A/N-A warning for graphic content, it's needed to give motivation for the characters actions. This is not wincest since Sam and Dean are not related. Don't worry, it wont all be dark, there will be romance, danger, club scenes and a little humor. I just wanted to give you all a heads up for the heavy stuff.

1925, Perditionburg. Sam Campbell 16

Sam looked out at the rows of pews filled with the large congregation of Stella Maris. He wiped his sweaty hands on his only pair of good pants that were now several inches too short on him. Sam had tugged them low on the hips so his socks didn't show but it was still embarrassing.

Sam was singing for the first time in front of the new pastor and he wanted to make a good impression. He cleared his throat and nodded to the church organist Millie.

As the music began Sam's sweet voice started softly and then slowly filled the church with his rich, broad range. Sam could evoke emotions from anyone that listened from tears to happiness.

Morning has broken, like the first morning
Blackbird has spoken, like the first bird
Praise for the singing, Praise for the morning
Praise for them springing fresh from the word…

People watched the beautiful young man singing, their heavy hearts lifted. Some swayed, others mouthed the words along with him and some simply closed their eyes and were brought to tears by the beauty of Sam Campbell's voice.

Sweet the rain's new fall, sunlit from heaven
Like the first dew fall, on the first grass
Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden
Sprung in completeness, where his feet pass…

Sam glanced over to Pastor Gabe who smiled and nodded his approval. That made Sam smile, the church was so important to him especially since his mother died and all he had left was his step-father Clem. It was his sanctuary from a judgmental and sometimes cruel world; he took solace in God and the angels.

Mine is the sunlight, mine is the morning
Born of the one light, Eden saw play
Praise with elation, praise every morning,
God's recreation of the new day…

Sam finished his song; Pastor Gabe went to the pulpit and complimented him, "Sam Campbell is blessed by God with the voice of an angel."

Sam lowered his eyes and felt his cheeks turn red, "Thank you." He hurried to the front row and sat next to Millie who was done playing for the service, she whispered, "Sam that was lovely, your mother surely must be watching you from Heaven and is so proud of her boy." The old woman patted his hand.

Sam never knew how to take praise so he just smiled.

As everyone filed out Pastor Gabe chatted, shook hands and got to know his new flock. Sam busied himself with straightening up the hymnals. He sat and prayed for his mother and then asked God to forgive his step-father for all the beatings and cruel words.

Pastor Gabe slid in beside Sam and waited for him to finish, "Sam thank you so much for singing, I meant it when I said you had the voice of an angel."

Sam nodded, "My pleasure, I better go or Clem will get mad at me."

The pastor watched the awkward teenager step out the church doors; he wondered who Clem was and how he could get angry at such a good boy.


Sam ran down the dirt road trying to beat the darkness. He passed the Waverly farm and noticed there were lanterns lit in the barn. The boys were doing the evening milking and that made Sam run all the harder. The brothers harassed him when they could, making threats but they never caught him alone and for that Sam was grateful.

He almost rounded the bend when something stuck him from behind and just as he lost consciousness he heard Albert Waverly say, "Get the freak to the barn and let's see what's in those pants."


Angelus City.

Dean Winchester 20

Dean jerked his arm away from John Winchester, "Get off my ass dad; I need to make us some money ok?"

"Dean you're not going to work for crooks, I forbid it! That Jimmy Novak is nothing but a vulture. As soon as the brewery closed up that creep sweeps in with his gang of immigrant thugs and takes over the whole damn city. What would your mother say?"

"That's not fair dad, grandma and grandpa Winchester came from England so our family immigrated from somewhere."

"It's not the same son."

Dean slipped on his coat and hat, "Dad you haven't worked in months and the rent is past due and besides the Novak family is a hell of a lot better than the Daimon family."

John sat at the kitchen table feeling defeated. It was true that he hadn't worked but it was prohibition that ruined their lives. The only jobs out there were for men that were willing to go to the gangsters and beg for anything available to make a few bucks and that meant breaking the law.

His son was young and handsome, John knew exactly what men wanted from Dean but the boy couldn't see it.

"Alright Dean, I can't stop you."

"I love you Dad; just trust me I know what I'm doing."

"Sure Dean, I love you too."

John watched from the window as Dean ran across the street almost getting hit by a roadster. The driver honked and Dean kept right on running until he vanished around a corner.

John clutched his photograph of Mary, "I tried my best but Dean is too much like me. Watch over him angel," John wiped his eyes with the back of his hand, "I miss you so damn much."

