AN: This chapter was a beast to put together, the longest chapter in the story thus far. A special thanks to Akalish for helping me fix issues with the chapter! This is where the action kicks off. Expect the chapters following this to be of similar quality - if not better. Hope you all enjoy. I still need to go back and change chapters to line up with my vision for the story as of now (And fix the awful writing quality). Done up to chapter 2. The next update will contain the story updated in full.
Green washed through his field of view. Glowing, emerald crystals lit the walls of the underground place, and rocks tumbled from around the buildings. Loud shouts of battle sounded below him, and his eyes darted to a familiar girl. Dark skin, flowing arms, and a fierce look fought with the water around her against soldiers in green robes, wide-brim hats obscuring their faces.
What is this?
Scouring the battlefield, his eyes found something familiar. Red scar, black hair on a boy who gazed up at him in awe.
White flashed in his eyes, and his limbs flailed aimlessly. For a brief second he only knew pain. Then, a tingling, warm sensation flooded him, and he fell. The impact of the ground never came.
Aang awoke with a jolt, trying to push his hands out to stop an imaginary attack that never came. Sharp pain grated on his wrists, and the chains restraining him jingled, reminding him of reality in his dark cell. Tiredly, he realized that yes, he was okay, still imprisoned, but alive. The dream rescinded back into the depths of his mind, lingering enough to make him weigh experience.
Was it even a dream at all? Attempts to bring the vision back failed miserably, dropping eyelids made his focus lessen more and more.
Heavy eyelids dropped and never rose; a peaceful slumber engulfed him, allowing him to forget.
The metal door to the brig screeched open and shut, locking behind Zuko as he entered. A single lamp lit the room - a small cramped quarters made smaller by the metal bars that cut the room in half. Behind the bars, the Avatar sat, hands and feet chained to the wall, leaving him barely enough chain length to move his arms legs around. Zuko's nose wrinkled at the stench of the room, and he took two small steps, putting him at the bars of the cell.
Zuko could see the Avatar clearly now, and noticed how wilted the boy looked - small and caged, not the flurry of air that bested him at every turn. The beaten Avatar sent the confused prince a wary look before his eyes lit in recognition. His eyes curiously darted to the two bowls that balanced in his Zuko's hand.
"Eat." The fire prince commanded, forcing the bowls into the Avatar's smaller hands. The boy looked up at Zuko with an incredulous look, even as his nostrils flared at the smell.
Aang's brow furrowed, and he looked into the bowl of rice and soup that Zuko slid into his cell, protesting, "The guards already-"
Then, his stomach growled loudly, and Zuko arched his good brow.
"You were saying? Eat." Zuko repeated, pushing the large bowls closer to the chained Avatar. The boy nodded solemnly and took a few bites of the cheap rice. After realizing it tasted better than the muck the guards brought him, his pace increased and he began to quickly devour the rice.
"Why- do you- keep doing- this?" Aang asked in between bites, spilling rice into the small space of his cramped cell.
To keep you strong, so you can escape, eventually. "Because I don't believe in starving children." Zuko answered gruffly, watching the boy with increasing curiosity as he lifted the rice bits with a gust of air, placing them back into the bowl. If the Avatar heard him, he gave no indication.
"Have they been treating you well?" Zuko asked curiously. The boy gave him another look that made Zuko feel ridiculous for his phrasing.
"For a prisoner, I mean," He clarified, continuing more, "They aren't hurting you or anything?"
The boy shook his head, his attention still remaining on the food as he changed to the soup.
"Nope, they just throw me my food and leave me alone," His face wrinkled, and he spit a little bit of the soup out, "It's cold." He muttered.
Zuko extended his hand, and the boy stared at it.
"Firebender. I can heat it back up." The boy lifted the soup as far as his chained arms would allow, and Zuko reached through the bars to heat the bowl, until he saw a small amount of steam rise.
"Thank you." The Avatar nodded gratefully and took a bite out of the now hot soup, yelping as the hot liquid touched his tongue.
Zuko rolled his eyes, and took the empty rice bowl. Not a single grain had gone to waste, he noted as he looked inside the bowl. They sat like that for a while, Zuko gazing into the bowl, and Aang slurping his soup.
"Why are you being so nice?" The Avatar's boyish voice cut through the comfortable silence.
