This is the last chapter. It's a story very close to my heart and I really, truly hope that you guys liked it. Review yeh? I hope I gave justice to "Tears of an Angel". The song is one of my favs and I always wanted to write a Dramione fic based on it. I'm sorry if you guys get the urge to kill me after reading this. Please don't :P


Ps. I cried. *sheds imaginary tears*



My heart will go on…

Winter entered the room, apprehension a clawing sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. When she had previously visited her she knew nothing about her personal life. Now she knew. She cared. A lot more than she had bargained for.

"Why, isn't this a pleasant surprise?" Hermione Granger said. She was sitting in the old cushion sofa petting a fury looking Persian cat. Damien left her side to go and kiss on both sides of his Godmother's cheek before stroking the cat with the back of his hand.

"Come. Sit child" She told Winter.

With a slight smile Winter did as she was told.

"Winter is here to ask you some questions" Damien said sitting beside her.

"No. Not ask questions. Just…talk to you" She said shooting a glare at Damien. Not that he noticed. He was too busy stroking a brown cat that had come to sit on his lap.

"Yes?" Hermione Granger asked, a confused smile on her beautiful weathered face.

"Pops talked to her" Damien said before Winter could come up with something intelligent.

Hermione's eyes that had the kind blissful look vanished as she realized what he meant. "Did he-"


"Did she-"


"Everything?" She asked. Damien shrugged.

"She wanted to hear the rest from you"

Winter's cheek had turned crimson red in color by the time they were done with their little conversation. "It's all right if you do not want to tell me" Winter began. She really wished that that was not the case though.

"Why are you so interested in me?" Hermione asked.

"Because she's nuts" Damien muttered. Winter stubbed his foot under the table. Hard. He hissed in a breath. Good.

"At first I was just curious. You are Hermione Granger after all. Maybe I got too nosy this time" Damien scoffed. "After hearing Harry Potter's story though, I found it hard not to care for you. I found myself empathizing with the girl you were before"

"The one I still am" She completed Winter's thought. "Harry must have told you everything for a reason. He must have seen the same thing that I am seeing in your eyes right now"

"What's that?" Damien asked.

"Me" Hermione said. Damien shot Winter a questioning look who shrugged in response.

"How much did Harry tell you?" Hermione asked.

"To the-"

"To the night" Damien completed when Winter couldn't say anything.

"I remember that night" Hermione said.

"Are you sure? You're really sure?" I asked for what felt like the millionth time. My heart hammering at an abnormal rate trying really really hard not squeal out, giddy with happiness.

"Yes Ms. Granger. I am sure" Healer Jordan said smiling at me. "I'm sure Healer Malfoy is around here somewhere. If you want I can call him and tell him to come here right now"

I thought about it. Was this how I wanted to tell my fiancé' that we were having a baby? A hospital with the disinfectant smell filling our nostrils might not be the most romantic place to tell him.

"No. That's alright. Thank you, Jordan." I said standing up. After I got out of the room I grabbed hold of my locket and sent a message to Draco.

Come home early tonight. xoxo

His message came almost instantly. As soon as I manage to get ahold of the kid's parents.


My patient. His parents doesn't know that he's injured. They are staying at an Inn.

OK. Come after you're done. I'll be waiting.

I love you, Emi.

Love you too Draco.

I smiled at the thought of him and the kid. He's already a 'Dada' and doesn't even know it. My heart swelled at the thought of him with our little child. A girl with blonde hair and brown eyes. With Draco's aristocratic nose. Or maybe a boy with brown hair and silver eyes. With a laugh I apparated to our new house. The house Draco had built for us. A mansion really. With more rooms than I cared to venture through.

"Gryffindor Queen deserves a palace worthy of her." He had said when I complained about the size. "The Slytherin Prince, you mean?" I joked

"Just yours" He said kissing the bridge of my nose.

Naturally our room, the master bedroom was the biggest with a walk in closet an enormous bathroom with a Jacuzzi. I went there and had a nice warm bath before Draco made it home. I wanted the night to go perfectly. After my bath, I took out my best evening dress, green strapless dress with silver earrings, thanks to the future Dada. I then made my way to the kitchen and decided to cook for him the muggle way. That was how Draco likes it best.

