Chapter 1: A Day At The Office

Elsa woke up when her alarm went off. It was half past six and Elsa despised getting up early. She had to be at the office by eight thirty for a meeting at nine. She quickly got dressed and headed down to the elevator.

"Good morning Miss Winters," said Henry who was the security man on the elevator.

"Good morning Henry," Elsa replied cheerfully pressing the ground floor button.

"Busy day at the office today?"

"It looks like it," Elsa said checking her phone for her day planner. "Yep, it looks like it alright."

The elevator doors opened.

"Have a good day ma'am," Henry said tipping his hat.

"Thanks Henry," Elsa said stepping out.

Elsa walked out of her apartment building and into her car which her chauffeur was holding the door open for her. He closed it and then continued driving to they got to her family's company. Elsa and her sister Anna co-ran their late father's business, Arendelle Ski Resorts which was named after their home town in Norway. Their father brought it over to America when the business allowed it. Business has always been good and Elsa and Anna were brought up in riches. Although Elsa knew that her sister Anna longed for a simpler life and so Elsa took over most of the day to day business.

Elsa walked through the doors of her business ready for another day at work.

Jack's alarm when off at half past six in the morning. He groaned as he tried to get out of bed. He hated early mornings but he had to be at the office before his boss or he may get to see her angry side. Jack quickly got dressed and was out the door before seven. He picked up a cup of coffee and some breakfast on his way.

He arrived at the office before eight and may his way up to the top floor where he worked. He past several co-workers who he knew quite well but didn't stop and chat. Jack got his desk organised before he saw his boss walk in from the elevator.

Jack always lost his breath when he sees his boss walk in. Her beautiful platinum-blonde hair was tied in an elegant French braid and she walked like she was walking on air. Jack shook these thoughts of his head. He must not think like this. He readied himself before he approached her.

"Miss Winters," he said.

"Ah Jack," she said. "What is on my list today?"

Jack rattled off what Elsa had to do. She had several meetings that day and none she particularly wanted to attend. They entered Elsa's beautiful office which had a rather splendid view of the entire city. Elsa sat down behind her desk and opened up her computer while Jack continued.

"You have a breakfast lunch with Mr Weasleton at one," Jack said. "They want to do a deal on our next ski resort."

"Hmph, he may be disappointed," Elsa said with a slight smile at Jack.

Elsa hated Mr Weasleton. He was a stuck-up and he sucked up big time which greatly annoyed her.

Jack laughed before continuing. "Oh and after that you have to meet with the Southern Isles Company. They're talking about another deal."

"I think they too will be disappointed," Elsa said.

Elsa had nothing against the Southern Isles Company but at who runs it. One of the co-owners was the head of the company's son Hans. Hans used to date Anna back in university where he shattered her heart in pieces when it was revealed he was a cheater, a blackmailer and wanted things his way.

"And it looks like after that, you're done," Jack finished with a flourish. "Oh your sister wanted to know if you can make it to dinner tonight."

"Tell her yes," Elsa said checking her emails and sighing and number of unread new emails popped up. "I need it."

Jack nodded and left. Elsa watched him go. She had always liked Jack. They worked so well together. They were always on the same page. Well this would be expectant after three years of working together. Maybe in another life, she would ask him out but this was the real world after all and Elsa can't think like that. She sighed again and started answering the mountain load of emails.

As soon as Jack left, one of Elsa's long-time friends and employee Rapunzel walked in holding a massive pile of papers.

"I see your eye candy just left to do work," Rapunzel said with a grin.

"What?" Elsa said trying to hide her blush. "Who do you mean?"

"Your assistant Jack," Rapunzel sighed dreamily. "Seriously if I wasn't married, then I would totally go for him."

"Yeah, that's great Rapunzel," Elsa said. "Now would you mind being a good employee and hand me whatever your holding."

Jack walked down to the employee longue on his break where he found his best friend Jamie Bennett. Jamie was reading the paper while sipping on some coffee. Jack walked over to him and sat down next to him. Jamie looked up and smiled.

"Hey man," he said. "Busy day so far?"

"Yeah," Jack replied taking out his lunch and started to munch on a sandwich.

It was currently lunchtime and Jack had been pretty much been flat out as Elsa had to deal with several different clients at the same time in just that morning but Jack was used to it. He had been working for her for three years and had gotten pretty comfortable working as her assistant.

"So how's it going in IT?" Jack asked taking another bite of his sandwich.

"Okay," Jamie said.

Jamie help ran the computer tech support for the company. He often complained of the idiots that were seemed to be allowed to work at Arendelle Ski Resorts. Jack's phone then beeped. Jack read the text.

Emergency, need you ASAP – E.

The text was from Elsa and it looked like she had a crisis on her hand.

"Is that from Elsa?" Jamie asked.

"Yeah," Jack said shoving his sandwich in his mouth and quickly chewing it before swallowing it. "She needs me."

Jamie gave him a smirk instead of responding.

"What?" Jack asked.

"Nothing," Jamie said still smirking.

