Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I do not own anything. Everything belongs to their rightful owners and I am not making any profit from this.

AN: Thank you to all who have added to alerts, read, reviewed or any combination of the three. It means a lot to me.

AN2: Okay so I really wasn't planning on continuing this series but then I kept getting ideas for how to fit what happened In Captain America The Winter Solider and the latest agents of S.H.I.E.L.D episodes into this universe so I kind of thought I had to continue, even if it was just to shut up my brain. I will continue to do the one shots but they will be much less regularly updated in comparison to this. This picks up right where the Epilogue left off. Hope you enjoy. SPOILERS FROM CAPTAIN AMERICA THE WINTER SOILDER


Sitting in the passenger seat of a small transport plane Skye is staring out of the window, still wearing her mission outfit with her jacket un-zipped revealing her black tank top. As she stares out the window she is thinking about the conversation she had with Director Fury, or Nicky as she fondly calls him, several hours ago.

"Skye, Skye." Maria says several times to try and get her niece's attention.

"Huh, what?" Skye asks confused when she finally realises that someone is talking to her.

"Are you okay?" Maria asks concerned.

"Yeah. I'm fine Aunt Maria." Skye tells her Aunt.

"You're thinking about Fury's offer, The Avengers Initiative." Maria guests.

"You knew he was going to talk to me about it?" Skye asks curious, turning to look at her Aunt.

"Yeah I did, he ran the idea by me." Maria answers, "You don't know what to do." Maria comments.

"I don't know what it means." Skye comments.

"Fury's not that great at explaining that." Maria comments, "It means that if there is something that threatens humanity or the earth, or both, then you along with Clint, Natasha, Tony, Thor, Steve, Bruce and any future Avengers, if there are any, will face the threat and do your best to defeat it." Maria explains.

"I would do that anyway." Skye comments, "Everyone on the plane would, just like they have before." She comments.

"This would be the type of situation where your Dad, and FitzSimmon and Ward would be likely be with Fury and I doing other things, fighting in a different way. You would be on the front line." Maria explains.

"What about Mom?" Skye asks curious.

"She could be in either group now that she is doing field work again. She is as good a fighter as Natasha and Clint and those three make an almost unstoppable team when needed. So she could fight with the Avengers or she could be with the rest of us non-superheroes" Maria answers.

"I think I'm going to say yes." Skye tells Maria, "But I'm not a superhero."

"I thought you would and yes you are" Maria comments, "Now, what are you planning to tell your parents?" Maria asks curious.

"About the Initiative or about the secret solo mission I was on that they don't know about?" Skye asks curious.

"What do you mean mission they didn't know about?" Maria asks surprised.

"Mom and Dad don't know that I was in China. Nicky told them that I was with you on the Helicarrier increasing the security." Skye explains

"He what?" Maria asks angrily.

"You didn't know." Skye realises.

"No, I didn't." Maria comments, clearly annoyed that Fury used her as an excuse when lying to Melinda and Coulson about Skye.

"Someone's in trouble" Skye thinks to herself amused, knowing that when she sees him Maria isn't going to be too happy with Fury.

Twenty minutes after their conversation about Fury and The Avengers Initiative, Skye and Maria arrive back at the plane.

"Let's go." Maria says once she has successfully docked the plane.

"I don't think I am ever going to get used to that feeling." Skye comments as she stands up and grabs her bow and quiver, as even though she has been in a plane that has docked onto the bus more than once she doesn't feel like she will ever get used to the strange feeling.

When Skye and Maria climb down to the bus they find Natasha, Clint, Melinda and Coulson waiting for them. Even though Skye has aged and gotten all of her memoires back Natasha and Clint have stayed on the plane, and Steve occasionally stays as well. The three of them leave for and return to mission from the bus as it has become their permanent base and help out the rest of the team with mission when they are on the bus, which is quite often.

"Welcome home." Coulson says walking to his daughter and giving her a hug.

"I've only been gone three days." Skye comments once she ends the hug with her father, hugging her mother as she does.