I had just taken the Cannelloni out of the oven when I heard a knock on my door. It was rather strange that Draco didn't apparate directly into the house. Keeping the hot dish in the table, with my apron still wrapped around me I made my way towards the door.

"Draco why- Harry?" I asked a little startled to find Harry at my doorstep. "Come in" I said, worry settling in my heart seeing the state of my friend. He had a haunted look on his face. A look I haven't seen in six years. What happened?

"'Mione" He mumbled. "Sit" He said gently taking my hand and guiding me towards the sofa. He sat on the floor in front of me.

"Harry, what is it?" I asked gently cupping his face in my hands. A tear then dropped down his face to find its place in my palm.

"It's Malfoy" He whispered. Cold settled in in the depth of my heart making it difficult for me to breathe. Draco? I didn't say anything. I couldn't. "'Mione" He said. Placing his head on my lap, he hugged my waist.

"He's gone"

Gone? "Gone where?" I asked unable to comprehend. Harry didn't say anything. He knew I understood. I didn't want to. Oh god I didn't.

My hands lay limp at my sides as I stared off into space. The smell of my Cannelloni filling the lounge. And then the first tear drop ran down my face, making the path for the rest of its sisters to follow through. I cried.

It wasn't until I saw his body, all battered and wounded but cleaned and placed in a coffin when the shock wore through. Draco, MY Draco was lying inside a coffin. Lying DEAD inside one. I felt an itch scratching my throat before the sound of a wail broke through. Sound of my wail. I held on to the coffin, one hand holding the cold ones of my Draco, howling in anguish. All the denials, all the anger, all the questions making my head dizzy and difficult for me to cope through.

How could it happen like this? It had only been a couple of hours after I talked to Draco when Harry had come in to announce his death. HIS DEATH. I felt my head swirl as my cries deepened and I felt someone hold me from behind.

"'Mione" Ron said in a distressed voice. I paid him no heed. Leaning down I gave Draco an open mouthed kiss on his forehead. His cold, very very cold forehead. My sobs still playing its endless tune.

"It's time" Harry said from my left side. Time…time to put him in grave. How we came from our lounge to Draco's funeral was a blurry mess. I couldn't remember…didn't want to remember what had happened in the days in between. "'Mione…let him go" He said gently. Let him go? How can such harsh words ever be gentle? I turned to him with the intention of glaring at him but ended up clutching him as if my life depended on it. And maybe it did. He soothingly rubbed my back while muttering words to calm me down. I didn't hear a thing.

"I want to write something on his gravestone" I muttered. It may have been the only coherent thing I've said after Harry announced his death.

"I want it to say that he was a beloved son, friend, Husband and Dada" I said. Harry's embrace tightened hearing my words. He had heard. Had understood. "It will" He promised.

I spent my days after the funeral moping around the house, mourning the death of Draco. My prince, as he used to put it. Yes, he was my prince. I stayed cramped up in my big house, with no intention of ever going out to face the world, no intention of ever going out, period. Everyone tried to snap me out of it. What they didn't know was that there was no snapping out of it. There was no light left in my life.

I never knew that one person could affect my life so much. Never knew that Draco Malfoy would affect me so much.

"I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy" He had said on his first year introducing himself to me. He had been quiet friendly until he realized that I was a Muggleborn. After that I was tagged as the Mudblood. I braved the troubles he caused me in Hogwarts. The trouble he caused all of us. He was a prick. Plain and simple. As we grew up Malfoy's behavior towards me changed, improved, considerably. Especially when Harry and Ron weren't there.

"Granger. You're with me tonight" Draco said coming towards me. It was time for our Patrol Duty and I groaned realizing that I was paired up with Malfoy, for the night.

"Wonderful" I said sarcastically. He walked up the stairs to fifth floor, pretending to not hear. With a sigh I followed through.

After patrolling for over an hour Malfoy broke the silence. "You know Granger. These are dangerous times"

"I'm aware"

"You should leave" He said suddenly turning to face me. I glared up at him. "Excuse me?"

