I'm back! For those of you who followed my last SYOT, you'd know it has been a very long time, but I've been busy with school and I also have another story on another account that I'm running so... Let's get into it! An introduction will be posted by next Friday.

Just to clarify, this story DOES NOT take place in the same 'universe' as my last SYOT. For those of you who read it, that would make sense.


1) Two Tributes per person.

2) You must fill out the form FULLY and in detail. I will not except Mary Sues or Gary Stus, i.e: Nobody's perfect.

3) All Tributes must be submitted by PM or they will be ignored.

4) Please don't submit a character that you have already submitted to another story, as it causes unnecessary trouble.

Form (also on my profile):





District (3, in order of preference):

Physical Appearance (Height, Weight, Hair etc.):


Strengths (max. 3):

Weaknesses (max. 3):


Open To Romance?:

Background/History (Detailed, doesn't have to be long):

The Capitol:



Chariot Outfit:

Interview Outfit:

Interview Strategy:

Training Strategy:

Which Stations Do They Visit:

Training Score (In your opinion. May be edited later depending):

Weapon Of Choice (If Any):


The Games:

Where do they go when the gong sounds?:

Does your Tribute die in the Bloodbath?:

If they get anything, what do they get? (May be edited later, depending):


What would they be like in the Games, i.e: Would they kill?:

Are they likely to get many sponsor gifts?:

Anything you want to mention?: