Chapter 3:Camp what now?

Disclaimer: I don't own PJ or HP. I just read them.

Sirius woke up to a massive headache.

"Ugggghhhhh!" he groaned. 'Where am I?' Was the first thing that popped to his head. He turned his head around so quickly it made a weird snapping noise. While massaging his neck carefully, he looked around slowly.

There were cots all around the room, with medicine lying all over the tables. The room was empty though, and it looked like everyone had hastily left. There were some spilled pills laying on the floor next to him and unmade beds everywhere.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" he whispered hoarsely yet frantically. Silence was his answer. Nobody was there to reply. Sirius sighed. He waited longingly for someone to walk past those doors. After an hour of nothing, he grew tired and rested his eyes for a little bit. Moments later, he had fallen asleep again.

The next time he opened his eyes, another's meet his. These were a pair of deep warm brown eyes but they were filled with worry. It belonged to a girl that looked his age, maybe older and she had long black hair that flowed down her back.

"Are you all right?" she said at once, noticing Sirius was awake.

"Who are you? Where am I? What's Camp Half-Blood?" He rushed out at once.

"Whoa! Slow down there! My name is Katie Gardner, this is the infirmary, and the only place on earth that's safe for us."

"What are you talking about? Why is this place the only place safe for us? And what do you mean, us?"

Katie sighed, and took a deep breath.

" We all are the children of the gods and goddesses. You are one too… what's your name again?"

" Why should I tell you? I just met you today. Answer my questions first. If you are children of the gods, why is it called Camp Half-Blood?" Sirius asked impatiently ,for on the inside he was threatening to burst at any moment. It was too much to take in, the betrayals, the camp, for all he knew, she could be some crazy person telling lies to those who were naive enough to listen.

"How about I bring Chiron over to you, and he can explain everything to you a bit clearer, since I know you don't really understand what I'm saying. See you in a little bit!" and with that, she zoomed past him and out the doors.

When she was gone, Sirius felt lonely again. He wondered what his friends… ah, used to be friends were doing. If he ever got to Hogwarts, he would beat Pettigrew to a pulp. No one messes with his friends. Nobody.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Time passed by ever so slowly. He felt as though it had been an hour, but in reality it was only about five minutes. Finally, she came back with a very short… man?

Or was he a horse? Both? For sure, he was not human.

In his top half, he looked just like a normal person. His bottom half, he looked like a full fledged on white stallion!

He had a muscular body, and armed with a weapon. It was actually a bow and arrow thing that looked really cool. Sirius wanted to try it out but now was not the time.

"Hello! My name is Chiron and I am the director of Camp Half-Blood."

"What are you?"Sirius, ever so polite, replied. He apparently had no tact whatsoever.

"Why, I'm a centaur." Chiron explained gently.

" That means I am half man and half horse."

Sirius' mind was on overload. Wasn't Chiron the name of the trainers of the demigods? Of course, they were only myths, Greek mythology to be more precise. There was only one explanation.

" You guys can come out now! I know you guys are pranking me! This isn't funny James!" he said looking around for his friends. This was a very cruel and unusual prank,so of course, Peter must have come up with it then. Ah, they were going to pay dearly for this.

"I assure you that this isn't a prank. This is a very serious situation. You are a demigod. It is very important for you to train and get much fitter. Otherwise, you won't survive."

"Survive what? The big bad monsters out to get me?" Sirius replied sarcastically.

"I am not in danger you wacko people! I don't need to believe in all this hocas pocas!

This is probably a nut job hangout with all you creepy weirdos trying to murder me or something. Well guess what, I'm not falling for this! I am leaving!" and with that, Sirius promptly got up and stormed out.

Which probably wasn't the best idea because he still had no idea of where he was. "When in doubt, there is magic to be used about! he exclaimed.

"Why did I freaking rhyme that? I'm not some story book wizard like in those muggle fairy tales! Moving on! Which spell should I use?"

"I'll just try apparating. I mean how hard could it be?!" and with that, Sirius apparated. Or tried to at least. He didn't move a single inch. Zip. Nada. Nothing.

"Why the hell didn't I apparate! I didn't even create sparks or something. These freaks must have put a block on my magic! I'll get them back, you'll see! As soon as I stop talking to myself. This is so weird. Stop it!"

He tried breathing in deep breaths to calm his down anxiety. In and out, in and out.

"Ok, no need to panic Sirius, we just need to find those losers and beat the crap out of them."

" Hey, you! The one in the robes! Why are you dressed so weirdly?" two voices asked him, in sync.

Sirius spun around quickly. To his horror, two pairs of mischief smiles stared back at him.

"Who are you? What do you crazy people want from me?" He shouted loudly.

"Chill dude!" one of them replied.

"We're not going to hurt you."said the other. Sirius stared at them for a long time, intent on finding out if they were telling the truth. Finally, he decided to pretend to be their ally to gain information.

"I have decided to trust you guys. My name is Sirius. What's yours?". He could see that they were trying to hold back laughter. 'What was so funny?' He wondered.

"Well… we are Travis and Connor Stoll, sons of Hermes, stealers of goods, and legendary pranksters!" The two exclaimed.

"Come on! We'll show you around!"

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