Disclaimer: I do not own Snow White & The Huntsman.

A/N - This is essentially my version of the movie, you'll notice I stick pretty close to it, lots of dialogue is used, etc.

Chapter 1 – Escape

Snow ran as fast as her unused legs could carry her. She knew Finn and the Queen's men were searching for her and it was certain death if they found her. She cursed herself for having allowed the dark forest get the better of her and for falling asleep. When she woke she realized how little ground she had covered and immediately began moving once more. She had been traveling for what could be no more than an hour when she heard footfalls coming swiftly from behind. Knowing the only people who would venture into the dark forest were those on the Queen's orders, Snow broke into a run. Jumping over rocks and tree trunks Snow made her way as quickly and quietly as possible away from her pursuers. As she hurled herself over the next fallen tree, Snow's dress caught on a branch and she fell to the ground. Her fall had slowed her down but had also allowed her to see an outcrop of branches that she could hide under. Quickly gathering her skirts, Snow dashed behind the branches and held as still as possible, waiting for her pursuers to pass. She heard the footsteps approach but instead of running past her location they came to a stop. Snow dared not even breathe, not wanting to attract unwanted attention. It was all for naught however as seconds later two large hands reached into the bushes and wrapped themselves around her arms, pulling her out. Snow screamed and kicked at her captor but he merely tightened his grip.

"Let go of me!" Her captor whirled her around to face him and when his eyes met hers he ceased all aggression, unsure exactly what he was dealing with. "Will you help me?" Snow implored her captor, sensing his hesitation. "Please, please the Queen's going to kill me."

"I'm sure she is." The man said and he began dragging her back the way she had come.

"She's going to rip out my heart!"

"Quick work." A voice called, causing both of them to turn towards Finn. Snow immediately began struggling again, wanting nothing more than to get away from the Queen's brother. "Well done Huntsman, hand her over." The Huntsman's grip tightened once more causing Snow to gasp in pain and cease her struggles, however he made no move to hand her over to Finn.

"What do you intend to do with her?" he asked. "What do you care?" Finn questioned.

"You want her-hey!" The Huntsman growled, pulling out his axe and brandishing it at Finn's companions who had made to take Snow from him. "Give me what I was promised!" Snow looked up at the Huntsman and saw not the cold eyes of those who usually worked for Ravenna, but deep sorrow and desperation. She knew in that moment that the Huntsman was not a bad man, but would do whatever necessary to get back what he had lost and ease his sorrow.

"You did your job well, now keep your word." Finn said, holding the men back, knowing his sister would be furious if the Princess died before she had her heart.

"He'll kill us both." Snow said, hoping the Huntsman would see the truth and not hand her over.

"Shut up." Came his reply.

"He will." She insisted.

"I said shut up!" The Huntsman turned to her momentarily and Snow, feeling fear seeing his desperately fearsome look, resumed her struggles. However she might have been pulling against one of the forest's tallest trees for all the good it did.

"No, no, no!" she cried as the Huntsman pulled her roughly towards him, holding his axe to her throat.

"I'll keep my word when the Queen keeps hers." He shot at Finn when the girl stopped struggling, feeling the sharpness of his axe against her soft skin. "Where is my wife?!"

"He's going to betray you." Snow hissed.

"My sister has many powers. She can take life away or sustain it, but she can't bring your wife back from the dead you fool!" Finn snarled. With rage building inside him, the Huntsman shoved Snow away from him and turned on Finn and the guards.

"I want her back!" Swinging his axe wildly, the Huntsman made quick work of the Queen's guards and though he had a little more trouble with Finn, with the help of the forest he too was quickly dealt with. The Huntsman turned to where the girl had fallen but saw that she had wasted not time in running away. He ran after her and caught up rather quickly, grabbing her and using his superior strength to press her against a tree and clamped a hand over her mouth to stifle her screams.

