Hey Guys! Here's my new story! Enjoy!
After a long day at the recording studio, all Blaine Anderson-Hummel wanted to do was go home and see his family. They were the best part of his life. Kurt was working as an assistant editor for Vogue and was able to work from home, so he could be with the kids while Blaine was at the recording studio working on his first album. They had two beautiful children. Bennett, who was biologically Kurt's, was five and an absolute ham just like both of his parents were at his age, always needing to be in the spotlight. Elizabeth who was Blaine's biologically, was 1 ½ and cute as can be. She wasn't talking yet, but they both had a feeling that when she did, they wouldn't be able to shut her up. Although they had been kidding in that video for Mr. Shue back in highschool, when the time came it was Quinn who agreed to carry, not one, but two children for them, who were absolutely perfect in their opinion.
Once reaching their brownstone in Manhattan, Blaine opened the front door and went inside. He was met with a loud, "daddy!" before Bennett practically jumped into his arms. Blaine picked up his son and held him close to his chest before giving him a kiss on his forehead. "I missed you today." Blaine said.
"Daddy, I got a new car." Bennett told his father as wriggled from his arms and ran over to the middle of the living room floor. He picked up a little red pick-up truck and showed it to Blaine who had followed him. "Papa bought it for me at the store because I watched Ellie." Bennett informed him.
"That's awesome buddy. That car is really cool." Blaine told him. "I am so proud of you for helping Papa with Ellie."
"Papa is proud of you too." Kurt said coming into the room with Elizabeth who was only in a diaper with her dark brown hair pulled into two ponytails. "The naked monster refuses to keep her clothes on." Kurt explained to his husband.
"That's okay, because…" Blaine began as he took Elizabeth from Kurt's arms. "it's easier to do this." Blaine held the little girl above his head and pressed a raspberry onto her bare stomach which sent her in a fit of giggles. "Let me see if I can get the monster into some clothes." Blaine told Kurt as he walked back to Elizabeth's room.
He grabbed a pair of pink pajamas and then set Elizabeth down on the changing table. "Alright missy, time to put some clothes on." He pulled the soft pink striped pants over her tiny legs before moving onto the shirt. He pulled the shirt over her head and then kept it there. 'Where's Ellie?" he teased before pulling the shirt down over her face. "There she is!" She giggled and reached her arms up towards Blaine. Blaine smiled and picked up his daughter. He could always manage to get her to do things when Kurt could. She was definitely a daddy's girl.
After getting Bennett into his pajamas, it was time for bed. Blaine placed Elizabeth in her crib and handed her a nighttime bottle. She immediately began to suck on it and her eyelids grew heavier and heavier until she drifted off to sleep. Then, Blaine went into Bennett's room where Kurt was sitting on the rocking chair with Bennett on his lap as they read a book together.
"And...The End." Kurt said closing the book. "Okay, buddy. Time for bed." Bennett who was nearly asleep didn't move, only cuddled closer into his father's chest. Blaine smiled and went over and lifted him off of Kurt's lap before gently laying him in his bed. Kurt was right behind him to pull Bennett's covers up to his chin and then kiss his gently on the forehead. Blaine did the same and whispered "I love you." into his son's ear before walking towards Bennett's door and turning off the light.
Now, it was finally time for he and Kurt to go to sleep. They had both started their nighttime routines when Blaine got a call on his cell phone. "It's my dad." Blaine told Kurt with a confused look on his face. He picked up his phone and held it to his ear. "Hey Dad?"
"Hey son." He heard his father reply, his voice thick with tears.
"What's wrong?" Blaine asked immediately.
"Blaine...there's been an accident." He began. "Cooper and Caitlin...were in a car accident."
"Are they okay? The girls? Are the girls okay?" Blaine asked frantically as he felt Kurt come near him.
"Lacey and Gwendolyn are fine." Blaine's father told him. "But, Cooper and Caitlin...son, their both brain dead."
"We'll be out to LA in the morning." Blaine cried. "I love you."
"I love you too." his father replied. Blaine hung up the phone and his knees buckled making him collapse onto the ground. Kurt rushed to his sobbing husband.
"Blaine? What happened?" Kurt asked, as he tried to comfort him.
"My brother is dead." Blaine told him as he continued to sob into Kurt's chest. Just like that, his happy life that he knew and loved was over in a blink of an eye.
Sorry :( I hate to make my babies miserable, but it's kind of the whole plot...