry, "Keep an eye on him, Mikasa, make sure he doesn't get into any fights, he's such a reckless boy" Mikasa gave her a hum and a nod in response.

The whole car ride to school Mikasa was silent, she hadn't even said hi to Armin, she was too nervous, she was debating with herself if she should talk to Annie or not. "MIKASA!" Eren roared into her ear, her hands flew to her ears. "Eren has called your name for 5 minutesnow, are you okay Mikasa?" Mikasa looked over at Armins worried face. "I'm fine" she mumbled. Eren gasped and smirked, "It has something to do with Annie, am I right?" Mikasa blushed and mumbled something. "Are you finally gonna talk to her?" Armin asked, he smiled gently at her. "I don't know" She mumbled while blushing even harder, Eren grinned at her, "We'll help you", before she was able to reply the bell rang and they had to run to their classrooms.

Mikasa came rushing through the classroom door, her biology teacher professor Smith only gave her a lazy glance and said "Detention, Ms. Ackerman". Mikasa nodded and took her seat next to Mina. Mikasa wasn't able to pay attention in any of her classes, all her thoughts swirled around Annie, she sighed. She met up with Armin and Eren in the hallway, they were halfway to the canteen when Eren finally asked, "Is it now you're gonna go talk to Annie?" She blushed and pulled the scarf further up on her face, "Yes". She stood by the entrance, and just looked at the door. Armin opened the door, and the three of them walked in.

Mikasa's eyes instantly went to Annie's usual table, her eyes widened as she saw that Annie wasn't there, neither were her friends Reiner and Bertholt. "Looks like all three of them are skipping" Armin said with a frown, he felt bad for his friend, he looked over at her but as usual his friend wore her neutral facial expression. They walked over to their usual table, they sat down with their other friends, Ymir, Krista, Connie, Sasha, Jean and Marco. Krista smiled softly at them, "I heard that all of you were late today, did any of you get detention?" Ymir slung her arm around Krista's shoulder and smirked at them. Armin smiled as he said "No, me and Eren had Professor Zoe, and you know her she never gives anyone detention", Krista turned her face towards Mikasa, "What about you, Mikasa?", Mikasa smiled sourly behind her scarf, "Yeah". Ymir grinned and chuckled "Me too, man! I'll see you in detention then", Krista rolled her eyes. When Ymir started telling everyone why she got detention, Mikasa zoned out, she couldn't stop thinking about Annie, was she okay? Why was she skipping? Mikasa frowned, Annie wasn't usually that much at school, but she was almost always present at lunch.

Mikasa didn't really focus the rest of the day either, Annie was all she could think about, she groaned loudly and buried her head in her hands. This was her last lesson, and she was dying to go home, but she had an hour of detention, fuck. The bell rang and all the other students left the classroom, and the students that were gonna have detention came in. Ymir slumped down next to her, took in some earplugs and turned on extremely loud music. Their teacher came in and the first thing he did was confiscate Ymirs phone and earplugs, "No music and no talking! I'll be back in 40 minutes, I have some work to do… Wait a minute, it looks like Ms. Leonhart showed up after all, please take a seat, and as I just said, I'll be back soon". Annie nodded at him, and took the seat that was only a few meters from Mikasa, all Miksasa could do was stare at her in wonder, who knew that a badass like Annie would show up at detention. Mikasa watched the professor leave the classroom and she thought that this was her chance, she got up and started walking towards Annie.

And that was the end of chapter one, I hope you all enjoyed, I'll update as soon as possible! (: