A/N: Once again, I dropped off the face of the planet. So sorry. Uh... Have a chapter to make up for it? And a cookie? [::] Um... Without further excuses and bribes, here's the chapter.

Henry walked alongside Nemo as they wound their way to Omen Stellaris' house. He was nervous. Omen's open admiration and interest in Mr. Hyde made him worried, to say the least. If he was completely honest, it terrified him. What good could come of someone prying into the mysteries of Mr. Hyde?

"You seem troubled, Dr. Jekyll."

"It's nothing."

Nemo arched his eyebrow at Henry. "Are you certain?"

"Captain, I assure you. I am fine." Henry stared resolutely at the door of Omen's home.

"Well then, shall I do the honors?" Nemo asked, preparing to knock on the door.

At that moment, Omen opened the door.

"Hello! You must be Captain Nemo. Ooh, Henry, it's so good to see you again!" Omen shook Nemo's hand vigorously and then held Henry's while continuing to speak. "I know it's a bit forward of me, Henry, but I hope the two of you will stay the night. By the way, I made dinner, and it's done, so we should head in, right?"

Omen dragged Henry into the house, with Nemo smiling and shaking his head behind them.

Over dinner, Omen once again brought up the dreaded subject.

"So, Captain Nemo, what do you know of the mysterious Mr. Hyde?"

"No more than Dr. Jekyll does, Miss Stellaris." Nemo replied.

"That's not an answer, Captain."

"Certainly it is. You asked me what I know, and I assume Dr. Jekyll has already told you all he knows. I myself do not know anymore about the subject than he does, Miss Stellaris."

"You and Henry like riddles, don't you?" Omen pouted slightly.

"Perhaps, you would like to play a game of riddles?" Henry suggested, trying to steer the conversation away from Hyde.

"Oh yes, that's a wonderful idea!" Omen beamed. "We'll do that after dinner, shall we?"

"Certainly, Miss Stellaris."

A/N: I apologize for it being so short. But at least it's something. Maybe next chapter will be up sooner. I don't know though. Life may kidnap me again. More cookies while you wait? [::] [::] [::]