"Seriously what is it?"

"Well it's just that you and her…" Jamie let his voice trail off.

Jack knew instantly what he was talking about. Ever since he had started working for Elsa, Jamie had been making these stupid snide remarks about Jack's so-called crush on Elsa. Well Jamie didn't know that it wasn't so called. Yes, Jack did have a bit of a crush on his boss, okay, so maybe it wasn't a crush. Okay, Jack admitted to himself, he was madly in love with her but he tries to push those feelings aside as he knew that Elsa would never go for him. Besides not only was she way out of his league, she was way out of his class. Jack was a poor, hardworking man and Elsa was this rich, very successful woman.

"Okay, that's enough Jamie," Jack said. "Enough."

"Admit it," Jamie said. "You like her."

"I do not like her," Jack lied. "Now if you would excuse me."

Jack then walked off trying to hide his blush.

Elsa was busy going through a pile of papers, trying to figure out what she was going to do. The door opened and in walked Jack.

"I'm here and ready," he said sitting down in one of the chairs that were opposite Elsa's desk. "What do I need to do?"

For an answer she gave him a pile of papers which Jack gave a look of disgust.

"I know," Elsa grimaced, "but it needs to be looked through today otherwise one of our deals won't go through."

Jack gave the pile one last look before he started going through it.

"Oh and one more thing," Elsa said.

Jack quickly looked up.

"Could you inform Anna that I won't be making dinner? We've got a busy night ahead of us."

Jack entered the Shadows Bar which was his usual hang out point after a long hard day's work and today was especially hard. He soon spotted Jamie who was ordering a drink. Jack walked over and sat down next to him. Jamie took a long look at him as well as a long sip of his drink.

"You're late," he said. "Very late in fact."

"Sorry Elsa kept me real late today," Jack replied ordering himself a drink. "We had to go through massive piles of documents for a client."

"Well speak of the devil," Jamie nodded over the entrance.

Jack followed his gazed and saw Elsa walking in the door. Jack didn't know that she hanged out here. Elsa walked over and ordered before she spotted Jack.

"Hey Frost," she said. "I didn't know you would be here."

"Right back to you," Jack said.

Elsa took a seat right next to Jack and took a long sip of her drink.

"Next round is on me," she said.

"Well good as you're the one with the million dollar check book," Jamie said in a hush tone, "and this place can be quite expensive."

"Billion dollar check book Mr Bennett," Elsa corrected.

Jamie looked highly embarrassed and didn't say anything more for a while. For the next few hours they talked and laughed together. Jack was finally able to see the fun side of Elsa, the side that he didn't often get to see because he was always seeing the work side of her. After a few hours, Elsa paid for their drinks before leaving.

Jack and Jamie didn't stay too long after that. They ended up walking home as they couldn't catch a bus or a taxi. Jack and Jamie shared a flat together. They have so since university. Jamie unlocked the door and Jack finally made it to his nice, warm bed but he didn't go to sleep straight away.

He was too busy thinking about the night. He had managed to spend an entire night with Elsa outside of work. He wished she could see him as more than just her assistant but that would never happen.

Elsa was being driven home by her chauffeur as usual when she got a text from Anna.

Hey heard you had a lot of work to do, hehe, need a pick me up since you couldn't make dinner? – A

Elsa laughed and typed out a reply.

Sorry but Jack's already taken care of that, we had drinks at Shadows – E.

It wasn't long before Anna had texted back. Sometimes Anna could text at the speed of light when she wanted to know more details about something.

Jack? As in Jack Frost? As in your assistant Jack? – A

Yeah, I ran into him at Shadows, what are you getting at? – E

Nothing, but you should be careful Elsa - A

I honestly have no idea what you're talking about Anna – E

Well fine then, I really don't want to have to spell it out for you if you are going to be this clueless – A

Whatever you're thinking Anna, please stop it – E

Never! Sorry gotta go, Kristoff came home with the kids! Guess break time is over! Noooooo! – A

Have fun with my nieces and nephew! – E

Hmm, highly doubtful on that remark, laters – A

Cya – E

Elsa gave a little laugh as she pictured Anna with her three kids. They were sometimes really good, well always good when Elsa would come. She would bribe them with money and treats which she knew she shouldn't do but she did anyway. When Elsa arrived back at her building her thoughts returned to Jack.

She did know what Anna was on about but she didn't really want to admit it to her or really to anyone. It was going to be a secret that would probably end up going with Elsa to her grave.

The elevator doors opened and Elsa stepped into them. The ride up was slow but it allowed Elsa to continue to dwell on what happened that night. She had spent a night out with her assistant and had thoroughly enjoyed it. Elsa walked to her apartment when the elevators doors opened again and she had stepped out.

When Elsa had first met Jack, she had definitely thought he was attractive but now it had grown into something else. Something more. Elsa opened her door, took of her coat, got changed and headed for bed. Jack was still in her mind. What was he doing to her?

A/N: So what is everyone's opinion on this? Please leave a review =)