He ruffled his hair in frustration.

"Leave. Everything. Hogwarts. Potter. Leave. He's coming after the Mudbloods"

"And we'll stop him before he wrongs any of the Muggleborns. Harry will." I said.

"You don't understand" He said slamming me against the wall. His face contorted, torment swimming in the depth of his silver eyes. "Things are going to happen. Bad things" He said.

"Not as long as we are here. Dumbledore will protect us" I insisted. Draco then placed his head on my shoulder. I was too shocked to nudge him away. "Malfoy?" I whispered cautiously. "What are you doing?"

He lifted his head, a dark looking entering his eyes. My heart thudded dully against my chest as he moved his face towards me. I knew what was about to happen, I knew it would happen if I didn't do anything. I knew it, but my body refused to obey to what my mind was screaming at it to do.

His breath fanned my face before he finally captured my mouth in his. It was a simple kiss. Sweet. Not passionate. And it couldn't have lasted more than a few seconds. But it was a definite kiss. His lips were firm against mine. Without a conscious thought I moved my lips against his, slightly. He let go of me then.

"Be safe" And he fled into the night.

Later that year, the 'incident' that he had warned me about happened. Dumbledore had died. The person who was supposed to kill him- Malfoy. The pieces of the puzzle fixed so perfectly then. He knew this would happen. He knew Dumbledore wouldn't survive. He knew I would be in danger.

He was gone though. There was no one there to quench my thirst. No one to confide in with. Then we had to leave for the Horcrux hunt. And there he was. A little pale, a little thin, with more dark patches under his eyes, yet still as proud as ever. And arrogant.

The locket. It was just the beginning of us. He talked to me. Even when there is no reason for us to do so.


What is it, Malfoy?

Is there anywhere else for me to stay?

No. The Headquarters should be fine.

Why are you so...formal with me?

I am not

You are so


Are we really going to do that?

Why did you contact me, Malfoy?

I'm bored

Will you keep on bothering me this way every time you get bored?


This was how it all started. Before I knew it, we were contacting on a regular basis. He became my friend. My very best friend. I was able to tell him stuff I could not share with Harry or Ron. He told me stuff that no one else knew. It wasn't long before we started using endearments on each other. I called him ferret, more out of love than to insult him. And he would call me Kitten…well…because of Crookshanks.

"HOGWARTS! NOW"I messaged Draco while dodging a spell by one of the Death Eaters. The locket warmed up in my hand and I stole a glance at it. "On our way"

"They are coming" I managed to get out before Harry dragged me inside the pub.

"You both go. I'll stay for the rest of them to come through" I said after entering the Room of Requirements. Wishing Harry luck on his very dangerous escapade I waited for the Order members to show up. I waited for Draco to show up. After a while I saw figures coming through the portrait. The first person to open the door and come out was Draco.

I sprinted towards him, fear and excitement rushing through my veins.

"Draco!" I breathed, engulfing him in a big hug.

"Heyy…Emi" He said. It was very clear that he meant to say 'Hermione' but my sudden burst of energy made him splutter, instead uttering the garbled name. EMI.

"Emi?" I asked amused. He shrugged letting go of me. "Hermione is too long anyway" He said tucking a strand of hair behind my ears. And that was how I became his 'Emi'

After the war, I decided to take a break. One full year. All by myself. It was the least I could do after the hectic years I lived through. After taking my NEWTS and securing a place in the Ministry, I made plans to spend a whole year in Venice.

You're going to leave me. Draco sent a message through the locket as I was packing my bags.

I'll still have my locket

Not the same

You know it is

You're leaving me with them. He was staying at the Burrows.

You won't die

Hah. That's comforting


No no. I'll come after you

No you won't

Yes I will. You just wait and watch

Stop being such a baby Draco

I spent almost 3 months roaming the stupendously beautiful city of Venice when I had one of the best surprises of my life. I had just opened the door to my room after an exhilarating day spent at the prestigious museum and right there sitting in my chair with his feet up the table was none other than Draco. Yes. Draco Malfoy. He proved true to his words.