"Quiet." He said, looking in the eyes. "Alright?" Hesitantly Snow nodded, realizing that she would be dead already if the Huntsman had wanted her dead. At her nod the Huntsman removed his hand and eased up on her, looking around for danger. He had not, however, counted on the little slip of a girl being any sort of danger herself and so was surprised when her fist connected with his face, sending him reeling backwards. Snow used that time to grab one of the Huntsman's daggers and get far enough away to fight him if it came to it.

"The hell..." He muttered, turning to face the girl who held the dagger in front of her at the ready, though the Huntsman quickly noticed her hold was wrong and unsteady and so did not raise his own weapon. "Who are you? Why does the Queen want you dead?"

"She wants everyone dead, all of us."

"What makes you so damn valuable?"

"You should know you're the one hunting me!" She countered. Whatever the Huntsman's reply would be it was cut off by his groan of pain as he grabbed his chest, his hand coming away bloody from a wound Finn had given him.

"Ah forget it. I should never have gotten involved in the Queen's business." He muttered, grabbing his axe and turning around, heading away from the girl he was supposed to bring back to the Queen.

"Where are you going?" Snow called, her fear spiking at the thought of being left alone in the dark forest. She should be grateful the Huntsman was not taking her to Ravenna, and she was, but knowing he wouldn't she now did not want him to leave her.

"Shh!" he said, spinning around and pinning her with an incredulous look for shouting in the dark forest. "Getting away from you, you're trouble is what you are." He said softly. Snow ran the few feet to his side and once again implored his better side.

"I need to get to the Duke's castle." She whispered, and the Huntsman was pleasantly surprised to see that she was a quick learner. "There's an army there."

"What? The Duke's army? A bunch of farmers and milk maids with pitch forks." He replied, bending down and grabbing some leaves and mud, using it as a makeshift bandage for his wound. "I know sheep that have more fight in them."

"I'm valuable. That's why you're here isn't it?" He turned away from her once again and she followed him, desperate now for his help. "If you return without me you're dead. If you leave me...I'm dead." Her words had the Huntsman turning back towards her, that glimpse of the good man she had seen coming through once more.

"Just for arguments sake...how much reward?" He said, hiding his nagging need to help this girl behind his own greed.

"However much is enough." she answered.

"At least, thirty gold pieces, no less-"

"A hundred." She countered without hesitation and the Huntsman's head snapped up to face her, his heart skipping a beat at the lost, helpless look on perhaps the most beautiful face he had ever seen. "Help me." She begged. The Huntsman narrowed his eyes and stalked towards her, causing her to back up on instinct until she hit a tree, the Huntsman stopping barely a foot away.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"Maybe you should have asked the Queen that." She said, trusting him with the life a runaway prisoner, not with the life of the King's daughter.

"I don't trust you." He said.

"I've given you my word." She said, thinking he meant her word on the hundred gold pieces.

"I still don't trust you." His eyes bored into hers and Snow knew he wasn't talking about the reward. "But you have a deal." Spitting into his hand he held it out to her. With barely a second's hesitation, Snow took his hand sealing their agreement. The Huntsman stowed his axe away and made to turn around and lead the way, but stopped at the sight of the dagger still in the girl's hand. "Give me that." He said, taking it from her. "Before you lose a finger." Eyeing her once more, the Huntsman turned away and began the long trek through the forest. They walked for hours without talking, the only sounds made were the rustling of leaves and snapping of twigs beneath their feet, and Snow's cries as she fell prey to the illusions and magic of the forest. The Huntsman sighed as once again as the girl allowed the forest to get the better of her. Coming over and swinging his axe at the branches holding her captive, he freed her, snapping her out of the forest's spell.

"The forest gains strength from your weakness." He repeated for at least the seventh time in two hours. Sighing once more he shook his head and walked a ways away, pulling out his drink pouch.

"Do you drink to drown your sorrows or your conscience?" Snow asked.

"What concern is it if yours why I drink?" he shot back.

"I suppose a man's sorrows are his own." She bowed her head, dropping the subject.

