So this story is the reason why I've been dormant for so long. I've taken time off my other stories to write this. Naturally this is very close to my heart and I really hope that you guys love this as much as I do. What started of as a one shot lengthened to 3 LONG chapters. I wouldn't have it any other way :) Like a proud mama, I now present to you my baby, "Tears of an Angel"

Curiosity killed the cat

It would be al right. Right. Right? Nothing to freak out. It was nothing major really. So what? She moved. Migrated. Voyaged to a journey unknown. It's not the end of the world. Except, it was. It really was the end of her world. Winter Eugene Boot sighed heavily as she levitated the last box of her belonging into her grandparents' house. Things were really changing, and there was not a thing that she could do to prevent it. Nothing. Zilch. Nada. She loved her life back in Canada. Why did she have to come back to London? It was freaking torture. Seriously!

"Winter" She heard her mother call from inside. Perfect. Time to put the façade on.

"Yes, mommy" She said, sarcasm heavy in her voice as she came to stand beside her mother, Callie Boot. Her mother shot her a reprimanded look. "Behave, Eugene" Oh great. Her mother let the 'Eugene' out. Which loosely meant that she was pissed off and if not pleased, all hell would break lose. With a slight shrug, Winter took a seat beside her mother and watched her cook. Despite being a witch herself, her mother preferred to cook the muggle way. It was cute, really!

"Go check if Grandma Katie needs anything" Callie said after sometime. Grumbling, Winter made her way towards her grandparents' room. She gently opened the door and entered.

"Hey Grans" She said, sitting down beside her. Katie turned her head slightly and smiled at her granddaughter. She really was a sight for the sore eyes. Winter did look like herself when she was young and dandy after all. When she was The young, The spontaneous Quidditch player Katie Bell. She held out her hand for Winter, which she took gladly.

"You must be so mad at me" Katie whispered. Winter shook her head. "I know you loved it in Canada. But you should know, your Gramps and I, we don't have much time. We really need to be near our kids." She breathed out.

"Hush Grans. No need to talk nonsense." Winter said gently.

"She talking nonsense again, isn't she?" Winter heard the gruff voice of an old man and grinned before turning around to face her Grandfather. "Gramps!" She squealed, flying into the open arms of the old man. "How have you been, little one?" Terry Boot said, releasing his granddaughter and looking at her deep blue eyes. As blue as his Katie's.

"Terrific" She grinned.

"Well don't mind your Grandma. Age has made her an old, stupid, whining bat. Off you go" Terry said, shooing Winter out of the room. Laughing, she did so. Before she closed the door however, she heard her Grans say, "I'll have you know Terry, that was despicable—", "Oh hush my Katie. We've faced things worse than me calling you an old bat. Which you are", "TERRY BOOT!" With a click she closed the door, a huge grin plastered over her face.

"Well someone's in an agreeable mood" Her father observed seeing Winter come down the stairs. "I just visited Gramps and Grans" She said still smiling. Her father, Jonathan Boot smiled and nodded his head. "They're quarreling again? " He inquired. "Yup. And still cute as a button!" She grinned. His eyes twinkled at that.

"Dinner's ready" Callie said from the kitchen. With a slight sigh, they both made their way towards the kitchen. Despite their big move, it was a typical day really. Typical day for a typical pureblood family having a typical dinner. After Dinner Winter bid her parents good bye and made her way towards her bedroom. There was no sound in the Boot House as everyone that currently resided in the house, fell into a deep slumber.

On the Far East side of the road, from a house in which only one bedroom was lit, the sound of a cat's mewl broke the eerie silence of the night.

"Cody!" Winter screamed as she rushed towards the boy standing in front of her door. "Cody Woods" She said again as she hugged him tightly!

"Winter!" He said releasing her. A huge smile plastered on his face. "I haven't seen that pretty face in…what? 5 years?" Cody asked as he looked her up and down.

"6 actually. How have you been? How's Drumstrang?" She asked.

"Great. And how's Hogwarts treating you?", "Oh amazing! This is my last year actually" She grinned.

"So I've heard. Wanna go out?" He asked.

"Go out?" She asked.

"Yeah see the neighbourhood and stuff. I'll tell you everything there is to know" He smiled. Oh!

"Um…sure" She said. Bidding her mom goodbye she strolled out with her childhood friend Cody Woods. Grandson of the late Quidditch player, Oliver Woods.

