A/N: Hello, hello! It's me! I hope you guys have been enjoying the story so far, I have enjoyed writing it. I didn't like the last chapter's word count though … so I'll try to make up for it in this chapter. Anyway, I'm starting this chapter on May 14, 2014, 6:52 AM.

Disclaimer: As I've said before, I only own the idea and Original Characters.

That morning, it was a state of confusion. Brent and Joshua both questioned Link about the sudden appearance of the little Pokémon, to which Sophie gave no help in explanation, something Link wouldn't forget. Oh yes, he would return the favor, ten-fold.

Once the confusion settled, the group begun moving again. Sophie had returned Rose, her Bulbasaur, to her Poké Ball, and Link carried the little Eevee. The little Pokémon's leg was swollen and the Eevee refused to put any weight on it, but no longer whimpered when it was touched. Link took that as a sign that the leg was healing, but may still need medical attention. The group had exhausted their supply of Potion, a brand of Pokémon Medicinal Spray. The tonic definitely lived up to its name, restoring Sophie's Rose, Brent's Charmander, and Joshua's Squirtle to a healthy condition.

The walk started again just before the sun was at the top of the sky, and Link expected that they had at least eight hours before it got dark again. Over the years, he had become quite good at reading the sun's position, a helpful skill when there's no clocks around. Brent, using the map that they had bought, estimated that it was still a three hour walk until they reached Pewter City. Everyone planned to do different things; Brent wanted to go to the Pokémon Gym, Joshua wanted to inspect the Pewter Museum of Science, and Sophie wanted to check the stores for Poké Puffs, a food that most Pokémon seemed to enjoy immensely.

Link wasn't very familiar with the cities of the Kanto Region, so he would probably just follow Sophie. Link was already getting used to the presence of the little Pokémon, which was curled in a ball in his arms, fast asleep. The little critter was probably tired, recovering from any injury was exhausting.

Eventually, trees were slowly becoming scarcer and scarcer. More light was peeking through the canopy, lighting the path completely. As Link walked into the sunlight, the little Eevee in his hands stirred and released a soft cry. It looked up from where it was nestled in Link's arms and yawned before nuzzling its head back into Link's arm, quickly falling back asleep.

Sophie eventually dropped back to talk to Link. It was just light conversation, along with a list of very colorful name suggestions for the Eevee. Link didn't often indulge himself with a normal person's chit-chat, but he felt fine making small talk with Sophie. It was odd, feeling completely at ease around one person. Link never felt comfortable with people that he had lived around his whole life, but Sophie seemed to be able to calm his nerves.

Finally, the last of the trees came into view, the tree line wrapping around into a small building. The group passed through said building, which turned out to be a visitor center of sorts, greeting people coming from Viridian Forest and giving small bouts of information on the city itself. Stacked on a small shelf, were small pamphlets that turned out to be maps of key locations around the city.

Link grabbed a map and handed it to Sophie; he wasn't planning on making any attempts to navigate the giant city. Sophie plucked the map from his outstretched hand and begun making her way through the slowly growing crowd. A nearby clock read 4:37, and the lunch-rush would be dying down soon, and with it the crowds would thin.

It wasn't exactly hard to navigate through a crowd, in fact, Link found it very easy, that is, with experience. Link had dealt with large crowds before and was rather familiar with them, even to the point of being able to fade into one. He could hide from anyone within a crowd, he could stand on their foot and they still wouldn't notice him.

Of course, he was just following Sophie around, but she seemed to be handling the crowd decently well. It seemed both of them were keen enough to move through mobs of people with little complication. But, there was one among them who didn't like crowds; the little Eevee that was being cradled in Link's arms. It had awoken and essentially shrunken. The little critter had nestled itself as far into Link's chest as it could, letting out small whimpers as they moved along the slowly thinning horde of people.

Link tightened his grip on the Eevee, which seemed to calm it slightly, but it still shook lightly. Link could relate, he remembered not liking to be around large amounts of people when he was young, and never hung around more than two friends. Not a hard task, considering he never had more than two friends.