"I already told you-"
Chains rattled as the Avatar shook his head, and his body moved weakly with the motion.
"You aren't a good liar," Aang laughed lightly, "You didn't have to heat that bowl up for me." He pointed out. Zuko said nothing, and then in another observation the Avatar added, "You aren't like the rest of them."
Zuko scoffed at that, but took the other empty bowl the boy offered him.
"Your friends trailed us for a day and a half or so." Blurting the information suddenly. The glimmer of hope in the boy's eyes made Zuko cringe inwardly at his awkward outburst.
"They lost us after we sailed around the islands." He ended dully, dashing away the Avatar's hopes.
"Why tell me at all then?" The Avatar snapped despondently, turning away to scowl at the wall.
"To let you know they are still out there for you." A shred of hope - all Zuko could offer for now.
Aang's expression exploded with surprise, evaporating his cloudy mood. However, the Avatar remained said nothing in response. Silence descended on them like a fallen curtain.
Acknowledging the rest of his duties, Zuko decided to end their routine meeting, "I'l be back later." Before knocking on the cell door, Zuko added, "Don't expect me to bring another meal this big for a while. There were a lot of leftovers today."
Aang nodded, but in the dark Zuko could see his smile. He slammed the door shut on his way out, and glared at the guard.
"Again, if a word of this gets out, I will throw you off this vessel - wherever we are. I hope you can swim." The guard swallowed quickly, and nodded rapidly.
"Yes sir." The former prince nodded, and marched away from the guard, knowing word wouldn't escape unless his sister was involved. Several twists and turns in the metal belly of the vessel led him to the small kitchen. He handed the bowls off the the cook, Lian Zui, a portly man who vaguely resembled his Uncle.
"Your Uncle always said you ate too little, you and your sister both. Glad you started listening. He knows what he's saying you know." Lian eyed the empty bowls approvingly. Zuko nodded, vaguely listening. He still needed to see Uncle.
"Have you seen him today?" Zuko asked. The cook shrugged, and seemed in thought.
"He just left with his lunch, he should be in his quarters."
"Thank you, Lian." The cook bowed.
Zuko turned his back, and his thoughts wandered aimlessly as his feet rang in the empty halls of the vessel.
This timeline has changed so much. Azula and Ty Lee alone have shaped the future from the one I know, or maybe it was me. Maybe I screwed things up, again! His thoughts drifted to a more positive line, knowing the timeline needed to retain some semblance of normalcy. The Avatar needed to learn waterbending at the North Pole. A given since the Avatar cycle required it.
Would he arrive in time? Another problem Zuko needed to address. A disturbing image, a fleet of ships bombarding the wall of the Northern Water Tribe, made him consider his options very closely.
His thoughts drifted to his blue spirit disguise that had come in handy several times in his previous timeline.
I think, I will be using it again, soon. Another problem arose, since Zuko needed to ensure that Aang and the water tribe twins would unite, making travel safe for them. The Avatar's friends had trailed the ship for a day on the bison, but he hadn't seen them since they sailed around the archipelago of the Southern Air Temple Islands.
So, I need luck on my side. He sighed bitterly, knowing the odds of the universe being on his side for once, were slim. Even with his new path of redemption, the spirits always made things difficult for him. He massaged the bridge of his nose, trying to think of a place where he had caught up to the Avatar's companions.
Suddenly he stood in front his Uncle's door, drawing himself out of his thoughts.
Was I that deep in thought? He stood before the door and paused in thought.
Where do I start? What was I even going to ask him in the first place? Zuko's head swirled as his train of thought derailed once more.
Before he could recall, the door swung open, and his Uncle stood in the doorway with a wide smile.
"Uncle!" Zuko half-shouted.
"I was expecting you, Zuko. Come in." Iroh shuffled him in, and Zuko sat awkwardly in a chair by a table.
"You've been distant, Uncle," Zuko started hesitantly, still slightly unsure of where to begin, watching as Iroh poured tea into two cups, "I haven't seen you since we captured the Avatar." Iroh's frown appeared and dissipated, so quickly that if Zuko didn't know better he would have thought he imagined it.
"Yes, I've been meditating," Iroh quickly shifted the subject, passing Zuko a cup of tea, "It's ginseng. Speaking of the captured Avatar, Azula has brought her concerns to me and Ty Lee. She claims you have been feeding the Avatar."
