Hey guys! Exam season is upon us and instead of studying for the exam I have tomorrow, I'm writing fanfiction *sighs* Its just a little story that's been swimming about in my head for a little while. Not many people write about Raven having a sister. Though I've seen a handful of stories about if Charles or Eric had another sibling. So I thought I'd give it a shot! Anyway I always ramble at this bit *grins*

Hope you enjoy it!

Disclaimer: I sadly don't own the X-Men universe which means I don't own the rights to Charles and Mystique (Guys, if I did own them I wouldn't be here!) All I own in this story is my OC.

"Mutant and Proud… Yeah right." Amelia glanced at her twin from her seat next to Charles. She gave a small sigh.

If Amelia had to describe her feelings for her sister in one word it would be envy. Amelia had always been envious of her twin. She couldn't remember a time when she wasn't.

It had nothing to do with silly human things like popularity or looks.

Amelia supposed they had both lucked out in the looks department. Her sister having blue scaled skin wasn't exactly what humans would call attractive. Amelia then grimaced. She lacked in the beauty gene pool too. While her sister was blue, she was green. Like a lizard.

Charles had informed her once that her skin pattern resembled a Chameleon. Though she wasn't quite sure if he was trying to compliment her or not. Amelia's hair also contrasted with her skin colouring like her sisters did. Amelia had a long mane of dark purple hair. Purple. Of all the colours her mutation could have given her, it had to have been purple, she would often say to Raven when Charles wasn't present. The only thing the Darkholme twins had in common were their eyes. Their eyes resembled the colour of molten gold. The pupils of their eyes were the only thing that looked remotely human about them. Normal black, rounded, human pupils. The golden colour then filled in the rest of the eye including the whites.

None of this made Amelia envious of Raven. Not in the slightest. It was their different mutations that caused this feeling.

Raven could shape-shift. Shape-shift into any person she could think of. With just a thought alone her scales would shift then human skin replaced the blue. And this unique mutation made Amelia feel bitter emotions towards her twin.

For you see, Amelia could not shape-shift. She could disappear. Camouflage like the Chameleons Charles talked about. She could also scamper up walls like a lizard. But this didn't thrill Amelia. It thrilled Charles. He found the twins different mutations absolutely fascinating. He loved them rather. Amelia supposed it was the reason why Charles would play with her odd purple hair so often. Or why he would absentmindedly trace the pattern of her scales when outdoors. Amelia thought Charles did this to ensure she was actually there. Invisible to everyone around her but still there.

Raven hated her looks. She would constantly be saying negative comments about her blue form or Amelia's green. Which Amelia didn't really mind. But sometimes it stung. Amelia didn't really care for her appearance as much as Raven did. But then again, she had only ever let Charles see her true form. No other person, apart from her family of course, had ever seen the green scales. So maybe she should've been. But it was the mutation itself that bothered her.

It bothered her that she couldn't walk outside without the fear of being seen. She couldn't go to parties, she couldn't make friends, and she couldn't really do anything that involved other people. Charles knew this too, and tried to include Amelia by sending images of Raven and himself attending events to her mind when she couldn't accompany them. Even when Amelia decided to go places with her sister and Charles, she had to pretend she wasn't there. Camouflaging herself from the rest of the world. She hated it.

Raven waltzed in from the bathroom then stopped. "Would you date me?" Her eyes were fixed on Charles. Amelia gazed up at him. She didn't make the effort to remove her head from the table. His hand had frozen in Amelia's hair but he didn't look up. He continued writing. "Of course I would." Charles said. "Any young man would be lucky to have you. You are stunning." He resumed playing with Amelia's hair.

Raven silently stood. There was a short pause before she questioned "Looking like this?"

"Like-" Charles then stopped writing and removed his fingers from the purple locks of Amelia's hair. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion."... What?" He then looked up at Raven. She was standing in her white bathrobe with a blank look on her face. But her eyes pierced into Charles making him feel uncomfortable. He cleared his throat. "...Blue?" Ravens eyes then looked down, trying to conceal the disappointment she felt. But Amelia could see. She could always see it.

Silence hung in the room trying to suffocate the three of them. "You are my oldest friend." Charles softly told her. This was indeed true. Amelia wasn't there when Raven met Charles. She was waiting outside for her sister to steal supplies before they started traveling again. Always moving, always hiding.

"I am one of your only friends." She stated. Charles laughed, his eyes crinkling and a small smile forming on his lips.

"Thank you for that." His eyes then met Amelia's yellow ones. Charles wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"Just the three of us against the world!" He joked, causing Amelia to chuckle and slap away his arm. Raven didn't join in though.

Amelia knew she wasn't going to back down from this conversation. To be quite honest it, was making her feel uncomfortable. Charles had always been more close to Raven than her. Raven was like his baby sister, his own flesh and blood. She even took the human form of pretty blond girl that had the physical traits of his family. The shifter would change into a girl that had his mother eyes and his father's nose. They were more like siblings then the Darkholme girls were. Amelia couldn't even image the discomfort Charles felt at this point.

"Well?" Raven asked. Her eyes golden eyes meeting their exact doubles gaze before moving back to Charles'.

"I am incapable of thinking of you that way." He said. "I feel responsible for you. Anything else would just feel wrong."

Raven seemed to stand straighter "But what if you didn't know me?" She wasn't going to let this go. Charles never complimented her hair like he did Amelia's. He would never say how lovely the scale pattern on her skin looked. Even outside their home, Charles would never let his mind slip away from Amelia. Talking to her telepathically when she wasn't there or constantly caressing the 'air' when she was present. She hated it.

"Unfortunately, I do know you." Charles teased. Like the brother he was. Raven wasn't amused by his words. Charles then sighed. "God, I don't know what's gotten into you lately." He shook his head. "You're awfully concerned with your looks." He uttered.

Amelia rolled her eyes. That was an understatement, she thought. But Charles wouldn't know that. He made a promise during the younger days of their youth to never read the Darkholme sisters minds.

He kept his promise. For if he didn't, he would have known about the horrible insecurities that infested Ravens mind. Or he would have known about the more than friendly feelings Amelia had for him. Amelia was quite glad he didn't know. He wouldn't like someone that looked like a giant lizard/human crossbreed any way, she sadly thought.

Oh yes. Amelia had always envied her sisters mutation. But Raven had always envied the idea that someone had romantic feelings for something that looked like Amelia. Looked like her.

With Charles statement the conversation ended. They continued the night as if nothing had ever happen. But the unspoken words seemed to hover in the air, never leaving, just waiting. Waiting for the opportunity, the right moment, for it to swoop down and consume them all. This was the beginning of the end for the mutant trio and they didn't even know it.