AN: this story is a request from Chocoblue196 and is posted as a present for my sister, and no I didn't forget my other stories. Just wanted to post this, as I am working on my other stories still
It had started two weeks ago, when the lilac haired detective had captured the brown haired criminal. The other man didn't resist the inspector at all, and maybe that was the reason why he had ordered that the other man stay at the station, rather than be taken to the main jail.
The other man had denied the accusation, but didn't put up any struggle at all. He acted arrogant even thought he was arrested, like he knew that he will be released soon, or worse…
Art sighed as he rubbed the bridge of his nose, he was doing another late night shift which he really didn't need to, and was filling another report that his men should really be doing. Getting up the man went to the coffee machine and pressed the hot chocolate button while glaring at the machine as if it killed his parents.
"Can I have one too" the voice of the other man startled him, and he dropped the carton cup, which led to his suite getting splashed on and him burned slightly.
"You…why?" art panicked, why was the criminal out of the station person? And why was he grinning at him? Those were the thought that crossed his mind as he struggled to response quickly.
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Gasket's words ran through his head and he mentally beat himself up, but before he reached his gun, his hands were sized and he was pinned to the wall. It didn't help that he was feeling tired from all the sleepless night he made himself go through. He couldn't fight back; he was powerless and tired and felt like he just needed to take a nap right there.
Closing his eyes the inspector waited for the other to hit him or stab him, but when he felt his jacket being opened he panicked more.
"Don't you dare take it out!" Art growled, as he glared at the other who simply grinned.
"I wasn't going for your gun" he said making the inspector's eyes wider and his anxieties grow. The criminal opened the suit jacket, only to start opening the shirt too.
" .." Art felt his blood run cold as the other only laughed.
"Relax, I am just making sure to take your clothes off to look at the damage I caused" Art looked dumbfounded, but not because of the other's words, but because he looked honestly guilty.
"um…thanks? But can you let go of my hand?" Art asked nicely.
"And risk you shooting me? No way".
"I promise I won't?" the other looked seriously thinking about it before sighing and letting go, art rubbed his wrists but didn't do anything else as the other smiled at him.
"The name is Nice, at your service" said Nice as he extended his hands with a charming smile.
"I know, since I read you file right? And the name is Art" said the lilac haired boy as he shock the other's hand and the other laughed.
"I know" replied Nice mimicking his words.
"Can you just tell me, why you are doing this?" asked Art with a tired voice and nice scratched his check.
"Well I actually wanted to tell you some important Information without looking suspicious to the other gang members" said Nice and art blinked, he hoped what he heard was not an illusion his tired mind was playing on him.
"What Information? And why?"
"Well you see, our boss wants to kidnap the president when he comes for his visit next week, and as for the why. That is not for you to know now"
The next chapter is being written still…sorry