The shock of the statement sent a spasm through Zuko's throat, and he coughed on the tea, "What?"
Azula knows? How? The vague thought of the guard already betraying his orders sent wrathful thoughts through Zuko.
"Yes, she says she followed you to his cell yesterday in fact, after seeing you grab some left overs, and - how did she put it? - sneak your way around the ship to the Avatar." Zuko sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
So, she figured it out herself.
Sensing that denial would lead to nothing, Zuko confessed, "Yes, it's true."
Iroh hummed and sipped his tea, as if weighing his words, "She is concerned about you, Zuko."
The former prince dragged his hand down his face.
"I told her that perhaps you were concerned for the boy." Iroh's eyes twinkled, signaling an inner knowledge of the situation.
Zuko grasped for straws as he stumbled on his own words, "I- I am! He's a child, Uncle, that- that's all!" A lie of omission, but a lie nonetheless. Iroh caught the small fib, though, and a sad, humorless smile crossed his face.
"Do you think by feeding him you are helping him? Surely, Zuko, you realize that your father has much more harsh plans for the Avatar than your sister. Do you think you can spare him from that?" Zuko's face twisted at that, however he vowed that Ozai would never touch the Avatar, not while he still breathed.
Zuko knew he could tell his Uncle that, but a spark of doubt ignited an anxious fire in his mind.
What if this messes with the timeline further? I might lose more ground, but, maybe Uncle can help? Indecision warred inside Zuko as he debated trusting his Uncle with his secret. Thankfully, the door screeched open one more time, and Zuko's neck craned over his shoulder to gaze upon their intruder.
Lieutenant Jee stood in the doorway, crossing his arms across his chest and scowling.
When the man said nothing immediately, Iroh ventured slowly, "Is everything alright, Lieutenant?"
"Your presence is request-," He shook his head, furiously, and his scowl dug further into his face, "-demanded on the bridge. She is in quite the mood today." Jee spat, and left quickly as he interrupted. Iroh and Zuko met each other's gaze in mutual understanding.
"Azula. This probably has something to do with me, doesn't it." Zuko grinned in an attempt at humor, while Iroh laughed ruefully.
"Likely so. Come, let us go, before Azula comes down herself." Iroh grunted out, rising from his chair. They abandoned their tea, and marched up several flights of stairs, as they stopped to open the hatch to the bridge, a shout erupted from inside, "I don't care what that fool wants! Do not slow down until I give the order to do so!" A pause and then another shout, "And get that messenger hawk out of my bridge!"
Zuko inhaled, bracing himself, and he flung upon the hatch.
Upon braving his head into the bridge, his sister marched over to him, and hauled him up, growling, "I have no patience for this."
"What is going on, Azula?" Zuko asked tentatively, gently prying his arm back from his sister's grip.
An unladylike snort emitted from his sister, "We received a message from Commander Zhao's messenger hawk. He demands we slow down so he can board our ship." Zuko's good eye widened.
"Zhao?" He had nothing but disgust for the man, recalling when Zhao tried to have him killed, "What does he- When did this happen?"
"Probably while you were feeding our prisoner!" She snapped, and then paced in a small circle. Zuko winced, knowing that her silence didn't mean the matter was dropped.
"So, Zhao means to board our ship." Iroh mumbled thoughtfully, "Zhao is an ambitious, arrogant, and underhanded man. Have you thought about securing the Avatar?"
Azula scoffed, "I know of his reputation. I have no doubt he would attempt some foul play. He would probably let the Avatar go himself to make us appear fools, and then take him for himself." Iroh mumbled something about figuring as much himself. However, Azula hummed thoughtfully, "Only, that is if he figures out that we have the Avatar."
Iroh arched a brow. "If he figured out we had the Avatar." He repeated, carefully.
Azula smiled sharply, and her white teeth glinted in the sun's rays. She set her hand on the navigation map and thumbed her hand across the path set for them - to the Caldera.
"I've sent Ty Lee to retrieve our prisoner. I've also sent Jee to alert every member of the crew on board of Zhao's visitation. They are not to speak of anything relating to the Avatar, or of the incident in the south pole. Zhao will leave us none the wiser. In the meantime we need to adjust our course to set us back for the Earth Kingdom, at least for now." She said smoothly, and Zuko gave his sister credit for her cunning. She made a far stronger adversary than he was against Zhao.