"Told you I would come" He smirked. I didn't have the nerve to even pretend to get mad as I sat down next to him. "Room service?" I asked before proceeding to order him some of the best cuisine I've been acquainted with.

To be honest it was only after Draco came, that I started having fun, real fun in the vacation. For someone who claimed to hate muggles almost his whole life, Draco seemed to mingle amazingly well with the said muggles. He took me to places I never thought existed, made me act in ways I never thought I ever would. He was my rock. My friend.

That was what he was then. A friend. It all changed one day when he brought a third person into our life. When he started dating a girl. A very beautiful, slightly naïve girl. I didn't like it at all. I didn't understand why. Draco was happy with her, so I should have been feeling the same. I wasn't. I experienced a feeling I've never been familiar with before. I was Jealous.

"You're coming right? Natalia has found a very high class Karaoke club near Juliano's?" Draco said coming into my room. I shot him a tired look. "No"

"Why not?" He asked. I shrugged before climbing into bed and turning my back on him. I knew he stood there for a while staring at me. I ignored him. Eventually I heard the door click close.

"Emi…wake up!" He shook me awake. I had not even been aware of falling asleep but I guess I did. "Are you back?" I asked.

"I didn't go" He said lying down beside me.

"Why?" I asked. He shrugged. "I broke it off with her"

Again I asked the same question.

"You hate her", "I DO NOT"

"Yes you do. Emi, I know you"

"Why would I hate her?"

"How should I know?"

I turned to face him and glared at him. "I don't hate her. I don't care about her. She can go to hell for all I care"

Draco turned to face me. "Why?" I spluttered. Why, indeed? The corner of his lips curved as a smile flickered across his face.

"Why, Emi?" His hand came up to stroke my face. I almost purred. Almost. "I don't know" I mumbled.

This time he actually grinned. Then he closed the space between us and kissed my nose. I stared at him, heart thundering against my chest. He gazed back at me and then slowly kissed my lips. Softly at first. He kissed me again. A little harder and for a little longer. He kissed again. And again. He kept on going until our little kisses became a full blown passionate kiss.

By that time my hand had found its place getting tangled in his blonde hair. He wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Now we know why" He said grinning through the kisses.

After that it was very, VERY obvious that we were more than just friends. A lot more than that. I was in love with him. So very much in love with him. What felt so much better was the fact that he loved me back.

Coming back home, the major hurdle was to convince Ron and Harry that us being together was nothing to freak out about. Surprisingly it was an easy task. Turned out that Harry had already suspected of something going on between us.

Life had been benevolent for us after that. I was always, always happy. Draco kept me happy. It was as simple as that. How time flew during that time would always remain a mystery to me.

"Will you stop complaining?" I chided Draco as I made the bed. Mrs. Weasley had asked us to stay at the Burrows for the night and I had happily agreed.

"All I'm saying is that you should have consulted me before saying yes" Draco said pouting.

"You said that I could do anything I want and you'd be happy if it was what I really wanted" I reminded him.

"NOT when it comes to Weasleys" Draco grumbled.

"Don't be stupid"

"This is not how it's supposed to happen. We just came here for brunch" He said sitting down on the chair opposing the bed.

"It's just ONE night Draco" I said pinching his nose before returning to my task. He grumbled in return.

"Aren't you a pleasant company?" I teased him.

"It's a very special night" He said.


"It's the first night we kissed" He said

"No, it-"

"The first time" He interrupted me, reminding me of the stolen kiss back when we were in sixth grade.

"You remember that night" He didn't reply. The tell-tale sign of a blush ripening his cheeks were answer enough for me. I went up to him and sat on his lap.

"That was extremely sweet Mr. Malfoy. Thank you" I said giving him a peck on his forehead.

"We can still celebrate" I said trying to cheer him up. It backfired. He gently moved me so that I was standing again. He then stood up himself and went near the windows.

"It's not the same"

"Why not? We're together"

"It's not the same" He repeated.

"Of co-"

"It's not the same because I was going to propose to you tonight" He said turning around to face me.