"Since when do you need to wear your mission outfit to go on the Helicarrier?" Clint asks curious.

"Um, I wasn't exactly on the Helicarrier." Skye tells her family as she hugs her Uncle.

"Where were you?" Coulson asks.

"Let's talk on the lounge." Skye says as she hugs Natasha.

"That bad?" Natasha asks amused.

"Yep." Skye responds.

"Don't look at me, I had no idea that you didn't know." Maria comments as Coulson and Melinda look back at her.

"May, where were you?" Melinda asks.

"On a mission." Skye answers as she puts her bow and quiver down on the table.

"What kind of mission?" Coulson asks,

"And why did you and Fury lie?" Melinda ask.

"I lied because I wasn't sure that Nicky would agree." Skye explains, "Thanks to my power I knew that there was a sight in China that had some information that we need. I could get the information with my mind, but I didn't understand it which means I couldn't tell anyone who needed it, it was sciencey thing." Skye explains.

"You didn't?" Clint asks seeing where this is going.

"I did." Skye responds with a sheepish smile.

"Are you alright?" Natasha asks concerned.

"I'm fine." Skye answers.

"May Skye, what did you do?" Coulson asks.

"I kind of snuck into China, went to the facility, infiltrated it and got what we needed and got out, alone." Skye explains waiting for her parents to go ballistic.

"You should have told us what you were planning, we would have gone with you." Melinda tells her daughter.

"I know that." Skye tells her parents, "But I wanted to do it myself." Skye tells her parents.

"Why?" Coulson asks.

"To prove to myself that I could." Skye responds, "It was a simple mission; I rode in on a bike and made my way through the facility. I used my power on everyone I came across before they could react. I was fine." Skye tells her parents.

"And what if you couldn't use your powers quickly enough and you were hurt?" Melinda asks worried.

"It was close a couple of times but I was able to use what you and тетя Наташа taught me and I dodged until I could use my powers." Skye explains, "I'm fine, and I know I should have told you that I was planning a mission but I wanted to do it myself, to see if I could." Skye tells her parents, "And because I'm being completely honest I should tell you that Nicky asked me to join the Avengers Initiative and I think I'm going to agree." Skye tells her parents who a shocked into silence.

"Kid, go down to Jem and get her to give you a check-up, make sure you're not hurt and that your energy levels aren't too low." Clint tells his niece and Skye nods and heads downstairs.

"She's safe that's the most important thing." Natasha tells Coulson and Melinda.

"I can't believe Fury let her go on a mission alone." Melinda comments.

"He was monitoring the entire thing himself." Maria reveals to everyone's shock; it is rare that Fury monitors missions these days because he is usually too busy.

"He was?" Coulson asks curious.

"Yeah, I was there for most of it." Maria explains though she had to miss about twenty minutes because she had to deal with another problem, "He never moved more than a few feet away from the screens, and he was watching the clock the entire time she turned off her coms." Maria tells them and they are all shocked as none of them have heard of Fury monitoring a mission so closely for a while.

When Skye heads down she finds Ward working out and Fitz and Simmons in the lab.

"Hey." Skye says to him.

"Hey, you're back." Ward comments when he sees her.

"That I am." Skye responds.

"Did you have fun with whatever it was that you were doing?" Ward asks curious.

"It was interesting." Skye answers.

"That's cryptic." Ward comments.

"Yeah, it is." Skye answers and she heads into the lab.

"Hey Fitzy, Jem." Skye greats.

"You're back." Simmons says happily walking over and giving her sister a hug,

"Yeah I am, have I missed anything in the last few days?" Skye asks curious.

"Not really." Simmons answers, "Except Clint stole your mother's sunglasses and she almost sent him flying out of the airlock because he wouldn't give them back." Simmons explains.

"Really?" Skye asks, slightly amused as she knows that her mother wouldn't have actually let him get pulled out of the airlock.

"Really." Fitz confirms.

"So Jem, I need you to give me a physical and check my electrical energy levels." Skye tells her sister.

"Why?" Simmons asks looking at her suspiciously, "What did you do?"