"I see. Well, allow me to plot a course." Iroh offered, and Azula stepped aside for him, walking to Zuko.
"I suppose its a good thing you've kept him well fed." A hint of a sneer crept into her tone, "It will add more credibility to the story instead of trying to pretend some half-starved child isn't our prisoner." Zuko frowned, reminded of his sister of old, and acknowledged her backhanded praise with a grunt, as the hatch opened and the Avatar climbed through. Ty Lee flipped through the hatch immediately after, grinning all the while.
"Here he is, Azula, chi-blocked and ready." Aang rubbed his limbs at the remark, grimacing as he did so. Azula stepped in front the boy, picking him apart with her sharp gaze.
"Your nomadic robes will simply make Zhao suspicious." Azula remarked, touching the hem of the Avatar's dirty robes. The Avatar gawked in protest, but Azula continued as if she hadn't heard him, "Your tattoos will also need to be covered." She sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose.
"Ty Lee fetch him clothes - preferably with long sleeves - and a small head piece, quickly." Ty Lee bowed, and shimmied back down the ladder with ease, while Zuko's gut gnawed with anxiety.
"Azula, it will still be obvious-" She held up a hand, silencing her brother. Zuko bristled at the casual dismissal, but decided against commenting on it. Azula clearly had something in mind.
"Avatar, I will make you a deal." Her scar marred the calming effect her grin was supposed to have. The boy swallowed, and his eyes shifted briefly to Zuko.
"I have a name." He snapped instead of answering her.
"As do all people." Azula responded with an obvious roll of her eyes.
"It's Aang." He said, not waiting for her to acknowledge his statement. Zuko's brow rose, as he shifted his gaze to Azula who looked nonplussed at Aang.
"Noted," She drawled, "Now, again I have a proposal I think you might be interested in."
"I'm listening." The Avatar responded tersely.
"If you can pull off this acting job perfectly, I will allow you to walk on the ship freely during the day for the rest of your time on board - chi-blocked and supervised by Ty Lee of course." Zuko peered at his sister, confused.
Azula always lies. The old, almost ancient mantra dusted itself off, and reemerged in his mind, making him shake his head quickly to dispel the thought.
The Avatar appeared to share the sentiment, watching his sister warily. His normally innocent, unassuming eyes fixated on her with unguarded suspicion.
"Why? You could just lock me up right after you're done with whatever is going on now." Azula fixed her gaze out the window at the rapidly approaching warship.
"Because I don't have much time to make this work, and I cannot afford to have you fall into Zhao's hands. Therefore, I'm willing to make a deal for your full cooperation." Azula offered.
"I don't suppose any of the options involve letting me go." Aang replied bitterly.
"No, they don't," Azula admitted, still not tearing her piercing gaze from Zhao's warship, "However, I can guarantee that you would not want Zhao to take you prisoner instead of me. I am certain that under his command you would at the very least be beaten into submission, since they don't have a chi blocker to keep you submissive. They probably would feed you less too. Maybe once a day, if you are lucky." Her casual deliverance of the torture possible seemed to make Avatar decide.
"Fine. I will cooperate." The Avatar conceded quietly, but Zuko could see the fire reignited in his eyes. The hope that this gave him a a chance. Zuko smiled.
"I have no doubt you will. I'm also certain you think you can escape from this vessel." Azula craned her neck, boasting her infamous "try to tell me I'm wrong" look. The Avatar met her stare with his own, a determined, level gaze.
"I will." He said with steel.
"You will try," Azula corrected, then hummed thoughtfully and added, "but not until after Zhao leaves." She pivoted that, marching her way back to them. Zuko watched his sister with a sudden understanding. She was made for this - the lies, the plotting, the plans. She could succeed where he could not. He acknowledged that much, glad that this time she was on his side, or at least not actively working against him.
But you are working against her. A traitorous voice whispered in his mind, and he inhaled sharply as guilt washed over him. Aang needs to defeat my father. Zuko reasoned, trying to see some angle where his his sister would understand. At the moment he could see none, and he felt no small amount of despair. Weakly he looked up, and tried centering his rapid breathing.
