Disclaimer: I only own plot not wolf's rain or Harry potter

Please review and tell me what you think.


I never knew why I was fascinated with wolves. Hermione always told me that it probably had something to do with Remus being a werewolf. I think it's something else. Luna always said that the future for me was full of pain and love, but I never thought it could be this. Ron and Dumbledore with the help of Molly and Ginny had me under love potions and in their control. I had only broken it with Luna's and Hermione's help after a surprise ally in slytherin pointed out the symptoms. They had put me through a lot to get the potions out of my symptoms. The healer said I was lucky for the sign's to be seen or else I would still be the groveling boy I used to be. After the battle of Hogwarts and Voldemort's demise, things had taken a turn for the worse. Dumbledore had come back and Molly, Ron, and Ginny with his help pleaded attempted Line theft. It almost worked, but thanks to our slytherin ally Daphne it hadn't worked. After that, Wizarding britain was struck by three dark lords and ladies in a row that had cost me my best friends and those I saw as family. Here's what happened in order:

Lord Ronald Weasley and his actions:

1) Capturing Luna and Hermione.

2) Torturing them.

3) Rapeing Hermione.

5) Killing Hermione when the child was a still born.

Lady Katherine Weasley, daughter of Ginny and some unknown man:

1) Killed Nevile in a raid.

2) Drugging Daphne and Tracy.

3) Rendering them barren.

4) Killing them and displaying their bodies outside Diagon.

Lady Ginevra Weasley:

1) Killing my god son

2) Torturing Luna

3) blinding Luna

4) Killing Fleur.

All in all they have hurt and killed almost everyone, but the new one has taken my last and final part of my family. She has taken Luna from me in revenge for killing Ronald, Katherine, and then Ginevra. I remember Luna's sweet face as she died, jumping in front of the cutting curse that was aimed at my heart. Arthur and the other weasley's had stood there with shocked looks on their face and Molly looked angry. I had watched as Arthur had his wand raised and the killing curse flew at Molly as I held Luna close. She spoke just as Molly's body fell to the ground, "Harry you must run and take the name Raiyuki. Run as the wolf you are. Shed thine human form and run as a wolf. Find paradise Harry and then you shall find us again. Find paradise and remember to love..."

Her eyes had close as the last word was uttered. I stayed for the funeral as I grieved. The days after I had searched for my animagus and surprise surprise it was a wolf. My fur was white like snow with black on my tail. I was relieved to find my damn curse scar not on it. A dark lord had rose up the day I had found my form and first transformed. I left the wizarding world while giving Arthur and the other remaining weasley's my fortune. After that all I did was run and run for many years I ran and lived as a wolf. I searched for paradise and with my eternal life I knew I could do this of the rest of eternity and I was fine with that.

And then, I met Them.

Kiba, Cheza, Hige, Toboe, and Tsume. Four wolves traveling with the Lunar flower. I was resting in the back of an old bus in some junk yard when I met Cheza and Toboe. Toboe was shocked and scared until Cheza walked right over to me and hugged me. I knew I should have left, but she reminded me painfully of a younger, unwar hardened Luna. I traveled with them and the rest and met the half wolf Blue. I became thick as thieves with the pack. We became a big family and I'm not ashamed to admit I loved Kiba. We traveled for a long time, losing Cheza, finding her again, being separated, finding each other and Blue Before this happened then this happened. Darcia attacked and we lost Toboe and Blue's old master as well as Cher and Hubb. I remember losing the group and meeting Darcia before he went off somewhere. I managed to get up and found each of my pack members. Hige and Blue dead in each others embrace. Tsume dying while urging me on. I made it to the top of the area where we were and found Chesa crying as Darcia and Kiba fought. I found an opening and jumped into the fray. I managed a few good hits before I was flung off close to Cheza. Growling, I got up and charged with Kiba. We charged and after a while killed Darcia. We both backed over to Cheza and I watched and let Kiba grieve. I watched as Cheza died and we began to walk. I collapsed first, followed by Kiba. He laid behind me as set his head on my neck with a Lunar flower falling from his mouth onto my side. I closed my eyes as I said, "I guess this is the end huh Kiba?"

He grunted and I smiled softly as I shifted my body to face him and look into his eyes. His eyes were so beautiful in both his forms. I laid my head back down with the flower now over my heart. I spoke again with my eyes closing, "It's a shame I was never able to tell you about my feelings for you until now. Hermione was right, I do have lousy timing," I felt him stiffen and continued uncaring about whether he would reject me or not, I was dying after all, "I love the way you protect the pack. I love your drive to go to paradise. I love everything about you, even your sometimes single mindedness. Kiba I..."

I stopped talking after I felt his nose on my ear. His breath was warm as he breathed out and I struggled not to shiver and failed miserably. He spoke in a soft tone and used my nickname, "Rai why didn't you tell me this before?"

"I...I didn't want you to reject me," I answer slowly.

He caught me off guard when he liked my ear, "I would never reject you."

"But I thought with Cheza-" I protested.

"She is a Lunar flower and like a little sister. In the beginning, maybe, but now..." He trailed off and I smiled.