"What does a young girl like you know about sorrow?" She did not answer him, still not trusting him with her identity. Instead she made to continue on, only to be tripped as her dress caught on the branches, not for the first time. This time, however, her dress tore, leaving a slit up the side and exposing her leg. The Huntsman's eyes flew to her leg as the creamy flesh appeared, taking in her undeniable beauty, not for the first time. Snow seemed oblivious to his wandering eyes, and instead stood back up, the motion causing her bodice to slip, the sleeves coming off her shoulders. This had happened many times as the dress she wore was indeed too big, and every time it drew the Huntsman's attention as the swell of her breasts became visible. This time, however, he did not turn away, but shifted his gaze between her chest and thigh. And who could blame him? She was a beautiful young woman, obviously not new to the world if she did not bat an eye at her exposed skin. However unbeknownst to him, Snow was absolutely aware her skin was exposed to him; it was hard not to be. The Huntsman just persisted in turning away from her when it happened and so never caught the looks she sent him. Of course this time was different, and Snow was beginning to feel uncomfortable at his persistent gaze. Moving forward once more, Snow made it past the next fallen tree before her skirt caught again. Groaning she reached down to untangle it but the Huntsman beat her to it. However, instead of untangling it, he took his knife and cut off the bottom of her dress so it came just past her knees. Snow let out a squeal of fright and eyed the Huntsman wearily as he looked at her bare legs, then slowly let his eyes travel up her body, pausing at the swell of her breasts, exposed thanks to a tear in her gown, before his eyes came to rest on hers.

"Don't flatter yourself." He said, seeing that she obviously thought he was going to try something, and wanting her to know that he was not at all attracted to her, though the guttural tone of his voice gave him away; he just hoped she didn't know that. They traveled on until the Dark Forest became even darker, signalling that night was falling.

"We will stay here for the night." The Huntsman said, coming to a stop next to a hollowed tree. He looked inside, ensuring they would be the only occupants, before he motioned to Snow to enter, climbing in after her and cutting some braches until they fell in a manner that disguised their hiding place. With that accomplished he turned his attention to the girl who had curled up in a ball as far away from him as possible.

"I said not to flatter yourself." He reminded her. "Perhaps I was wrong to assume you would know that meant I bear you no attraction. You need not cower in the corner, your virtue is safe."

"I am not cowering." She said. "It is simply that after years in a tower cell I have learned that the best way to keep warm is to curl into oneself."

"And to do so in the farthest corner?"

"We are in a tree. I was not certain how big the space was, and you are...tall." She lamely finished.

"I am a big man, aye." He agreed with an amused chuckle. "And you are naught but a tiny thing that does not need to prove just how tiny you are by cowering in the corner."

"I told you I am not cowering." She repeated, though did move away from the wall some. They sat in silence for a bit, neither ready for sleep as the excitement of the day still bared down on them.

"Why did the Queen keep you locked in a tower for so many years?" The Huntsman finally asked, repeating the question from earlier that day.

"Why does the Queen do anything she does?" Snow countered. "She is mean, sadistic and evil. She does what she pleases without a care or thought to any other."

"That doesn't answer my question."

"It does not concern you." She nearly snapped. "All that concerns you is getting me safely to Duke Hammond's castle, where you will then receive your reward." She added as an incentive.

"You must be someone of great importance to both the Queen and the Duke to have one doing all she can to get you back, and knowing another will pay one hundred gold pieces for your safe return." Snow said nothing, allowing him his thoughts but not willing to either confirm or deny any of them. "By your speech I would say you are a lady of some breeding, though who or of where I do not know."

"It does not concern you." She mumbled again, leaning back against the tree and doing all she could to get comfortable.

"If you won't tell me who you are, will you at least tell me your name?" He asked a moment later as he too tried to settle down for the night.

"Snow." She said finally. "You can call me Snow."

"Snow..." He murmured, wondering if that was her real name or one she chose on a whim, though he could not deny that it suited her, for her skin was so light in colour.

"And you?" She asked. "I would know your name, now that you know mine."