His sister sent him a confident, reassuring smirk, and he responded with a withered smile that made her brow pinch slightly.
I will be betraying her after all the time I spent, repairing my relationship with her. Zuko realized, feeling quite sick.
At that moment, Ty Lee bounded back through the hatch with red robes, light armor, and a helmet, placing the bundle into the Avatar's hands. Zuko, distracted from his brooding, snapped to Ty Lee.
"I hope these are comfortable enough for you." Her enthusiastic grin appeared, catching the Avatar off guard.
"Oh, um, I hope so too." He glanced nervously at Zuko, and Azula, who understood the silent request, turning away, while he changed.
"When this is over... will you let me change back into my air nomad clothes?" Azula seemed to consider it, gazing at Zuko who nodded his ascent.
"Of course. Though I don't see why you insist on wearing such dirty peasant robes." Azula's barb made Aang frown ever so slightly, as she took his air nomad robes, handing them off to Iroh.
"Hide these." Iroh nodded, and his gaze briefly slipped to Zuko. Then, he nodded and walked down the hatch. Zuko frowned at the strange behavior of his Uncle, but allowed it to pass. Zhao was his focus now.
Finally, Zuko and Azula turned their attention back to Aang, and both noticed something odd about the robes on his body. Yes, they fit him well and the breastplate strapped to his chest disguised the anomaly slightly, but Zuko pinched the soft silk, realizing these were indeed much more feminine than he expected. He lifted the front of the breastplate, inspecting the design, and quickly realized that these were indeed women's clothes.
His face scrunched, and he glanced at his bubbly friend, "Ty Lee, where did you get these?"
Confused by the inquiry, Ty Lee inspected at the robes.
"They're Azula's" She responded, as if that was enough to explain why the Avatar was wearing Azula's clothes.
"What?!" Azula squawked, her face reddening slightly.
She shook herself a little, and quickly recovered, leveling a glare at Ty Lee, "Why not Zuko's?" Ty Lee backed, away hands in front of her.
"It's simple fashion knowledge," She defended, "No - really! - Think about it! He's a kid right? Everyone else on the ship are a bunch of older men, who wear really big clothes! Even Zuko's would look too big on him, and mine were way too girly." Azula tapped her foot, rapidly.
"And I suppose that makes mine the best option." She responded blithely.
Ty Lee nodded rapidly, "Well, yeah! You're robes are a little more masculine than the average girls. No offence!" She quickly added as Azula's cheeks reddened slightly.
"I am not-," The Avatar snickered slightly at Azula's discomfort, and she bared her teeth at him, silencing his giggles, "-fine. It doesn't matter anyway. They are just clothes." Zuko's lips curved upward slightly, but he quickly flattened his expression when his sister fixed her gaze on him.
"Let's just worry about Zhao, and not what the Avatar is wearing - put that helmet back on!" She snapped as the Avatar removed the helmet to look inside it.
"Sorry," He apologized, quickly, finally appearing the boy he was, as he quickly put the helmet on, "It's just a little uncomfortable."
"Good." Azula jabbed, before her gaze drifted to the window again.
"Now, as I was saying. This is what I had in mind." They all leaned in.
Azula watched Zhao's warship come to a halt right next to their smaller cruiser, dwarfing the ship by comparison. She glanced to her left as the Avatar gaped at the size difference; Ty Lee stood at the boy's left, watching the warship with cautious grey eyes.
"I don't remember the fire navy ships being so big." The Avatar's faint musing barely reached Azula's ears as the warship sounded a horn, signaling they would begin boarding.
A plank lowered from the deck of the taller ship a great distance, connecting the two with a loud clank. The drastic difference in size between the ships caused it to appear more like a ramp, than a bridge.
"Wow, this ship is small." Aang added.
"Enough." Azula hissed, as Zhao revealed himself at the top of the plank. Even with the distance between them, Azula could see his confident smirk, and his monkey-like muttonchops. She remembered him at their Agni Kai three years prior, recalling his smirk as he stood next to her, watching Zuko burn. His mere presence grated on her nerves. She spared a glance at her brother, and saw his white-knuckled grip.
"He will be gone before you know it." Whispered words calmed Zuko slightly. Zhao took his time, strutting down the ramp and gazing imperially down his nose at the welcoming crew on deck. Four masked soldiers marched in unison behind him, serving to further intimidate the group.