He put the photograph face down so she couldn't see him drinking.


Angel Club speakeasy-location a secret.

Owner-Cas "Jimmy" Novak 30, head of the Novak family.

Mila knocked on the office door, "Brother, it's Mila, may I come in?"

"Yes of course."

Mila stepped inside and looked at her world weary brother, head down surrounded by paperwork. She felt nervous around Cas, ever since papa died and he took over the family business he had changed. Gone was the carefree attitude she used to love about him.

His intense blue eyes locked onto hers, Mila had pretty eyes but Cas had her beat by a mile. "What is it?"

She swept up her long dark hair in a twist and secured it with some hairpins, "I found exactly what you were looking for; he's a real doll I tell you! If you weren't going to take him I'd snatched him up for myself."

Cas was sure Mila botched his instructions, "I wanted more than pretty, just send him in Mila."


Dean knocked then cautiously stepped inside, "Hello, I'm Dean Winchester." Cas looked him over instantly liking what he saw, "Take off your coat and hat."

Dean took them off and just stood there, as the man's eyes traveled over his body. He felt like prime meat in a butcher case, Dean decided to do some looking of his own.

Cas was youthful with beautiful blue eyes and a handsome face. His body looked nice from what Dean could tell.

Cas walked over and grabbed Dean by the shoulders, "You're skinny, is that from lack of food or your normal build?"

Dean lowered his eyes, "Lack of food sir."

"Would you like a good steak dinner Dean?" Dean's mouth watered at the thought of a proper meal, "Yeah I sure would sir."

"You can call me Cas, that's what my family calls me. Everyone else calls me Mr. Novak or Jimmy." Dean nodded then tried the name out, "Thank you Cas."

Cas was taken with the young man's beauty and wondered if Dean played for his team, "I'll have Mila take you shopping, I can't have you seen with me looking like a street rat."

Dean fingered a hole in the sleeve of his jacket, "Cas, what's my job?"

The mob boss traced his fingers delicately over the boys jaw line, "Let's have that steak dinner, a little dancing and then discuss your job title over drinks."

Sam's eyes slowly opened, he caught the smell of dung and musty straw around him. The sounds of farm animals were in the background, "Where am I?"

Gerald Waverly was standing over him massaging the crotch of his pants, "I waited a long time for this bitch." Albert crouched down and ran a large, callused hand over Sam's belly, "I've heard about you for years…the rumors…you got a pussy right?"

Sam crab crawled to get away from them, he was taller than the brothers and a strong boy but they were older, stocky and thickly muscled. They reminded Sam of young bulls.

Albert grabbed him as Gerald laughed, "Where to think you're going? We just want to have some fun, if you ain't got a pussy I'll just fuck your ass…hell maybe I'll fuck both."

Sam kicked out catching Albert in the chest with his shoe; he was still wearing his church clothes and now wished he had on his chore boots.

Albert reeled back and grabbed a support post, "Son of a bitch! Strip him Gerry I'm tired of fucking around."

Gerald punched Sam and the boy saw stars, he almost blacked out again and wished he had. Sam felt his good clothes torn off and a chill hit his bare skin, "Tie his wrists and pull his legs open."

Sam felt his wrists bound with twine and his legs wrenched back, he gathered his strength and screamed but that only earned him a rag stuffed in his mouth.

Fingers poked around between his legs, "Pull up his cock and balls." His male genitalia were pulled back none too gently and a hand ran down his smooth hairless slit, "Goddamn…its true Gerry, he's got both!"

"Has he got a clit?"

Sam felt his labia stretched open and a thumb rub over the little nub hidden inside, "Yeah he does."

Sam prayed for someone to save him but no help came. Mama told him that the Lord didn't make mistakes that Sam was her special boy and he would always have angels watching over him but now he felt totally abandoned.

Mila stood there admiring Dean Winchester as her brother's tailor fitted him for several nice suits and shirts, "You're going to look real nice Dean, from a punk to a real man. Cas is going to love having you for arm candy."

Dean's voice went high as a measuring tape hit his crotch, "Arm candy, what do you mean?"

Mila ignored the question, "Hey Milton, make sure you fix him up with handkerchiefs, suspenders and under things…oh he needs shoes so a couple pair of patents and some casuals, a tux and sweaters, shirts, hats and…"

Milton raised his eyebrows, "I know how to dress a man Miss Novak, leave it to me. Where do I send all this?"

"Our house, Dean will stay there."

Dean shook his head, "No way, I'm not leaving dad. I promised to take care of him; this job was so I could get us out of debt."