"Eric." He said with little hesitation. "My name is Eric." They said no more and allowed themselves to drift off to sleep though it did not last long. The chill of the lingering winter was in the air, and never more so then in the Dark Forest; it was not long until Snow's shivering and chattering teeth awoke the Huntsman. He lifted his head to look at her, though he could see nothing through the darkness and so felt, rather then saw, her shivering form. Cursing himself for not realizing she would freeze in that dress, for not only was it all she had, but he'd also removed a large portion of it, leaving her legs bare above the boots she wore. He reached across the small space and lifted her up, bringing her around to lie beside him.

"W-what are you doing?" She asked.

"You are freezing and your teeth chattering is keeping me awake." He said as he moved them so her back was to his chest and his arm was securely wrapped around her. "I have a long coat and warm body to offer."

"It is h-highly inappropriate..." She protested weakly, already feeling the warmth of his body against her back and the biting chill having disappeared from her bare legs when he'd covered them with his coat.

"What care I for appropriate?" "But-"

"Hush." He said. "We can worry about appropriate when we reach Duke Hammond's, but we will not even reach there if we freeze to death." He included himself in that, for although not shivering uncontrollably, he was cold. Snow said no more and settled into sleep, Eric not far behind her. He was the first to awake the next morning and looked down to see that she had shifted in her sleep, turning so her head rested on his chest. As she slept, he took a moment to observe her, observe her beauty and the innocence about her. Contrary to his initial thoughts, it was obvious she knew little about the world, though her years in the tower would explain that, but it was that innocence that gave way to her beauty. While he would not deny that her face was one of the most pleasing he'd ever looked upon, it was not her physical beauty he thought of, but rather her inner beauty, the beauty that allowed her, through her innocence, to still have hope for the world and still believe that there was goodness, where he, and many others, had given up hope long ago. In that moment he wanted to protect her, she was no longer just a means to an end that would see him with one hundred gold pieces, but he truly wished to see her through this, and protect her from the dangers of the forest, and of the world thereafter.

"Snow." He called softly, shaking his head to clear his thoughts. "Snow you must wake. We must be on our way." She woke slowly, groggily looking around through half closed eyes before looking up at him, their eyes boring into each other, both fully aware that he still held her close.

"Y-yes." She stumbled, looking away in embarrassment and moving off him. "I am ready." He nodded and cleared the branches before leading the way out of the tree. They walked for most of the day, watching as the trees thinned until daylight was truly able to breakthrough onto their faces, though there was by no means any sun.

"Is this the edge of the dark forest?" Snow asked.

"Aye." He answered warily. An old stone bridge stood before them not far ahead and its presence had him on edge; for whatever reason, bridges were often the place of ambush. Eric pulled out his axe and a knife, debating with himself whether to give it to her or not, knowing of her ineptitude.

"Let me show you something." He said, deciding to teach her one thing on how to use a knife before giving it to her, and before continuing into possibly even more danger. He held out the knife, which she gingerly took, looking at it with uncertainty. "Which is your lead foot?" He asked, getting a confused look. He took a quick step forwards, forcing her back on instinct and taking note that she did so with her right foot. "If someone comes at you, you raise this arm up." He instructed, bringing her left arm up in a defensive position. "You block, and use their strength against them." He brought his arm up and took another step forwards, moving his arm towards her as if brandishing a knife, showing her the proper way to block. "Wait until they get close," Another step forwards and he wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her close and regretting his action almost immediately as he felt her small body pressed flushed against him. "And then you drive it through their heart to the hilt." He forced himself to continue, bringing her right arm forwards and punching her closed fist against his chest just above his heart. "You understand? You do not hesitate." He reiterated, suddenly imagining her actually having to use the skill he taught her and not liking that thought one bit. "Then you look in their eyes, and you do not pull it out until you see their soul."

"I could not do that." She said after a moment's hesitation, looking up at him with sad eyes, both at the thought of actually taking a life, and also at knowing she was disappointing him, though that last thought she forced from her.

"Well you might not have a choice." He said before turning and continuing on the way. Slowly they approached the bridge and once half way across Eric's fear of an ambush came true. Battle cries were heard as men on horses came pounding out of the trees, Finn at their lead.

