So this is a little idea I've been thinking of doing for a while now, I'm not sure how well this will work so i'll keep it at a few chapters for now and see what response I get it from it, Hope you do like it anyway :)

Basically, Zoe Hanna is in her 3rd year of Med school, she is only 22 years of old and is very much still a party animal, living in a student flat in Bristol with her 3 best mates; Kate, Beth and Lia (I took a little bit of inspiration from No angels here, I think they'd get on with young Zoe perfectly!) Anyway, this fan fiction follows the girls during their party lifestyle at university while balancing to become young doctors and how new people they meet along the way impact their lives.

"Come on Zo" Lia called from the bottom of the stairs, urging her flat mate to get ready "Class starts in 5 minutes" She called loudly, banging her hand against the wall to grab her attention. She knew very well that Zoe would not be up yet, she was very much a last minute kind of girl, yet still somehow managed to turn up to her lectures looking immaculate no matter what.

"God I feel awful" Beth groaned as she dragged herself unwillingly down the stairs to be fronted by Lia's shouting. She wrapped an arm around her stomach as a wave of nausea crashed over her again. They had all been out the night before at some wild house party down the road. This was very much their routine even though it was only Thursday night. They still managed to go out partying most nights in the week, returning back at 4am in the morning to then appear at their lectures on just 3 hours sleep. Yet somehow they were all still top of the class.

"Here take some of these" Kate said, handing a packet of paracetamol over to her friend. She picked up her coat and bag from the kitchen table and joined Beth and Lia at the bottom of the stairs, impatiently waiting for Zoe to emerge from her bed.

"Zoe come on" Beth shouted, following the attempt to get her friend up and ready "If you don't hurry up we're going without you" She yelled, pulling a hand to her own forehead as she regretted shouting so loudly.

"Yes, Yes I'm coming" Zoe shouted back, finally emerging at the top of the stairs, typically followed closely by a young man, looking half dressed. She began to descend the stairs, the man following her like a lost puppy as her friends stood watching with smirks plastered across their faces.

"Good night was it?" Beth raised her eyebrows, trying not to giggle as Zoe smartened out her outfit.

She nodded in response as she quickly picked her bag and coat up off the stair rail "Yeah, this is Scott" She introduced the man who stood awkwardly behind her. It was fair to say they all had their fair share of men, but Zoe was on a whole new level; she somehow always managed to pull the best looking guys in town. She was a tease and they all knew it.

"Hi" They all awkwardly smiled back "Right Zoe, we've got 2 minutes until class starts, we need to go now" Lia insisted as she impatiently checked her watch one more time.

"Let's go then" Zoe directed her eyes towards the door as they all left in a hurry.

"Bye" She quickly said to Scott as they got outside, giving him a quick kiss before she ran to catch her friends up who were now walking off in the opposite direction.

"When will I see you again?" Scott called after her as he watched her walk away.

"I dunno" Came Zoe's simple reply, waving her hand in the air as they walked out of his sight.

"Poor guy doesn't even realise that he will never see you again" Beth chuckled as the girls power walked side by side down the street.

"Yeah well, I'm sure he'll get over it" Zoe giggled "Even though I am pretty insatiable" She joked, flicking her hair.

All of the girls laughed as they walked onto campus "So come on then, rating out of ten?" Lia cheekily asked, linking onto her friends arm for a response.

Zoe smirked, thinking about it for a while, "about a 7 i'd say" She giggled.

All of the girls began to laugh, "Well you were quiet for a 7, I never even knew you pulled last night" Beth chuckled.

"He gave me his number so I thought why not" Zoe shrugged.

"You're so bad" Kate giggled.

"Holy shit" Lia exclaimed, stopping their mid conversation.

"Who is that?" Beth loudly exclaimed as the girls all turned to look at each other, gobsmacked at the godly sight heading towards them.

Who is the mystery man then? ;) Please review if you get chance so i know if to continue. Thanks, Saskia :) x