April 21st, 1997
Olivia was 17 and now a new mom. She got caught up being a teenager and was reckless one night and had sex with her boyfriend of two years. 2 weeks later Olivia wakes up puking her guts out. She quickly grabbed a pregnancy test and her worst fear was confirmed within 5 minutes. Never in her wildest dream did she ever think that she would be responsible for a new born baby.
Yet here she was with her newest addition cradled in her arms. Aubrey Lillianna Pope was her name. Liv knew that she was going to be a single mom. Jake bailed when she told him that she was pregnant. The only person Liv knew she could count on were her godparents, Andrea & Keith Stewart.
Andrea and her husband Keith took Liv into their home in Washington, D.C. when her parents died in a car crash when Olivia was 7. When Andrea took Olivia in she saw just how broken Liv really was. It really disappointed Andrea when Olivia came to them and told them she was pregnant. Andrea told Olivia that she would help, but the main responsibility was given to Olivia when it came to caring and nurturing for Aubrey.
Andrea thought of Liv as one of her own considering she already had two other kids. A set of twins, boy and girl named Isabelle and Isaiah. They were a year older than Olivia. They accepted Olivia as if she were their real sister. When she told them she was pregnant, they were shocked more than anything. They never thought Liv would be so careless. They all expected more of Olivia. Even Olivia expected more of herself.
Now Liv found herself in a hospital bed just admiring Aubrey. She was Liv's second chance at happiness. Liv made sure she was going to do everything in her power to give Aubrey everything she deserved.
"Isn't she beautiful?" Olivia said
"Yep, she looks just like her mommy." Andrea said
"I hope she doesn't end up like her mommy." Liv cried back
"Hey, stop that right now. You are amazing Olivia. This baby has the strongest person as a mother." Margret told her as she sit on the bed next to Liv while she rocked Aubrey
"What if I'm not…I can't take care of a baby Aunt Andrea." Liv cried even harder
"Olivia, listen to me. You will learn. This entire journey is a learning experience. You aren't going to have the answers to every time she cries, but you'll learn. She is going to love you regardless of what happens, okay? Trust your instincts and if they don't work then try again. It's not going to be easy but you'll get it." Andrea told her soothingly
A few days later Olivia was released from the hospital with Aubrey. On their way back home Liv knew she had to get caught up on homework in order to still remain on honor roll and graduate on time. Graduation was in exactly 4 weeks. She knew going out with friends now that Aubrey was here was definitely out of the question until she could get her on a schedule.
Olivia for the most part was able to manage taking care of Aubrey and working a part time job and getting her school work done. Olivia was ecstatic when she got her confirmation from GWU that they would be expecting her in fall for the first semester of courses. For Olivia this was her time to shine and start over.
Finally the day came when Olivia could proudly walk across the stage to accept her diploma in front of her family and friends that stuck by her from the beginning. When the time came for Olivia's name to be called to accept her diploma all you saw in section K of the auditorium was a banner waving proudly saying "Congrats Liv! You Did It!". And the entire section screaming for Olivia. Olivia Carolyn Pope did it, despite what others said.
When the ceremony was over and all possible pictures were taken they headed to a banquet hall for Liv's graduation reception. All of her relatives and closest friends since birth, showed up to support Liv on her special day. When the time came to give the congratulation speeches Andrea stood up and took the mic in one hand and Aubrey in the other.
"Livvie, I am so proud of you. Ever since Uncle Keith and I took you in, you have become part of me. You defied gravity by having this precious baby and still graduating the top of your class. You have made all of us so proud by just being you. And seeing you take care of this little girl with everything in you made me want to be the best mother to you, Isabelle and Isaiah all over again. On nights even when I told you I would take care of Aubrey while you studied you insisted on taking care of her. I knew there was no doubt in my mind that you were going to be a great mom and you still went beyond just being great. You've been AMAZING. Aubrey has the best mother and you should be proud of yourself for raising such a brilliant, talented, and precious young girl. We love you to the moon and back times 3 Livvie."
By the end of this heartfelt speech there wasn't a dry eye in the house except Aubrey. Liv got up and walked to her aunt and gave her a huge hug, her makeup rubbing off on her dress because of the tears. Liv then took Aubrey in her hands and kissed her all over her face, igniting giggles from the little girl. Everyone then erupted into laughter seeing the exchange between mother and daughter. Olivia then takes the mic while still holding Aubrey and expresses her sincerest gratitude to all who came out.
Liv dances a little while with family members before everyone started to head home from the day's event. Finally Liv and the Stewart family head back to their D.C. home. On their way home, Liv spotted her future. They passed GWU her home away from home for the next 6 years. She was excited to start the new chapter in her life with Aubrey and all the people who made it possible.
Six Years Later
Liv walks back to her car with the last of her belongings. She closes the trunk and walks back to the front door. Aubrey and the rest of the Stewart family are standing there about to say their last farewells. Olivia bends down so that she is eye level with Aubrey and gives her a hug.
"I don't want you to leave mommy." Aubrey cries
"I have to go for now baby. I promise I want be gone that long. Remember the calendar? Keep track and I'll be back before you know it." Liv told her
"Okay. You promise?" Aubrey asked
"I promise baby. I love you Bri."
Liv gave Aubrey one last hug and kiss. While standing up Aubrey told Liv that she had something for her before she left. When Aubrey came back downstairs she handed Liv a necklace with a heart locket. Inside was a picture of her and Aubrey and on the other side was a picture of the moon with the number 3 in the top right hand corner.
"It's so I'm with you wherever you are. It stands for what you always tell me. You say…" Aubrey said
"I love you to the moon and back times 3." They said in unison.
Liv put the necklace on gave Aubrey one last kiss and every Stewart family member a hug goodbye. Except when she got to Andrea she paused.
"Don't do this to her Livvie." Andrea pleaded
"I have no other choice. I trust you. You can take better care of her than I can if she were to come with me. She needs to be here. This is where her home is."Liv said
"This is your home to Livvie. What am I supposed to tell her when the calendar runs out and you don't come back? What am I supposed to do? Don't make her go through this Livvie." Andrea cried
"I have to go now. Take care of her for me. I love you Aunt Andrea." Liv said and kissed her on the cheek.
Olivia got in her car and headed to find a new life. Hoping that Aubrey wouldn't look for her mom anytime soon because if the truth be told Liv didn't even know where she was going. Wherever it was hopefully it was a life that didn't require putting Aubrey through anymore more. Bye bye D.C., Vermont here comes the Formidable Olivia Pope.
Okay so I hope you guys enjoyed. I promise more will be revealed in the next few chapters. This is my first fanfic and I'd like to thank Da Princess and Me for helping me tust my gut and going with it and giving me some extra advice. I love you for that. I'd also like to thank my sister Jeria for just being supportive. And huge thanks to HazelBlye, BellaDameNoir and ScandalMania for having AMAZBALL stories. If you guys haven't checked them out go do that right now. Thank you all sooooo much for reading and please leave me little stars(comments). I love you all for reading. Until next time.