The Day the Music Came Back to Life

Chapter One: Invite to the Party

Author's Note: This story was inspired by HauntedScythe's story "A party with consequences". If you haven't checked his work out I highly recommend it. Hope you enjoy the set up. Will update when I can. R&R

Being the ghostly hero of Amity Park was difficult. Trying to work out a relationship with your best friend seemed near impossible. When Danny Fenton began dating Sam Manson, they were one of the happiest couples in the town. As time went on, however, Danny began noticing how protective Sam was of him and how jealous she was of any other female that he met. It could be something as small as Danny picking up a pencil that Valerie dropped, and the next thing he knew Sam was interrogating him, asking if he had gone behind her back and cheating on her. He would always reply no, yet it would take Sam a good hour until she was back to normal.

Having dealt with this for about a month now, Danny decided that instead of meeting up with Sam after school this weekend, he was going to fly around Amity as his ghostly alter ego, Danny Phantom, and clear his head and seriously thing about what he had gotten himself into.

After about ten minutes, Danny ran into none other than Ember McLain, the Ghost Queen of Rock.

"What's up baby-pop? Taking a break from the goth?" Ember asked.

Cracking a grin, Danny replied, "As a matter of fact I am. Why are you so interested? Trying to steal me away?"

Trying to hide the blush that was slowly creeping to her cheeks, Ember floated closer to him and countered, "Why do you ask dipstick? Is the goth not all she's cracked up to be? And does that mean that you have a crush on me?"

Trying to hide his own blush and ignoring her questions, Danny asked "So what are you doing out and about? Not trying to take over the world again, I hope."

Shaking her head, Ember replied "Nope. I wanted to invite you to this once in a lifetime and after lifetime opportunity. It's called Dawn of the Dead Rockstars. There will be so many famous dead rockers like Jimi Hendrix, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Kurt Cobain, John Lennon, and more there performing tonight only and I wanted to see if you were interested."

Shocked at the offer, Danny thought about it for a moment. 'A night when I can see some of the greatest rock legends of all time performing. This sounds like a great way to relax and take a break from Sam. Besides, I still have a crush on Ember. We'll see how the night goes and if she is a better alternative.'

"Sure, sounds like fun." Danny replied.

Grinning, Ember said, "Awesome! I was afraid I would have to go alone after I broke up with Skulker."

Shocked, Danny replied "You broke up with Skulker? I thought you two couldn't get enough of each other?"

Scoffing, Ember said, "Maybe for the first week, baby-pop. But then he tried to get me to go on hunts with him, give up on my band and guitar, and he became real jealous when I tried to talk with any other ghost that wasn't him. Do you have any idea how frustrating that is?"

"Wow, never thought I would find someone in the same boat as me. Just for future reference, how did he take the news?" Danny asked.

"When I told him we were through, he tried to add me to his collection. But after destroying his suit and locking him in one of his own traps, he got the message." Ember replied, grinning ear to ear.

"So where and when do I meet you to go to this concert?" Danny asked.

"Meet me outside Warehouse 27 at 8. And be ready for the night of your life!"

"Sounds great. See you then."

Before he could fly back home, Ember grabbed his arm and pulled him in close.

Giving him a sly look, she said, "While you make the hazmat suit look good, try to wear something with a more kick ass." And with that she gave him a quick peck on the cheek before vanishing in a whirlwind of flames.

Stunned, Danny remained where he was for a good minute before a smile slowly crept on his face.

"I think tonight will be the best night of my life." Danny said before he quickly flew home to get ready for the party.