Disclaimer: I own nothing... I would be rich if I own Fairy Tail or Naruto

Update: Beta-ed by Preston C, my new beta for this story ^^

Prologue: New World

Jinchuuriki the power of human sacrifice. For the longest time in his life, the term described him perfectly—much to his distaste. He had been the jinchuuriki of the nine tailed fox since he was a baby. His parents sacrificed him for the sake of the village and its people. Strangely, he never hated his parents for sacrificing him. He reasoned that had if he been in their position, he would have done the same.

Seriously, there were not many options when a giant fox was rampaging through your beloved village. The previous jinchuuriki was dying, and he was the only nearby candidate to become the next jinchuuriki due to his Uzumaki blood.

They had to protect the hollow peace, the power balance between the elemental countries. It was the same hollow peace that was the source of his sorrow and suffering as a jinchuuriki. It had to be changed—that was his vow. It started when he was eight and struggling to make himself worthy for Konoha. He wanted to be more than a mere jinchuuriki. He climbed Konoha's ranks as a seal master and Shinobi fairly quickly.

He, unlike most young shinobi, didn't focus solely on his military rank. Instead, he also pursued a strong position in politics. Because in the end, both soldier and shinobi listened to the politician in power. With much careful planning, he was able to carve out his own unique spot—still a shinobi but separate from the regular forces. He built his reputation among the royalties of Elemental continent and it got to the point that even the Daimyou of Hi no Kuni trusted him more than the Hokage.

It was not without a price, though. His political machinations destroyed his grandfather-grandson relationship with the Sandaime Hokage. It wasn't like the old kage didn't love him anymore, but Naruto forced the Sandaime to see him as a political figure that could be a close ally or a dangerous enemy. Naruto had become another Danzo. Someone who would help him to protect Konoha but wouldn't hesitate to undermine him if their ideologies ever clashed.

The Sandaime couldn't help but long for the young boy with bright smile instead of this powerful shinobi and politician. He had tried to introduce Jiraiya and Kakashi to Naruto in hope the boy would open up his heart again. But in Naruto's eyes, Jiraiya was not his Godfather or his father's teacher, and Kakashi was not a surrogate brother or a student of his father. They were simply Jiraiya of Sannin and Sharingan Kakashi—no more no less. Naruto didn't hate them; after all, you couldn't hate people that you had never interacted with for most of your life. He did not know them at all. He was just... not interested in who they were to his parents. If they wanted to earn his trust, they would have to work for it.

Even after the Sandaime's death during the Chuunin Exam Invasion he didn't treat them any better. They had not earned his respect, and the death of the Sandaime couldn't change that fact.

Perhaps ignoring them was his petty revenge for leaving him alone when he was young. They had never been there for him when he wanted friends and family; but when they had finally come around, he had already found his own friends and family. He rarely gave them his time. If he had spare time in the midst of his busy schedule, he would spend it with his friends and disciples. Kakashi and Jiraiya were his comrades, not friends or family.

In spite of his distant disposition to them, Naruto knew he would regret treating them that way; yet did nothing to change his attitude. His hypothetical regrets became reality few years later when both Jiraiya and Kakashi fell in the Fourth Shinobi World War. They died with regret in their heart that they never make up their mistakes to him, and he hated himself for letting them go like that.

Unfortunately, they were just the first deaths of many that came later as the war went on. In the war against Akatsuki, they were the first sacrifices.

And in the end of everything, he became the last sacrifice.


He could hear voices in the distant; his comrades were calling his name as he sealed the last of the Juubi's chakra within him. He couldn't see them clearly as they approached or whose warm hands were holding his colder one.

"I did it…" he croaked weakly, "The Juubi… Madara… won't bother us anymore…"

"Baka, we know that. Just shut up and stay still while the medics heal you," someone told him. He couldn't make out the voice in his delirious state.

"I'm—" he started to say but stopped. He wanted to say sorry that he wasn't going to make it, but he knew he was not sorry at all for saving everyone's lives at the cost of his own.

Someone called him an idiot again, who was that?

Kurama? No he was absorbed into the Juubi, and the fox agreed he'd rather die with the Juubi for the good of the world. The Sage of Six Paths would approve of their decision. Heh… Kurama, always the daddy's boy…

"I want to sleep…rest… let me rest…" he mumbled sleepily as his eyes fluttered close, and not even the warm teardrops falling on his eyelids could convince him to open his eyes again. As much as he wanted to, he was too tired and in too much pain to do so. Apparently, death was a calmer moment than he thought, and voices started to fade as if he was being taken away far… far away…

"Graaaaaa AAAAAAA"

That guttural growl undoubtedly belonged to the Juubi. Apparently, the primordial monster was not happy about dying. He didn't know what the monster was ranting about, but it seemed angry and grasping for something. His brain was still working. Evidently, he wasn't dead yet. The Uzumaki Clan's vitality was such a pain at times like this. He knew he had to die soon and bring the abomination down with him.

"I… AM… GOD!"