"I kind of went on a mission by myself and to assure my parents that I am okay I need you to tell them that I am not hurt, plus I'm kind of curious as to how much energy I did use." Skye explains as she is beginning to feel a slight fatigue.

"Jacket off, and get on the table." Simmons requests and Skye complies.

"What was the mission?" Fitz asks curious as Jemma starts to connect Skye up to different machines.

"Snuck into a Chinese intelligence compound to get information that I didn't understand so I couldn't tell anyone else. I got in, got the information I needed and got out, it was simple." Skye comments.

"Uh huh, is that why you've used between forty and forty five percent of your energy reserve?" Simmons ask.

"I used that much, really?" Skye asks surprised as she knew she used a lot of power but she didn't expect that she used that much.

"Yes, you did." Simmons tells her, "See." She says turning the monitor around so that Skye can have a look.

"Wow, I used more than I thought I did." Skye comments as she thought she used about thirty percent not as much as forty five.

"You need food and rest." Simmons tells her.

"Yeah, yeah, I know." Skye responds rolling her eyes.

"Roll your eyes one more time and I will tell your parents that you need to be on bed rest for several days." Simons tells her as she always worries when Skye brushes the fact that she is hurt or has low energy levels like it is nothing.

"You wouldn't." Skye tells her.

"I would." Simmons responds.

"Fine." Skye says though she is clearly not amused.

For several minutes Skye sits on the table while Jemma runs her tests waiting for the results.

"Simmons what have you found?" Coulson asks as he, Melinda, Natasha, Maria, Clint and Ward walk into the room.

"Apart from a lower than I would like energy level she is completely fine." Simmons tells the others.

"Sitting right here." Skye comments.

"How low is low?" Melinda asks worried.

"She used between forty and forty five percent of her power." Simmons explains.

"Which isn't horrible." Skye tells her parents.

"It's low." Coulson tells his daughter, as in the last few months everyone on the plane have started to understand what Skye's energy levels mean.

"But not dangerously." Skye tells her parents, "I'll likely sleep most of, if not all of, tomorrow and then I'll be fine." Skye tells her parents.

"She's right about that." Simmons tells everyone else, "The levels aren't dangerously low." She tells them, "They are just lower than I would like" she comments.

"You were doing great until that last sentence." Skye tells Simmons.

"You're taking it easy for the rest of the day." Melinda tells her daughter.

"Yes Mom." Skye tells her, resisting the urge to roll her eyes.

"Good." Melinda responds, "How long are you staying?" She asks Maria curious.

"Until Fury calls me back." Maria responds.

"So if you have to take it easy do you want to continue our bullshit tournament?" Fitz asks curious.

"Your what tournament?" Coulson asks confused.

"It's a card game." Fitz, Simmons and Skye respond,

"And sure." Skye adds, "Jem?" Skye asks.

"Of course." Simmons responds.

"Ward would you like to join us?" Skye asks curious, as ever since they decided that they wouldn't get back together when she re-aged, because of the memories they both now have making things even more odd between them than they already were, Ward has been spending most his time alone while Skye is usually with someone else.

"I wouldn't want to mess with your tournament." Ward comments.

"We're seeing how long it will take us to play five hundred games and see who wins the most. We've played 30 and were starting to learn each other's tricks, we could use an extra player." Fitz tells him.

"Plus I make sure not to use my knowing power to know if you are bullshitting or not." Skye tells him.

"You do?' Ward asks.

"Yep." Skye responds.

"Okay, I'll play." Ward says and the four younger agents head upstairs.

"There is a game called Bullshit?" Coulson asks the others.

"You've watched them play that game for the last month, how have you not picked up on the name?" Clint asks curious.

"I never heard any of them call it by a name." Coulson defends.

"Seriously?" Clint asks surprised, "They mention it all the time." He tells Coulson.

Several hours later, after dinner, Skye is about to head to bed but first she wants to say goodnight to her parents. She heads to the cockpit where her mother is alone flying; Clint and Natasha are downstairs, Maria has headed back to base, and Coulson is in his office.