"Under the stars that you love so much. With Italian cuisine that you can never have enough of. In the city that made us realize that we love each other. In Venice." I had been thunderstruck, utterly mind boggled, speechless since he started his whole speech. He had started moving towards me with the predatory look I've seen in him. The look that I crave so much. The look that he only has for me.

"If I can't propose to you tonight then you will have to wait for another year. And I don't think that I can wait that long" He said coming to stand in front of me. "If I can't give you the romance that you deserve tonight then I'll just have to opt for the cliché that you secretly thrive" He gave me a small smile before he got down on one knee in front of me. It was then that I realized that he was holding a green velvet box in his hand.

"Hermione Granger. Will you please do me the honor of marrying me? Be my wife, Emi" He said in a hoarse voice.

My eyes had filled up the moment he kneeled down. I tried to say yes, I really did, but my throat had somehow clogged and I was not able to form a single sound. My knees wobbled and I sat opposite to him.

"Emi?" He asked caressing my face with a shaking hand. I still couldn't find my voice. So I nodded yes. Yes. His eyes widened as he took in my answer.

"Yes?" He whispered almost as if scared to hope.

"YES!" I was finally able to say as tears streamed down my face. He crushed me to him as his lips found mine. His lips then left a trail as blew kisses across my jawline, my cheekbones, my eye lids and finally stopping at the bridge of my nose. He was muttering one phrase over and over again. 'Thank you'

I held on to him fiercely as laughter bubbled within me. I realized something then. "Ring. Draco. The RING!" I said laughing through my tears.

He chuckled as he fumbled with opening the box. He had said all of that without even opening it!

The ring placed in the box was just as impressive as the man that gave it. It was fit for a Malfoy. I guess I would be becoming one. Soon. It was a silver ring glorified by the huge emerald stone placed in the middle. Small diamonds surrounded the stone in a perfect array.

"Draco, this-?" I asked seeing how expensive it must have been.

"It's a family heirloom Emi. Before she died, mother asked me to give this to you when I propose" He said. He slipped in the ring on my finger.

"It's…" I couldn't continue as I started laughing, too happy to say anything. He stood up, grabbing my hand and making me follow suit. He then lifted me up and swirled me around, our laughter filling the whole room.

"We're engaged" I said when he finally put me down.

"We're engaged" He confirmed. "Hi…fiancée'" He said grinning.

"Hello…fiancé'" I said chuckling.

"It's a forever thing" He promised before kissing me again.

It had only been just six months after the proposal when the incident happened. The incident that had taken the life of the man I loved the most. No, it wasn't even an incident. It was murder in the cold blood. Did I really want to spend my life mourning for his death without getting justice?

"Hermione?" Harry asked shock seeing me enter the Auror department.

"I'm in" I said.

"You're in?" He asked.

"I want to capture all the Dark Devotees and rid this world of their menace"

"Hermione we've been trying. They are very clever-"

"Vengeance of a widow is much stronger than any other power they could ever show. Especially when she has the added strength of her child" I said giving Harry no space to say anything against it.

And that's what I did for the next 5 months. I sought out every Dark Devotee that was there, their punishment- Dementor's kiss. I didn't even cringe by the thought of leaving them to that fate. It was what they deserved for what they did.

"Harry, cover me" I said as I dashed towards the old pillar. The leader of this monstrous group was standing a few meters ahead of the pillar. He still haven't seen me which was an added advantage for me.

"Expelliarmus" I said coming directly behind him. Their leader, Joshua Fitzelwald turned to face me in shock. He should be. He must have been expecting his faithful Devotee to show up. Not likely.

"Well, if it isn't Ms. Granger" He drawled out.

"Not another word" I whispered. He chuckled in return. "How's Healer Malfoy? Ah I forgot. He's dead isn't he?"

Fury erupted within me and I raised my wand high to curse him to the end of the world and back.

"Crucio" I heard someone shout from the other end of the building before the pain settled in my bones. It writhed within me making me scream out in anguish. I had never experienced such a physical, terrible pain before. It felt as if someone was boring holes through my chest, crushing my rib cage, peeling out my skin, chucking off muscle by muscle, layer by layer.