Now it made an intelligible sound, but Naruto couldn't care less. Why couldn't the damned beast pipe down and die already?

ANOTHerrrrrr! World! BODY!

What body it was talking about?


The blond's body was beyond repair; not even Kurama could fix him at this state. Not to mention the seal would…

Graaaaaa ARGH!

"That's it! SHUT UP!" He shouted furiously, pushing his body to sit up. Wait? Sit up? When he was about to seal the monster, the Juubi grabbed him and crushed his legs. His bones were completely shattered the last time he checked.

"Woah! Calm down kid!"

Naruto turned to the side of the bed. An old man was flailing his arms and looking at him as if he had grown second head. Naruto clamped his mouth shut and the old man let out a sigh of relief. He looked around wildly, trying to recognize the place but failed to remember if he had ever been anywhere like this. It was a wooden house but nothing like one of Yamato's Mokuton houses. There were also a number of objects he had never seen before. It was like he was somewhere foreign, but how he could get here? And better yet, how was he ALIVE?!

He took a deep breath, and began to speak but received a flat stare in reply.

"I don't know your language kid," the man told him.

Naruto blinked owlishly; he came across similar language from country far away to the west of the Elemental continent. Temujin, he recalled spoke in this language but the accent was different. "My apologies for my outburst… but may I know where this place is?" That was the most important thing he had to know, so screw manners.

"Pinus Village… " the old man trailed off as if it was common knowledge.

He blinked owlishly at that, "Er… where is this village exactly? And how did I get here?"

"Near the West border of Fiore Country, kid… I found you near the river; and I thought you were dead; but then you started breathing again," the old man explained with a huff, "This is a small village, and I know all boys your age. I've never seen you around, though, so you must be from somewhere else…"

Naruto mentally search for country named Fiore on his mental map of the Elemental continent, but he found no country with that odd name. Ignoring the location situation, Naruto had to ask about the one thing that had really been bugging him since the start of his conversation with the old man. "Why did you call me a kid?" He was sixteen but due to his height and mannerism he was often mistaken to be in his mid twenties.

"Anyone under ten is a kid… and you look pretty scrawny to me." The old man pointed out.

Naruto's eyes widened in shock and he quickly looked down at his body. He was naked aside from the white blanket that covered his modesty, but his biggest concern was that his supposedly calloused hands with long fingers which used to hold sealing brushes and weapons had now become the chubby soft hands of a child. He looked to the opposite side of the bed and saw his reflection on the window. It was dark outside, so the window showed him a clear reflection of a young face with chubby cheeks that he hadn't seen of himself for quite some time. He was… a kid…

All of his shinobi mental training was thrown out of the window as Naruto voiced his shock and outrage.


The old man silently wondered why he ended up with such a noisy kid who was afraid of his own reflection.

It took Naruto one full hour to regain his composure and come to terms with his situation. He then spent another five minutes apologizing to the nice old man who introduced himself as Mathew. He had a wife named Lily who was bringing some food and drink for Naruto.

"My name is… Naruto." He introduced himself, "Uzumaki Naruto."

"Weird name, but then again you're a foreigner," Lily said as she set down a cup of tea and a bowl of soup, "So, what happen to you?"


You see, I was fighting a ten tailed primordial monster hell bent on destroying humanity because a princess stole chakra. I sealed it to my body and when I thought I was dying, but apparently I am a kid now and…

Not even in the same world again.

"I was in a merchant caravan you see…" he began sheepishly as he told a cover story he just thought up. He told them he was the child of a rich merchant's maid who came from a distant country in the East. On the way to some big city, the capital perhaps, their caravan was attacked by bandits. The bandits killed everyone, and he only escaped by throwing himself to a nearby river. Tears pooled in his eyes as he continued his story, stammering between his sobs.

Mathew ate up the sob story not doubting a single word, "Poor boy… no wonder you were distraught when you wake up."

Did he feel guilty deceiving this nice old man and his wife? Nope! He couldn't tell the truth; but more than anything, he was a shinobi meaning deception was at the core of his profession. Besides, he had more important troubles to worry about than deceiving nice old couples and being lost in a foreign world.

Juubi, Shinju...

The damn Juubi was also alive and kicking inside him. Well, not so much kicking as it had gone into some sort of dormant state. What the thing did that made them end up here, he didn't know; and he was in no mood to go to his mindscape to ask. It was not like the Juubi would answer him anyway even if it was awake. At least now wherever his comrades were, they were safe from the beast. He could die happy knowing that so for now…

"For now… rest child." Lily cooed, patting his messy spiky hair gently. "I will sing you a lullaby, sweet dream…"

He was too old for a lullaby, but in his whole life, he'd never had anyone sing him one. In this new world perhaps… it would be nice to have a new life too. "Mm…" And so he indulged the old woman and was lulled to sleep by the foreign sounding lullaby. Lily's voice was not the nicest he had ever heard; and the song was nothing special; but it was kind and gentle to his ears.

