Vegeta was still in shock of Frieza's presence. Frieza seemed more angery than before. His face showed the pain he was in but at the same time, the tyrant showed a disgust expression. Although his body looked crippled, Frieza still looked menacing to all the observers.

"What's the matter Vegeta? Surprised to see me?" sneered Frieza.

Despite the pain he was in, Frieza felt he had the upper hand. He looked around as he eyed his spectators. Vegeta took a step back and tried to retreat. At his current state, he knew he stood chance against Frieza. Frieza must have realized the uneasiness coming from Vegeta and glared at him. A wicked smile formed on his lips as he slowly lifted his arm. He pointed his fingertip toward and shot a beam that pierced through Vegeta's armor with no problem. The death beam hit Vegeta on the spot, he instantly fell knees first. He attempted to hold himself up with one hand as he was on his knees. He could feel as the blood was rushing out of his wound. He had no way of making the bleeding from stopping. It must have been the fear that he was feeling that caused his blood to pump out faster. Whatever the reason was, he quickly felt weak as he began losing blood.

Everyone else was scared, no one bothered to help Vegeta. They didn't want to be another victim just like him. Vegeta began coughing up voluminous amounts of blood. His body began to give in, Frieza only chuckled.

"I don't think you're capable of being my successor, Vegeta if you're so weak"

He continued to laugh. Vegeta felt light headed.

"No! I will not let you have the last laugh" Vegeta managed to croak.

He placed one hand over his chest where the blood kept coming out and raised the other. It was useless but it was the best thing he could to help himself. He realized that no one else was giving him a hand. It didn't shock him, why would they?

"You will pay for what you did to my father, to me, and my planet. I don't care for the immortality, I just want you destroyed, you're the reason why I became this way. So ambitious"

The Z-fighters were listening as Vegeta spoke, but they were more shocked as they realized that there was tears coming down Vegeta's face. It was like Vegeta had become another person from the way he was opening up. Surely it was because he was dying that he felt the need to give disclosure. They were awed as they saw that the tears hit the ground. Vegeta didn't want to give up just yet. With all the strength he had left, he raised his hand and charged an attack as he spoke.

"..Frieza, you'll pay for taking my father away from me, when I was a little boy"

Then as Vegeta finished speaking, he launched his attack. It wasn't any bigger than a beach ball. His hand began getting shaking as he focused more of his ki onto his attack. Without waiting much longer, he took aim at Frieza.

"Take this!"

Vegeta attempted to thrust his body forward but froze. His eyes grew white as he groaned. No one knew what had happened. Without any warning, the nearly dead Vegeta fell face down.

".. I was getting tired of hearing Vegeta. Why couldn't he just roll over and die when I first shot him?" complained Frieza.

Frieza had pierced Vegeta again with another death beam. This one wasn't as fatal as the first, and Vegeta was still alive. Frieza's second death beam had immobilized Vegeta. Goku then broke the silence.

"Vegeta! No!"

During this time, Goku managed to get up at last. He had rested enough and was able to walk now. Vegeta managed push himself up, and realized that he has but only a few moments before he would bleed out. Death was around the corner. He didn't have time left. Frieza's death beam had crippled him even further, but he managed to muster strength to move very minimal.

"Kakarot! Everyone listen. I'm not going to make it, but I know you will. And I ask... that you make sure that you take Frieza out once and for all. I know Kakarot how you always show compassion for your enemies but not Frieza. He'll...he'll get revenge if you let him go. Frieza is not someone who you can reason with. He will kill your son, and your brother. So please Kakarot, and even you Raditz. Get rid of Frieza"

Vegeta looked over to Frieza as he smirked at Frieza. He was finally free from the tyrant's grip. Vegeta felt like he did what he could and the rest was on everyone. He peacefully closed his eyes and passed away.

"Wow, I didn't think that Vegeta had a heart after all, did you Raditz?" asked Goku as he faced his brother.

Raditz shook his head no in disbelief of what he heard.

"Never in those times that he served as my superior did he show any sign of softness. Vegeta had never shown any sign of emotions even when he's been in situations where he is playing with death. I guess Frieza really did scarred him as he says"

Krillin had his eyes glued to Frieza. He saw that Frieza was only beginning in his wrath.

"Guys, aren't you forgetting something?"

They all turned to look at Frieza. He was still chuckling as he was claiming his next victim. He eyed each person as he was still deciding. His face brightened as he reached out toward Krillin. Krillin didn't feel anything as first, but he suddenly felt himself elevated. After seeing what happened to Vegeta, he feared for his life. Goku was the first one to yell in protest.

"Frieza wait!..."

Everyone turned to face Goku. They could hear a change in his voice, Goku was pleading.

"...It doesn't have to be this way, you don't have to do this. Frieza don't!"

Frieza spat as he answered back.

"It seems to me that the monkey is pleading for the life of his little friend. Don't worry, you'll all be dead soon enough, You can join him and Vegeta"

Then without hesitation, he continued elevating Krillin higher. Goku was frozen in fear, his vision was coming true. Dread filled his body as he watching his best friend about to be killed, and he was powerless to stop it. Everyone else wasn't going to do any better, they were all goners. He could only have himself responsible for not being able to stop the vision regardless of his rigorous training. He turned to face Piccolo as he knew what was going to happen next. Just as he foresaw in his vision, Piccolo charged at Frieza as expected. Frieza then used his other hand to shoot a beam against Piccolo. The beam pierced into Piccolo's chest causing him to drop on the ground where he stood while this occurred Krillin kept getting elevated to the sky till finally Krillin gave a yell.


With one movement, Frieza closed his hand. Krillin blew up. No one said as they watched in terror as Krillin got blown up by Frieza. Goku was looking at the ground, many thoughts raced in his mind. There was no remains of his long-time best friend. He lost him once but this time felt different. The stakes were much higher. He was involved in a battle that he had to win if he wants to live and bring back his fallen friends. The feeling of fear quickly turned into anger. Feeling powerless was the worst feeling. With the ability to foresee such catastrophic events and yet he was getting the same outcomes.

Goku was unable to save Vegeta, nor Krillin. As he was thinking more into this, he came to a realization. His eyes widened and quickly faced to see his brother and his son who were at Piccolo's side trying to get him to wake up. Goku remembered that his vision does not end with the death of Krillin and the piercing of Piccolo's chest. Goku's breathing began to get heavy as he mind played a familiar scene in his head. His vision also indicated that Frieza's next victim was going to be Raditz. Raditz was going to be killed by the tyrant. Then after Raditz, Frieza's next target was going to be Gohan.

"Oh Kami... help us" whispered Goku under his breath.


Non-available for this chapter

Comments: Well, that was an interesting hiatus. Last time I posted, I was barely starting college and now I'm almost out. I honestly didn't know if I was going to comeback. I also don't know if I'll comeback after this chapter. I posted this new chapter to see what sort of reaction I would get if people are still reading I'll try to continue it again. Most of you probably lost interest by now. I had to search up this fan fiction text file on my computer and realized that I already wrote at least 30 more chapters. They just need a lot of cleaning up since they were written back in 2015. Feel free to criticize on my writing or the fact that I took too long.

pokemonwhite2: Thanks. Sorry for an even longer wait.

ame no itteki: Yeah, about that. Oops. I managed to update probably too late.

dragonfox123: Hey, you seem new. Welcome! You're not missing much.