I fell with a deep thud struggling to overcome the pain that had become a part of me. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I felt a tranquil calmness with the thought that if I do die, I'll get to be with Draco. Then I thought of our child and put double the effort to fight off the curse. And then I felt the spell being taken off.

"Impressive" Fitzelwald said.

I glared up at him and the new companion, the same one who had cast the cruciatus on me.

"Yes yes. I don't believe you two have met. Meet Marcum Sentry. Marc, this is Hermione Granger. Draco Malfoy's fiancé"

Sentry smirked at me. "I was the last person to see him alive. Bitch" He grinned at me. "Can't say that I regret sending that killing curse on him. And the child. You see, he couldn't save my brother's life. So I ended his" He KILLED him.

With a scream I lifted my wand at him, ready to finish him right then and there. Rules be damned. He would die by my hand.

"Confringo" Sentry said at the same time and I was sent flying off into space to land with a heavy thud on a pile of bricks.

The pain that followed nearly blinded me. I cried out, tears streaming down my face. I heard the fight carry on, felt someone holding me, felt the wind rushing beneath me as someone flew me over in a broom, saw the white ceiling of a hospital yet all I can do was sob as pain engulfed me, never to let go. Somewhere in the back of my mind I suspected what was coming.

Yet after dozens of sedatives the Healers had injected in me and hours of being admitted, it still came as a shock when Healer Jordan informed me the news.

"I'm so sorry, Hermione" She said holding my hand as I stared of into space. This couldn't be happening. She must be wrong. The only thing left was the baby.

"Hermione" Harry said coming in through the doors. I turned my head to face him with a dead look in my eyes.

"I lost the baby, Harry" I said. Healer Jordan left us to give us some privacy as Harry came to sit next to me on the bed. I put my head on his chest, hugging him tight against me. "I lost my baby" I cried. He let me cry.

Winter stared as the old woman cried, holding onto the strong arms of her Godson. She stared as a woman cried for her lover's death. She stared as a mother cried for the loss of her child. All she could do was stare. Stare as her own eyes brimmed over.

Damien, who had his arms wrapped around Hermione, gently shook his head seeing that. She nodded before wiping away the tears hastily. "That's enough for today, mama" He gently told Hermione. She nodded standing up. "I'll go lie down" she said. Then she looked at Winter and smiled. She walked towards her and clasped her hand.

"Thank you" She said.

"For what?" Winter asked.

"For listening" She then pulled her into a warm hug. "I see myself in you" She said releasing her. "Happy. Be always happy" Hermione said leaving Winter with a slight smile playing on her lips.

"Ready to go?" Damien asked when Hermione had closed the door to her room.

They left the house together, both thinking about the story they just heard.

"She can still smile" Winter said after sometime.

"She's strong" Damien said.

"She calls you Draco", "She's the only one" He said almost instantly.

"She wanted Draco's headstone to say that he was a beloved husband?" She asked remembering the confusion she felt.

"She wanted to believe that they were married. It was one way she dealt with the pain. If she could convince herself that she was his wife, then maybe, just maybe, the pain would have gotten less"

"What happened to the Dark Devotees?" Winter asked.

"Some are still in Azkaban, as you know. Fitzelwald and Sentry was killed that night though. By Pop. He was detained by the Devotees that had shown up. By the time he was done, they already had cast the Confringo spell on her" He stopped at an abandoned park, standing near one of the swing. Winter sat on the said swing.

"Seeing Mama in such a terrible state made Pop act out in fury. Without even a conscious thought he sent two killing curses at the men. That was the end of the people who had ruined Mama's life. It's didn't bring back Dada though"

"You call Draco, Dada?" Winter asked, interested. He shrugged. "Mama made sure my dad called him that. He did. So I do"

"You're father and Hermione are very close?" She asked. "They were. Even after the horrible incident, Papa made sure that my dad visited her. Mama never left her house after the death of her unborn baby"

"Never?" Winter asked.