For the first half of the evening Winter had a really pleasant time with him. It was when they started going back home, an ice cream cup in both their hands, that she noticed something amiss. And dare she say….creepy?

"Who lives there?" Winter asked nodding her heard in the direction of the house that had captured her attention. It was more of a mansion really. If not for the low humming of the radio that was coming from inside, Winter would not have believed that someone actually lived there. It was too…lifeless. Dead. Creepy. The grass was overgrown and the patio had an unkempt look in them. There was a swing on the right side just outside the front door. A swing which seemed as if no one had used before. It was creepy. Plain and simple.

"That is—"A cat's mewl from the inside of the house interrupted whatever Cody had been about to say. "Crazy cat lady's mansion" He chuckled.

"What?" She asked, bewildered.

"Yeah. Crazy cat lady's house" Cody confirmed.

"You mean to tell me that an old woman lives here with cats? An actual crazy cat lady?" She said, laughter bubbling just beneath the surface.

"Yup" Cody confirmed, he grinned. Winter mimicked the action, a ridiculous grin plastered on her oval face. "11 cats" He smirked.

"No way!" Winter chortled. Her laughter so merry and so carefree that she didn't hear the sounds of footsteps behind her. Cody however got a serious look on his face. His eyes, giving away the fear hidden in them.

"Crazy cat lady! That's rich" Winter said again, still oblivious. A tap on her shoulder made her turn around in surprise.

She was instantly enveloped in the greenest, brightest eyes she had ever seen. He had messy blonde hair, yet somehow it gave him a more intimidating look. Those eyes, dear god those eyes. Those eyes…were glaring down at her? What?

"Hermione Granger is the brightest witch our world has seen in a long a time. She is not crazy, nor is she a 'cat lady' as you just rudely remarked. Hermione Granger is the reason why you and I are able to survive in such a normal world. Hermione Granger is and will always be a war hero. But most importantly Hermione Granger is my Godmother. If I ever hear you say anything regarding her or if you even dare to come near her house, then so help me Merlin. You will loathe the day you met me." He started to move away, leaving Winter's mouth gaping out. "Good day" She heard him say.

Good day indeed.

She watched him get inside the old rusted house before she turned around to face Cody, her blue eyes spitting sapphire fires at her friend. "Hermione Granger?" She almost shrieked. Cody winced. "Hermione Freaking Granger?!" She said again.

"Uh yeah" Cody said.

"You just mocked- no no- you just made me mock Hermione Granger? THE HERMIONE GRANGER?" She asked again as she turned and started walking towards the general direction of her house.

"I didn't know that you were a fan!" Cody said, easily falling in steps with her.

"You can't not be a fan of Hermione Granger! She is practically a living legend. And I mocked her. Did you know that she wrote a book on Hogwarts; a history. Revised edition. She included all that was in all the Hogwarts; A history books and put them in one book! And she included the Battle of Hogwarts in it! The woman's a freaking genius! And I mocked her! Crazy cat lady – my ass! You must be ashamed!"

"Look if this is troubling you so much we can go back and apologize" He said. The idea had merit. Yeah. She would do that. Just not now. Not when her Godson's still there.

"Who is he anyway?" She asked, intrigued.

"Who?" Cody asked taking a sip from his forgotten ice cream cup.

"That guy. Hermione Granger's Godson" She asked.

"Scared you, didn't he? Yeah the man gives me the creeps too. Some say that he'll make his namesake proud." Winter waited for him to tell her his name.

"Well?" She prompted.

"That's Damien Draco Potter"

"Potter?" She asked.

"Yeah. Harry Potter's grandson"

Winter tossed and tussled around in her bed, her mind too full to let her sleep. Every now and then it felt as if green eyes were flashing at her, she could hear Cody's voice saying, "Crazy cat lady". Her mind went back to how devastated her house looked like. It was Hermione Granger! Something just didn't add up. Groaning out of frustration Winter got out of her bed. She wrapped a robe to cover herself and made her way downstairs. Making a cup of coffee, Winter settled herself in front of the television. Just as she took her first sip, she heard the sound. The distant mewl of a cat. To say that she was freaked out was an understatement.

"Winter?" A sound directly from behind her made her yelp in shock, effectively spilling coffee over herself. "Oh dear! What happened?" Her grandmother came to stand beside her. With a simple cleaning spell she removed the coffee stains on her robe. "Sit" She demanded softly. "What's bothering you?" Katie asked when Winter sat beside her.

