Unwilling Souls

((A/N: This is based on the television series "The 100" I do not claim ownership to these characters. I am just spreading the love for Bellarke! Enjoy!))

Bellamy stared down at Atom's broken body. There was a rotting stench rolling off of Atom and the sight of the puss full wounds scattered all over his body made Bellamy's stomach heave. But it was the hopeless plea coming from his friend's mouth that made Bellamy want to throw up.

He still held the knife he had earlier gave to Charlotte tight in his hand. He knew Atom was suffering and that it was hopeless to try and save him but he couldn't do it. All he saw was Octavia's crying face as she blamed him for Atom's death. He couldn't allow that to happen. He didn't want to let Atom die.

"P-Plea-se." Atom croaked out again, staring blindly at Bellamy. But Bellamy couldn't. He couldn't-

He felt her.

He couldn't describe it but he felt those eyes digging into his back and he turn. The sight of Clarke brought unnecessary feelings. He was angry at letting her see his weak side but he was also relieved that she was here.

Though he knew that she would reject to his intent on killing Atom. She was the same woman who was being stubborn over Jasper. The kid was obviously dying and yet she didn't give up.

Bellamy was getting ready to argue with Clarke that it would be best to end his suffering when the princess took his knife away from him. He didn't register the burning warmth that spread into him when her fingertips draped along his palm.

He listened to Clarke's smoothing voice as she stroked Atom's hair and started to hum. He closed his eyes briefly but then stared at her, his hands balled up into fists at his sides. When Clarke pressed the knife softly into Atom's neck, Bellamy clenched his jaw and stared at her.

He had been wrong. She wasn't what he had thought she was. He had always thought her to be a spoiled Princess who didn't have the guts to take someone's life and yet she didn't hesitate to end Atom's suffering like he had. She was braver than he was. His brave Princess...