Zhao always had a thing for flaunting his toys.
Zhao's stride ended just in front of the four teens, and he looked at each one of them impassively. After a moment of quiet, Azula greeted the Fire Navy Commander.
Deciding to ignore the title of his recent promotion, she decided on, "Captain Zhao, what can we do for you?" Azula beckoned them forward, opening her arms in a welcoming gesture.
The edge of his lips turned downward slightly. "It's commander now," Azula smiled a little, while Zhao continued, getting right down to business, "I was hoping you could perhaps enlighten me on something one of my scouts noticed."
That request confused Azula, "Oh?"
"Yes, they reported - how did they say it? - a big, flying, furry creature that trailed your vessel for about a days length of time. Apparently two people were spotted on its back. However, the beast fled as soon as they attempted to make contact, so, unfortunately, they couldn't exactly figure out what it was doing. I was hoping someone on your vessel could enlighten me, as to what such a creature was doing near my command base."
Is that all?
"I haven't the slightest." Azula lied easily. Zhao hummed and his gaze flickered to Zuko.
"Prince Zuko?" Zuko stuck to her plan and shrugged, staring ahead impassively to avoid letting any information slip. Zhao raised a brow at the Prince's silence.
"I see three years at sea reigned in your tongue." Zhao taunted, and Zuko's face contorted in anger. Zhao's gaze drifted, then, to her right at Aang and Ty Lee. His lecherous gaze settled on Ty Lee, and Azula crossed her arms, feeling more than irritated now.
"Miss Ty Lee, I didn't expect the rumors to be true. I never expected a beautiful fire nation noblewoman to lower herself to life at sea."
Azula barely reigned in her irritated growl.
Ty Lee shrugged, and her smile didn't reach her eyes for once, "It's been quite an adventure, can't say I regret it." Zhao's gaze then fixed on Aang and his brow pinched. Azula held her breath as Zhao scanned the boy from head to toe with a hint of suspicion.
"And who are you?"
"This is Kuzon! He's from the colonies!" Ty Lee exclaimed, grabbing Aang's arm by the sleeve, hugging it to her chest tightly. His sleeve slipped slightly, revealing a glimpse of a blue tattoo on his hand, that Ty Lee quickly covered with her hands, and she continued, "He's my boyfriend!"
Zhao's nose wrinkled, and he nodded. Though the glint in his eye told Azula that he noticed the monk's tattoo.
However, he looked away to Azula smirking, "How... fitting." His gaze then swept across the deck of the ship, then toward the bridge, and back at Azula.
"Perhaps we could talk in a more comfortable space than out here, standing on the deck. Would you mind taking us to the bridge?" Zhao's tone implied this was not a question, but a command.
Azula cursed in her head.
"Of course." She indulged, turning, and allowing Aang and Ty Lee to slide in front of her, keeping them distanced from Zhao, as they had discussed. Her mind raced, and her ears became acutely aware of every sound behind her. Chancing a look at Zuko from the corner of her eye, Azula rolled her eyes, looking forward again. Zuko's ramrod straight back, and all around tense demeanor was doing nothing to help them.
Breathe she reminded herself Everything will be fine. Nothing obvious has tipped Zhao off, my plan is going perfectly so far. She focused on Ty Lee the rest of the way, mesmerized by the rhythmic swishing of her braid across her back, calming her brief but rampant thoughts.
Ty Lee opened the door to the ladder up to the bridge, and allowed Aang to climb up first. Then, Ty Lee climbed in, Zuko on her heels, Azula waited until Zuko's feet were at least a rung and a half above her head before she began her own ascent.
"Wait here, this won't be long." Zhao ordered quietly below her. Her eyes narrowed. And here I thought he wanted to talk.
She climbed through the hatch and looked around the bridge, noting everyone's positions - specifically Ty Lee and Aang who stood far off to the side, gazing out the window. The helmsman gazed at the group nervously, but Azula's dagger-like glare turned him back around, facing the sea. Iroh stared on impassively, as Zuko took a place next to his beloved Uncle.
Zhao climbed in and stretched his arms out, as he looked around their small bridge.
"Much better. General Iroh, a pleasant surprise." He calmly strolled over to their charting map, and looked at it, noticing their course for the Earth Kingdom.