"Grans" Winter began, nervously biting her lip. "I – I saw Hermione Granger's house"

"Oh?" Katie said.

"It's just – I idolize her, you know?", "I do"

"What happened to her Grans?" She asked. Her grandmother sighed.

"Hermione Granger lived a difficult life. More so than any of us. She fought besides Harry against the Dark lord when she was just a child. She just had a difficult life" Katie said.

"Harry Potter lived a difficult life Grans. That didn't force him to live alone, with cats"

"Harry Potter had Ginny Weasley. No. Ginny Potter now. Hermione just had a difficult life" Katie left it at that.

"Do you remember her? Back when you were in Hogwarts. Do you remember her?"


"Were you friends?"

"Of sorts. She was a silent girl. Always submerged in a book. The only time she had fire in her eyes, a liveliness to her being was when she was with either Harry or Ron. Or when she was in a heated argument with Draco. Draco Malfoy"

"Argument? Weren't they friends Grans?"

"Oh no! The hated each other" That confused Winter.

"But- but Harry Potter's grandchild is named after him"

"Oh yes" Katie chuckled.

Winter opened her mouth to ask more questions but her grandmother stopped her. "Go sleep, little Auror. It's late" And just like that she was dismissed.

The cold air sent chills down to her bones. Winter clutched her jacket around her body as she made her way towards a particular lonesome house. Was she doing the right thing? Probably not. Can she turn around and forget about the woman residing at the mansion? Definitely not. With a long sigh, Winter entered the house and walked up to the front door.

This was it.

Winter Boot raised her hand and knocked on the door.




She heard shuffling from inside the house.


"Is that you Draco? Why, it's only 7 in the morning" She heard a soft voice call out.

Should she reply? She probably should. How do you exactly introduce yourself to The Hermione Granger? "Hey Ms. Granger, Its Winter Boot. Yep, a total stranger." Wait was it Mrs. Granger? Was she even married?

Her musings cut short when the door opened. She waited as the woman emerged from within the shadow.

Winter gasped.

Hermione Granger was beautiful. Hermione Granger had aged wisely.

She really should stop calling Hermione Granger, Hermione Granger. By her full name. Shouldn't she?

"Hermione Granger?" Winter croaked.

"Yes dear" Again that soft voice. A small smile curved her heart shaped face.

"Um… I should go" Winter turned around to leave. What was she thinking? Bad idea. This was such a bad idea.

"No. Wait" Hermione Granger stopped her. Hermione Granger stopped her. "Are you Katie's daughter?" She asked.

"Granddaughter actually. How did you know?" Winter asked despite her embarrassment.

"You look just like her" Her smile brightened and her chocolate brown eyes twinkled.

"Yes well—"

"How is she?" Hermione Granger asked.

"She's gg—uh no! She's sick actually. Very sick"

"Oh dear. What happened?"

"Old age" Winter replied. Hermione Granger chuckled and she stepped back. "Aren't we all victims of that? Come in little Katie"

"It's Winter" Winter said coming in hesitantly.

"Oh yes, it's very cold isn't it?" Uhh..?

"Winter's upon us" She continued. Oh

"No. Um…my name is Winter. Winter Eugene Boot"

Hermione Granger smiled. "Well it's a beautiful name. Sit"

"Hermione Granger-" She began.

"Please call me Hermione. Hermione Granger is a mouthful" She said smiling. She chuckled suddenly as she grasped the locket on her necklace. Hermione, it is.

"So what brought you here" She asked sitting down. This was going to be difficult.

"Uh…we recently moved here. Grans was too sick so dad wanted to shift here. And – and the other day we were walking by this house and my friend – my friend introduced you as the crazy cat lady" She rushed out the last part.

She expected Hermione to get angry and kick her out. Her godson would. Hermione just smiled.

"I…um your godson heard me" Winter said.

"Yes, that would explain his behavior the other day" She smiled fondly. "Draco was always hot headed." Oh. "Did he make you come here and apologize, child?" She asked.

"No. After I knew that it was you, I wanted to come myself. Your godson forbid me to come here." She explained.

"Are you saying that you wouldn't have if it wasn't me? If it was a normal old woman living with cats?" Winter had nothing to say to that. Yes, she wouldn't have. That knowledge made her want to dig out a grave and lie there. Merlin knows she deserves it. A certain green eyed monster would agree.