Link found himself thinking back to home. Sure, he hadn't had the most friends, nor were they the best friends, and he had a small handful of enemies, but it was still home. He still had memories there, good and bad. He, in all honesty, had more bad memories than good, but it was still his home. He remembered a time that he had more than two friends, but that was a long time ago. He couldn't remember much about her, some, but not much. He remembered that she had a light voice, and that she was on the shorter side. She always wore blue, in fact, that's all she wore. Link couldn't think of a time that she didn't. What he remembered most of all, however, was how she always wanted to fly. She said she wanted to be a fairy when she was younger, and Link would always tease her by telling her that she had the height down. He thought hard, but he couldn't remember her name.

"Link," came Sophie's voice, snapping him out of hi trance. She had a look of concern on her face, worry shining through her eyes. Link shook his head and looked around, he had followed her to a small store. The air smelled incredibly sweet, like sugar, but held the distinct smell of chocolate. Lined up on shelves were boxes, and in those boxes were small, round objects. Each box held a different variation of the item. Some had sprinkles while others were frosted. They came in many different colors, ranging from pink to orange. In the center of the store, was a number of crates, all containing small objects.

"Where are we?" he asked.

Sophie grinned and held her hand out in an eccentric manner, "We are in the Poké Puff Bakery!"

Link looked around, the objects in the boxes must have been Poké Puffs. Link assumed that's why the little Eevee in his arms seemed so excited. Link looked at the little creature, which looked back with bright eyes, letting out a happy cry of "Eevee!" Link thought of setting the creature down, but in its excitement it may put weight on its injured leg, and Link didn't want it more hurt than it already was.

Sophie pulled her Poké Ball from her belt and released Rose. The Bulbasaur blinked before sniffing the air, then let out a long, excited cry. Sophie giggled at her Pokémon's actions before turning to the boxes on the wall. Most were labeled, the most common names being chocolate, fudge, and citrus. Some were lightly glazed, others heavily frosted. Rose and Link's Eevee both seemed to be in a dream state, staring wide-eyed at the many treats before them.

Link, however, noticed the stared that he was getting. Link only had to wonder a moment before he straightened his back and heard his sword rattle. Link didn't mind the stares, but felt stupid for forgetting to store away his sword. Then again, he hadn't gotten much of a chance. He probably should have found the Pokémon Center to rent a room before chasing after Sophie.

Link shrugged off the stares and returned to searching for something the little Eevee in his arms would like. It hadn't eaten much since he found it, only a ration biscuit that had hardened slightly, and while the little Pokémon hadn't seemed to mind the biscuit, it hadn't seemed necessarily happy over it. Based off that, all Link could ascertain was that the little critter didn't like anything stale. Not the most useful of information, all in all.

Link began to browse the bountiful selection of Poke Puffs, trying to find something that his Eevee would enjoy. Many people say that normal-type Pokémon like sour or sweet foods, which didn't really narrow down the choices. People say that all Pokémon can be typed by a "nature," that dictates certain personality traits, including food preference. This didn't really help, considering that Pokémon natures are normally determined by an expert, something Link was not.

Link strolled along the aisles of the store, letting his Eevee examine the treats as he walked. He began to notice a pattern in the little Pokémon's behavior around certain smells. When the Eevee smelled citrus Puffs, it moved its head away slightly, but when it smelled vanilla or chocolate Puffs, it remained somewhat still. Link took that as a sign that the Pokémon wouldn't enjoy citrus Poké Puffs. He began focusing on different types of chocolate and vanilla Puffs, which seemed to come in more varieties than necessary. There were plain, glazed, chocolate frosted, vanilla frosted, frosted with sprinkles, frosted with toppings, and candied.

Link tried to use his Pokémon's body language to determine what kind of Puff variety it would like best, but the Eevee reacted nearly the same to all of the treats. Link couldn't help but sigh at his luck. Rose was simply pointing out what Puffs that she wanted to Sophie using her vines, but Eevee could do no such thing. Link just hoped that it would like whatever he picked.