Mila let out a musical laugh, "Oh Dean you can't go back home, don't worry Cas will take care of him."

Dean licked his lips nervously, "I get to see my dad again right?"

"Sure thing…Milton fix him up with something decent, Dean has a date at the Angel Club."


Cas stood there looking in the full length mirror affecting a pose. He hated the acting that came with his new role as head of the Novak family; before their father Misha died he put Cas in charge.

There was jealously among the Novak men but Cas was the logical choice. He was young, smart and knew how to control people without tipping his hand. Cas garnered the most respect despite the envy of others, he knew the business inside and out.

Cas went from right hand man to mob boss overnight and even he was shocked by his easy transition but it was lonely at the top and dangerous. Mila was the one person he trusted without a doubt in his mind; he hoped he could groom this new kid Dean into a good body guard and a companion.

He decided to wine and dine Dean tonight and go from there. Cas felt an attraction for the kid but wasn't one to rape to get what he wanted. Men threw themselves at Cas all the time.

He had his pick not just because of his power but because Cas was handsome with a great body and his deep voice was a seduction tool he never had to work at but yet the boss wanted more than one night stands. He wanted a true companion and someone he could trust.


Sam's brows knit in pain as he felt the first man penetrate him; the head of Albert's cock busted through his hymen and took away something precious Sam could never get back again.

"Sooo tight...better than a real bitch." He pumped slowly but the excitement of exploring new territory pushed Albert to a quick orgasm.

Sam started crying hard when he felt the warmth spread through him; he gagged at the thought of the man's filth inside his body.

Gerald jumped in as soon as his brother moved away, not shy about sloppy seconds. He slammed in to Sam so hard the boy's hips began to ache and his manhood was pummeled in the assault. Sam moaned behind the gag which caused Albert to burst out laughing, "The whore loves it, listen to him! Fuck him harder Gerry, make him hurt."

After Gerald finished the pair didn't let him go right away, they drank some moonshine while hurling insults at Sam.

Albert finally got up and forced Sam on his hands and knees, he pulled his ass cheeks open, "This looks tight, even tighter than his pussy."

"Come on Al don't to that, its goddamn filthy!"

"Shut your fucking mouth; don't watch if you don't like it."

But Gerald did watch and after Sam was laying there bleeding, little brother decided it wasn't that filthy after all and took his turn.


Dean sat next to Mila who was driving a beautiful red McFarlan convertible. People stopped to stare at the two hot tomatoes in the jaw dropping car and Dean was grinning from ear to ear, "This is a swell ride!"

Mila glanced at Dean then back to the road, "Maybe I'll let you drive it sometime, you look top notch Dean…wow Cas is going to love you."

"Mila can I talk frankly?"

"Sure kid what is it?"

"Am I really getting a job, I need to make money."

"I told you Dean, talk to Cas about it."


They pulled down a long driveway lined with tall, thick evergreen trees. Dean noticed a guard post at the beginning and another that the end, they pulled up in front of a large, ornate iron gate and a huge, surly looking man nodded to Mila then opened it up.

There was a circular courtyard with a massive marble fountain crowned by a life size naked male holding a pitcher in each hand where water flowed out.

Dean had never seen a statue like that before, "Who is that supposed to be?"

Mila smile at him, she found Dean quite charming, "The Greek god Dionysus pouring wine, he presided over the grape harvests and wine making," she winked at Dean, "also ritual madness and ecstasy…do you like his androgynous looks?"

Dean got out of the car and walked up to the fountain, "I see a young man with a pretty nice set on him."

Mila's heels clicked on the brick drive, "Looks can be deceiving. Come on handsome lets show you off."


The brothers eventually fucked themselves out of gas and took to drinking again forgetting about Sam altogether, both eventually passed out drunk.

Sam crawled over to a post and pulled himself up to his feet, he staggered over to a saw sitting on a bench, he maneuvered it between his knees and carefully cut the twine.

Sam found his Sunday shoes and his ripped pants and put them on, everything else was ruined. He took a walking stick by the door and limped out into the darkness.

Sam ached so badly he stumbled several times before he got his footing and forced himself to move as quickly as possible through the woods now terrified to take the road.

"I have to run away from this place or I'll die…everyone will know now…I can't let them touch me."


After the 1920 Volstead Act the closing of breweries, distilleries and saloons led to the elimination of thousands of jobs, and in turn thousands more jobs were eliminated for barrel makers, truckers, waiters, and other related trades.

Stella Maris is Latin for "Star of the Sea"