Disclaimer: "Characters and Setting from The Television show Victorious, Belong to Dan Schneider and The Nickelodeon Company. Any other Places and Characters are my own. Also, I do not support any form of Criminal activities nor do the characters belonging to Dan Schneider, This only a work of Fan-Fiction."
(!) "Welcome to The Last Ending for This Short Story, The Epilogue for this one is the only thing that's different from the last ending. I want to say thank you to Lushcoltrane and to my Boy WeBeTheCrew for reviewing this crazy story up to this point. I also want to thank the people who made this story my number 1 visited story and my second most viewed story after House of Flesh II."
Chapter 11: Let The Old Dreams Die (Last Ending)
21, March 2014, 5:30 [Evening]
Andre's Bedroom, Harris Residence
Andre went back home after losing track of time while he was on the roof of the school trying to make a decision, each minute that passed by was a minute spent not being with either Tori or Jade. Out of everyone to be given this task of "Choose You're Poison" he was probably the one and only person on earth dealing with this dilemma. He got himself in this position, and he could get himself out of it with the right plan and…oh what the hell was he trying to do-There was no way out of this. The only he thing he could do was hope he chose the right girl to spend his Friday night with.
Andre stepped out of his school clothes, jumped into his shower and took a short Luke warm shower. While he was in his shower, he had an epiphany, If he chose Tori then Jade would be heartbroken. If he went Jade, then Tori would be Heartbroken. Clearly there would be no winner here-Including him.
Tori had great qualities that attracted him to her, she was kind, sincere, beautiful and had a great spirit inside of her. She wasn't bad around the eyes and curves department neither. Then there was Jade West, Tough, a diamond in the rough, well rounded in the ways of fighting and intimidation. But she had something else, a young girl crying out to be loved Originating in the farthest corner inside of her psyche. To be claimed by Love and held in the embrace of Eternity. Plus she was also well "rounded" in many other parts.
There was only one thing left to do.
Andre stepped out of his shower when he was done, dried himself and jumped on his bed after clothing himself. He grabbed his phone and texted both girls, he sent them both similar messages explaining his choice not to show up to meet either of them tonight.
Text Message (Andre)
AT&T 6:00PM 90%
Messages Tori Vega/ Jade West Edit
"My beloved {Jade/ Tori} The times I spent with you meant more to me than the times I spent alone dreaming about my dream girl, and going out with her to faraway places on earth for our dates. She does not hold a candle to your beauty/ Headstrong attitude which attracted me to you. I am writing this Message to you to tell you that I have not been faithful to you. For the past few days I have been seeing a girl named Tori Vega/ Jade West. Forgive me for keeping the presence of another girl in the dark from you, but because I cant speak as you know, I wanted to ask you to meet me tomorrow at Capybara Recreation Park tomorrow to give you both a proper apology. Meet me at 4 in the Afternoon."
And with that last important word typed, Apology, Andre sent his message to both Tori and Jade and hoped for the best tomorrow. He turned off his phone, covered his face with both of his hands and sobbed quietly.
Jade and Tori
6:30 [Evening]
Turning on their phone to get to the message that they received from Andre and reading it from their respective locations, Tori and Jade were beyond surprised and justly angry, jealous and feeling betrayed. Tori squeezed her phone and bit her lower lip, bit down on it so much she cut her lip. Blood formed as a bed and then dripped from her lip. Tori tapped the top of her phone on her chin, thinking about what she wanted to do. Jade, out of everyone-why did it have to be her.
Over in Jaguar Park, Jade pulled out a knife she had concealed in a sheath inside of her pocket, and stabbed a tree over and over again. She pretend the tree was Andre and that he was cowering in fear and did his best to shield the most vulnerable spots on his body. In the throes of her jealous and angry mindset, Jade's stabs became less powerful and came to a slow halt.
Anger and Jealousy only lasted as long as the person who was harboring them to let it stay inside of them, festering and rotting that person's view of people, beliefs and central trust core. Jade took her knife back and slid it back into it's sheath. She found her center and breath in and out, before confronting Andre- she had to Confront Tori first.
Magnolia Burbank Twnhses, E Magnolia Blvd, L.A
7:30 [Night]
Jade was the first to return back home, she took a seat on her couch in the living room and kicked off her shoes. And removed her bolero jacket. The house was quiet, very quiet. Jade heard the front door opening and closing. Tori came in only a few minutes after she did. Jade felt uneasy, and she imagined Tori did also. Tori spotted Jade sitting on the couch and stopped, she looked like she wanted to say something-scratch that, more like scream it at Jade at the top of her lungs. Tori lifted one foot behind her and removed her shoe, then did the same to the other foot. She went over and sat on the couch, next to Jade. The obviousness of tension was as real as the look of hurt, betrayal and anger in both girls eyes. Something had to be said, or else the tension would spell their-
"When did you meet him Tori…" Jade asked, speaking up first.