"Hey." Skye says when she sits in the co-pilot's seat, which she would call her chair if Natasha and Clint didn't spend as much time in it as she does.

"I thought you would have headed to bed by now." Melinda comments as she saw how tired her daughter was during dinner.

"I'm about to, I just wanted to say goodnight and make sure we were okay." Skye tells her mother.

"Of course we are okay May." Melinda says turning to look at her daughter, "I was upset that you didn't tell me that you wanted to go on a mission by yourself because even though I wouldn't, and don't, like it I understand and no matter what I will worry." Melinda tells her, "But that doesn't mean I'm going to stop you from doing something that you really want to do, something that's important to you; it just means I'm going to worry while you do it and make sure that you know I am here for you if you need anything." Melinda tells her.

"Thanks Mom." Skye says and she gives her mother a hug, as even though she has gotten used to having two sets of memories in the last seven months at times like this, when she has memories that are so contradicting, it gets hard to separate them, especially when she is as tired as she is.

"Go say goodnight to your Dad get some sleep, you need it." Melinda tells her daughter.

"I will." Skye assures her mother as she gets up.

"May." Melinda says causing her daughter to turn and look at her.

"Yeah?" Skye asks curious.

"Your Aunt Maria got us the report on what you did today, I'm proud of you Sweetheart." Melinda tells her daughter.

"Thanks Mom." Skye responds, her mother's words mean the world to her and as she leaves the cockpit she feels a tear well in her eye. Even though hearing that her mother is proud of her is something she has heard before another part of her remembers wanting to hear those words from a parent more than anything, and due to the fact that she is tired and that she has used so much of her power reserves it's hard to separate the two like she is normally able to do.

"Hey Kid, you look like you're about to fall down, you okay?" Clint asks concerned as he and Natasha walk pass the command centre as she is about to climb the stairs.

"I'm, that word that тетя Наташа banned the use of." Skye tells her Uncle and Aunt.

"You could have said that you were okay." Clint tells her.

"Okay and fine are two very different things, you should know that." Skye comments and she heads upstairs.

"She's right, you should." Natasha tells Clint as she heads to the good bathroom leaving Clint with the not so good one.

"I really should." Clint comments to himself as he walks away.

When Skye reaches the office she finds her father sitting at his desk doing paperwork.

"You busy?" Skye asks curious.

"Never for you." Coulson tells his daughter and she walks over and sits down across from him, "You look tired." He comments.

"I am, which is why I'm about to head to bed, I just wanted to say goodnight first." Skye tells her father.

"And you wanted to make sure I wasn't mad about earlier." Coulson says.

"Did Mom warn you?" Skye asks surprised that he knew.

"No, I just know you baby girl." Coulson tells his daughter, "I'm not mad, I get the need to prove yourself but you should know that you don't have to, you already have." He tells his daughter.

"I know you and Mom, and Uncle Clint, тетя Наташа, Aunt Maria, Nicky and everyone else feel like that, but I don't." Skye admits, "I just wanted to see if I could handle myself when I was alone, with no support, I need to see if I could do it, and I did." Skye explains.

"I know you did." Coulson tells her, "Fury was impressed with how you conducted the mission." Coulson tells his daughter

"Really?" Skye asks surprised, "He said that?"

"Not in that many words, but I learnt a long time ago to listen to the things he doesn't say." Coulson tells his daughter who smiles back, "You should get to bed, you can barely keep your eyes open."

"I'm fine." Skye responds.

"No, you're not, come on." Coulson tells her and he gets up, helps her up and helps her downstairs and to her bunk.

"Aren't you glad you put on your pyjamas when Jem suggested?" Coulson asks.

"A huh." Skye responds as she climbs into her bed.

"Goodnight Baby Girl." Coulson says tucking his daughter into her bed and placing a kiss on her head.

"Night Daddy." Skye responds as Coulson gets to the door of Skye's bunk where he spends several minutes watching her sleep before he closes the door and heads upstairs.