Yay! I'm writing this story finally! I hope it hasn't been to long that people have forgotten about it, but three people wanted me to write it, so write I shall :D
What Could Happen on a Snow-Day: Chapter one
What woke Gilbert up was Prussia's national anthem blaring from the speakers in his phone. He groaned and tried to go back to bed, covering his head with his pillow. The phone kept ringing. And ringing.
When he couldn't take it anymore, he threw the pillow on the floor and answered the phone with an agitated, "HELLO IT"S TWO A.M."
"Gilbert?" asked the shaky Canadian voice Gilbert recognized all too well.
"Oh, Mattie, sorry for yelling, I didn't know it was you…" he apologized taken aback, "What's up? Are you okay?" why would he be calling so late?
"Well you remember that I hacked the school right?" he asked
"Yeah?" he replied getting even more worried.
"Oh! Don't worry! I'm not in trouble!" Gilbert sighed in relief, "It just mean I know what's going on at school. I set up this thing to tell me when they're canceling school before they tell everyone else." Matthew explained.
"Oh, so you called to tell me there's no school tomorrow-I mean today?" Gilbert asked wondering why it was all that important.
"Right, but it's snowing now, and it looks like it's going to last a few days."
"So no school today or tomorrow."
"Alright cool." he said, not understanding where this was going, and Matt could tell.
"This much snow means that I won't be able to see you until sunday or monday."
"Oh." Gilbert said, now knowing why it was important.
"So, before it gets to stormy out, I was wondering if I could stay at your house? Then I would be able to see you the whole time…"
"Yeah, that would be awesome! I don't think I could go that long with out seeing you either." Gilbert admitted as an after-note.
"I knew you would say that." Matthew said as he hung up.
Then there was a knock at his front door. Gilbert got out of bed, walked down the hall, through the living room to open the door to see his snowed upon boyfriend.
"How-" the albino began to ask before he was interrupted.
"I had to leave before it got too bad. I knew you would say yes, it just took longer than I expected for you to answer your phone… so I'm already here." the blonde said, stepping in and taking off his snowy apparel.
"Well it's awesome that you're here," he paused in attempt to think up a kinder way to say this, "But it's 2 in the morning and I kinda have to sleep now."
"Oh, I thought you would. That's why I wore my pajama's." Mattie said, pointing to them as he stepped out of his boots.
"Did you bring clothes for tomorrow and the day after?" Gil asked, looking for a bag.
"Uhhh." Matt said, blushing.
"Oh, you can just borrow some of mine, I might still have somethings that would fit you." Gilbert offered.
"Thanks." Matthew muttered, then he yawned.
"You tired too?" he asked, then he yawned, "Lets get to bed." Mattie nodded in response.
They walked down the hall to their bedroom, but they must have been louder than they thought because a sleepy Feliciano walked out into the hall.
"Where are you going?" they heard Ludwig ask from behind the Italian.
"I heard a noise-oh!" Feli jumped, "Matthew what are you doing in my house?"
Neither Matt or Gil decided to ask why he called it his house, but instead answered the underlying question, "There's a snow storm that will close school for the couple of days." Gilbert started.
"And I didn't want to be away from him for that long, so I came over." Matthew finished.
"Alright, well we have to go to bed, so good night." Ludwig mumbled, pulled his tired boyfriend back in the the room and shut the door.
"'Night." the Prussian said to the door before he went to his room and collapsed on his bed. The Canadian laid down next to him. He had only left this place around nine, and was back in what seemed like no time at all. Gilbert saw that the only difference was that the room was dark save for the street light outside.
The white haired teen was tired, but it seemed that the other teen was more so. Matthew had fallen asleep while Gilbert was still awake staring at the ceiling. How could it have been that a little under a week ago he didn't even know this awesome guy existed? This awesome guy that would walk here at two in the morning through the snow just so he wouldn't miss a couple of days of seeing him?
Questions such as these were hard to answer, yet the answer is simple. Mattie loves him. Then with that thought in his head, Gilbert was able to snuggle up with his boyfriend and fall asleep.