"Stay behind me!" Eric instructed, as he raised his weapons. "And be prepared to run." Finn's men did not hesitate in attacking them and it became clear very quickly that they weren't trying to capture Snow, but kill her, apparently the Queen had decided she no longer cared if Snow lived or died. The Huntsman alone wasn't faring well against all those men, though he could have sworn one of them had saved his life at one point, turning on his comrade. Luck, however, for Eric did not know what else to call it, was on his side for not long after the fight had begun, a loud roar was heard, and every man turned to see a creature rising from the ditch below the bridge.

"Troll!" Eric cried, grabbing a hold of Snow and jumping out of the way, turning so that when they hit the ground she landed on top of him.

"Eric!" She cried in worry at his grunt of pain.

"I'm fine." He said, getting up and pulling her to her feet before shoving her in the opposite direction as the troll. "Run!" He told her, turning back towards the creature and preparing to fend it off till she could get away. His luck came in that the troll had gone after Finn and his men as well. They had scattered, some making it off into the forest while others weren't so lucky. Finn, however, as well as the one Eric could have sworn had helped him, remained, determined to reach Snow. Fending off Finn and a troll was difficult, though it had its moments when Finn had no choice but to forget about him and Snow, and fend himself from the troll, his companion not faring much better. The three men were knocked backwards, each hitting the ground hard, but it was Eric that the troll went after.

"No!" a voice practically shrieked as a small body launched itself in front of him. Snow stood there, staring the troll in the face, knowing she was probably about to die, but for some reason not caring, for the alternative was leaving Eric to this monster, which was something she couldn't do. Snow stared the monster down as it drew nearer, falling backwards when it roared in her face, it's putrid breath making her gag. But then the strangest thing happened. The troll, which had only moments ago been snarling and grunting, preparing to attack and devour its prey, stopped. Snow could feel its eyes boring in to hers and she knew then that it was not a vicious creature and meant her no harm; it's attack stemming from its hunger and their invading his home. The troll stepped back and sat down before her, all its aggressiveness leaving him. Snow was about to approach, seeing the goodness in this creature that no others did, but was pulled away by Eric, who had taken the moment of the troll's tame behaviour to get to his feet. Snow looked to him and while she could tell that he was still weary of the troll, his real goal was now to get her away from Finn, for this was their only chance as the giant troll stood between her and the one hunting her. With a farewell smile to the troll, Snow allowed herself to be pulled away, Eric leading her slowly until the troll's roar was heard once more and he decided that they were far enough away and took off at a run. The sound of pursuing feet did not follow them and so Eric assumed the troll's roar had not been at them, but rather hopefully at Finn. Either way, they were safe for the moment.

"I told you to run!" He growled as he yanked her around and held her securely with both hands, looking down at her and at once yet again aware of her small stature, the top of her head not quite making it to his shoulder, and wondering how such a small thing could tame a giant troll.

"If I had you would be dead." She answered, looking up at him, those same eyes that had only moments ago borne into the troll's now bore into his. All his anger left him, replaced by that same feeling of protectiveness he'd felt earlier, though also a new sense of understanding, of knowing, that she was strong, that there was something about her that made others see the world as a better place, and had him feeling that her life, her happiness, was now placed above all else. The two continued to stare at each other, both unable to pull apart and slowly, giving her lots of time to pull away, Eric leaned down and kissed her. It was a hesitant kiss, he knew that this would be her first, a girl as beautiful as her did not reach this age knowing some things but not others, it was one or the other and she was innocent and pure. Although he sorely wanted to, Eric forced himself to pull away. He'd promised her virtue would be safe with him, and if they continued down this path then he could not guarantee that.

"L-let us move on." He said finally. Snow nodded silently and allowed him to lead the way.

A/N - My first non-Power Rangers story, so we'll see how I do in an entirely different world.

Again, this is my version of the movie and sticks pretty close to the movie as you can see, just with a bigger focus on Snow and Eric and their romance. There are five chapters, all of them written, just gotta edit, and like the movie it will end with the coronation.

Review and let me know what you think!