"Everyone has a story. Even us crazy cat ladies" She said.

"I'm so sorry" Winter said earnestly.

"Hush child. You're just a kid. If I was you then maybe I would have done the same"

"Except you didn't. When you were my age you were off fighting the battle of the century. You were not making rude jokes about old women – not that I think that you're old. You're beautiful, really- but, but…the point is you were a hero. A savior. I- I just acted like one of those bimbos in Beauxbatons."

"Now that you've made your point clear, please leave" She heard a voice from behind her. She heard the voice.

"Draco! That's no way to talk to your guests" Hermione reproved.

"I – I should go" Winter said standing up.

"No. Stay" Hermione said. She then turned to face her godson. "Draco. Apologize" Her voice held command.

"Mama –"

"No, I don't want to hear anything else but the word 'sorry' come out of your mouth, mister"

"Sorry" He said grudgingly. Winter nodded her head with her back to him. She heard footsteps followed by sound of someone climbing the stairs. Thank Merlin, he was leaving.

"As I said. My godson has quite a temper"

"Never noticed" Winter said under her breath.

It had been a week after the infamous visit to Hermione Granger. The thoughts of Hermione Granger still haunted Winter. She wasn't able to wrap her head around the fact that she lived alone. The only company, her godson. Where is Harry Potter? Or Ginny Potter? She heard from the Daily Prophet that Ronald Weasley, king of the golden trio, had died of Heart Failure two years back. But there should have been other friends of Hermione Granger. Draco Malfoy. Where was Draco Malfoy? Too many questions. Not enough answers.

"Still worrying over her?" Terry said as he came to sit beside Winter. "Stop biting your lips Winter. It's a bad habit of yours" He chided.

"Sorry" Winter mumbled. Terry sighed. "Ask"

Winter shot him a look. "What?"

"Ask whatever questions that you have about her" He said. Her. Hermione Granger.

"Where is Harry Potter? Why doesn't he come to visit her?"

"Harry Potter and Hermione Granger. They were like two peas in a pod. The best of friends."

"Then why?"

"Harry Potter do visit her. Not as frequently as his grandson of course. The boy is devoted to Hermione. Good thing too. She didn't have any children herself after all"

"Didn't she ever get married?"

Her grandfather looked at her strangely. His eyes unfocused. Then he sighed. "No"

"Gramps…"Winter began. She already knew it was a bad idea. Terry Boot raised his eyebrows as he stared at her questioning gaze. Then it dawned on him.

"No!" He said shaking his head.

"Please!" Winter squealed.

"Why are you so interested in her anyway?"

"I don't know. Please. Please!?" She begged.

"Fine. Merlin you'll be the death of me"

Winter actually squealed. "When?" She asked excitedly.

"Harry Potter is a busy man. Mayhap next week's Monday" Winter grinned. She was going to meet Harry Potter. In the flesh!

Harry Potter IS old. Really really old! Winter pushed that thought away before smiling brightly at the man standing in front of her. Old he may be, he was still a fine piece to look at. Grey messy hair topped the round glasses placed above his nose. Brilliant green eyes staring at her through them. The same green eyes his grandson had. Magnificent.

Winter kept staring at her hero with a bemused expression on her face. Ow! Someone nudged her. Oh. Her grandfather nudged her. She mock glared at him before turning her attention back to a now grinning Harry Potter.

"You are just the image of our Katie" He said to her.

How many more of those was she going to hear anyway?

"Thanks" She smiled.

"Have a seat" Harry Potter said gesturing towards the couch while he himself took a seat.

"Ginny is in the kitchen. Probably driving Lily crazy" Terry chuckled at that. "She still doesn't know how to cook?" He asked.

"Oh yes. Molly, may she rest in peace, would be turning in her grave knowing that her only daughter doesn't even know how to boil an egg" Winter smiled, charmed as the old men laughed.

"I heard that Potter" Came Ginny Potter's voice as she emerged from the kitchen. Winter gasped. Was everyone so beautiful around here? Ginny Potter was the epitome of beauty. She had long flowing red hair with streaks of silver in them. It really did manage to make her look more divine.

"And I do too! I do know how to boil an egg" She insisted sitting beside her husband. Harry Potter took her hand in his as he chuckled.

"You wish mom!" Came a voice from the kitchen. Lily, probably.

"Why Terry! Have you found a hidden time turner? This young lady looks exactly like our Katie" Ginny said staring at her. Ah. There it was again.

