Hello Everyone I'm Aergaia, I'm new to this site and I'm trying to figure how to do things, but overall I hope you like my story.


Konoha 5:00 PM

A young boy of about 6 years of age was running away from an angry mob as fast as he could. This boy was about 3"7 feet tall and had on a white t-shirt with an orange swirl on it with black shorts with white stripes on the sides with black ninja sandals covering his feet.

This boy was Naruto Uzumaki, a happy young energetic little ball of energy that always made people smile.

The ones who would give him the time of day that is; as the people of Konoha have hated him for reasons he did not know. Naruto was always the outlet for the citizens ire and as such they deemed his life unfit to even walk the streets, always making life difficult for him.

The mob was formed after the supposed stealing of food from a local vendor at his stand. The people of course sought for "justice".

They chased Naruto further into the market district where there were foreign salesmen trading off their goods, a perfect place for the blonde child to hide.

Naruto was no stranger when it came to mobs, he new he just had to hide away from them for a while until their anger subsided or until they gave up. Naruto had become adept at escaping mobs that he could actually elude the ANBU who sometimes joined the mobs in their "justice". Once out of sight, Naruto had jumped into the back of a small caravan biding his time until the mob gave up; which would take considerably long as they were looking everywhere EXCEPT for the caravan for the boy.

The reason for this is because it wouldn't look good if citizens just go snooping into other peoples merchandise without permission now would it?

Naruto had waited in the caravan for a little over an hour until the group of irate townsfolk dispersed, but Naruto didn't know that. Oh no, he couldn't after all he was sleeping like a babe in the caravan's storage space. The reason for this is the vendor's merchandise was specialized in silk, something Naruto never had the pleasure of wearing or feeling. As soon as Naruto had touched the fabric his thoughts were of something akin to a mothers warmth and had fell asleep not 5 minutes after he had hid.

Unbeknownst to Naruto the caravan was moving, taking him to its next destination.

Kirigakure 1 Day Later

A lone child was sitting on the cold hard ground knees to the chest with nothing but the clothe- actually no, you couldn't call them clothes as they were ripped, torn and worn leaving just enough to prove decent. This young child Is known as Haku Yuki a frail looking girl at the age of 6 with monochromatic eyes that seemed to shine with a warm luminescence that pierced the fog. She was as tall as 3"6 and had long messy black hair that used to be straight and prim but due to certain... circumstances, fixing her hair was the last thing on her mind.

Though she was in rags and her hair in a state of disarray, there was no denying that she was beautiful something that a blonde boy seemed to take notice of.

Haku looked up at the bright blonde who seemed to be glowing through the mist that covered the area, an upon further inspection she say that the boy had a backpack filled with who knows what.

He looked towards her and had noticed something odd, and reached into his backpack to get an item he stole from the caravan.

Caravan 30 Minutes Earlier

Naruto woke up with a start when the caravan had hit a small rock, which not big enough to damage the wheel, managed to upset the balance the caravan had and made it jump.

Naruto quickly wiped his eyes and wondered just how long he had slept. What he didn't know is that he had a full 24 hour rest not only because of the silk but also because there was no one to disturb him as he was sleeping. This was due to the fact that even in his little apartment which he keeps locked, people would still break inside for "justice". And as such Naruto had developed a sixth sense that would alert him of someones malicious presence had they gotten close enough which never happened when he slept in the caravan.

Naruto looked outside only to see water, lots of water as he was near the ocean with a thin layer of mist permeating the air. He knew that he wasn't in Konoha anymore because the trees he knew were long gone.

Now he realized he was in a bad situation, he needed to get to safety as he was sure the merchant wouldn't be too thrilled at the sight of a stowaway and had looked around for things he could use.

To his left was conveniently enough was a beige two strap backpack with multiple pockets for more storage space, inside it though were some scrolls which, since he was pressed for time, couldn't read and looked around for more things.

On the floor next to the backpack was a large hunting knife with a curve to it and it also came with a sheath. It seemed as if the merchant also sold weapons along with clothing.

Naruto quickly strapped on the knife securely as he knew how to use it as on more than a few occasions needed to hunt animals.

He had also found a bow and a quiver with arrows along with some clothes that he could use if it got too cold. Once he thought he took everything of value he looked back to where he was sleeping and found the silk item that brought him comfort and carefully tucked it away in the backpack along with the clothes. And promptly jumped out of the caravan with a soft 'thud' and walked away like nothing happened.

After walking for about 10 minutes, he saw a girl about the same age as him on the ground with her knees to her chest and her head down as if she was crying about something even though no tears were shown on her face .

He approached her as she looked up in concern, wondering who it could be and that caused him to have a glimpse into her eyes.

He saw that one of her eyes was golden, while the other was green. A rare contrast and even rarer colors that engulfed Naruto as he couldn't tear away from the sight before him.

But now he was not looking at her eyes, but rather, her face as she was easily cute and beautiful despite her current appearance.

After finally managing to stop staring, he noticed that she was in rags and decided to help her out as he too knew how it felt to be in poor clothing.

So he reached into his bag which seemed to scare the girl a little bit until he pulled out the clothes as he handed it to her.

Haku was confused as to why this blonde boy would give her something like this. With a shaky hand, she accepted and put on the clothes behind a tree.

Once she came out Naruto saw how she styled her hair as it was now down and straight. She was now wearing a dark green long sleeve shirt with black civilian pants with black ninja sandals. She was happy for what Naruto had done and was walking to him to thank him properly when a gust of wind came and made her shiver.

For some odd reason even though Naruto was in shorts the cold didn't seem to affect him much, but looking at Haku's reaction to the sudden chilling wind he had an Idea.

Reaching back into his bag Naruto then turned to the confused Haku as she was wondering what he was doing, and brought out a silk cloak, the same one that Naruto had slept on and provided him warmth he never felt before. Now Naruto wanted to make sure that he was not the only one to have felt its embrace as he put it around Haku's shoulders. She had noticed that the cloak was sky blue, just like Naruto's eyes and being thankful had said,