"I met him the first day we got here, when I went outside to explore the neighborhood. I ventured inside a park and saw him swinging on a swing. Actually he was sitting on it. I saw that he looked like Marcus, I think I already told you about him. He looked a lot like him, we communicated using cards and him tracing letters on my hand. I fell for him like I fell for Marcus. I kept our relationship, you and me, a secret from him- and I kept him and me a secret from you. I'm Sorry Jade."
Jade lowered her head and looked at her nails, biting them and spitting them out like sunflower seeds. Jade took in a lot of air and released a long sigh, then blew a raspberry for added obvious sign of frustration. It was her turn to explain herself now.
"It's funny Tori, I met him on the 12th after I walked out of here in anger. Frustrated, I just felt like finding anyone and just hurting them, after I robbed them. I spotted him in Best Buy where I tailed him and tried to rob when he was at his car. Turned out he was experienced in disarming someone who had a gun and I guess a knife. I don't know what it was at first, but I like how he showed no fear of losing his life. Plus he had me pinned the same way Edward did so many years ago. I guess…that's when I became attracted to him.
Also, I have to tell you something else Tori…I…I'm no longer a-"
"Jade…it's ok. It's not like it would have been the same for me as it was for him."
Jade arched her neck and rested it on the top of her couch's back pillow, she covered her eyes with her hands and began to sob and whimper quietly. Tori dropped any and all distrust and misgivings about Jade for the moment and comforted her.
"All three of us Fucked up Jade, Me, You and Andre. we kept secrets from one another and I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I don't know about you, but I'm going to go see Andre and get an apology from him-even though he can't speak."
Tori helped Jade off the couch and walked with her into their bedroom, they closed their door and locked it.
Harris Residence
12:00 [Midnight]
Tossing and Turning on his bed, wrapping his bed sheets around his arms and legs, Andre sunk deeper into a dream where he was visited by another African American boy, he wore the fanciest, whitest three piece suit he has ever seen on any one man or Boy. Not even the white admiral suits that real life navy officers wear for ceremonies compared to it's magnificence. There was only thing about this other dream figure, his face was veiled with a brilliant, Magnificent, Elegant White Flame that that in the center of a mile wide Lotus Flower that acted as a Halo for this young man.
"Andre…Andre Harris…" said the dream figure.
"How do you know my name…d..n why the h… is it so bright! Wait a sec…was I just censored?"
The Dream figure removed extended his hand and pressed it on Andre's forehead. Andre was shown 1,000 square scenarios extending in the Four main cardinal directions with him as the center. Above him he saw all the alternate lives he would have if he chose Tori, Below him he saw all the alternate lives if he chose Jade. To his West he saw all the negative outcomes if he chose one over the other and to his east he saw all the positive outcomes if certain conditions were met.
"Choose wisely Andre…this is all I can do for you…I have to return back to my Universe."
The dream figure pulled his hand away from Andre's forehead and disappeared in an brilliant yet quick implosion. Andre hand's twitched first, then his feet and then…
Andre's body lurched forward, his hands clawed and grabbed at nothing but air. He was choking on something, he jumped out of his bed and ran into his bathroom and turned on the faucet on his sink on. He drank some water and gargled some, he spit the gargled water into the sink and looked at himself in his mirror.
"Yes…he understood it now."
Capybara Recreational Park
3:30 [Afternoon]
Andre arrived sooner than he wanted to, but what the dream figure showed him really changed him for the Better. He waited patiently on the swing, looking at the sun and blue sky. He kicked some dirt with the tip of his shoes as he swung them back and forth.
"Andre…" said a voice from behind him.
Andre swung around on his swing and spotted Jade and Tori, Together. He was relieved to see them both, but felt a little odd seeing both girls standing so close together. Andre stood up from his swing, dusted his butt and got on his knees and bowed before both girls. Jade and Tori raised their eyebrows and stared at each other, confused. Was Andre Japanese? Or did he just preferred to apologize like them. Either way, he was off on a good start.
Andre rose up and pulled out an index card from his back pocket, he handed it to Jade who read it as soon as it was in her hand. Jade held up the card and began to read.
"Thank you Jade and Tori for coming out here at my request, I first want to "say" sorry to both of you. Please look at me before continuing to read what's on this card…"
Jade and Tori both looked at Andre who was back on his feet, he formed an "A" with his right hand, placed it against his chest and rotated it in a clockwise motion. Tori smiled and Jade smiled with her. With Andre's apology over, Jade returned back to reading the rest of what was on the card.
"Forgive me, once again for being unfaithful to both of you. I could not choose one over the other since that would mean choosing my favorite between you two. To be honest, I viewed it as choosing which poison was going to kill me the quickest or the slowest. I would still love to pursue a relationship with one of you, but since you two are the girls, the decision to pursue a relationship at all with me is solely up to you two, or one of you."
"Wow, forgiving and Smooth. I guess I can accept your Apology Andre." Said Jade.
"Me too, I'll accept your Apology also Andre. Well, Now that you have rightfully apologized to us Andre, it's time we apologize to you too."
Andre looked a little confused at what Tori had just said.