Finally, Sophie and Link walked to the counter with their collected Poké Puffs. Sophie had gotten Rose a variety of chocolate Poké Puffs with citrus frosting. Some had sprinkles, others had small pieces of chocolate in them, and some even had small pieces of fruit pushed into them. Link had gotten his Eevee an assortment of vanilla Poké Puffs. He avoided anything with citrus, mainly the lemon, lime, and orange frostings and toppings. His Eevee seemed happy enough, and he hoped that it would enjoy the taste of the Poké Puffs as much as it seemed to enjoy the smell of them.

The lady working the counter smiled brightly as the two trainers approached, "Hello, did y'all find everything okay?"

Sophie smiled brightly and nodded enthusiastically, placing her bags of Poké Puffs on the counter. The woman nodded and begun counting the Poké Puffs. She worked in silence for a moment, then started tapping away on the cash register. Finally, she looked to Sophie, smiled lightly and said, "Your total is 800."

Sophie grinned slightly and pulled out eight one-hundred Pokémon Dollars, often referred to as "Marks," and handing them to the woman. She smiled, took the money, and handed Sophie her bag of Poké Puffs. She then turned to Link, and upon spotting the Eevee cradled in his arms, gave a short "Aww.". The Eevee, not enjoying the attention, attempted to burrow into its trainer's chest.

"She's so cute!" the woman cooed.

Link looked at the little bundle of brown fur in his hands, then back to the woman, "Her," he started "how can you tell?"

She pointed to the Eevee's tail, "Female Eevee tend to have fuller, bushy tails."

Link looked at his Eevee and gave a bright smile, "Where'd you learn that?" came Sophie's question.

The woman gave another smile, "I'm studying to become a Pokémon Breeder."

Sophie smiled brightly, the child-like look of interest and curiosity returning to her eyes. She spoke to the woman of breeding Pokémon, and what kind of work it was. The woman told her of the many different "Egg Groups" that were used to help factor Pokémon together. Two Pokémon had to be of the same egg group in order to breed properly. Egg group was also used to determine what skills a Pokémon would inherit from its parents, which was usually something that trainers requested when asking a person to breed their Pokémon.

The woman smiled brightly after the crash-course, "It's all pretty interesting. The former gym leader here is who got me started on my studies, but he's been gone for a while."

Sophie and Link looked at her in confusion, silently asking her to continue.

"He left some time back, with a Pokémon trainer; left his brother in charge of the gym."

Link was intrigued, why would someone just walk out on such an important task? Link may not have known much about training, but he had red about the gyms of each region, and knew that the position of Gym Leader was important. A Gym Leader tested the skills of a trainer who entered, determining if their skilled enough to receive that gym's badge. For someone to walk away after being given such a high honor was unheard of.

"But, I heard he and the trainer he left with are coming back! The former gym leader calls his family every time that he and the trainer reach a Pokémon Center. Last I heard, they were in Cerulean City, and that was a couple days ago! They should be here soon!" The woman couldn't seem to contain her excitement. It was truly a funny sight to see, a grown woman's eyes alight with excitement, explaining something with many animated hand and arm motions. It reminded Link of the look that Sophie got when something piqued her interest.

Link and Sophie thanked the woman for the lesson on Pokémon Breeding and for the Poké Puffs, and went on their way. As they left, Sophie gave Link a mischievous smile and handed him the bag that she had been hanging on her arm. Link gave a playful roll of his eyes and took the bag. The little Eevee in his hands gave him an odd look as he shifted her, but then settled back down.

Link now had no idea where Sophie was dragging him, but it wasn't like he would have any idea where he was going if he took off. The day was winding down, the vivid blue of the day sky was dulling down to a bright orange. They would all have to make it to the Pokémon Center before ten o'clock, else they may not let them in. Pokémon Centers were definitely a blessing, but some of their rules were a little odd. Centers provided food and board for all Pokémon and trainers that came through, using volunteers for nurses and cooks. Only the doctors in Pokémon Centers were paid, but they weren't ever around. Most only called a Pokémon Doctor for very serious injuries, and the rest was handled by the nurses.

Sophie pulled Link into a somewhat larger building, filled with bright, cheery music and the smell of plastic. Link looked around, seeing a large counter in front of a large man. Said man was chewing on some sort of fried food, fish, based solely off of the smell. As the door closed, he looked up and tossed the greasy food into a small cardboard box and brushed crumbs off of his stain-riddled shirt.

