After having been in the hospital for a week, Cas was at his wits end to get out.

"Look at me Dean! I can speak in full sentences, my temperature is 100.0 and all i have is a raspy cough." Cas pointed out.

"Oh shut up already! You're going home today happy? Doc just said he wants you to rest up at home and come back in a week for a check up." Dean replied, obviously sick of Cas's whiny attitude.

Cas was elated that finally this hellish ordeal could almost be over, and he would finally feel human again.

"Okay Cas go lie down on the couch, Sammy go get some pillows and a blanket, and I will start some chicken noodle spup. How does that sound?"

"I am quite hungry, and I can actually keep the food down, so sounds good."Cas replied, slowly dragging himself and plopping himself down on the couch.

Cas sat on the couch, Dean and Sam beside him, all eating the soup. They were watching a movie together. Dean could tell Cas was back to normal, by the fact that every time Sam and him would laugh at a joke, Cas would sit with a confused look on his face.

"I don't get the joke Dean."

"It's okay Cas. I know you don't ." Dean chuckled and looked at Sam, who smiled.

Dean never noticed how stunning Cas's blue eyes were. He looked at Cas, and felt a wave of reassurance. He finally had his angel back.


OMG I LOVE THIS FAN FIC! my first completed one and it is amazing! (well at least I think so) I hope everyone liked it! again thank you for faving and following my story! REVIEWS ARE GREATLY APPRECIATED! BYE! 3