The day had finally arrived. It was Lucy's eighteenth birthday. She was looking out her window, watching the raindrops slide down her window. The rain was starting to clear up a bit, the sun peaking out of the clouds.


Lucy turned around to see Loke. He had a huge grin plastered on his face. He was wearing his knight uniform. He and Gray were to escort her.

"You look beautiful," Loke said breathlessly. Lucy smiled and thanked him. She was wearing the fanciest wedding dress the kingdom could get their hands on. She was going to be crowned queen, then she would be married.

"I don't feel beautiful," Lucy mumbled, looking back to the window. She wished she could be free like the rain. It poured to the ground, then streamed to wherever it chose.

"Don't do that," Loke said sternly.

"Do what?" Lucy asked. Her voice didn't have a hint of curiosity. It was full of boredom.

"Don't be upset because you are marrying Rogue." Loke turned Lucy around so she was facing him. "It will all work out, alright?" He kissed her forehead. "It's time for us to go."

"Gray isn't here yet," Lucy whined. Loke grabbed her hand and led her out of the room. A random knight was standing outside. She realized that Gray wasn't coming. She felt tears form in her eyes. He didn't even want to come.

"Princess Lucy, please, this way," the knight said, bowing. He started walking. Loke had to push Lucy.

The ceremony was taking place outside under a large pavilion-type wooden house. It was on a large hill. Almost all of the kingdom was at the bottom. The special viewers of the ceremony were on top. Lucy squeezed her eyes shut, not wanting to see the guests or anything.

Before she knew it, the ceremony was starting. She had to recite a series of pledges, promising to help the kingdom prosper. Jude gave up his crown. Lucy was only becoming queen so early because Layla passed.

"I give you Queen Lucy!" a knight announced, placing a crown on the blonde's head. Cheers resided throughout the kingdom, most from Jude no longer being king. They all hoped Lucy would be more wise and forgiving.

Lucy smiled with tears in her eyes. She finally looked around at her people. She gasped when she saw Fairy Tail standing right in front of everyone. She didn't know who gave them permission to be there, but she was glad it was given. Mira had tears in her eyes, Cana was drinking beer like usual, Wendy was smiling wide, and Natsu was grinning like the idiot he was. Nothing had changed.

"Would the prince please step forward," a knight asked.

Lucy took a deep breath. She looked behind her to where Rogue was starting to walk towards her. That's when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned back around and saw Gray standing there. Her eyes were so wide she thought they would pop off her face.

"I'm sorry, you aren't suppose to be up here, Gray," a knight said. Murmurs were starting to spread through everyone. Lucy looked around and saw that the only people that weren't concerned were Gray, Loke, and Fairy Tail.

Gray smiled down at Lucy. "I can't stand here and let to marry Rogue when you were always meant to marry me," he said. A collective gasp was heard. He just smirked and moved past Lucy to stand in front of Rogue, their noses almost touching. "Sorry to make a scene, but I would really like to know what would possess you to let your older brother be taken away. And I really want to know why you didn't even show a sliver of excitement for me to be back. I didn't even get a 'hello'."

"Grayson?" Jude asked, honestly surprised. He didn't even realize that Gray was the boy he sent away so long ago. "How did you find out?"

"Mother was so kind as to inform me," Lucy retorted, crossing her arms. "I can't believe you would even hide that from me."

The people of Fiore were loving the drama. It was refreshing to see the Royals having hardships. And it was so entertaining. Fairy Tail was loving it far more than everyone else. Gray told Loke as soon as he found out he was a prince, then they both went to tell Fairy Tail. Wendy cried, begging for it not to be true, but sadly, it was. He told her that no matter what, she would always be his sister.

"I believe we should continue the ceremony before the rain starts again," the priest said. Lucy didn't even notice that the rain stopped. But looking up at the sky, she saw that it was going to again very soon.

The ceremony continued, and Lucy was able to marry Gray. She's dreaded the day she would marry from a young age, but she didn't find it being as bad as she thought. She was able to marry someone that loved her before he even knew her face, last name, or family. And although the tradition was to have the male party change their last name, Lucy had hers changed to Fullbuster. Gray's true name was actual Grayson Cheney, but no one wanted to change that. Besides, Wendy was still a Fullbuster, and she couldn't be the only one.

"Is there anything you would like to say as the new King and Queen of Fiore?" the priest asked.

Lucy smiled up at Gray. They both turned to face everyone, the citizens automatically bowing. "Everyone stand," she said, not liking the formalities. As everyone rose, the rain fell. "My first order as the ruler of Fiore, is for us all to dance in the rain."

Smiles broke out across the people's faces. They all laughed and danced, not caring that they may get sick. Gray and Wendy danced around, then when the little girl went to dance with Romeo, he danced with Cana. Lucy had fun dancing with Natsu and Loke. The girls eventually made a huge circle, spinning around. Soon enough, all of Fairy Tail joined. They laughed and fell to the ground, their clothes being caked with mud.

Under Lucy and Gray's rule, the kingdom became a wonderful place to live. The walls around the cities were taken down, travel being encouraged. Town by town, houses were being rebuilt. Food and medicine were passed out, and schools were built. Crime was as rare as chocolate.

Everyone in the prisons were retried, most being set free. Natsu was happily reunited with Igneel. Gajeel was also set free. Gray knew that he wasn't a bad guy. He actually joined Fairy Tail. Levy gained a particular interest in him. And Jellal, another prisoner, turned out to be Erza's childhood friend.

And within a few years, Lucy and Gray had a girl of their own. They encouraged her to go play with the citizens, making as many friends as possible, hoping that one day she would spark the flame of change, just as Lucy had herself.

I hope you all enjoyed this story! I had a lot of fun writing this :) This is, sadly, the last chapter. I'm sorry if you thought that this chapter was a bit rushed. Some of you thought the last one was, which I do agree with.

Make sure you check out my other stories :)

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