"Welcome to Pokémon Snatch, the Pokémon capture simulator. How many are playing?"

Link looked at Sophie, who just smiled in return. For some reason, she had brought him to a game building. There were many in Kanto, no as many as in Sinnoh, but there were some.

Sophie held two fingers up; apparently Link would be taking part in this as well. The man pointed to the sign, which said "100 Marks per play." Sophie looked to Link with her bright smile, but Link knew she was cooking something up in that sinister mind of hers.

"Link," she said in a singsong voice. "Won't you pay for a sweet girl?"

Link smirked, "Do you know one?"

Sophie scowled and playfully punched his arm, leaving Link to laugh. He reached into one of his bags that hung from his belt, pulling out two 100 Mark bills. The man took them and placed them in a metal box. He put six balls on the table, half red, half white. They vaguely resembled Poké Balls, which was giving them a little extra credit.

The man flipped a switch and the music that had been paying stopped, being replaced by a lower pitched, higher tempo song. Some Pokémon, and a few humanoid, cutouts that Link assumed were flimsy plastic began moving around.

The man, seeming generally bored with what was going on, spoke, "Knock over the Pokémon. Don't hit the trainers. Begin."

Sophie flung the first of the surprisingly heavy balls, striking a Pikachu cutout, but not knocking it over. She through another, hitting, but yet again, not knocking over a Jigglypuff cutout. Finally, she pulled her arm back and threw the ball as hard as she could. It hit a trainer, knocking it over with a loud thud. Sophie frowned and turned to Link. He rolled his eyes at her and laughed, to which she gave him another punch.

"Wow," Link said. "You're abusive."

Sophie stuck out her tongue and pointed to the game. Link shifted his Eevee in his hand, picked up one of the balls, weighed it in his hand, and then gave it a hard throw. It made a beeline for a Squirtle cutout, hitting it and knocking it over. The game owner's eyes widened for a moment before calming, something Link had expected. Link picked up another ball and gave it another hard toss, this one hitting a Geodude target and knocking it back. Link threw his third and final ball at an Onix cutout, knocking it over.

The man stuttered for a second before shakily saying "Winner!" and gesturing to a wide variety of Pokémon Dolls, which were plush, stuffed toys that looked like Pokémon. Link looked out of the corner of his eye to see Sophie eyeing a Ponyta Doll. Link pointed to it and the large man got it down. Link smiled and handed it to Sophie, who smiled and took it gratefully.

"We're closing, you'll have to leave soon," came the irritated voice of the game owner.

Link and Sophie quickly shuffled out of the building and into the night. The orange sky was now dark and street lights were on. The moon wasn't fully out, leading Link to believe that it wasn't past ten, but his sleeping Eevee told him that it was still late. Sophie pulled out the map that she had folded up and put in her back pocket, unfolded it, and gestured for Link to follow her. They made quick time, getting to the Pokémon Center in a matter of minutes.

Joshua got up as soon as they came inside, walking into the Trainer Room, which trainers could use free of charge to sleep for the night. Brent, in a show of maturity, puckered his lips at the two, making "Kissy Faces" and followed behind Joshua. Link and Sophie walked into the Trainer Room, each picking a cot and lying down. Link laid Eevee down at the foot of his cot, where she shifted slightly and then settled down. Link removed his sword from his back and leaned it against his mattress, then removed his hat and placed it under his pillow before leaning back.

"What're you going to name her?" came a soft voice. Link looked to his right, seeing Sophie on her side, facing him. Link then looked to the Eevee at his feet. The thought of his old friend returning to his mind. He felt the need to honor her somehow, to thank her for being his friend.

"Navi," Link said. Sophie gave him a confused look.

Link, more clearly this time, said, "I'll name her Navi."

Sophie thought on this for a moment, before saying, "I like it. It's a pretty name."

Link nodded to himself, "Yeah," he said.

Link looked at the sleeping Eevee at his feet, "It is."

A/N: Hello, all. How are you all doing? I'm writing this out after posting the chapter, half asleep, with no editing. I'll be revision the chapter, so don't worry about it. Anyway, I'll talk to you guys during the next chapter.

Final Word Count: 3,414