Marina's POV

Urrgh. My head hurts. Where am I? The last thing I remember was the battle...

I sit up and see I'm lying in a hammock, some kind of wood hut. Eight and Seven are laughing together at a dining table on the other side of the hut. I have to fight to control the surge of jealousy that races through me. Sevens my friend, she knows I like Eight.

"Ahh, Sleeping Beaty awakes." Seven says, but she's smiling.

"What happened?" I ask.

Eight answers. "The Mogs found us. I don't know how, but there was an explosion and we got separated. I teleported away with the two of you,and we ended up here, wherever here is."

"Breakfast?" Seven offers me an omelette. I instantly regret my envy, and smile back at her.

Sam's POV

Not again.. I'm trapped in a cell, at what I can only guess is a Mogadorian base. They've got Ella too. I hope the others are okay.

I am pulled away from thought by none other than Setrakus Ra standing above me. His mere presence is terrifying, let alone the notion of fighting him.

"Hello Samuel." He says in a way that can only be described as creepy. "How about we have a little chat?"

Eights POV

I'm sitting on the bed with Seven, laughing as we compare stupid stories about our childhoods. She is like, my best gal friend cos every guy needs one. AND she told me Marina likes me! I'm still nervous to ask her out though, given what happened last time.

"So Eight." Seven smirks. "When are you going to talk to Marina?"

I groan. "Not again! In my own time, okay?"

"Eights got it bad!" She whoops. I mock shove her, and she falls of the bed. She picks me up with telekinesis, and I very maturely stick my tongue out. The usual reaction.

I use my own telekinesis to lift her, so we are both floating over the bed. I let go, and we both fall on the bed.

"Revenge!" Seven shrieks, tickling me. I start yelling, and begging for mercy, but she just tickles harder.

We are both laughing, gasping for breath. When I look up, I see Marina standing in the doorway.

"I really thought you cared." Her voice is small and disappointed. "And Seven, I thought we were friends." Marina spins on her heel, and marches off.

I look at Seven, both of us aghast. She shakes her head at me.

"I TOLD you to ask her out!"

John's POV

It's been only one day and Nine has already succeeded in pissing every single person off.

And to top it all off, he's now blasting corny county songs from the radio of the car we hot wired.

Not because he enjoys them. Purely because it's his goal in life is to make mine a misery.

"So." I turn down the music. "What's our next move?"

"We need to rescue Ella. And Sam." Six says at once.

"But we don't even know where they are." Sarah points out. I smile at her, proud that she is contributing. Nine pulls out the white tablet that allows us to see the other Garde, winking.

There are three blue dots in Kenya. There is us slowly moving out of Chicago. But that's it. Ella isn't on the map.

Nine sighs. "Well my friends, we are utterly screwed."

Even Six couldn't come up with a suitable argument.

Ella's POV

I've been put in my dream room. There is purple wallpaper, designer clothes and every toy imaginable. The weird thing is, I couldn't be less happy. I am in a Mogadorian base, after all.

Why didn't they just chuck me in a cell?

A/N: a Chapter Ten! Can't believe it. Once again, thanks for the lovely reviews. 29 already! :) More action next time, I promise. Anyways, what did you think of that? I noticed a lot of other stories bringing back One, Two and Three. Do you want me to do that?

What legacy would you chose to have? I'd chose flying by far.