"mommy?" Emmie ask.
"yes Charlie?" Bruce ask.
"where's daddy?" Emmie ask.
"daddy is still in bed. it's his birthday thats why we are making him breakfast." Bruce said. Emmie nodded and took off to her room. Bruce shook his head and opened the bedroom door. Emmie ran in with something behind her back.
"daddy! wake up!" Emmie shouted. Tony sat up just as Bruce sat the tray down.
"good morning." Bruce greeted. Tony looked confused and rubbed his eyes.
"morning." Tony said.
"happy birthday!" Emmie shouted. Tony smiled.
"thanks sweetheart." Tony smiled. Emmie crawled up on to the bed and handed him something. "whats this?" Tony ask.
"i drew this for you when uncle Phil and uncle Steve came over." Emmie replied. Tony looked at the picture and smiled.
"thank you baby this is amazing." Tony said and hugged her.
"alright go get dressed hunny." Bruce said. Emmie nodded and ran off to get dressed. "finish your breakfast than get dressed. don't wear anything nice. it's going to be messy." Bruce added. Tony came up behind him as Bruce was pulling off his shirt.
"how messy?" Tony purred and kissed his neck. Bruce chuckled and squirmed out. he took off his pants and changed into some old clothes. Tony changed and they left.
"whoa i didn't even know the carnival was in town." Tony said as they got their armbands.
"me either but Charlie saw a poster for it." Bruce said.
"and I thiough it'd be a great way for all of us to spend the day together." Emmie said. Tony picked her up and put her on his shoulders. they rode rides for hours. "daddy, can we ride that one?" Emmie ask pointing to a tall one that read 'Drop Zone'.
"I don't know if mommy i sup for another ride." Tony said looking to Bruce who was trying to keep from Hulking out. they found Hulk had a soft spot for Emmie and would stay put as long as nothing happened.
"i'm good you guys go on ahead." Bruce said. so they got on the ride and at the end Tony regreted saying yes. they climbed off the ride and Emmie clung to Tony crying. Bruce gasped at Tony. "give me her!" Bruce shouted and took Emmie. Emmie cried in his shirt.
"aw Emmie it's ok." Tony said. Bruce shook his head.
"thats it let's go somewhere else." Bruce announced. Emmie continued to cry even as they got into the car and Bruce continued to hold her. eventually she calmed down but still clung to Bruce's shirt.
"alright sweetheart i'm sorry." Tony said rubbing Emmie's back. Emmie nodded to him. "do you forgive me?" Tony ask. Emmie nodded. "i cant hear you." Tony said taking her from Bruce. he begain to tickle her untill she cried.
"mahahaha mommy! he-help!" Emmie laughed.
"oh no last time I tried to help i ended up being tickled by both of you." Bruce shook his head. after a moment though he jumped in and was allowed to rescue Emmie.
"do you feel better now?" Tony ask. Emmie nodded.
"yes daddy." Emmie replied.
"so where are we going now?" Bruce ask.
"we are going out to eat at my favorite place! Ryan's!" Tony smiled. Bruce rolled his eye's.
"what is that?" Emmie ask.
"it's a good restraunt, Charlie you'll like it." Tony replied. "and don't worry, it's vegetarian friendly." Tony smiled. Emmie smiled brightly. Tony ate healthier, Tony behaved better, Tony took care of himself better, Tony payed attention, Tony smiled and laughed more. Emmie wasn't just good for Bruce and the Hulk but she was good for Tony too.