The minute Castiel awoke he felt...different. Not the good kind of different but the cold, clammy, achy kind of different.

He had only been human for a few months, and he thought he knew everything there was to know. Castiel was staying with the Winchesters since he became human. They took him in to help teach him what humans were like. Eating, using the bathroom, brushing his hair and teeth and taking showers are just a mere part of what Cas learned. But Sam and Dean never prepared him for this.

"D-Deannn.." Cas grumbled quietly.

"DEAN.." Cas croaked as loud as his dry, cracked throat would allow him.

He tried to prop himself up in the bed, but his weak structure caused his head to star spinning. He felt his stomach turn. What is happening to me? Oh god am I dying? Castiel began huffing and gasping for air. He was over panicking himself. He was struggling to breathe, and Dean was not showing up.

"Woah, Woah Cas calm down hey your okay." Dean rushed over and held Cas up, giving him a bag to breathe into.

"Just breathe into this okay? All you need to do is breathe...thats it just relax." Dean's voice was some-what soothing for Cas, and he began breathing normally.

"You feel really hot," Dean said, while setting the back of his hand on cas's forehead. " You are sick aren't you?"

" stomach feels like its going to come out of-" Cas stopped abruptly, and Dean saw his eyes widen.

Suddenly all of the contents that were previously in Castiel's stomach were on the bed.

"Jesus Cas, you could have told me!" Dean yelled out. "C'mon let's get you into the shower."