District Three Reapings:

Aneli Schlass, D3 Male's POV:






Five girls wearing tattered, blue dresses.




Three boys wearing dusty, torn suits.

Reapings always brought out the worst in people.

Aneli watched from his tall, oak tree as the crowds of people passed beneath him towards the town square, where the Reapings were held.

Aneli had finished getting ready over an hour ago, unlike his twin sister, who was still trying to find her hair straightener as he was leaving. A hair straightener may have been considered a delicacy to the majority of District Three, but to Aneli's family, it was just another item.

Aneli's family weren't filthy rich, nor were they dirt poor; they were just in-between. His family always followed the rules and respected Peacekeepers. They didn't need the trouble.

Nothing exciting ever happened to Aneli. He was born on a Tuesday; the most boring of all days. That wasn't to say Aneli's life was boring. Aneli lead a good life; he had tons of friends, he got good grades, he had a loving family. He was lucky, but he often wished that something exciting would happen.


Aneli looked down to see his twin sister yelling up at him.

"Get down!" She screeched, 'If mom catches you up there, you're dead!'

Sighing, Aneli began to climb down. When he reached the bottom, he noticed that Bretenna's hair was a mass of curls.

"I take it you didn't find your hair straightener?" Aneli smirked.

Bretenna shot him a death glare before turning on her heels and walking away from him, her curls bouncing as she did so. The only way you could tell Bretenna and Aneli were even related was the colour of their eyes; deep, dark-brown. Bretenna had long, curly brown hair. Aneli had short, neat blond hair. Bretenna was tall and slim, Aneli was 5'7 and averagely built.

Aneli had lost sight of Bretenna in the crowd, but he found her again when he arrived at the sign-up desk. She was standing in front of the desk, her arms tucked tightly under her armpits.

"I said: 'Give me your finger, now'!" The Peacekeeper at the sing-in desk looked agitated.

Oh no.

Aneli rushed towards his sister, but he couldn't get passed the mass of people. People were starting to stare as two, large Peacekeepers took Bretenna by the shoulders and attempted to shove her towards the sign-up desk.

Bretenna hated blood. Hated it. Ever since she was a little girl, she'd faint at the slightest sight of it.

Bretenna howled and elbowed one of the Peacekeepers in the stomach. The Peacekeeper growled and shoved her to the floor, removing his gun from his belt and aiming it at Bretenna's head.

"NO!" Aneli rushed forward.

The other Peacekeeper stepped in front of Aneli and struck him across the face with the end of his gun. Everything went blurry as Aneli hit the floor. He heard the muffled sound of a gunshot, followed by screams and specks of blood.

Magma Blitz, D3 Female's POV:

"Help! Help!"

The flames begin to close in around her.


Pain. Shooting through her arms and her legs and her face.


Magma jolted awake and sat up in her bed. The right side of her face began burning and she roared with pain. Her bedroom door burst open and a tall, pale woman flew in.

"Mother! No! Please, I'm sorry!" Magma pleaded.

"I am not your mother! You are not my daughter!"

Char Blitz raised her hand and slapped Magma across the right side of her face. Pain shot through Magma's entire body and she screamed.

"Shhhh!" Char hissed, taking Magma by the collar of her night-gown and dragging her over to the barrel of water in the corner of the room.

Magma attempted to scream, but all that came out was a muffled gagging sound. She was hauled to her feet and plunged into the barrel, face-first. After twenty seconds, Char pulled her out and threw her to the floor. Char stood above her daughter, a look of disgust on her face.

"I wish you'd died in that fire." Char spat before turning and slamming the door shut on her way out.

Magma curled into a ball on the floor and began sobbing. She lay there for a few hours before getting up and crossing the room to the cracked mirror. Magma cringed at the right side of her face. Burnt. Scared. Pink. Raw.

Magma was in an electrical fire at the age of seven, resulting in her disfigurement. Before her accident, she had it all; friends, money, family. Afterwards, everyone shunned her and her father ran away, embarrassed by Magma.

Magma strapped on her self-made mask, which covered the right side of her face. At least she was able to cover up her hideous scars. Magma bent down and removed a towel from the bottom drawer of her... well, you couldn't really call it a chest of drawers... it was more like a 'broken, rotting, smelly box' of drawers. Magma dried her hair and tried to stifle her sobs.

Out of the corner of her eye, Magma spotted the Reaping dress her mother had made for her. It was orange. The colour of flames. Magma's mother was an awful woman.

After barely a second of deliberation, Magma decided to where a simple pair of torn jeans and a white t-shirt instead of the brightly-coloured monstrosity.

"Magma!" Char's voice came from downstairs, 'Leave for the Reapings this instant or I will come up there and-'

Magma droned out the sound of her mother's voice with a song.

Deep in the meadow, under the willow A bed of grass, a soft green pillow Lay down your head, and close your sleepy eyes

And when you awake, the sun will rise.

This song made Magma's insides twist with anger and sorrow, but it was the only one she knew. She'd heard it from a previous Hunger Games that was playing on repeat on the television... before her accident of course, before she was locked in her room every day except for the Reapings.

With a deep sigh and the familiar frown on her face, Magma left her box-sized room and crept downstairs.

Aneli Schlass, D3 Male's POV:

Aneli stood perfectly still in the 14 year old male section. His eyes were red and puffy. He wanted to cry but no more tears would come out. He'd given up trying to convince himself that what he saw hadn't actually happened and he was imagining things. He tried thinking that this was just one long, vivid nightmare.

But it wasn't.

This was real.

Bretenna was dead. Shot in the head. Gone... just like that.

Aneli didn't even hear the anthem playing, nor did he hear the Escort introduce herself. He was too caught up in his head.

He only snapped back to reality when he realised everyone was looking at him. Perplexed, his eyes fixed upon the Escort on the stage, who was looking directly at him.

Only then, when it was all spelled out for him, did it finally click. He'd been reaped.

His legs started walking to the stage without him telling them to.

How could he be reaped? It was nearly impossible. It was impossible.

'Aneli Schlass' was only written on two pieces of paper in that Reaping box. He was only 14. He hadn't applied for any tesserae.

Something wasn't right.

Magma Blitz, D3 Female's POV:

Magma cocked her head slightly as she watched the young boy arrive onstage beside the Escort. The Escort barely glanced at him before trudging to the girl's reaping box, which was in the shape of a skyscraper.

The Escort shoved her hand inside the skyscraper and removed a name.

Everyone was staring at Magma. At her face. At her mask.

Magma clenched her teeth and balled her hands into fists. She constantly wished upon every star in the sky every night that people would stop staring at her, but they never did. They thought she was a monster.

"Joanne Walton!"

Then, her body shaking with bottled up anger, Magma made a split-second decision.

"I volunteer!" She screeched.

No-body turned to stare at her. They already were, but some of their faces contorted into evil smirks as they realised that she'd be gone. Dead in a matter of weeks.

But she wasn't going to die, she was going to win and prove everyone wrong.

She was going to put everyone in their places.

Once and for all.

I hope you all enjoyed! I didn't mean for this chapter to be so sad:P

Thanks to Stop-IBegYou and Christine Mulheim for submitting Aneli and Magma respectively! I really loved writing these characters:)

Please leave a review (if you have the time!) and tell me what you think of these Tributes:)