Warnings: Good chance they won't get finished.

Summary: An assortment of old or half-written or nonsensical stories I've got floating around about this lovely universe.


Hi. I'm back. It's been forever, but there's a new book and there are new stories here and TheoMiller is lovely and she started a section for KnR on AO3 (seriously guys come over to AO3 with us. It's lonely). Anyway, it's not the best contribution, but some of these story bits might never see the light of day if I wait to finish them, so here they are. My feelings about these range wildly, but the fandom is so small, it's better to have partial stories than none at all, right? Right? Guys?

If you happen to have suggestions or something, by all means, hit me with inspiration.




"Your horse just broke down the Mayor's fence."

In a flurry of movement, Michael and Fisk jump up from the table and grab at their outer clothes.

"Get the scotch!" Michael shouts, tossing Fisk's belt in his direction.

"We didn't bring the scotch!" barks Fisk, catching the item with barely a glance.

"What?!" Michael doesn't halt his furious tugging as he yanks on his second boot. "'Twas on the list."

"A lot of things were on the list," Fisk shoots back. "I had to amend."

Katherine resists the urge to roll her eyes. Their squabbling is generally amusing, but it does make a girl feel out of the loop.

"What do we have then?"

"In way of alcohol? Nothing."

"You're the squire!" exclaims Michael distractedly, searching frantically for his jacket. "Aren't you supposed to prepare for something like this?"

"She's your horse!"

"I gave her to you!"

Fisk gets a steady hand on Michael's shoulder and hands over Michael's jacket, which he'd scooped up from the underside of the bed. "When she's drunk, she's still yours."

Interrupting, Katherine announces, "It doesn't matter whose she is, boys, we've still got to find her before she gets us kicked out of town."