Shinobi's world

Nara Shikamaru sighed wearily as he put down his brush to look over the record of history he just wrote. Of course since he was no historian someone else would rewrite his, gathering all records to write the official record of the greatest war in Shinobi world.

It has been three months since the end of Fourth Shinobi War, and the death of Uzumaki Naruto. He was the greatest hero who sacrificed himself to seal the primordial monster known as the Juubi and died with it to protect us all. However, his body disappeared without a trace before our very eyes. Seal Masters speculated that it was perhaps meant to happen since Uzumaki Naruto wanted himself and the Juubi to completely disappear from this world. It also could have been that his body was destroyed because of the Juubi's chakra or perhaps the stress and injury he had put his body through after fighting the Juubi for ten days without rest.

Whatever the reason for his death and body's disappearance, his heroic death is the beginning of a new era in the Shinobi's world.

"I wish…" Shikamaru gritted his teeth as he wiped his tears, "He would have survived… But then again, he always wanted to die as a hero."

Unknown world

It was official: he was in a completely different world. When Naruto woke up, he was very disoriented, so he didn't notice a lot of things. However, now that he was clear-headed, he could pinpoint a huge difference between this world and his own. This whole world was abundant with nature chakra, or etearno as people of this world called it.

He really had to thank Lily for being so kind as to lend him a world history book while he was in bed.

Back to the history of this world, the closest thing to Shinobi this world had were called Mages. Although from the little he could glimpse from the book about mage and their magic power, they were closer to Sages in his world than shinobi. It seemed the mages of this world absorb magic power from their surroundings and contain it within their body. If that was right, they didn't use their own spiritual and physical power at all except for just some miniscule amount of it when compared to their use of nature energy. It was very probable that their body just evolved in a different way than humans in the Shinobi world; especially if the percentage of humans with this magic power was just around ten percent of the population.

In his world everyone could use chakra with the proper training. Then again, considering the history of how humans gained the ability to use chakra in his world, it was possible that originally only a small percentage of the population was able to use chakra too. Regardless of all that, though, there was one thing he had to decide first. What he was going to do next?

Try to find his way home? As much as he missed his friends, coming back as the jinchuuriki of the Juubi was going to start another conflict in his world. Now that all the hidden villages had lost their bijuu, the power balance was back to square one; so his existence would only jeopardize that. Not to mention that he didn't want to give the bijuu back as weapons to the hidden villages. So returning to his home was out of question.

He was a little surprised he could give up on returning home so easily, but perhaps he was being selfish and was tired of his old world. That brought up another question: what he was going to do in this world? He was free now! He had no obligation as a jinchuuriki to his village. He was no longer the Child of Prophecy. He was just Uzumaki Naruto.

He was free…

But oddly, even with his newfound freedom, he didn't feel like whooping and running around in circles praising all the deities. He felt weird that he had no obligation whatsoever to anyone. Perhaps he owed a debt to the old couple, but paying back a few days of hospitality was nothing compared to what he had to bear in his short sixteen years of life. He had never been free for his whole life, and the prospect scared him a little. Speaking of freedom, he had never managed to fulfill that promise to Kurama, to free him.

"He's still here with me…" he murmured softly, placing his hand above the seal, "Well… it seems I am not that free if I still have one more promise to fulfill."

He would find a way to fulfill that promise, one way or another.

For those who didn't know Forlorn SToryteller, it's another account of mine and Naruto in this story is the same Naruto from Unsealing Legacy. The end of Naruto dying with sealing Juubi within him is an alternate ending I plan before~ but naaah the story diverge too much so I can't use it anymore but it such a waste so I use it for this story~

You don't have to read Unsealing Legacy to read this though... but in short Unsealing Legacy Naruto is a paranoid, skeptical, he has sarcastic sense of humor but very warm to those he liked. He also prone to fret over his loved ones.

I have not specified the year of his arrival in this world of FT simply because I am still contemplating it. But Naruto is definitely MUCH older than Natsu and co, at least by ten years mentally as his body is a kid again now.

There would be two time skip until we get to X784 (the year prior to Tenroujima arc)

Theory of Chakra and magical energy (Ethearno) mentioned here is a rough theory in Naruto's part, not a solid one. So don't be surprised if later I launch another theory that have more detail but a little different from one written here.

Next: The Daughter of Rain

At that day her tiny cold hand accepted his warm and larger one, with a promise that she would never be alone again.

That was her first warm memory in the middle of cold rain, and even though rain had not stopped following her… for the first time in her life, she was happy.

Juvia had never seen the sun, but she imagined it to be just like him, warm and gentle. He was her family, a father, a brother, a friend, a teacher… and her only companion for a long time.

As you can see Naruto is NOT the only main character in this story so expect he will go missing for few chapters. Other main character as revealed in this preview is Juvia... WHY? I like her character and while her past pictured comically hers is the closest to Naruto and I need someone that Naruto can sympathize with. Mirajane is another option but she come in set with her siblings so she is out.

Please enjoy this story while I go refreshing my brain for another story of mine.