"You see Andre, me and Tori here are a couple. While we were going out with each other, we were also going out with you too. Neither I knew Tori was going out with you or she knew I was going out with you. When we got your text message yesterday, we talked to each other last night and decided on what we wanted to do. Do you know what we decided on Andre?"
2 Years Later
20, May 2016, 3:30 [Afternoon]
Grand Rapids, Minnesota
Throwing heavy bags filled with stolen jewelry into the trunk of their Coachcraft, Tori made sure the bags were all in and took up no additional space needed for the other bags of stolen jewelry to fit. She donned her custom made Kevlar bullet proof suit with some plating and padding when she and Jade robbed that bank in North Dakota Two years ago. Donning something else, Tori had on her sugar skull mask also.
Covering her back, Jade also had the same Kevlar bulletproof bodysuit and wearing her army skull mask as she fired bullets from her Thomson Sub-Machine Gun at nearby officers and oncoming squad cars.
"Those Bags All In Sugar Skull!" Jade shouted.
"Yeah!…There All in, let's bounce!" Tori replied, Jade walked over to her driver's seat still firing her weapon. Tori also fired at the local law enforcement encircling them. She fired her 'Matilda' 9mm Handgun witch had Burst fire capability at cops in front of the car and some hiding behind their cars.
"Get in Sugar Skull! Time to give these Assholes The Slip…Slippery Grease Button Attack!"
Tori jumped into the passenger side seat, Then Jade floored it. They sped away fast enough to get some distance away from the mob of bullet riddles police cars and swat Trucks. Jade pressed a button on her car's Center console which raised the car hydraulically by the wheels and lowered a type of tank next to the hidden exhaust pipe. Black oil completed flooded the street behind them, Tori turned around and watched police cars spinning and swat vans sliding and falling on their side and crashing into homes and businesses.
Tori fired her matilda into the oil mess when their car no longer left a trail of black oil, the bullet's speed and heat ignited the entire street in an inferno which exploded and unleashed a massive plume of black smoke. Jade and Tori used this moment to drive at top speed, they headed towards the Canadian Border where they would make a new life in The Yukon Territory. Hopefully.
Jade and Tori stopped at a 'Mechanics' shop located in the sticks where they patched up the bullets holes on their car, had the CC Re-sprayed and changed the license plates at a high price. Waiting outside of this mechanic's shop, Tori viewed photos of Herself with Jade and Andre in the last photo they took all together in Capybara Recreation Park before they left him and the state. If they had taken him, if he chose to go with them-chances were he probably would not be able to take this kind of lifestyle. Tori kissed two of her fingers and pressed it on the screen of her phone
"Tori!…I got Food, let's eat this before crossing the border!"
Capybara Recreation Park, Burbank, Los Angeles CA
4:30 [Afternoon]
Grasping his Graduation Diploma Cover in one hand, Andre placed his Graduation cap on his blue folded graduation gown and Sash that rested on his lap. He thought today, the day he would say goodbye to High School and start a new adventure in College real soon would bring him a sense of content and fulfillment-but it didn't.
Andre swung slowly on his wing looking at his Diploma and other achievements in classes and activities on the next page, Today didn't feel right, there were two people he wished could have stayed with him; but after learning from them on who and what they really were about, he knew they could not stay here forever. It was impossible and that was just fine with him. While he stayed grounded in his perfect dream world, Life cruelly moved on by-Never waiting for no one man or woman.
Tears collected in his eyes and fell on his laminated Diploma, he wiped them away from his eyes using his hands. He tried to smile, but what was the point, there was no one else around to see him in this vulnerable state.
"Hi There!…"
Andre closed his diploma cover and turned around, he viewed a Short girl with brunette hair in a black blouse with red flowers designs on it, wearing jean shorts and black pump heels and a summer straw hat waving at him with the most sincerest smile he's seen on any girl.
"My name is Cat Valentine! My family is new to this area, we just moved from… Kentucky. Oh wow! Did you just graduate from Hollywood Arts? That's so awesome, I'm also going to attend that school this year. It sucks, I really would have liked to get to know you."
Andre nodded continuously and smiled when Cat was done talking to him, he stood up from his swing and turned to walk away with his belonging in hand. Cat bit her lower lip and looked a little hurt, she grabbed Andre's hand and stopped him from leaving.
"Wait…Please, I'm sorry…I forgot to ask what your name was." She was smaller than Tori and not really all that threatening like Jade, but she was a lot cuter and sweeter than both of them.
Andre turned and took Cat's hand and spelled his name on the palm of her hand.
"Nice to meet you…Andre…Harris." she said innocently.
The chapter title is not the name of a song but is a phrase in one, it is from English singer Morrissey's song, "Let The Right One Slip In" which also inspired the Swedish Dark Vampire Romantic Film and Book of The same name.
With This short story finished, I'll be taking a few days off to rest before resuming work on Broken Crowns: Vacant Thrones.
(!) "Thank you to Everyone for Reading Heart Shift."