I spoke again feeling warm for the first time in a long time, "Kiba I...I love you."

"And I love you my dear Lightning Snow," He said nipping my neck.

I smiled and curled closer to him. I spoke again as darkness seeped into my vision, "Kiba promise me something?"

"What is it?" He asked.

"Promise me that we will meet again," I begged.

"I promise we will meet each other again after the first blood moon," He answered.

I smiled deeply as I yawned and said sleepily, "Goodnight Kiba."

"Good night Raiyuk-"



"My birth name was Harry,"

"I think your new name fits you better,"

"I can't help but agree,"

"Go to sleep Raiyuki,"

"I don't wanna,"


"I don wanna be alone,"

"You won't I will always be there when you need me,"



I closed my eyes for the last time with that promise and the world faded away. Kiba's form was warm against my back for a few seconds before it disappeared. I let out a whimper and tried to find him. I open my eyes and found myself in a black void filled with nothingness.

"KIBA!" I screamed, trying to find him, "Please Kiba Where ARE YOU?!"

I ran through the void for hours before I collapsed and wept for the first time in years. Why does Fate have to be cruel? Can't she just let me have peace? Am I really her play thing? Does she hate m-

"I do not hate you Harry Potter or should I call you Raiyuki?" A voice asked from out of no where.

I was up on my paws in seconds, growling and glaring. I soon found the source of the voice and stared at the two women. They were polar opposites, but nonetheless powerful. One was in a hooded Robe. The robes she wore were a deep blue like the night sky with white flowers and diffrent animals running through them. Her face was hidden from view. she looked like the grim reaper in her cloak, but not dead. She felt alive. The second woman had moon beam pale skin. Her hair was a silvery blond with black and dark blue streaks. Her eyes were golden with a silver pupil. Her hair reached her waist. She had a delicate was wearing a white dress with a blue robe. Her ears were that of a wolf. She had wings the color of fallen snow. She had a fox tail. Her face had swirls of gold and silver in the shape of moons. She smiled softly at me and I felt at complete ease with her the minute I looked at her. I felt all my guards go down and yet I can find no problem with it. She reminded me of Luna. The first spoke allowing me to see this it was her that had spoken before, "I do not try to be cruel, but I must have balance. I wanted to leave you your peace, but Destiny has spun her web and I must follow it. I do not think of you as a plaything. You are too dear to me for think of you as one."

I stare at her before twitching. She's FATE as in the one to make all the shit in my life happen? Why the fuck is she here? To take me to hell? To tell me that I don't deserve my peace? T-

"Young one do not put fault on her," A beautiful voice like a phoenix floated from the others mouth as she stared at me, "The fault is of Destiny's choice for you. You have completed that destiny, but with much heart ache. She is sorry young one,"

I stare at her before recalling what the other had said before I sigh. My anger faded as I realized she was right. Destiny was the one to decided things, Fate only made the events happen. Wait my destiny is over so that means I can go to paradise right? I turn back to them for an answer. The second being shook her head sadly, "I cannot allow it dear one, no matter how much it breaks my heart."

"WHAT? Why?" I ask feeling empty.

"Paradise is the world you've left," She answered causing me to stare, "In the beginning, mother Gaia and father Aether gave control to the children they had before they went into a deep sleep. Their children worked together in the beginning until they wanted to take full control. The world perished with only Fate, Destiny, Death, Hecate, and I alive for we did not fight. Our parents awoke from their slumber with anger and sorrow. They demanded the story and we told them the truth. They were sorrowful and gave us a world they had created. This world was the twin of the other and was to be used as the place our and us families lived, but now it would be used as the new world. The world of paradise,"

I stare at her in horror before I asked, "Then there's nothing else for us? Then it was all a lie?" I close my eyes and said, "Theres no hope for peace."

"Actually young one there is hope," Fate answered, "We only need you help,"

I look at her and asked, "What do you need me to do?" I know it's stupid, but I didn't care. I wanted peace...and my pack and family.

Fate smiled and answered, "Luna and I with the help of our siblings have been able to rewind time to the point you were age eight."

"What can I do at that age?" I ask in confusion.

"A lot," Luna answered, "You can learn more about magic and meet more allies to help you along the way. You will also be meeting your soulmate and pack earlier,"

"Really?" I ask before staring at her, "Soulmate?"

Luna looked amused and answered, "Yes to both. Kiba is your soulmate."

"But how?" I ask, "I mean I love that, but how?"

"It's a blessing from me unto you when you go back. Think of it as another gift," Fate answered.

"What else will happen?" I ask.

"That's for us to know and you to find out if you agree," Fate answered.

Closing my eyes, I sigh and nod my head. Fate squealed like a little girl and hugged me. I gasp and tried to get away. She chuckled and let go before Luna hugged me.

"Good bye Harry and have fun!" Fate yelled as the world began to fade.

"Wait! How am I going to have pups with Kiba? What about our memories" I yell only to hear a giggle.

"You'll see," Came her sing song reply.

I growl and tried not to panic as the world engulfed me and curse fate to the deepest ring of hell. Oh this is going to FUN.

Alright read and review.