"So, has your search for the Avatar yielded any results?" He directed the question to Azula, but kept his eyes on the map.
Azula laughed, trying to inject some bitterness into her voice, "I think you know the answer to that, Zhao."
He hummed and dragged his thumb across the map, stopping over a trail of pinholes that led from their current position to the Caldera. Azula exhaled through her nose, hoping he wouldn't think too much of it.
"I guess I do. Could you answer another question for me?" Zhao inquired and cocked his head to the side slightly, vaguely looking at Azula.
"My scouts reported another... bizarre coincidence. When I asked them where your ship was going, they said that your ship on it's current course was headed straight for the Firenation." Azula frowned, wondering if this was some bluff. Golden eyes glanced at Iroh, who shrugged unhelpfully, though his frown did show a level of concern.
"We were afraid of the storms that sometimes manifest on the South Western Earth Kingdom coast. We planned to sail around them to make port near Omashu. We are not allowed back to the Firenation after all." She lied again.
A calculating smile crossed Zhao's face, and Azula's gut tightened.
"Perhaps then, we could escort you to your port. Just to make sure that no storms overtake this small vessel." Azula's teeth clenched, and gnashed. Outright refusal would make him even more suspicious of them, but she could try something more subtle.
"I thought you had prior commitment to your new naval base? Would they appreciate their commander leaving so soon?" It was a weak attempt at refusal, but Azula tried anyway, resigning herself to a small setback.
"Ah, they are prepared to operate without me. Besides, my goals are... farther North anyway." Zhao responded cryptically.
At that, Zuko's head snapped up, and he shot a heated glare at Zhao's back. Iroh's calming hand relaxed her brother, slightly, but his glare held steady.
Focusing back onto Zhao, Azula nodded, but intrigue teased her mind at his vague wording, sighing under her breath, "Well, in that case, we would be honored to have you escort us to port, Commander Zhao."
A small setback.
At Zhao's satisfied expression, Zuko scoffed and turned to the window, while Azula glared at his back as he strolled past her, not acknowledging her presence.
"Excellent, I will alert my crew immediately." He announced jovially, and Azula narrowed her eyes.
"I thought you wanted to stay and chat for a bit Zhao?" She shot innocently. He smirked as he lowered himself down into the hatch.
"I realized that perhaps we should be on our way now. It would be a shame for the two of you to miss time on your search." He closed the hatch behind him and Azula restrained herself from erupting into a fire fueled rage.
After several moments, Zuko breathed frustrated fire.
"He knows something." Zuko growled, slamming his hand onto the navigation charts. Azula tapped the rough unfeeling skin of her scar, reflecting on Zhao's behavior.
"No, I think he is a little suspicious, but he knows nothing. However, I do think his scouts saw more than they let on though. What exactly - I'm not sure of, but it was enough to raise his suspicion towards us." Azula stalked over to the window next to Ty Lee.
"Perhaps we should run music night to calm everyone's nerves." Iroh mused, and Azula rolled her eyes. Though, she entertained the idea, if not to pretend everything was normal on board the vessel.
"You need to keep watch over the Avatar, now more than I thought before." Azula spoke softly to her friend.
Ty Lee nodded looking at Aang, who watched the group silently.
"I don't like, Zhao. He gives me the creeps." Ty Lee shuddered for effect. The man of the discussion stepped onto the deck below, observing it as if he owned it. His head craned back to look up at them and he smirked at the window. Azula wanted nothing more than to strike him down where he stood. In her minds eye, she imagined him burning at the stake, pleasing her immensely.
"What now?" Aang asked to no one in particular. No one answered, though, as Ty lee made a small noise.
"Azula?" Ty Lee's calm voice had a small tremor, "Didn't Zhao come with four guards, not three?"
"What?" A half a second later, the implication registered in her brain. Ty Lee's observation reminded Azula that she was much smarter than she acted.
"That paranoid bastard." Frustration and rage from the day finally reached their boiling point, and Azula snarled, unleashing her fire at an unoccupied corner of the room. The Avatar pressed himself to the window, as did Ty Lee, at her outburst.
Her nails dug into her palms, and she intently watched Zhao disappear onto the deck of his ship, growling, "He left a spy on our ship."