"That's exactly what I said to her" Harry said.

"That's what Hermione Granger said as well" Winter replied politely. Harry Potter raised his eyebrows at that.

"You met Hermione?" She nodded. She turned to face her grandfather who sighed before he turned his attention back to his childhood friends.

"This is Winter. My Granddaughter" They both nodded politely. "And she has gained some kind of hero worship interest in Hermione" Winter blushed beetroot at that. Oh she would kill her grandfather for that. He winked at her.

Harry Potter nodded in approval. "How is she?" He asked her.

"Oh…uh…she's good. I think?"

"You think?" Ginny Potter asked, bemusement lacing her voice.

"I didn't stay for too long"

"Why is that?" Harry Potter asked.

"Bec-" Winter began. "YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME" Someone growled from behind her. She had an idea on who that someone was. The said someone came over to stand in front of her. With his beautiful green eyes throwing flames at her.

"YOU. OUT. OF. MY. HOUSE" He said through clenched teeth. "NOW!" Winter actually trembled at the intensity of his voice.

Harry Potter, who had been far too shocked by his grandson's behaviour up until now took control of the situation. "Damien. That is no way to treat a guest"

"She is no guest of mine" He then turned around to face his grandfather. "You don't know what she did Pop. She called Mama a 'crazy cat lady'" He said. Winter rolled her eyes. Seriously? What was up with this guy? He is definitely in his early twenties. An adult. There really was no need to go whining and complaining to his grandfather.

"You did?" Harry Potter asked her, his eyes had a mysterious twinkle in them. Oh crap. "Uhh-"She began.

"I always thought she was crazy with all the cats she had. One Crookshanks was enough. ELEVEN Crooks were just too much" Came a voice from behind her. What was up with these Potter men and the need to interrupt her in mid-sentence?

"Dad" Damien said to the new person who had just decided to join the conversation.

"I thought I taught you better Dammy. Being rude to a girl does not help in scoring points with her" Said the man as he came to stand beside her. He had dark black hair, as dark as midnight with bright brown eyes. He held an aura of strength, of confidence, and his face was…dear god, so handsome. Winter resisted the urge to drool.

"I have no intention of scoring points with her. "Damien looked at Winter then. "Ever." He said, almost challenging her. She flared her nose in distaste.

"James" Said the woman standing beside him. Up until then, Winter hadn't paid even the slightest bit of attention towards the woman. The reason? James Potter was just too…delicious? But now that the woman had grasped her attention, she couldn't understand why she hadn't paid any heed before. She was exquisite. Long blonde hair surrounded her like a cascade of silk. She had a mystical quality that instantly put Winter at ease.

"That's not helping" She said in her flowery voice. Yes, flowery voice. "Forgive the behavior of my husband and son, dear. They have lost their common sense on the way here"

"Mother" Damien began. "That's enough Dammy. You've distressed the poor girl" She interrupted. Winter was beginning to like this majestic lady. "Have a seat young one" She said to Winter.

Winter did so as she was told. After one final glance at her husband and son, she left the room.

"Boy, Layla really does look like Luna, doesn't she?" Her grandfather whispered, awed.

"Yes. Yes, she does" Ginny replied. "Now. What is the real reason that you came here for?" She asked Winter. Winter cringed, slight blush blooming her face. NOW was the time.

"Well?" Harry asked.

"This might be an odd request, but…can you please tell me about her? Hermione Granger?" She mumbled.

"Tell you about her? What do you want to know?" Harry Potter said leaning forward in his chair. A serious look on his face.

"Everything. Her whole life. Why is she alone? How did she end up there? Alone…with cats..? Everything." Winter said, a determined look crossing her face.

"Oh dear god" Her grandfather mumbled besides her.

"Oh" Ginny Potter said.

"Really?" James Potter drawled out.

"Not a chance" Damien scoffed.

Winter ignored everything. Her eyes fixed on Harry Potter. He stared at her, a contemplating look swimming in his green orbs.

"Okay" He said at last.

The story is already completed, so yes I will update it. And yes, it very well be within the next few days. It all depends on your response though. The tale is about to begin, hold on tight guys!

Ps. What did you think of the story so far?

Pps. What do you think of Winter and Damien. I swear it was not my intention to portray Damien as if he was the love child of Drarry. But Alas, that's what Damien looks like XD

Love You All