"Never" He confirmed. "She wanted to name her baby Damien if it was a boy" He smiled slightly.

"And if it was a girl?"

"Diana" He said.

"So if you had been a girl, you would be a Diana" She teased him. He chuckled. "Yeah. I guess"

"Why doesn't she go out?" Winter asked. He sighed before taking the swing next to her.

"She gave up on life. In a way she's counting the days when she'll get to bid this life goodbye to go be with him and their baby"

"That's…." She stopped at a loss for words.

"Stupid" He said.

"And sad" She agreed.

Damien dropped Winter at her house after spending some more time in the swings. With a promise to take her back to visit his Mama again. That's what she did the next day. Visit Hermione Granger. And the next. And the next. Only they didn't talk about the sadness that had plagued Hermione Granger's life. She talked about Draco and their time together fondly. Winter found herself wrapped up in the tales Hermione told her. Despite what may have happened, Hermione Granger had been happy. Once upon a time. With her prince Charming. Only they didn't get to live their happily ever after.

"Is he coming again?" Jonathan Boot asked seeing Winter rush down the stairs. She looked at the clock and said. "Any minute now"

There was knock on her and with a wave to her father she opened the door.

"Ready?" Damien asked. She nodded before grabbing her coat.

They walked in silence to Hermione's house. It was a good silence though. A comfortable one.

Damien opened the door to the house and Winter followed in. As what had become their routine, Winter went to make a cup of coffee for Damien while he went to fetch Hermione. After making the coffee she waited in the parlor for them to come. When neither Hermione nor Damien showed up, Winter, ever the curious one, went in search for them. When she reached the third floor she saw Damien standing in the doorway with a horrified look in his face.

She hurried towards him, heart beating wildly against her chest. When she reached him, she lightly touched his shoulder. "What happened?" She asked soothingly.

He stepped back giving Winter a view of Hermione's room. She walked into the room almost instantly. It was the first time she had done so. Hermione Granger was lying on her bed, asleep. She turned to face Damien, his eyes though was on his Godmother.

"Damien…" She began.

"Mama" He said before coming to stand next to the bed.

"Let her sleep" Winter whispered. Damien looked at her strangely.

"She's not sleeping"


When Winter just stood there staring at him, he held out his hand to her. She took it and came stand beside him. "She's not sleeping Winter"

He turned to her, his own eyes unable to mask the horror he was witnessing. He then enveloped her in a tight hug, almost afraid to let go. "She's gone, Wint" He said burying his head in the crook of her neck. Winter wrapped her arms around him, tears flowing down her own eyes.

Winter wished she had not seen such anguish. She would have been happy if she never, ever, knew this kind of pain. She had witnessed the burial of Hermione Granger. Had seen Harry Potter fall to his knees and cry out, inconsolably wrecked with the pain of losing his best friend, his sister. Had seen Ginny Weasley try to comfort her husband while her own body rocked with sobs. Had seen James Potter hold onto his wife, Layla Longbottom Potter, weeping uncontrollably. Had seen them all leave one by one, not a mere goodbye said to one another. She still waited near the grave. Waited because Damien had yet to say his goodbye. Waited because he would want someone to stay near him when he does. She waited till it was just the two of them left.

"Mama wouldn't have wanted us to cry" He said breaking the silence. Damien was standing near the grave, next to Winter, with his hands in his pocket.

Winter didn't say anything to that.

"She shouldn't have died" He said, almost with a childlike whine.

She stayed silent.

"She was my mama, Winter" He said turning to face her. The vulnerability she saw in his eyes was her undoing. She closed the gap between them and hugged him. "I know" She whispered.

"She was my mama" He repeated before giving into the urge to cry. She rubbed her hands on his back in a soothing motion and turned to face the graves. It was fresh, there was no headstone placed yet. Damien let go of her and turning to do the same.

"It will say that she was a beloved daughter, friend, Wife and Mama" He said. "Just like his grave says" He continued with a nod towards the next grave.

"She's in a better place now" Winter said.

"With Dada" Damien agreed.

They both then stared down at the graves. The graves of Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy. Lying side by side. Together.

The End